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Search Results (Searched for: 7i76e)

21 Sep 2024 17:14

Mesa 7i76e Spindle Reverse

Category: Milling Machines

Having issues trying to run spindle in reverse.  Using backup 7i76e board never used but new.  I'm using HF41F relay and wired per the Mesa drawing.  The relay has been verified and working.   The Dir+ does not trigger the relay +24 volts applied to the other side of the coil.  Whats the best way to verify Dir+ of the 7i76e is working properly.

    36  bit   IN          FALSE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spindir <== spindle-ccw
    36  bit   IN          FALSE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinena <== spindle-enable
    36  float IN              0  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinout <== spindle-output

m3 s2230
goes forward # 2260-rpm
    36  bit   IN          FALSE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spindir <== spindle-ccw
    36  bit   IN           TRUE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinena <== spindle-enable
    36  float IN        0.49952  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinout <== spindle-output

m4 s2230
goes forward  @22600
    36  bit   IN           TRUE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spindir <== spindle-ccw
    36  bit   IN           TRUE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinena <== spindle-enable
    36  float IN        0.49952  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinout <== spindle-output

Thanks Jim
21 Sep 2024 13:40

Aktuelle hardware mit PCI

Category: Deutsch

hier ist das neueste Image installiert die ip der netzwerkkarte ist auf kein Gateway installiert.

3: enp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 84:47:09:3d:62:19 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet 10.0.0.xx/24 brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute enp3s0

Die netzwerk ist niht OK, was ist in die /etc/network/interfaces drin?
21 Sep 2024 13:27
Replied by G0G53Z148 on topic Aktuelle hardware mit PCI

Aktuelle hardware mit PCI

Category: Deutsch

so ich hab nun etwas geändert wie es in abschnitt HM-ETH Steht von

mal sehen ob das so klappt ich werde berichten

die frage ist nur, warum musste ich das beim anderen Rechner der hardwaretechnisch voll identisch ist nicht machen
09 Sep 2024 11:17 - 09 Sep 2024 11:22

Showstopper Plasma Cutter retrofit

Category: Show Your Stuff

I love these pendants
But they take some wiring in.
I tried some complex hal trickery to get eveything working but gave up and wrote a custom  component
In addition to that, we are using my Lam stepboost component to get higher performance out of the Lam drivers.
And My Ohmic3 Hypersensing component that uses a THCAD which will be a bug upgrade for Steve.

It was pretty hard to wire up a plasma cutter without a table, so I made a couple of errors to make Steve's job a bit harder.
Shh don't tell anybody but I had to get some hellp to set up  my own ohmic3 component!

I forgot to mention the control box uses a safety relay for the estop circuit. Thats the red relay with the row of lights on it.I elected to utilise an external estop reset button,so we just use the QTplasmac estop as an indicator.

To the left of the safety relay are a couple of force guided relays which add some redundancy to the connection back to linuxcnc that tells us that we are awake! Thse have a plastic pin that forces the relays open to prevent any possibility of the contacts being welded shut. These are the only relays used in the build as the torch is turned on by the 7i76e's onboatd spindle SSR.

So that is a brief summary of the build. Next post will show the after.
09 Sep 2024 10:41

Showstopper Plasma Cutter retrofit

Category: Show Your Stuff

I built a second plasma controller utilising what I learnt making the spaceship plasma a few years ago.
This still uses a Mesa 7i76e and a couple of Thcads for torch voltage and Ohmic sensing
Additionally it has a 433 Mhz Wireless pendant which has a wired in receiver. This is the second one of these I have used and I like them a lot
Steve in Melbourne saw some of my videos and asked me if I could help out with his plasma table which was  a bit tired and in need of a refresh.

