Trouble with switches/homing/probe

15 Jan 2021 11:11 #195425 by Jabbery

Thank everyone for all the help to get started with Linuxcnc, I think I am making progress and almost there.

I have an issue with homing on my XYYZ setup, the issue seems to be with Y limit (Y2 ok I think). They are set as -1 in sequence and the motors do home but Y seems to keep moving after switch touch. I also from reading attempted to setup debounce because I am using normally open switches at the moment. Later I will change to normally closed with pullup resistors. I assumed I was getting noise earlier.
Also I have to setup a touch probe for Z, it is configured with a pullup and halmeter shows it toggling the input.

In the current tests X homes properly, Y2 seems to be proper but Y wont give up pulling in the negative direction.

I seem to have the spindle working but I'm not sure if I configured it for 12000 rpm correctly from what I see in axis.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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15 Jan 2021 15:03 #195435 by Todd Zuercher
Perhaps Y1 and Y2 need to be mirror of each other. Try making STEP_SCALE = -100.0 for Y1. That should reverse the direction of all Y1 movements.

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15 Jan 2021 16:34 - 15 Jan 2021 23:35 #195457 by Clive S

In the current tests X homes properly, Y2 seems to be proper but Y wont give up pulling in the negative direction.

First are you using the home all button?

Can you confirm that when homing both Y and Y2 are moving in the correct direction towards the home switch.?

If it is, to see what is happening slow this down in both Y's HOME_SEARCH_VEL = -5.000000

To me it seems that the HOME_OFFSET = -5.000000 should be HOME_OFFSET = 0 in both Y's

and possibly HOME_LATCH_VEL = -2.000000 might have to be HOME_LATCH_VEL = 2.000000

But only change one at a time.

HOME = 0.0
HOME_OFFSET = -5.000000 (the -ve sign reverses the direction of travel)
HOME_SEARCH_VEL = -20.000000
HOME_LATCH_VEL = -2.000000 Depending on the sign is should back off the home switch
HOME_FINAL_VEL = 20.000000 This is the speed from the latch to the home position
HOME_OFFSET = -5.000000 this number is for squaring the gantry so say about 0.5 ie. if Y was 0 and Y2 was 0.5 it would move 0.5mm difference from Y0 .. To start with I would set them both to 0

HOME = 0.0 I would set this at something above zero they have to be the same in Y & Y2
Last edit: 15 Jan 2021 23:35 by Clive S.

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15 Jan 2021 23:02 - 15 Jan 2021 23:02 #195494 by Jabbery
Hello Clive, thanks for the reply.

I found the problem. Embarrassing actually. I have Y Limit and Y1 Limit backwards. I swapped the wires on the Mesa. While I was testing I decoupled the screws and removed the sequence so I could home a joint. Weird things happened and of course Y threw a Y1 switch error but sort of worked. Y1 did not work but threw a Y switch error.

I am messing with I think the last item to get everything running. The touch probe. My probe is a simple probe so I wired it with a 10k pullup resistor. Mesa input-07 has +9.5V and when the probe touches it is 0V.
I followed a number of posts but I do not have my head fully wrapped around the HAL and links. The current hal putting all points on the halmeter all show TRUE no matter what, touched or not.
Attached is the current hal/ini.
I was first trying to get the probe to show touch or not and then was planning on working on how to connect that to the Z / do a tool touch and zero as well as setup the probe height.

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File Name: CNCRouter_...15-2.hal
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File Name: CNCRouter_...15-2.ini
File Size:6 KB
Last edit: 15 Jan 2021 23:02 by Jabbery.

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16 Jan 2021 20:24 #195571 by andypugh
The HAL looks OK. What isn't working?

Can you check the motion.probe-input pin using the halmeter?
(Also check the other signals leading up to that point)

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16 Jan 2021 21:14 #195577 by Jabbery
Hi Andypugh, thanks for the response.

The touch probe is not working.
Yes I have checked all pins/signals leading up to motion.probe-input as well as used a meter to monitor the actual pin on the mesa from the probe.
The mesa pin normally sits at +9.5V, when the probe is touched 0V. I am using a 10k pullup resistor.

All of the signals/pins using halmeter read false until the probe is touched once. Then they all read TRUE and never return to FALSE.

I have also been reading documentation and threads on gmoccapy trying to work out how to add a touch probe button. I think I have the gcode function built, I am able to call it from the MDI but of course it only works until the 1st touch. I have not found a good example of how to add it to gmoccapy.

File Attachment:

File Name: CNCRouter_...1-16.hal
File Size:13 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: CNCRouter_...1-16.ini
File Size:5 KB

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16 Jan 2021 21:25 #195578 by tommylight

The mesa pin normally sits at +9.5V, when the probe is touched 0V. I am using a 10k pullup resistor.

What voltage is the Mesa field powered with ?

All of the signals/pins using halmeter read false until the probe is touched once. Then they all read TRUE and never return to FALSE.

What do you mean by "all" ? If ALL pins on the Mesa do that, something is very wrong in the wiring and/or powering the board.
If you mean all the pins related to probe, that should be OK, depending on the voltage the Mesa is powered with.
Assuming it is powered by 24V, the 9.5V is very low and will not trigger the input properly. At 12V, 9.5 should be OK.

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16 Jan 2021 21:46 #195581 by Jabbery
Hello tommylight, I appreciate your quick reply.

All meaning all related to the probe, all other inputs are working normally like limit switches all operate fine.

The power supply is a 24V 360 watt supply but under no load it is only 22V and under idle load it is 17.6V

I was thinking the 9.5V was low but I thought I read on the mesa that +5V was the lowest. I followed a thread on how to setup a simple touch probe using a pullup resistor. I will drop the resistance to put +12V or slightly greater on the mesa input.

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16 Jan 2021 21:53 #195582 by PCW
7I76,7I76E, 7I77, 7I84 inputs have a threshold of 60% of field voltage going high
and 40% going low, so at 24V you need a minimum of 14.4V to register a high value
and a maximum of 9.6V to register a low value.

I would not use higher than a 2K pullup resistor

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16 Jan 2021 21:54 #195583 by tommylight

The power supply is a 24V 360 watt supply but under no load it is only 22V and under idle load it is 17.6V

Do you have any other power supply as that seems not ok, at all.
Also for the 24V supply, the input should be at 15V at least.
Now i am worried something is definitely wrong there, be it power or the DVM or the person using the DVM ???
Is everything else working OK ? Drives ? Motors ? Spindle ?

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