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11 Mar 2024 08:32

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

Hi Raban,
not realy, i can show you my related part of the .hal
but don't know how to do this with mesa and how to do the real PID-tuning

setp pid.0.Pgain [JOINT_0]P
setp pid.0.Igain [JOINT_0]I
setp pid.0.Dgain [JOINT_0]D
setp pid.0.bias [JOINT_0]BIAS
setp pid.0.FF0 [JOINT_0]FF0
setp pid.0.FF1 [JOINT_0]FF1
setp pid.0.FF2 [JOINT_0]FF2
setp pid.0.deadband [JOINT_0]DEADBAND
setp pid.0.maxoutput [JOINT_0]MAXOUTPUT
setp rio.stepdir15.velocity-scale [JOINT_0]SCALE_OUT
setp rio.stepdir15.position-scale [JOINT_0]SCALE_IN
net j0vel-cmd <= pid.0.output => rio.stepdir15.velocity
net j0pos-cmd <= joint.0.motor-pos-cmd => pid.0.command
net j0pos-fb <= rio.stepdir15.position => joint.0.motor-pos-fb
net j0pos-fb =>
net j0enable <= joint.0.amp-enable-out => rio.stepdir15.enable
net j0enable => pid.0.enable


# stepdir15
P = 50.0
I = 0.0
D = 0.0
BIAS = 0.0
FF0 = 0.0
FF1 = 0.0
FF2 = 0.0
11 Mar 2024 08:18

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

thank you meister ,
That's exactly the idea, but how is it configured?
Can you direct me to some specific document?
10 Mar 2024 18:38

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

have you tried using a potentiometers to directly supply the variaible voltage on the analog input? That would give you an indication if the problem is on the mesa side or on the vfd side.
10 Mar 2024 14:10 - 10 Mar 2024 14:12

Need help to wire and config Mesa 7i92TM

Category: Driver Boards

Sorry I know it's long to explain to a newbie but I don't know where to find this information.
Do I have to set up the ethernet connection first following this guide?

Hi guys, I'm resetting the network configuration after the installation of the new linuxcnc-2.9.2 version.
I have a problem, when I set the gateway in the IPv4 settings, the save button automatically greyed out.
I googled to solve the issue and I found informations about a never-default option but I can't figure out how to do.
Someone know how to help me? Thank you

Ok I did by running this on terminal:
nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.never-default "no"
and then:
systemctl restart NetworkManager

Now I can save the gateway number but only if I don't check the "Use this connection only for resources on its network" option on the "Routes..." menu.
Where am I wrong?
10 Mar 2024 12:42 - 10 Mar 2024 13:51

Need help to wire and config Mesa 7i92TM

Category: Driver Boards

Sorry I know it's long to explain to a newbie but I don't know where to find this information.
Do I have to set up the ethernet connection first following this guide?

Hi guys, I'm resetting the network configuration after the installation of the new linuxcnc-2.9.2 version.
I have a problem, when I set the gateway in the IPv4 settings, the save button automatically greyed out.
I googled to solve the issue and I found informations about a never-default option but I can't figure out how to do.
Someone know how to help me? Thank you
09 Mar 2024 21:56

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

So, I have everything connected. From the 7i76e and in LinuxCNC I can start the spindle both forward and reverse.

The only problem I have now is that I can't control the speed of the spindle from LinuxCNC. The speed ramps up to my starting speed
and is uncontrollable. Stopping the spindle works just fine as well.

I saw some commentary about LOCAL and REMOTE modes but, I see now way to totally disable the LOCAL mode if that even
is indeed the issue.

Anyone else have or have had similar situations?

07 Mar 2024 06:12
Replied by stz60 on topic Update auf 2.9.2

Update auf 2.9.2

Category: Deutsch

Installation LinuxCNC 2.9.2 auf RPi4 (RPi 400) + MESA 7i76e

Hallo rodw, tommylight,
bitte diesen Beitrag sinnvoll zuordnen.

es wäre sehr hilfreich,
das Paket <raspi-config> in dem nächsten .img einzubauen.

Mit ein wenig Konsole-Erfahrung ist unter Xfce in wenigen Minuten das
gerade neu installierte LinuxCNC 2.9.2 auf RasberryPi4 auf deutsch oder
beliebig andere Sprache eingerichtet.

hier meine Anleitung kurz und bündig:
(schnellste Instalation)

nur auf einen USB-Stick kopieren (ohne "dd" oder "rufus")
LAN mit RPi verbinden
RPi ohne SD-Karte / USB-Stick starten
RPi-Imager "net-install" aus dem Netz holen (Umschalt-Taste halten)
SD-Karte oder USB-Stick in RPi einstecken
RPi-Imager kann Ziel-LW löschen (-> formatiert fat32)
(kann ich nur empfehlen,
beschriebene Speichermedien verursachen Probleme)
(nun verabschiedet sich RPi-Imager, reboot
"net-install" erneut holen)

USB-Stick mit ".img.xz" anstecken
Quelle ".img.xz" und Ziel "SD-Karte/USB-Stick" anklicken -> starten
in ca. 15 Minuten download und install macht RPi ein reboot,
nach Neustart ist System (nach Vorgabe des Entwicklers) installiert
user: cnc pw: cnc

ein erster latency-Test oder LinuxCNC-Sim bringt Freude auf,
nun ja erst mal nur in englisch, umstellen auf DE + Tastatur-DE
ist mir unter Xfce nicht gelungen.
Wenn man "Lxqt" installiert,
kann man dieses recht einfach auf der grafischen Oberfläche erledigen.

