Mesa modbus and pktUart

02 Sep 2023 00:33 #279633 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
Unless you cross compiled the on the X86 system,
it will not run on a ARM system

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02 Sep 2023 16:47 #279666 by Donno
Replied by Donno on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
I downloaded Linuxcnc 2.9pre image for raspberry pi 4B and compiled linuxcnc-dev
git clone linuxcnc-dev
cd linuxcnc-dev/src
sudo apt install automake
sudo apt-get install libmodbus-dev
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt-get install yapps2
sudo apt-get install intltool
sudo apt-get install libboost
sudo apt install devscripts
sudo apt install dh-python libudev-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev asciidoc dblatex
sudo apt install libreadline-gplv2-dev docbook-xsl dvipng ghostscript graphviz
sudo apt install groff imagemagick inkscape python-lxml source-highlight
sudo apt install texlive-extra-utils texlive-font-utils texlive-fonts-recommended
sudo apt install texlive-lang-cyrillic texlive-lang-french texlive-lang-german
sudo apt install texlive-lang-polish texlive-lang-spanish texlive-latex-recommended
sudo apt install w3c-linkchecker xsltproc python-dev python-tk libxmu-dev
sudo apt install libglu1-mesa-dev libgtk2.0-dev intltool libboost-python-dev
sudo apt install libmodbus-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev desktop-file-utils yapps2
sudo apt install python-yapps bwidget libtk-img mesa-utils tclx8.4
sudo apt install tcl-tclreadline python-configobj python-gtkglext1
sudo apt install python-xlib gstreamer0.10-plugins-base netcat
sudo apt install python-pil python-glade2 python-pil.imagetk
sudo apt install python-gst-1.0 w3c-linkchecker libxmu-dev libtirpc-dev
sudo apt install gdebi gdebi-core
sudo apt install libreadline-dev
sudo apt install libeditreadline-dev
sudo apt install libxmu-headers
sudo apt install libxmu-dev
./configure --with-realtime=uspace
sudo make setuid
source ../scripts/rip-environment
cd ~/linuxcnc-dev/bin
(edit modcompile to use ../src instead of src else it will not find makefile.modinc)
./modcompile mesa_modbus_A5_Driver.mod

I copied driver to another raspberry with linuxcnc2.9pre and copied driver to /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/

I now get the following error in linuxcnc
Debug file information:
Note: Using POSIX non-realtime
mesa_modbus_A5_Driver: dlopen: /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/ undefined symbol: hm2_pktuart_setup_rx
./Lathe_7i92T_0.hal:10: waitpid failed /usr/bin/rtapi_app mesa_modbus_A5_Driver
./Lathe_7i92T_0.hal:10: /usr/bin/rtapi_app exited without becoming ready
./Lathe_7i92T_0.hal:10: insmod for mesa_modbus_A5_Driver failed, returned -1
Stopping realtime threads
Unloading hal components
Note: Using POSIX non-realtime

Any help PCW ?

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02 Sep 2023 16:51 #279667 by Donno
Replied by Donno on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
Driver :
// Lichuan A5 AC Servo Drive Driver
#define MAX_MSG_LEN 16   // may be increased if necessary to max 251
#define DEBUG 1

static const hm2_modbus_chan_descriptor_t channels[] = {
/*  {TYPE,     FUNC, ADDR,   COUNT, pin_name} */
    {HAL_U32,   3,   0x9C8, 1,     "speed-actual"},
    {HAL_U32,   3,   0x9C9, 1,     "speed-instruction"},
    {HAL_U32,   3,   0x9CA, 1,     "torque-instruction"},
    {HAL_U32,   3,   0x9D4, 1,     "avg-load-rate"},
    {HAL_U32,   3,   0x9E0, 1,     "phase-current"},
    {HAL_U32,   3,   0x9E2, 1,     "bus-voltage"},
    {HAL_U32,   3,   0x9E3, 1,     "tempreture"},
    {HAL_U32,   6,   0x4CB, 1,     "set-speed"},

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02 Sep 2023 17:37 #279668 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
What is you loardrt line in your hal file?
Does your firmware have a pktuart?

