Linux will not recognize my BOB no matter WHAT I try to do

03 Jun 2021 07:34 #211073 by phillc54

I ask because those commands only appear in the HAL files that were created by the StepConf Wizard.

That is odd, a grep of the StepConf source doesn't show any reference to parport_pc but does show references to hal_parport:
(master) imac:~/git/linuxcnc-dev $ grep -inrI parport_pc ./src/emc/usr_intf/stepconf/
(master) imac:~/git/linuxcnc-dev $ grep -inrI hal_parport ./src/emc/usr_intf/stepconf/
./src/emc/usr_intf/stepconf//        halrun.write( "loadrt hal_parport cfg=\"%s out%s%s%s%s\"\n" % (self.d.ioaddr, port2name, port2dir, port3name, port3dir))
./src/emc/usr_intf/stepconf//            print("loadrt hal_parport cfg=\"%s out%s%s%s%s\"" % (self.d.ioaddr, port2name, port2dir, port3name, port3dir), file=file)
(master) imac:~/git/linuxcnc-dev $ 

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06 Jun 2021 21:42 #211357 by Kidkasual1
Sorry for the delayed response. I am only able to get back to this CNC build when I have free time from the other parts of my business, and that typically ends up being the weekends.
I am not a programmer, but that is why I keep coming back to the parport_pc or hal_parport thing. I think that this is where the whole problem resides. I don't know the difference between parport_pc and hal_parport, what each one is specifically in charge of doing/controlling, or in what file the commands are SUPPOSED to be, but I think that if it can be sorted out then everything else will be fine. The files that I attached, and that I am trying to run LinuxCNC with, were generated straight out of the StepConf Wizard. I have the exact same issue on all 5 of the computers that I have tried to run LinuxCNC on, so I think that solving the problem with one will allow me to use them all. Any suggestions?

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06 Jun 2021 22:06 #211360 by BeagleBrainz
You don’t need to be a programmer to use Linuxcnc.
Forget what the windows fanboys on cnczone say.
Forget about parport_pc, Linuxcnc does not talk nor need it. Just completely forget this exists. Pretend it was never written and never became part of the Linux kernel.
Linuxcnc talks to hal_parport, and this is loaded via your Hal file. This is the driver that must be loaded. This is the driver that Linuxcnc uses to talk to the parallel port. This the only thing Linuxcnc requires to talk to the parallel port.
It doesn’t matter if you parallel port is on board or an add in card.
Never thee mention parport_pc again.
Now you’ve confirmed the parallel port works.
Did you make the changes to your steplength and stepspace as discussed before your last post ?

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06 Jun 2021 22:46 #211370 by tommylight
Did anyone bother to check the machine, like if by chance there is voltage going back to parallel port?
Or did you check the parallel port outputs without connecting the cable to the machine?
Or at any given time while the tested PC was connected to the machine, did it fail to boot from cold start?

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11 Jun 2021 00:32 #211761 by Kidkasual1
Again, apologies for the delayed response. You have my word that from now on, the application-that-shall-not-be-named will never again be spoken of. Just help me get my machine running....(rhetorical comment.... I know that you guys are...) To answer the follow up question, Yes. I changed the steplength and stepspace values as instructed. I was able to open the Axis GUI, but was still given the "Linux Parallel port not found" error, and no motion control of the machine. Hal_parport is the HAL file, followed by the port address of e010, so I assume it is in the correct place with the correct address.

As for the machine itself, it works fine. I can switch it all over to GRBL on an Arduino Uno and run the machine using Universal G-Code Sender with no problems whatsoever, but only in 3 axis - which is why I am trying to run Linux to add the 4th axis. I have tested the parallel port pins with a voltmeter and they all work and respond perfectly when I speak to them using the port tester application at address e010. It is only when I try to communicate to the port through LinuxCNC that I get no response.

The machine did crash after the very first time I had installed the LinuxCNC IOS. I had full control of the machine and everything was working fine for about the first two days. The machine crashed and I had to reinstall everything from scratch. That is when this whole problem started. With the PC back up and operational, and Linux re-installed and functioning, you would THINK that it would work again the same way that it did before it crashed.

This truly is the WEIRDEST troubleshoot I have EVER done..... EVERYTHING says that it SHOULD be working correctly, but I simply cannot get the system to recognize, and speak to, the parallel port when I open LinuxCNC.

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11 Jun 2021 00:37 #211763 by Kidkasual1
Let me clarify the third paragraph -

The COMPUTER did crash after the first time I had installed the Linux IOS. I had full control of the CNC MACHINE for about the first two days and then the COMPUTER crashed and I had to re-install everything from scratch. That is when all of the problems started....

Sorry for any redundant verbage confusion.

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11 Jun 2021 10:09 #211787 by tommylight
Parallel port address must have " 0x " in front of the actual address:

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11 Jun 2021 10:32 - 11 Jun 2021 10:34 #211793 by BeagleBrainz
Actually just tried with e100 & 0xe100 both gave message no parallel found & 57600

Tried the same with 0x378 & 378, no parallel port found at 888.

Using 888 (decimal of 0x378) give no port found at 2184.

The machine I'm testing this on has no PP at all, so one must assume that the Port address is assume to be hex.

Tho this thread brings up something interesting
Last edit: 11 Jun 2021 10:34 by BeagleBrainz.

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12 Jun 2021 03:28 #211850 by Kidkasual1
Thank you for directing me to that other thread. I think it is an avenue that is worth pursuing. I have read it and am trying to create the /alsa-base.conf file to map to the parallel port, but I cannot add or create any files in /etc/modprobe.d. As soon as I get to the folder in the directory, I can no longer do anything to change that folder. I created the file on my desktop and tried copy/pasting it, but Linux will not allow me to. I tried dragging and dropping the file, but again, no luck. I am not yet savvy enough to run everything through the command terminal using lines of code, so I am using the graphical interface, but it should all essentially be the same thing though, correct?

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12 Jun 2021 03:49 - 12 Jun 2021 03:56 #211851 by BeagleBrainz
Welcome to permissions.

Any editing of files under /etc has to be done with root privileges.

The easiest way to accomplish what you need to do is create a new file in your home directory. Now here comes the scary bit (just joking) open a terminal (navigate to where the file is) and do the following. You will be asked to supply your password.
sudo cp  alsa-base.conf /etc/modprobe.d/

What we are doing here is asking the system to grant the current user (you) elevated privileges (windows equivalent is Administrator) to copy a file to a directory that you don't have write access to. Think of /etc as a system protected directory, it's where most of the config files are kept, and we don't want the average user messing around in there.

Here's what Debian has to say regarding sudo

Not actually required: Rather than call the file alsa-base.conf, which may cause confusion, I would give it a name such as linuxcnc-parport.conf.

Don't be afraid of the terminal, it is one of the strengths of Linux.
An example is I have a folder with 100 pictures in it and I need to resize them all, rather than using a GUI tool, a single line command command can resize all the pictures in the folder.

Extra credit (or how to make things a little easier)
The actual heading of the web page is How to Use Midnight Commander, a Visual File Manager

After 20 odd years of using linux I still love mc for editing files and moving\copying\editing\deleting.
If you need to move anything to /etc you can start mc with elevated privileges by
sudo mc

But be warned until you exit out of mc when using sudo you have the ability to do just about anything with the file system.

Any questions I'm all ears.
Last edit: 12 Jun 2021 03:56 by BeagleBrainz.

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