Manual Toolchange with tool length offset
- racedirector
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in which the screen seems to differ from what is available in the sim menu. Does anyone know where this screen may be available?
And while I am here, what is the best method to transfer this functionality into my live version of axis. Being a newbie to LinuxCNC has it's pitfalls as I don't want to mash a bit into hard places on my machine but to do it properly from the outset.
Any help would be appreciated
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Rick G
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- racedirector
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Ever helpful as usual, appreciate it.
I also found this: and that seems to fit the bill perfectly. Got to pose a question in that one about turning the spindle back on after the whole change routine (the routine turns it off)
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- racedirector
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These files loaded fine before I implemented the custom M6 code and I have no idea why they are failing now. I can only suspect it has something to do with the M06 T1 line. I have tried taking the line numbering out, changing the M06 to M6, changing the order to M06 T1 and M6 T1 etc etc, all to no avail.
The start of the file is below.
N100 G00 G21 G17 G90 G40 G49 G80
N110 T1 M06
N120 G00 Z20
N130 S21000 M03
N140 G00 X5.74 Y393.85
N150 G00 Z0.0
N160 G01 Z-2.56 F10000
Anyone know what might be going on and how I cure the problem? Would once again appreciate any pointers
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- racedirector
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- BigJohnT
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- racedirector
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O<tool-change> SUB
( Filename: tool-change.ngc )
( LinuxCNC Manual Tool-Change Subroutines for Milling Machines version 1.1: subroutine 1/2 )
( )
( In the LinuxCNC .ini config file, under the [RS274NGC] section add: )
( # change/add/use SUBROUTINE_PATH to point to the location where these tool-change subroutines are located: )
( SUBROUTINE_PATH = /home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/nc_files )
( REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 ngc=tool-change )
( REMAP=M600 modalgroup=6 ngc=tool-job-begin )
( and under the [EMCIO] section add: )
( TOOL_CHANGE_AT_G30 = 0 )
( and ensure neither TOOL_CHANGE_POSITION nor TOOL_CHANGE_QUILL_UP is set. )
( )
( In the LinuxCNC .hal config file, map some input pin to be the probe input, e.g.: )
( net probe-z => motion.probe-input )
( )
( Usage: M6 in the g-code will invoke a manual tool change with automatic tool height adjustment. )
( M600 is used at the beginning of the first g-code file of a job so that the next M6 will measure the tool for reference )
( instead of caluculating a tool length offset. It can also be invoked manually through the MDI before a job starts. )
( )
( General theory of operation: touches each tool off to the tool height sensor. The first tool is used as the reference, all )
( subsequent tools adjust the tool offset. The tip of the tool is always placed back at the position it started in before )
( any of the subroutines are called. It is moved away by raising Z to _TravelZ before moving towards the switch, and when )
( moving back from the switch again moves at height _TravelZ before going straight back down to the original position. Set )
( all necessary modes to ensure correct operation no matter what state the program is in when this is called. We eliminate )
( almost all side effects by saving and restoring the modal state. )
( )
( Side effects: sets G30, sets motion mode to G1. )
(------------------------------- CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ----------------------------------------------)
#<_UseInches> = 0 ( set to 1 to use inches here, or 0 to use millimeters; should match units on tool.tbl dimensions )
#<_TravelZ> = 41.0 ( machine Z coordinate for travelling, typically near max Z to avoid ever hitting the work )
#<_TravelFeed> = 1000.0 ( feedrate used for general Z moves when avoiding G0 )
#<_ProbeX> = 145.0 ( machine X coordinate of switch/touch-off plate )
#<_ProbeY> = 0.0 ( machine Y coordinate of switch/touch-off plate )
#<_ProbeFastZ> = 5.0 ( machine Z coord to move to before starting probe, longest tool should not touch switch at this Z )
#<_ProbeMinZ> = -37.0 ( machine Z coord to stop probe, shortest tool must touch switch at this Z, must be > min Z )
#<_ProbeRetract> = 1.5 ( small distance to retract before approaching switch/touch-off plate second time )
#<_ProbeFastFeed> = 400.0 ( feed rate for moving to _ProbeFastZ )
#<_ProbeFeed1> = 80.0 ( feed rate for touching switch/touch-off plate first time )
#<_ProbeFeed2> = 10.0 ( feed rate for touching switch/touch-off plate second time )