So a deal was struck.
The table was using a 24 volt power supply to drive the motors which was well underpowered. My controller includes a 60 volt AC toroid I had custom made which powered 5 x Lam Technologies D1076 6 amp drivers.
We replaced the motors with industrial quality ones befitting the Lam drivers from Moon's Industries. I wanted to use NEMA34's but we could not fit them in. We also added 5:1 reduction planetary WUMA gearboxes. These needed some customisation to the output shaft. We had to use an 8mm shaft. The 14mm standard shaft just would not fit into the exisring pinion.


to continue
07 Sep 2024 13:02

Aktuelle hardware mit PCI

Category: Deutsch

Braucht die 7i76E bei der Netzwerk Einstellung ein Gateway?

07 Sep 2024 06:09
Replied by G0G53Z148 on topic Aktuelle hardware mit PCI

Aktuelle hardware mit PCI

Category: Deutsch

hallo servus und grias di!

Schöne grüße aus der AIRPOWER 2024 Region, es geht laut her und es gibt neu Entwicklungen.

Nachdem der MiniPc den Elektronischen Himmel Erreicht hat Musste ein neuer her,

MINIS Forum, Läuft und ich habe noch eine Neue Originalverpackte 7i76E bekommen.
Da ich nur die dinge im Hintergrund erledige und alles einstelle und besorge, ist hier meine frage

Braucht die 7i76E bei der Netzwerk Einstellung ein Gateway?

Ich habe dem PC nun > und als Gateway die Karten IP die Standard ja sein soll

nicht dass ich dem Kollegen der in der Zwischenzeit die Mesa 50 km weit weg anschließt und mit Computern so gar nichts am Hut hat einen Rechner gebe der dann nicht verbindet :)

danke dir im voraus und schöne grüße aus der Steiermark
06 Sep 2024 14:27

7i76E rev B versus 7i76E rev C

Category: Driver Boards

I found someone to help me with that (YouTube channel talla83), thanks a lot!
06 Sep 2024 13:05
Replied by hhscott on topic 7i76e Mesa AWOL

7i76e Mesa AWOL

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Yes, 7i76e.

Awesome, generous offer, thanks! From what I hear Mesa boards are very robust so I don't anticipate that anything will fail with that system. But, it is a mission critical machine for their production.

06 Sep 2024 11:12
Replied by JT on topic 7i76e Mesa AWOL

7i76e Mesa AWOL

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

I assume you're talking about a 7i76e board and it's being replaced with a 7i76eu. Last I checked on 6/27 the 7i76eu was 2 months out so maybe it's getting close. If something happens to your 7i76e before the 7i76eu is available I do have one in reserve in case someone breaks down.

05 Sep 2024 21:12
Replied by PCW on topic 7i76E rev B versus 7i76E rev C

7i76E rev B versus 7i76E rev C

Category: Driver Boards

If you have one working card you could choose the slowest/cheapest shipping option for
the other card Also both issues (damaged step/dir output or damaged spindle output)
are relatively easy  to repair if you have a nearby person with SMT repair ability
(the affected parts are known and inexpensive)
05 Sep 2024 19:26

7i76E rev B versus 7i76E rev C

Category: Driver Boards

Good to know - I am in the EU though, not sure that is feasible here.
05 Sep 2024 19:13
Replied by PCW on topic 7i76E rev B versus 7i76E rev C

7i76E rev B versus 7i76E rev C

Category: Driver Boards

For simple isolated issues (like a step/dir channel failure or spindle issue)
It is possible to repair the card
05 Sep 2024 19:06

7i76E rev B versus 7i76E rev C

Category: Driver Boards

Ok thanks. Looks like the new one is also defective then :-(
05 Sep 2024 18:52 - 05 Sep 2024 18:55

7i76e step dir signal missing for stepgen type 0

Category: Driver Boards

Probably your scope setup
 Minimum step length on the 7I76E is one ClockLow cycle or 10 ns

The 4030 drive does require quite high drive current
so you may need to wire it single ended:

7I76E +5 to Drive STEP+, DIR+
7I76E STEP- to Drive STEP-
7I76E DIR- to Drive DIR-
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