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02 Sep 2023 17:53 #279671 by Donno
Replied by Donno on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
mesaflash --device 7i92T --addr --readhmid
donno@linuxcnc:~/Desktop $ mesaflash --device 7i92T --addr --readhmid
Configuration Name: HOSTMOT2

General configuration information:

  BoardName : MESA7I92
  FPGA Size: 20 KGates
  FPGA Pins: 256
  Number of IO Ports: 2
  Width of one I/O port: 17
  Clock Low frequency: 100.0000 MHz
  Clock High frequency: 175.0000 MHz
  IDROM Type: 3
  Instance Stride 0: 4
  Instance Stride 1: 64
  Register Stride 0: 256
  Register Stride 1: 256

Modules in configuration:

  Module: DPLL
  There are 1 of DPLL in configuration
  Version: 0
  Registers: 7
  BaseAddress: 7000
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: WatchDog
  There are 1 of WatchDog in configuration
  Version: 0
  Registers: 3
  BaseAddress: 0C00
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: IOPort
  There are 2 of IOPort in configuration
  Version: 0
  Registers: 5
  BaseAddress: 1000
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: QCount
  There are 2 of QCount in configuration
  Version: 2
  Registers: 5
  BaseAddress: 3000
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: StepGen
  There are 10 of StepGen in configuration
  Version: 2
  Registers: 10
  BaseAddress: 2000
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: PWM
  There are 2 of PWM in configuration
  Version: 0
  Registers: 5
  BaseAddress: 4100
  ClockFrequency: 175.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: LED
  There are 1 of LED in configuration
  Version: 0
  Registers: 1
  BaseAddress: 0200
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: PktUARTTX
  There are 1 of PktUARTTX in configuration
  Version: 0
  Registers: 4
  BaseAddress: 6100
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

  Module: PktUARTRX
  There are 1 of PktUARTRX in configuration
  Version: 0
  Registers: 4
  BaseAddress: 6500
  ClockFrequency: 100.000 MHz
  Register Stride: 256 bytes
  Instance Stride: 4 bytes

Configuration pin-out:

IO Connections for P2
DB25 pin#             I/O   Pri. func    Sec. func        Chan     Sec. Pin func   Sec. Pin Dir

 1                      0   IOPort       PWM              0        PWM             (Out)
14                      1   IOPort       StepGen          0        Step/Table1     (Out)
 2                      2   IOPort       StepGen          0        Dir/Table2      (Out)
15                      3   IOPort       StepGen          1        Step/Table1     (Out)
 3                      4   IOPort       StepGen          1        Dir/Table2      (Out)
16                      5   IOPort       None           
 4                      6   IOPort       None           
17                      7   IOPort       None           
 5                      8   IOPort       None           
 6                      9   IOPort       QCount           0        Quad-A          (In)
 7                     10   IOPort       QCount           0        Quad-B          (In)
 8                     11   IOPort       QCount           0        Quad-IDX        (In)
 9                     12   IOPort       None           
10                     13   IOPort       None           
11                     14   IOPort       None           
12                     15   IOPort       None           
13                     16   IOPort       None           

IO Connections for P1
DB25 pin#             I/O   Pri. func    Sec. func        Chan     Sec. Pin func   Sec. Pin Dir

 1                     17   IOPort       PktUARTRX        0        RXData          (In)
14                     18   IOPort       PktUARTTX        0        TXData          (Out)
 2                     19   IOPort       PktUARTTX        0        TXEna           (Out)
15                     20   IOPort       None           
 3                     21   IOPort       None           
16                     22   IOPort       None           
 4                     23   IOPort       None           
17                     24   IOPort       None           
 5                     25   IOPort       None           
 6                     26   IOPort       None           
 7                     27   IOPort       None           
 8                     28   IOPort       None           
 9                     29   IOPort       None           
10                     30   IOPort       None           
11                     31   IOPort       None           
12                     32   IOPort       None           
13                     33   IOPort       None  

Hal File loadrt mesa_modbus_A5_Driver names=hm2_7i92.0.pktuart.0 and addf mesa_modbus_A5_Driver      servo-thread
# Generated by PNCconf at Mon Aug 28 20:19:10 2023
# Using LinuxCNC version:  Master (2.9)
# If you make changes to this file, they will be
# overwritten when you run PNCconf again

loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[KINS]JOINTS
loadrt hostmot2
loadrt hm2_eth board_ip="" config="num_encoders=1 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=2"
loadrt mesa_modbus_A5_Driver names=hm2_7i92.0.pktuart.0