Unter Xfce kann man dieses auf der Konsole auch in wenigen Minuten erledigen,
wenn man <rpi-config> installiert. siehe auch:

-> auf Konsole:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
(diese Zeile zufügen:)
deb bookworm main
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 7FA3303E
sudo apt update
sudo apt install raspi-config
sudo raspi-config
locale, keyboard -> anwählen -> einstellen
(im WEB gut beschrieben)
(und schon ist alles wie gewünscht)

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo reboot

-> nun LinuxCNC einrichten:
sudo apt install mesaflash hostmot2-firmware-all linuxcnc-doc-de mpv
("mpv" eignet sich sehr gut für eine USB-Kamera an der Z-Achse,
wenn angesteckt erscheint das Kamera-Bild):
mpv /dev/video0
(2x Verknüpfung auf Desktop markieren)
(dieser Wizard erstellt .hal .ini und weitere Dateien im "home")
(LAN vom Internet trennen, RPi mit Mesa-Karte verbinden)
sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
(auf Desktop <CNC-Maschine> starten
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
(IP dauerhaft einstellen, diese Zeilen zufügen):

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

sudo reboot

-> Kamera einrichten:
ergibt ein nützliches Fadenkreuz,
kann nach belieben angepasst werden, siehe auch:
tallar83 (für LinuxCNC2.9 mpv)

(diese 3 Zeilen in der <CNC-Maschine.ini> unter [Display]zufügen):

# USB-Kamera - Bildgröße 640x480
EMBED_TAB_COMMAND = mpv /dev/video0 -wid {XID} --vf-add=drawbox=320:100:1:280:t=1 --vf-add=drawbox=180:240:280:1:t=1 --vf-add=drawbox=300:220:40:40:t=1 --vf-add=drawbox=280:200:80:80:t=1 --no-border

-> hilfreiche Lektüre:

ich wünsche allen Lesern dieser Anleitung eine gute Nacht,
mir haben die Recherchen viele Stunden gekostet.

06 Mar 2024 13:33

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

Why not using a pid controller if you already have an encoder,
you can add a pid loop to the hal
06 Mar 2024 10:56

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

What drives are you using?
The only open loop drives that are capable of actually doing something to compensate for lost steps are Lam Technologies drives, the DS series being the entry level, they have a Boost pin that can be used to send more current (programmable) to motors in case of lost steps/feed error, i did test that and it works properly.
Otherwise, with normal drives if the stepper stalls, sending more steps at the same rate or higher will not help, sending slower rates might help.
Maybe something can be done in hal to stop the stepgen and start it from 0 to try to move again after stall, but i never tried this.
06 Mar 2024 09:38

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

Thanks for the suggestion, the motor is a very large 12A, reduced 3:1 and the accelerations are also low.

How should I modify the hal file to also have a recovery of lost steps?
05 Mar 2024 14:40

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

What you suggest there will detect following errors, but will not recover from lost steps.

You probably need to modify the hardware too. (Bigger stepper, lower gearing, closed-loop stepper, pneumatic countrbalance, something else)
05 Mar 2024 14:10

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

Good morning everyone ,

My 3-axis xyz milling machine is equipped with stepper motors that work properly.
However, sometimes it happens that the Z axis loses steps due to the weight of the axis.
To improve the situation I added an encoder
to the ball screw.
Now I would like to add feedback to the z axis....
I tried to study the linux cnc documentation, if I understood it I'll highlight the lines of the hal file that I should modify.

net z-pos-fb     <= hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.02.position-fb ( actual configuration)

net z-pos-fb     <= hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.xx.position (future configuration)

where xx is the encoder number

logically then I will also modify the ini file to scale the encoderAm I on the right path?
Thanks everyone for the help

04 Mar 2024 14:40

mesa7i76e + 7i85s wiring to DELTA ASDA-B

Category: Driver Boards

No additional interface components are needed
04 Mar 2024 10:45

mesa7i76e + 7i85s wiring to DELTA ASDA-B

Category: Driver Boards

Hi everyone

I want to connect my 7i76E card to an ASDA-B drive and encoder feedback to the 7i85S board. I don't understand if I have to adapt the voltage-current levels between card and drive....Do I need to add resistors to limit the current?
Thanks everyone for the help

03 Mar 2024 20:48
Replied by PCW on topic 0-10v Servo Control with 7i76E

0-10v Servo Control with 7i76E

Category: HAL

Yes, use a buffer powered by a reference voltage to provide
noise free, accurate voltage PWM
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