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Search Results (Searched for: 7i76e)

09 Jul 2024 11:32

shared limit switch and home get ignored during homing

Category: Basic Configuration

The pin for the inverted state would be 'hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-29-not'
09 Jul 2024 11:22

shared limit switch and home get ignored during homing

Category: Basic Configuration

Try and use the pin 'hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-29' in your hal instead of 'hm2_7i76e.0.gpio.029.in_not'
09 Jul 2024 10:53

shared limit switch and home get ignored during homing

Category: Basic Configuration

Using LINIXCNC 2.9.2 on Debian 12 in combination with a Mesa card 7i76e. Both limit switches of each ache are setup in parallel (LJ12A3-4-Z/BX  like NPN) with a pull-up resistor of 100k ohm. My Aches are attached to mesa digital in X => 27, Y => 28, Z => 29. The signal has to be inverted because is up if the limit switch is not used. So far so good. Now configuring my LINIXCNC to have a shared both limit and home both-home-z     <=  hm2_7i76e.0.gpio.029.in_not
net both-home-z     =>  joint.2.home-sw-in
net both-home-z     =>  joint.2.neg-lim-sw-in
net both-home-z     =>  joint.2.pos-lim-sw-in
 The INI contains this settings for the Z-archesHOME_OFFSET = 0.0
HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 2.000000
HOME_LATCH_VEL = 0.500000
HOME_FINAL_VEL = 0.000000
 Now to the issue, if I home the machine the limit switches get ignored. This applied to all aches. To simplify the troubleshooting I focus on Z-aches only. If I use a piece of metal and hold it in front of the limit switch the mesa digital in 29 acts as expected, but not the chained signals.

Any advice are welcome.
08 Jul 2024 21:51

qtplasmac (Operation Error: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0:) in middle of cut

Category: Plasmac

That is 99 degree C all cores all the time, no wonder the PC is giving up it's ghosts, slowly and painfully! :)
The good thing is, you have it easy to remove the CPU cooler and clean both the CPU and cooler, then find some thermal paste and apply some to the CPU and mount the cooler back.
Tooth paste works instead of thermal paste, albeit for a day or two only.
08 Jul 2024 20:32

qtplasmac (Operation Error: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0:) in middle of cut

Category: Plasmac

sensors at the time of error:
Also this is how I have my pc mounted with plexiglass. Should I holesaw a vent for it through the plexiglass? 
04 Jul 2024 01:07 - 04 Jul 2024 01:08

qtplasmac (Operation Error: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0:) in middle of cut

Category: Plasmac

Other things to check:

1. Do you have an Intel or Realtek Ethernet chip?
( there are chip specific things you can do to improve latency)

lshw -class network

Will list your Ethernet (and wireless) network hardware if you are not sure

2. Have you run a simple ping test like:

ping -i .2 -c 4
sudo chrt 99 ping -i .001 -q

(use instead of if your 7I76E is set for that IP address)

The first command populates the ARP cache so the ARP lookup doesn't add time to the first ping
The second command should be run for a few minutes (and then stopped with a control C)
and the results posted here.
03 Jul 2024 22:12

qtplasmac (Operation Error: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0:) in middle of cut

Category: Plasmac

open a terminal and type
see what temperature the CPU is at while LinuxCNC is running, anything above 60 degree C should be mitigated by re-pasting the cooler or replacing the fan or with better cooling.
Some processors will handle over 90 degree, some Intel Xeons will throttle badly at 63 degree only!
03 Jul 2024 19:38

qtplasmac (Operation Error: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0:) in middle of cut

Category: Plasmac

I am still getting the same error even after disabling these. Is there anything that can be done further maybe give the computer more margin for error if thats possible?
02 Jul 2024 03:50

Bit File for 7i76e + 7i85 with PWM

Category: Driver Boards

Thanks gentlemen for the bump and the bit file!
01 Jul 2024 13:16

Bit File for 7i76e + 7i85 with PWM

Category: Driver Boards

Sorry didn't notice


File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:135 KB

01 Jul 2024 09:43

Bit File for 7i76e + 7i85 with PWM

Category: Driver Boards

Bump as it seems it has been missed.
30 Jun 2024 14:30

Ein Switch für beides -Home und Endschalter auf beiden Seiten

Category: Deutsch

Versuchs mal so:
net limit-home-y  <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-06  => joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in => joint.1.pos-lim-sw-in => joint.1.home-sw-in

Ich nehme an dass Joint 1 der Y Achse zugeordnet ist.
Der Signalname 'limit-home-y' ist frei gewählt.
30 Jun 2024 13:40 - 30 Jun 2024 14:00

Ein Switch für beides -Home und Endschalter auf beiden Seiten

Category: Deutsch

Hallo zusammen!

Ich hab mal wieder eine Anfängerfrage:
Wie gehe ich bei den Verknüpfungen vor, wenn ich auf einer Achse nur einen Switch habe, der auf der einen Seite als gemeinsamer Home/Limit Switch funktioniert, auf der anderen Seite aber als Limit Switch für den Endanschlag fungieren soll?
Auf der Home/Limit Seite ist mir das klar, da ist das Manual ja eindeutig. Nur - da ist auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite ist ein zweiter  Schalter gezeigt, bei mir fährt der einzige Schalter für die Portalachse auf der Z-Achse mit, also nur ein Switch.
DIe Verknüpfung bisher sieht so aus:# --- MIN-HOME-Y ---net min-home-y <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-06
Kann ich den gleichen Eingang jetzt als max-Y definieren? (offenbar nicht, da gibts die Fehlermeldung "...hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-06' was already linked to signal 'min-home-y'")

Danke für Eure  Antwort dazu!
29 Jun 2024 20:22

qtplasmac (Operation Error: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0:) in middle of cut

Category: Plasmac

You need to disable turbo boost, C states > C1 and speed-step
29 Jun 2024 20:15

qtplasmac (Operation Error: hm2/hm2_7i76e.0:) in middle of cut

Category: Plasmac

All power management is disabled in BIOS but I do have Intel turbo boost, C states, and Intel speedstep enabled. Here is the halcmd show param info 

and here is the hardware clockspeed info 
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