setp    hm2_7i92.0.watchdog.timeout_ns 5000000
loadrt pid names=pid.x,pid.z,pid.s
loadrt abs names=abs.spindle
loadrt lowpass names=lowpass.spindle
loadrt scale names=scale.spindle
loadrt near

addf          servo-thread
addf motion-command-handler   servo-thread
addf motion-controller        servo-thread
addf       servo-thread
addf       servo-thread
addf       servo-thread
addf scale.spindle            servo-thread
addf abs.spindle              servo-thread
addf lowpass.spindle          servo-thread
addf near.0                   servo-thread
addf hm2_7i92.0.write         servo-thread
addf mesa_modbus_A5_Driver      servo-thread
setp hm2_7i92.0.dpll.01.timer-us -50
setp hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.timer-number 1

# external output signals

# --- DOUT-00 ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.000.is_output true
net dout-00  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.000.out

setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.005.is_output true
net spindle-enable  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.005.out

# --- SPINDLE-CW ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.006.is_output true
net spindle-cw  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.006.out

# --- SPINDLE-CCW ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.007.is_output true
net spindle-ccw  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.007.out

# --- COOLANT-MIST ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.008.is_output true
net coolant-mist  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.008.out

# --- DOUT-01 ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.013.is_output true
net dout-01  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.013.out

# --- DOUT-02 ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.015.is_output true
net dout-02  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.015.out

# --- DOUT-03 ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.016.is_output true
net dout-03  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.016.out

# --- ESTOP-OUT ---
setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.030.is_output true
net estop-out  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.030.out

setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.032.is_output true
net machine-is-enabled  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.032.out

setp hm2_7i92.0.gpio.033.is_output true
net spindle-enable  =>     hm2_7i92.0.gpio.033.out

# external input signals

# --- HOME-X ---
net home-x     <=

# --- HOME-Z ---
net home-z     <=

# --- DIN-00 ---
net din-00     <=

# --- DIN-01 ---
net din-01     <=

# --- DIN-02 ---
net din-02     <=

# --- DIN-03 ---
net din-03     <=

# --- ESTOP-EXT ---
net estop-ext     <=

# --- PROBE-IN ---
net probe-in     <=


setp   pid.x.Pgain     [JOINT_0]P
setp   pid.x.Igain     [JOINT_0]I
setp   pid.x.Dgain     [JOINT_0]D
setp   pid.x.bias      [JOINT_0]BIAS
setp   pid.x.FF0       [JOINT_0]FF0
setp   pid.x.FF1       [JOINT_0]FF1
setp   pid.x.FF2       [JOINT_0]FF2
setp   pid.x.deadband  [JOINT_0]DEADBAND
setp   pid.x.maxoutput [JOINT_0]MAX_OUTPUT
setp   pid.x.error-previous-target true
# This setting is to limit bogus stepgen
# velocity corrections caused by position
# feedback sample time jitter.
setp   pid.x.maxerror 0.012700

net x-index-enable  =>  pid.x.index-enable
net x-enable        =>  pid.x.enable
net x-pos-cmd       =>  pid.x.command
net x-pos-fb        =>
net x-output        <=  pid.x.output

# Step Gen signals/setup

setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.dirsetup        [JOINT_0]DIRSETUP
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.dirhold         [JOINT_0]DIRHOLD
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.steplen         [JOINT_0]STEPLEN
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.stepspace       [JOINT_0]STEPSPACE
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.position-scale  [JOINT_0]STEP_SCALE
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.step_type        0
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.control-type     1
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.maxaccel         [JOINT_0]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.maxvel           [JOINT_0]STEPGEN_MAXVEL

# ---closedloop stepper signals---

net x-pos-cmd    <= joint.0.motor-pos-cmd
net x-vel-cmd    <= joint.0.vel-cmd
net x-output     => hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.velocity-cmd
net x-pos-fb     <= hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.position-fb
net x-pos-fb     => joint.0.motor-pos-fb
net x-enable     <= joint.0.amp-enable-out
net x-enable     => hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.00.enable

