Questions in trying to get my home built machine dialed in with a 7i76E

18 Dec 2024 03:34 #316900 by yoshimitsuspeed
I had this machine running years ago on a cheap controller. Then bought this 7i76e and got some basic functionality then the machine went into storage for years. 
Now I'm trying to get it properly set up and add some features. 
I thought I would make a thread for this phase of the project instead of each individual question. 


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18 Dec 2024 03:51 #316903 by yoshimitsuspeed
I am trying to get my Huanyang 2.2 kw VFD working properly. 
I set it up as  andypugh  describes here.

I am still doing setup in pncconf and trying to do as much there as I can. I added the spindle setup and enabled spindle output in TB4. 
I am have been setting up for 10v speed control though I would love to use PWM if it was possible. 
Set voltage, max RPM, etc, in the spindle section of pncconf. 
I'm not sure whether I should be using "use +-voltage for direction" but it is not working properly either way. 
I was having issues with it only spinning one direction but messing with settings I do have it spinning both directions and with "invert motor direction" checked in the proper direction though it seems weird I should need to have that checked since it should all be set up to spin the proper direction. 

As it is set up right now it doesn't seem like the Mesa card is doing what it should be doing. 
If I start up linuxcnc and hit the spindle button it goes straight to 23k RPM and 9.5v on pin2-VI. 
If I slide the spindle override down it stays at 9.5v and RPM till it gets to about 30% and then drops to like 0.15v and spindle RPM drops to 3400 RPM per VFD display. Spindle speed is either 23k or 3.4k RPM. I haven't looked but maybe I set up a min speed in the VFD at some point. 

I also measured weird voltages on forward and reverse terminals but I don't remember all variables like whether I had +- voltage ticked. 
When I measured though I think with CW in Linuxcnc I measured 24v on forward terminal to ground and 24v between forward and reverse terminals. But when I put it in reverse (and the spindle did reverse) I showed no voltage between the ground I used before and no voltage between forward and reverse. 

I can't be bothered to set up and log into the forum on the machine right now but I can upload files or whatever if needed. I just have to imagine that either this is a simple fix or that there is a more comprehensive guide somewhere. 
The most frustrating thing with this is in a google search I have found like 6 different threads, how tos, etc, with wiring digrams that show 6 different ways and virtually no info on other settings to make the wiring configuration work properly. 


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18 Dec 2024 03:59 #316904 by yoshimitsuspeed
My second question right now and a much lower priority than getting the spindle working is getting a new tool setter working.

I have found some videos and how tos but again it seems like several different ways of doing things.

Right now I have the manual toolchanger.
I would like to set it up to set a tool before running a program.
Preferably also to be able to change tools during a program. I could of course manually set it then have the next tool as a separate program but I assume it should be easy to do a manual toolchange and set tool mid program right?

I am also seriously eying an ATC spindle so I want it to be ready to do multi tool config with different tools saved in the tool table.

The one video I watched with setup details did the tool setting through the probe tab in AXIS. When I couldn't find it I did a search and found a thread that said it isn't in AXIS 2.9 or not yet or something. That thread said I can still access it in another UI but it doesn't seem like the best way to do everything I want anyway.

What's the best way to set this all up and is there a good guide, video, etc?

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18 Dec 2024 15:26 #316919 by PCW
Best thing would be to post your hal and ini files.

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18 Dec 2024 20:06 #316931 by yoshimitsuspeed
Ugh yeah I was too burned out to get logged in on the CNC computer last night lol.  

File Attachment:

File Name: Shopbot_20...2-18.hal
File Size:13 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: Shopbot_20...2-18.ini
File Size:6 KB

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18 Dec 2024 21:36 - 18 Dec 2024 21:36 #316950 by PCW
There may be multiple things needed to get the direction correct, but here is one error:

P = 0.0
I = 0.0
D = 0.0
FF0 = 1.0
FF1 = 0.0
FF2 = 0.0
BIAS = 0.0
MAX_OUTPUT = 24000.0
OUTPUT_SCALE = -24000 <<<<<<<<<< The 7I76E spindle output is unsigned so this must be positive
Last edit: 18 Dec 2024 21:36 by PCW.

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18 Dec 2024 23:35 #316963 by yoshimitsuspeed
Okay so just changing that to positive then trying to run the Spindle it turned on at the min speed and trying to slide the spindle speed or enter S RPM into mdi made no difference.

Out of curiosity I went back into pnconf to tick the "use +- for voltage direction"

This added the - to both these places.

P = 0.0
I = 0.0
D = 0.0
FF0 = 1.0
FF1 = 0.0
FF2 = 0.0
BIAS = 0.0
MAX_OUTPUT = 24000.0

Starting the UI (now running qtdragon), homing, then starting the spindle it went straight to 23500. I typed S5000 into mdi and it dropped back down to 3500 RPM displayed on the VFD and slow RPM on the spindle.
After that though changing s in mdi or sliding the spindle speed slider made no difference.

Also to note spindle RPM in the UI always shows 0.

Going back into pncconf and unchecking the "use +- for voltage direction" put it back to how it was before with the - only on Output_scale.

P = 0.0
I = 0.0
D = 0.0
FF0 = 1.0
FF1 = 0.0
FF2 = 0.0
BIAS = 0.0
MAX_OUTPUT = 24000.0

I have deleted the - again but it doesn't seem to have made anything better.

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19 Dec 2024 00:02 #316964 by yoshimitsuspeed
Okay FML lol I was forgetting to enter M3 in MDI and hadn't tried the speed slider today.
After removing the negative on 24000 and everything seems to be working like it is supposed to. as far as I can tell so far.


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03 Jan 2025 04:09 #317897 by yoshimitsuspeed
Okay so I have the basics working and now I want to get my toolsetter doing what I need.
It is hooked up and in QT dragon I have my positions setup so it will go to the toolsetter location. Then I can do the touch plate op and it hits the sensor and backs off properly.
From what I can tell it sets it based on the workpiece height and or tool sensor height parameters in the offsets tab which is not what I want.
I just ordered an ATC spindle so very soon I will be setting it up with multiple tools in toolholders with saved tool offsets so I can set them when I change a tool and then just have it pull the tools with the saved offsets.

For the moment though my first priority is to be able to put in a cutter, set it's offset with the tool setter, zero z to my part. Then if I break a cutter or want a different tool for the next op to be able to change the tool, set height, and have that offset to the new tool is at the right height for the next op.

Then a secondary goal would be to be able to change tools manually in multi tool setups.
So basically wanting something like Gcode calls next tool, machine goes to XYZ where I manually change the tool, then machine goes and touches off the toolsetter. Then goes back to machining the next op.

Is there a good guide for doing this? I searched a bit and didn't find anything that looked super helpful.

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