Reverse run

26 May 2019 14:52 #135002 by Kriti
Reverse run was created by Kriti
I want to add revese run into my axis gui..
Is there hal component for it or any way i can do it??

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26 May 2019 15:08 #135007 by cmorley
Replied by cmorley on topic Reverse run
You need to compile a special branch for reverse run.
It seems you want to work with plasma:

Chris M

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26 May 2019 15:38 #135009 by Kriti
Replied by Kriti on topic Reverse run
Dear sir...
I m totally unaware of how to compile special branch
Yes i have a plasma machine and I'm converting it from mach3 to linuxcnc
Will you pls kindly include steps for compilation

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26 May 2019 15:52 #135010 by pl7i92
Replied by pl7i92 on topic Reverse run
Buskan= Kriti

you dont need to change your account or nickname

you simply dont provide the information wee need to help you

so compiling is
GET the Depencies of your OperationSystem

sudo apt-get install git
git clone linuxcnc-dev
cd linuxcnc-dev

#### THIS wil break your system if you are on the wrong depencies

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26 May 2019 15:55 #135013 by Kriti
Replied by Kriti on topic Reverse run
Buskan=kriti what is that??

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26 May 2019 16:01 #135015 by phoenix
Replied by phoenix on topic Reverse run
Steps doesn't matters until you know how to compile realtime kernel...
Search on YouTube instead posting here it's helps alot

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26 May 2019 16:06 #135016 by Kriti
Replied by Kriti on topic Reverse run
Isn't it come pre-installed in linux
I'm using xubuntu

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27 May 2019 10:06 #135057 by rodw
Replied by rodw on topic Reverse run

Isn't it come pre-installed in linux
I'm using xubuntu

Reverse run was written a few years ago but never made it into the main branch. Plasma has not quite matured in LinuxCNC but it is very very close. There is an amazing plasma config written by PhillC that is actively being developed and tested by myself and others and really it is the way to go becasue Phill has picked the eyes out of all of the plasma features we've developed over the last couple of years.

Phill is maintaining his own Git repository that includes the reverse run branch and is keeping it current with master branch on a weekly basis. Ultimately, this will find its way into the main branch of Linuxcnc.

This config can be found on this thread
And I've written a bit of a how to install guide/instructions on this thread.

But before you get that far, you need learn how to compile from source. This is actually really easy to do one all of the Linux dependencies referenced by the Linuxcnc source code are installed. It only requires typing about 3 lines in a terminal window.

Building a plasma machine usually involves a gantry machine and the best support for gantries is in the V 2.8 master branch as opposed to the V 2.7 release. So what I recommend you do is to:
1. Forget the non standard (for linuxcnc) version of Linux you are trying to use.
2. install Linuxcnc from one of these ISO's
3. Read the documents about how to build Linuxcnc
4. Read this article which may be a little bit dated
5. Learn to build Linuxcnc from source
6. Follow my plasmac instructions to get reverse run.

This is the shortest path to get reverse run. If you are not willing to follow these steps, then we can't help you

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29 Nov 2020 14:12 #190605 by allaeir
Replied by allaeir on topic Reverse run
Is there any way to run reverse gcode in blending mode instead of exact stop mode?

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