[SOLVED]How to configure the PWM signal in a MESA 7i96 for a spindle?

15 Mar 2022 21:47 - 15 Mar 2022 21:48 #237386 by PCW
"hm2/hm2_7i96.0: config.num_stepgens=5, but only 4 are available, not loading driver"

You need to change the number of stepgens to 4:


In the driver configuration line

(since the last step generator has been replaced with the PWMGen)
Last edit: 15 Mar 2022 21:48 by PCW.

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15 Mar 2022 22:00 #237391 by Nest
Ok, at now work fine.... and at now what's the next step?

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15 Mar 2022 23:07 #237404 by PCW
Not sure, what doesn't work?

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16 Mar 2022 09:48 #237448 by Nest
Now when I run linuxcnc I don't see the error, but I don't know how I have to configure PncConf for the PWM signal to work, or to which port the cables are connected.

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16 Mar 2022 15:46 - 16 Mar 2022 15:47 #237474 by PCW
Pretty sure pncconf doesn't know how to setup PWM on a 7I96
so it needs to be added by editing the hal file. This consists
of adding the lines that setup the PWM and lines that connect the
7I96's PWM value and enable pins to the appropriate LinuxCNC
spindle control pins. I can suggest how to do this if you post your current
hal/ini files.

The PWM output is on the STEP4- pin of the 7I96 as discussed previously
Last edit: 16 Mar 2022 15:47 by PCW.

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16 Mar 2022 18:07 #237481 by Nest
Ok, i upload my files

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16 Mar 2022 18:30 - 16 Mar 2022 18:31 #237482 by PCW
Adding these lines to the spindle section of the hal file should be close:
(you will probably need to change the pwm frequency and scale values to match your hardware)

setp   hm2_7i96.0.pwmgen.00.pwm-frequency 10000
setp   hm2_7i96.0.pwmgen.00.scale 3600
net spindle-output hm2_7i96.0.pwmgen.00.value
net spindle-enable hm2_7i96.0.pwmgen.00.enable

Last edit: 16 Mar 2022 18:31 by PCW.

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16 Mar 2022 19:23 - 16 Mar 2022 19:28 #237488 by Nest
Error start the linuxcnc

The problem is
setp   hm2_7i96.0.pwmgen.00.pwm-frequency 10000

Error report created by /usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc/show_errors.tcl:

Print file information:
LINUXCNC - 2.8.2-11-g6a3d0a434
Machine configuration directory is '/home/nest/linuxcnc/configs/CNC3040Z-DQ'
Machine configuration file is 'CNC3040Z-DQ.ini'
KINEMATICS=trivkins coordinates=XYZ
Starting LinuxCNC...
Starting LinuxCNC server program: linuxcncsvr
Loading Real Time OS, RTAPI, and HAL_LIB modules
Starting LinuxCNC IO program: io
Starting HAL User Interface program: halui
Found file(REL): ./CNC3040Z-DQ.hal
Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
Running HAL shutdown script
hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15
hm2_eth: loading Mesa AnyIO HostMot2 ethernet driver version 0.2
hm2_eth: INFO: Hardware address (MAC): 00:60:1b:16:02:07
hm2_eth: discovered 7I96
hm2/hm2_7i96.0: Low Level init 0.15
hm2/hm2_7i96.0: Smart Serial Firmware Version 43
hm2/hm2_7i96.0: 51 I/O Pins used:
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 000 (TB3-01): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 001 (TB3-02): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 002 (TB3-03): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 003 (TB3-04): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 004 (TB3-05): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 005 (TB3-06): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 006 (TB3-07): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 007 (TB3-08): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 008 (TB3-09): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 009 (TB3-10): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 010 (TB3-11): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 011 (TB3-13/TB3-14): SSR #0, pin Out-00 (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 012 (TB3-15/TB3-16): SSR #0, pin Out-01 (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 013 (TB3-17/TB3-18): SSR #0, pin Out-02 (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 014 (TB3-19/TB3-20): SSR #0, pin Out-03 (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 015 (TB3-21/TB3-22): SSR #0, pin Out-04 (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 016 (TB3-23/TB3-24): SSR #0, pin Out-05 (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 017 (TB1-02/TB1-03): StepGen #0, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 018 (TB1-04/TB1-05): StepGen #0, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 019 (TB1-08/TB1-09): StepGen #1, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 020 (TB1-10/TB1-11): StepGen #1, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 021 (TB1-14/TB1-15): StepGen #2, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 022 (TB1-16/TB1-17): StepGen #2, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 023 (TB1-20/TB1-21): StepGen #3, pin Step (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 024 (TB1-22-TB1-23): StepGen #3, pin Direction (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 025 (TB2-02/TB2-03): PWMGen #0, pin Out0 (PWM or Up) (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 026 (TB2-04/TB2-05): PWMGen #0, pin Out1 (Dir or Down) (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 027 (TB2-07/TB2-08): Encoder #0, pin A (Input)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 028 (TB2-10/TB2-11): Encoder #0, pin B (Input)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 029 (TB2-13/TB2-14): Encoder #0, pin Index (Input)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 030 (TB2-16/TB2-17): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 031 (TB2-18/TB2-19): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 032 (internal): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 033 (internal): SSR #0, pin AC Ref (internal) (Output)
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 034 (P1-01): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 035 (P1-02): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 036 (P1-03): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 037 (P1-04): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 038 (P1-05): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 039 (P1-06): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 040 (P1-07): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 041 (P1-08): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 042 (P1-09): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 043 (P1-11): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 044 (P1-13): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 045 (P1-15): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 046 (P1-17): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 047 (P1-19): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 048 (P1-21): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 049 (P1-23): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0:     IO Pin 050 (P1-25): IOPort
hm2/hm2_7i96.0: registered
hm2_eth: in hm2_eth_reset
hm2_eth: HostMot2 ethernet driver unloaded
hm2: unloading
Removing HAL_LIB, RTAPI, and Real Time OS modules
Removing NML shared memory segments