# ---setup home / limit switch signals---

net home-x     =>  joint.0.home-sw-in
net x-neg-limit     =>  joint.0.neg-lim-sw-in
net x-pos-limit     =>  joint.0.pos-lim-sw-in


setp   pid.z.Pgain     [JOINT_1]P
setp   pid.z.Igain     [JOINT_1]I
setp   pid.z.Dgain     [JOINT_1]D
setp   pid.z.bias      [JOINT_1]BIAS
setp   pid.z.FF0       [JOINT_1]FF0
setp   pid.z.FF1       [JOINT_1]FF1
setp   pid.z.FF2       [JOINT_1]FF2
setp   pid.z.deadband  [JOINT_1]DEADBAND
setp   pid.z.maxoutput [JOINT_1]MAX_OUTPUT
setp   pid.z.error-previous-target true
# This setting is to limit bogus stepgen
# velocity corrections caused by position
# feedback sample time jitter.
setp   pid.z.maxerror 0.012700

net z-index-enable  =>  pid.z.index-enable
net z-enable        =>  pid.z.enable
net z-pos-cmd       =>  pid.z.command
net z-pos-fb        =>
net z-output        <=  pid.z.output

# Step Gen signals/setup

setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.dirsetup        [JOINT_1]DIRSETUP
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.dirhold         [JOINT_1]DIRHOLD
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.steplen         [JOINT_1]STEPLEN
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.stepspace       [JOINT_1]STEPSPACE
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.position-scale  [JOINT_1]STEP_SCALE
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.step_type        0
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.control-type     1
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.maxaccel         [JOINT_1]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL
setp   hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.maxvel           [JOINT_1]STEPGEN_MAXVEL

# ---closedloop stepper signals---

net z-pos-cmd    <= joint.1.motor-pos-cmd
net z-vel-cmd    <= joint.1.vel-cmd
net z-output     => hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.velocity-cmd
net z-pos-fb     <= hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.position-fb
net z-pos-fb     => joint.1.motor-pos-fb
net z-enable     <= joint.1.amp-enable-out
net z-enable     => hm2_7i92.0.stepgen.01.enable

# ---setup home / limit switch signals---

net home-z     =>  joint.1.home-sw-in
net z-neg-limit     =>  joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in
net z-pos-limit     =>  joint.1.pos-lim-sw-in


setp   pid.s.Pgain     [SPINDLE_0]P
setp   pid.s.Igain     [SPINDLE_0]I
setp   pid.s.Dgain     [SPINDLE_0]D
setp   pid.s.bias      [SPINDLE_0]BIAS
setp   pid.s.FF0       [SPINDLE_0]FF0
setp   pid.s.FF1       [SPINDLE_0]FF1
setp   pid.s.FF2       [SPINDLE_0]FF2
setp   pid.s.deadband  [SPINDLE_0]DEADBAND
setp   pid.s.maxoutput [SPINDLE_0]MAX_OUTPUT
setp   pid.s.error-previous-target true

net spindle-index-enable  =>  pid.s.index-enable
net spindle-enable        =>  pid.s.enable
net spindle-vel-cmd-rpm-abs     => pid.s.command
net spindle-vel-fb-rpm-abs      =>
net spindle-output        <=  pid.s.output

# ---Encoder feedback signals/setup---

setp    hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.counter-mode 0
setp    hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.filter 1
setp    hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.index-invert 0
setp    hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.index-mask 0
setp    hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.index-mask-invert 0
setp    hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.scale  [SPINDLE_0]ENCODER_SCALE

net spindle-revs             <=   hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.position
net spindle-vel-fb-rps       <=   hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.velocity
net spindle-vel-fb-rpm       <=   hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.velocity-rpm
net spindle-index-enable     <=>  hm2_7i92.0.encoder.00.index-enable

# ---setup spindle control signals---

net spindle-vel-cmd-rps        <=  spindle.0.speed-out-rps
net spindle-vel-cmd-rps-abs    <=  spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs
net spindle-vel-cmd-rpm        <=  spindle.0.speed-out
net spindle-vel-cmd-rpm-abs    <=  spindle.0.speed-out-abs
net spindle-enable             <=  spindle.0.on
net spindle-cw                 <=  spindle.0.forward
net spindle-ccw                <=  spindle.0.reverse
net spindle-brake              <=  spindle.0.brake
net spindle-revs               =>  spindle.0.revs
net spindle-at-speed           =>
net spindle-vel-fb-rps         =>  spindle.0.speed-in
net spindle-index-enable      <=>  spindle.0.index-enable

# ---Setup spindle at speed signals---

net spindle-vel-cmd-rps    =>  near.0.in1
net spindle-vel-fb-rps         =>  near.0.in2
net spindle-at-speed       <=  near.0.out
setp near.0.scale 1.000000
setp near.0.difference 0.166667