#<_ToolChangeX> = 0.0 ( machine X coordinate to pause at for manual tool changing )
#<_ToolChangeY> = -50.0 ( machine Y coordinate to pause at for manual tool changing )
#<_MistOnDuringProbe> = 1 ( set to 1 for mist, or 2 for coolant, or 0 for nothing during probing, to clear switch of swarf )
O100 IF [ EXISTS[#<_ToolDidFirst>] EQ 0 ]
#<_ToolDidFirst> = 0
O105 IF [ #<_ToolDidFirst> EQ 0 ]
G49 ( clear tool length compensation prior to saving state if this is first time )
M6 ( do the normal M6 stuff )
M70 ( save current modal state )
M9 ( turn off coolant, will be restored on return if it was on )
M5 ( turn off spindle, cannot be on during the probe )
G[21 - #<_UseInches>] ( use inches or millimeters as required here, units will be restored on return )
G30.1 ( save current position in #5181-#5183... )
G49 ( clear tool length compensation )
G90 ( use absolute positioning here )
G94 ( use feedrate in units/min )
G40 ( turn cutter radius compensation off here )
O200 IF [ #<_ToolDidFirst> EQ 0 ]
G53 G1 F[#<_TravelFeed>] Z[#<_TravelZ>] ( go to high travel level on Z )
G53 G0 X[#<_ProbeX>] Y[#<_ProbeY>] ( to probe switch )
G53 G1 F[#<_ProbeFastFeed>] Z[#<_ProbeFastZ>]( move tool closer to switch -- we shouldn't hit it )
G54 G1 F[#<_ProbeFeed1>] G91 ( use relative positioning )
O101 IF [ #<_MistOnDuringProbe> EQ 1 OR #<_MistOnDuringProbe> EQ 2 ]
M[7 + #<_MistOnDuringProbe> - 1] ( turn on mist/coolant )
G38.2 Z[#<_ProbeMinZ> - #<_ProbeFastZ>] F[#<_ProbeFeed1>] ( trip switch slowly )
G0 Z[#<_ProbeRetract>] ( go up slightly )
G38.2 Z[#<_ProbeRetract>*-1.25] F[#<_ProbeFeed2>] ( trip switch very slowly )
M9 ( turn off mist )
G90 ( use absolute positioning )
#<_ToolZRef> = #5063 ( save trip point )
#<_ToolZLast> = #<_ToolZRef> ( save last tool Z position )
G53 G1 F[#<_TravelFeed>] Z[#<_TravelZ>] ( return to safe level )
G53 G0 X[#5181] Y[#5182] ( return to where we were in X Y)
G53 G1 F[#<_TravelFeed>] Z[#5183] ( return to where we were in Z )
M72 ( restore modal state )
#<_ToolDidFirst> = 1 ( we have been in this section to set reference value already )
G53 G1 F[#<_TravelFeed>] Z[#<_TravelZ>] ( go to high travel level on Z )
G53 G0 X[#<_ToolChangeX>] Y[#<_ToolChangeY>] ( nice place for changing tool )
O107 IF [#<_UseInches> EQ 1 ]
#<ToolDiamIn> = #5410
#<ToolDiamMM> = [ #<ToolDiamIn> * 25.4 ]
#<ToolDiamMM> = #5410
#<ToolDiamIn> = [ #<ToolDiamMM> / 25.4 ]
O102 IF [ #<_current_tool> EQ 0 AND #<ToolDiamIn> EQ 0 ]
(MSG, Change tool then click Resume )
#<ToolDiamMM> = [ #<ToolDiamIn> * 25.4 ]
(DEBUG, Change to tool #<_current_tool> with diameter #<ToolDiamMM>mm, #<ToolDiamIn>in then click Resume )
M0 ( pause execution )
G53 G0 X[#<_ProbeX>] Y[#<_ProbeY>] ( to high place directly over switch )
G53 G1 F[#<_ProbeFastFeed>] Z[#<_ProbeFastZ>]( move tool closer to switch -- we shouldn't hit it )
G54 G1 F[#<_ProbeFeed1>] G91 ( use relative positioning )
O103 IF [ #<_MistOnDuringProbe> EQ 1 OR #<_MistOnDuringProbe> EQ 2 ]
M[7 + #<_MistOnDuringProbe> - 1] ( turn on mist/coolant )
G38.2 Z[#<_ProbeMinZ> - #<_ProbeFastZ>] F[#<_ProbeFeed1>] ( trip switch slowly )
G0 Z[#<_ProbeRetract>] ( go up slightly )
G38.2 Z[#<_ProbeRetract>*-1.25] F[#<_ProbeFeed2>] ( trip switch very slowly )
M9 ( turn off mist )
G90 ( use absolute positioning )
#<_ToolZ> = #5063 ( save new tool length )
G43.1 Z[#<_ToolZ> - #<_ToolZRef>] ( set new tool length Z offset, we do this now to show operator even though it has to be set again after M72 )
G53 G1 F[#<_TravelFeed>] Z[#<_TravelZ>] ( return to high travel level )
G53 G0 X[#5181] Y[#5182] ( return to where we were in X Y)
G53 G1 F[#<_TravelFeed>] Z[#5183 - #<_ToolZLast> + #<_ToolZ>] ( return to where we were in Z, ajusting for tool length change )
#<_ToolZLast> = #<_ToolZ> ( save last tool length )
M72 ( restore modal state )
G43.1 Z[#<_ToolZ> - #<_ToolZRef>] ( set new tool length Z offset )
O<tool-change> ENDSUB
I have gone through this file line by line looking up all the codes I didn't know, all to no avail.
In my ini I have the "required' lines as per the post, as in:
In the LinuxCNC .ini config file, under the [RS274NGC] section add:
# change/add/use SUBROUTINE_PATH to point to the location where these tool-change subroutines are located:
SUBROUTINE_PATH = /home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/nc_files
REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 ngc=tool-change
REMAP=M600 modalgroup=6 ngc=tool-job-begin
and under the [EMCIO] section add:
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- racedirector
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I am on Xbuntu 12.04 and edit any text based files in Leafpad. For some reason if I open a file and just save it something goes wrong. If I do a Save As and overwrite the file, ensuring the line endings ar LF it works. Having been on a Mac for years and running Windows for the CNC for years I have no idea what is going on in Ubuntu to save the files incorrectly
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