Debug file information:
Note: Using POSIX realtime
./CNC3040Z-DQ.hal:208: parameter or pin 'hm2_7i96.0.pwmgen.00.pwm-frequency' not found
Stopping realtime threads
Unloading hal components
Note: Using POSIX realtime

Info report created by linuxcnc_info:
The file:    /tmp/linuxcnc_info.txt
can be posted to a forum or a web site like:
in order to provide information about the linuxcnc
system and configuration.

                Date: mié mar 16 19:21:03 WET 2022
            UTC Date: mié mar 16 19:21:03 UTC 2022
        this program: /usr/bin/linuxcnc_info
              uptime: 19:21:03 up 1:21, 1 user, load average: 1,30, 1,07, 0,76
     lsb_release -sa: Debian Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 10 buster
      which linuxcnc: /usr/bin/linuxcnc
                 pwd: /home/nest/linuxcnc/configs/CNC3040Z-DQ
                USER: nest
             LOGNAME: nest
                HOME: /home/nest
                TERM: dumb
             DISPLAY: :0.0
             DESKTOP: lightdm-xsession
        display size: 1920x1080 pixels (508x285 millimeters)
                PATH: /usr/bin:/home/nest/linuxcnc/configs/CNC3040Z-DQ/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games

uname items:
         nodename -n: linuxcnc
      kernel-name -s: Linux
      kernel-vers -v: #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Debian 4.19.208-1 (2021-09-29)
          machine -m: x86_64
        processor -p: unknown
         platform -i: unknown
      oper system -o: GNU/Linux

/proc items:
             cmdline: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.19.0-18-rt-amd64 root=UUID=d8d1ad22-76ae-49c2-b593-5cb7c4750291 ro initrd=/install/initrd.gz quiet
          model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz
               cores: 4
             cpu MHz: 1612.974
             parport: 0000-0000 : parport0
              serial: 0000-0000 : serial

                 gcc: gcc (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0
              python: Python 2.7.16
                 git: git version 2.20.1
          git commit: NA
                 tcl: 8.6
                  tk: 8.6
               glade: not_in_PATH
          glade-gtk2: not_in_PATH

linuxcnc_var all:

     LINUXCNCVERSION: 2.8.2-11-g6a3d0a434
LINUXCNC_AUX_GLADEVCP: /usr/share/linuxcnc/aux_gladevcp
LINUXCNC_AUX_EXAMPLES: /usr/share/linuxcnc/aux_examples
            REALTIME: /etc/init.d/realtime
                 RTS: uspace
          HALLIB_DIR: /usr/share/linuxcnc/hallib

dpkg -l '*linuxcnc*':
| Estado=No/Inst/ficheros-Conf/desempaqUetado/medio-conF/medio-inst(H)/espera-disparo(W)/pendienTe-disparo
|/ Err?=(ninguno)/requiere-Reinst (Estado,Err: mayúsc.=malo)
||/ Nombre              Versión               Arquitectura Descripción
un  linuxcnc            <ninguna>             <ninguna>    (no hay ninguna descripción disponible)
un  linuxcnc-dev        <ninguna>             <ninguna>    (no hay ninguna descripción disponible)
un  linuxcnc-doc        <ninguna>             <ninguna>    (no hay ninguna descripción disponible)
ii  linuxcnc-doc-en     1: all          motion controller for CNC machines and robots (English documentation)
ii  linuxcnc-doc-es     1: all          controlador de movimiento para máquinas CNC y robots (Español).
ii  linuxcnc-doc-fr     1: all          motion controller for CNC machines and robots (French documentation)
un  linuxcnc-sim        <ninguna>             <ninguna>    (no hay ninguna descripción disponible)
un  linuxcnc-sim-dev    <ninguna>             <ninguna>    (no hay ninguna descripción disponible)
ii  linuxcnc-uspace     1: amd64        motion controller for CNC machines and robots
ii  linuxcnc-uspace-dev 1: amd64        PC based motion controller for real-time Linux
Last edit: 16 Mar 2022 19:28 by Nest.

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16 Mar 2022 19:38 - 16 Mar 2022 19:40 #237489 by PCW
That should be:

setp hm2_7i96.0.pwmgen.pwm_frequency 10000

(or whatever frequency your spindle interface requires)
Last edit: 16 Mar 2022 19:40 by PCW.

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16 Mar 2022 21:26 #237498 by Nest
ok, now linuxcnc start without errors.
but when linuxcnc starts, the spindle starts to the maximum and when I send the M3 S11000 code the spindle speed decreases and when I send the M3 stop code the spindle speed increases to the maximum

How do I configure the hal file so that linuxcnc start with the spindle powered off?

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