#  Use ACTUAL spindle velocity from spindle encoder
#  spindle-velocity bounces around so we filter it with lowpass
#  spindle-velocity is signed so we use absolute component to remove sign
#  ACTUAL velocity is in RPS not RPM so we scale it.

setp     scale.spindle.gain 60
setp     lowpass.spindle.gain 1.000000
net spindle-vel-fb-rps        =>
net spindle-fb-rpm               scale.spindle.out       =>
net spindle-fb-rpm-abs           abs.spindle.out         =>
net spindle-fb-rpm-abs-filtered  lowpass.spindle.out  

# connect miscellaneous signals

#  ---HALUI signals---

net axis-select-x
net jog-x-pos
net jog-x-neg      halui.axis.x.minus
net jog-x-analog   halui.axis.x.analog
net x-is-homed
net axis-select-z
net jog-z-pos
net jog-z-neg      halui.axis.z.minus
net jog-z-analog   halui.axis.z.analog
net z-is-homed
net jog-selected-pos
net jog-selected-neg      halui.axis.selected.minus
net spindle-manual-cw     halui.spindle.0.forward
net spindle-manual-ccw    halui.spindle.0.reverse
net spindle-manual-stop   halui.spindle.0.stop
net machine-is-on
net jog-speed             halui.axis.jog-speed
net MDI-mode    

#  ---coolant signals---

net coolant-mist      <=  iocontrol.0.coolant-mist
net coolant-flood     <=  iocontrol.0.coolant-flood

#  ---probe signal---

net probe-in     =>  motion.probe-input

#  ---motion control signals---

net in-position               <=
net machine-is-enabled        <=  motion.motion-enabled

#  ---digital in / out signals---

net dout-00     <=
net dout-01     <=
net dout-02     <=
net dout-03     <=
net din-00     =>
net din-01     =>
net din-02     =>
net din-03     =>
#  ---estop signals---

net estop-out     <=  iocontrol.0.user-enable-out
net estop-ext     =>  iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in

#  ---manual tool change signals---

net tool-change-request    <= iocontrol.0.tool-change
net tool-change-confirmed  => iocontrol.0.tool-changed
net tool-number            <= iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number

#  ---Use external manual tool change dialog---

loadusr -W hal_manualtoolchange
net tool-change-request    =>  hal_manualtoolchange.change
net tool-change-confirmed  <=  hal_manualtoolchange.changed
net tool-number            =>  hal_manualtoolchange.number

#  ---ignore tool prepare requests---
net tool-prepare-loopback   iocontrol.0.tool-prepare      =>  iocontrol.0.tool-prepared

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02 Sep 2023 18:20 - 02 Sep 2023 18:33 #279673 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
Don't know, maybe some difference in the build and run systems.

Also the loadrt line should have "ports" instead of "names"

I was able to launch your configuration here without error
(I shortened the name to lichuan)

halcmd: loadrt lichuan ports=hm2_7i96s.0.pktuart.0
halcmd: addf lichuan.00 servo-thread

Last edit: 02 Sep 2023 18:33 by PCW.

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03 Sep 2023 08:25 #279701 by Donno
Replied by Donno on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
Thanks for showing me the mistake:

halcmd: loadrt lichuan ports=hm2_7i96s.0.pktuart.0
halcmd: addf lichuan.00 servo-thread

I manage to find the hm2_pktuart_setup_rx -> hostmot2-serial.h i then copied from linuxcnc-dev/rtlib to /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules it then through error about hm2_eth so i did the same with

I manage to load linuxcnc and found my driver under Pins in HALSHOW will try to get communication going

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03 Sep 2023 10:40 #279709 by Donno
Replied by Donno on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
I am getting a timeout in a5.00.last-error (a5 is the driver name) . QModbus  settings look like this  :


Where do you set the Data bits and Stop Bits in Linuxcnc ? Or is it pre set ? if so what is the default settings ?



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04 Sep 2023 10:33 #279811 by Donno
Replied by Donno on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
I manage to get the fault pin away and last-error it seems there is communication but getting error call/response function number mismatch :




I don't know if there is anything i am missing ?


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04 Sep 2023 14:45 #279834 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Mesa modbus and pktUart
1. Do you have the RS-485 bias resistors added as shown earlier in this thread?
2. You might try enabling debug (=3) to see whats going on (and post the  results here)

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