quelque questions, some question

31 Jan 2014 22:25 - 31 Jan 2014 22:27 #43371 by akex
quelque questions, some question was created by akex

actuellement sur la construction de ma fraiseuse CN
il me manque quelque petite info afin de mettre tout au point comme je le souhaite.

Je pence que oui, est il possible de commander le slider de vitesse de déplacement des axes avec un potentiomètre si oui comment?

Et quelque explications au sujet du mode PDM pour la broche c est un signal 0 a 5v ? j ai ceci :
il ce commande en 0 a 5v avec un potentiomètre et il possible de le brancher a une sorti PDM ? ou autre

merci pour vos réponses
Last edit: 31 Jan 2014 22:27 by akex. Reason: oublie de mot

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01 Feb 2014 15:28 - 01 Feb 2014 16:32 #43390 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic quelque questions, some question

I am a bit confused by the question.

The controller appears to be for dc motor, ( a servo? does not look like a servo amp )
But you are asking about controlling the speed of axis movement rather than spindle speed which is the normal requirement.

What motor are you looking at controlling specifically and where is it fitted?

Last edit: 01 Feb 2014 16:32 by ArcEye.
The following user(s) said Thank You: akex

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01 Feb 2014 16:28 - 01 Feb 2014 16:43 #43391 by akex
Replied by akex on topic quelque questions, some question

Ok no problem
Yes this is a dc motor 2.5hp for a spindle but for this i find:
Put a pwm output on my linuxcnc configuration + 10Ko resistor+ 0.1uf capacitor with this
I can control my spindle driver with (PC) pwm>0-5v analog(Driver)
All right no ?

And it s other question no spindle, no motor :
I want, if it possible: modifi the speed of axi with a potentiometer plug at my breakoutboard
For control speed axis 0 at 100%

These are two completely different question
Last edit: 01 Feb 2014 16:43 by akex.

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01 Feb 2014 19:18 #43395 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic quelque questions, some question

I can control my spindle driver with (PC) pwm>0-5v analog(Driver)
All right no ?

Yes, see this wiki page

I want, if it possible: modifi the speed of axi with a potentiometer plug at my breakoutboard
For control speed axis 0 at 100%

This one I don't see the use for unless you are trying to retain existing controller physical controls.

The speed of an axis is either set in g code or the defaults in the ini file for jogging and the like.
There are override sliders in Axis for Feed, Jog Speed and Max Velocity

If you want to do it via HAL using an analogue signal and ADC, then a start is to see the halui pins that you need to interface with

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01 Feb 2014 22:30 #43399 by akex
Replied by akex on topic quelque questions, some question
Yes that it
I want replace a physicaly bouton for a max velocity

Can you tell me more of analog input and adc?

What can i use for create a signal ?

And sorry i am a beginer
For the halui :
I must do a "script" and put it in "custom.hal"?
I don t good understand HAL systeme

Thanks for your help arceye !!

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01 Feb 2014 23:38 #43401 by akex
Replied by akex on topic quelque questions, some question
I found that

Max Velocity
The maximum linear velocity can be adjusted from 0 to the MAX_VELOCITY that is set in the [TRAJ] section of the ini file.
halui.max-velocity.count-enable (bit, in) - must be true for counts or direct-value to work.
halui.max-velocity.counts (s32, in) - counts * scale = MV percentage. Can be used with an encoder or direct-value.
halui.max-velocity.direct-value (bit, in) - false when using encoder to change counts, true when setting counts directly. The count-enable pin must be true.
halui.max-velocity.decrease (bit, in) - pin for decreasing max velocity
halui.max-velocity.increase (bit, in) - pin for increasing max velocity
halui.max-velocity.scale (float, in) - the amount applied to the current maximum velocity with each transition from off to on of the increase or decrease pin in machine units per second.
halui.max-velocity.value (float, out) - is the maximum linear velocity in machine units per second.

But i don t knew where and how use it


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02 Feb 2014 00:44 #43402 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic quelque questions, some question

I am no expert in electronics.
I have used an Arduino doing similar but regards CNC have only used a DAC which works in reverse, to convert to 0 - 10v voltage to set spindle speed

You need an ADC which will convert a voltage of 0 - 10v typically, to a number, normally 0 - 255
It normally has 8 outputs, each representing a binary bit. If all 8 are high, that equals 11111111 or 255
There are loads of circuits on the net

Once you have that number, you can scale it to make it into the right range

Regards the actual connections, if you experiment with the HAL Configuration window you can see that changing halui.max-velocity.scale and then setting a value in halui.max-velocity.counts will alter the Axis Max Velocity slider value

Hopefully Andy or someone with better knowledge will chime in regards practical implementation.

It may all be a lot of trouble to keep a knob, when you could just use a mouse on the slider?


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02 Feb 2014 02:20 #43403 by akex
Replied by akex on topic quelque questions, some question

It is a habit of working like this
And I find it convenient

Ok i see more the HAL and if i need more help i will talk with Andy

Thanks for all Arceye

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03 Feb 2014 01:45 - 03 Feb 2014 02:45 #43454 by akex
Replied by akex on topic quelque questions, some question

i do that with HAL
# Inclure vos commandes HAL personnalisées ici
# Ce fichier ne sera pas écrasé si vous relancez Stepconf
# Jog Pendant
loadrt encoder num_chan=1
addf encoder.capture-position servo-thread
addf encoder.update-counters base-thread

# If your MPG outputs a quadrature signal per click set x4 to 1
# If your MPG puts out 1 pulse per click set x4 to 0
setp encoder.0.x4-mode 1

#setp encoder.0.position-scale 100

# set the HAL encoder to non-quadrature simple counting using A only.
#setp encoder.0.counter-mode true

net potar-a encoder.0.phase-A <= parport.0.pin-15-in
net potar-b encoder.0.phase-B <= parport.0.pin-13-in

# The encoder output.
net encoder-counts <= encoder.0.counts
net encoder-counts => halui.max-velocity.counts

i try multi way...
but don't work
move just one incremant
i must reboot axis for move other increment

A video for more explain

Last edit: 03 Feb 2014 02:45 by akex.

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03 Feb 2014 21:23 #43493 by andypugh
Replied by andypugh on topic quelque questions, some question

Put a pwm output on my linuxcnc configuration + 10Ko resistor+ 0.1uf capacitor with this
I can control my spindle driver with (PC) pwm>0-5v analog(Driver)
All right no ?

That should work, but be aware that some DC drives float the potentiometer at line voltage, and that would instantly fry your parport. Some form of isolation might be called for.
The simplest solution is possibly: store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=produc...=spin&product_id=205
(though not the cheapest).

I want, if it possible: modifi the speed of axi with a potentiometer plug at my breakoutboard
For control speed axis 0 at 100%

An encoder is easier to interface than a potentiometer, something like www.ebay.fr/itm/160392668169
(But I see that is something you are already doing).

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