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  • tftmarco0
  • tftmarco0's Avatar
Today 03:53

Tried every net solution for days to install linuxcnc

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Thanks again for your help Rodw, It is nice to know that there are people like you that know this stuff and can answer the difficult questions.
  • rodw
  • rodw's Avatar
Today 03:45

Tried every net solution for days to install linuxcnc

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Great you are under way! We don't usually add a root user and use sudo to access anything as root
To install software with apt, you would log in as root and skip typing sudo.
Point 10 of my document outlines how to add your user to the sudoers group
  • tftmarco0
  • tftmarco0's Avatar
Today 03:18

Tried every net solution for days to install linuxcnc

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

The LinuxCNC was not pre-loaded, with Debian 13/ trixie new install.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install linuxcnc-uspace linuxcnc-uspace-dev

Were not allowed in any of the 4 terminal options under system tools. The sudo command fails because when it asked for my password, it would not accept any input. The cursor did not move and no “******” to hide input were created.

[sudo] password for “username”:

The return or response after typing in the correct password anyway was…

“username” is not in the sudoers file,

Anybody know why this is happening?

Solution found! This worked for me...

“When you installed Debian, did you set a root password? If so, sudo might not be installed. If it’s a fresh install and you’re not too sure of what you’re doing, I’d do a clean install but this time supplying no root password when asked. It’ll ask for a sudo username and password and disable root login. “
  • DougM
  • DougM
Today 02:40
CamBam 3D profile 2-way passes? was created by DougM

CamBam 3D profile 2-way passes?

Category: Post Processors

I've been using CamBam forever, but am just now graduating from 2.5D to 3D and it's going really well.

The forum, on the other hand, is a bit of an issue.  I can't get past the robot tester, which keeps showing me pictures which I dutifully click on, then tells me that the letters I entered aren't correct.

To my question.  I have a very large series of fine passes on my 3D profile, and it works great - very nicely cuts the piece but every time it makes a pass it cuts left to right, then jumps out, goes all the way back to the left, plunges and makes the next cut. 

Is there a way to tell it to make a LR pass, then the next pass RL, etc. so I can save time?

Thank you,
  • chowderhead
  • chowderhead
Today 02:39
Replacing Anilam 5000M - Recomendations? was created by chowderhead

Replacing Anilam 5000M - Recomendations?

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

I have a few stepper motor CNC routers running LCNC and just got my hands on a Republic-Lagun VBM-1000 with a wonky Anilam 5000M controller that may need replacing if I'm unable to cost effectively fix it. As this is my first foray into servos, I'm looking for advice. The mill is driven by brushed DC servos. The electrical cabinet is all Anilam, including the servo amplifiers. I'm driving the steppers on my CNC routers with Mesa 7i96's and would like to stay with Mesa, unless you all have other ideas. Please lay them on me!
  • unknown
  • unknown
Today 01:30

Seeking Advice: Running LinuxCNC on Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 3 15-Inch Laptop

Category: Computers and Hardware

Yeah I've been up for weeks waiting for a replay. Might be the reason I've been so effing grumpy lately.
  • unknown
  • unknown
Today 01:27
Replied by unknown on topic Linuxcnc & the Rpasberry Pi (4 & 5)

Linuxcnc & the Rpasberry Pi (4 & 5)

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

You commits caused somewhat of an issue. Do you think I sat on my hands and did SFA ?

I don't care about your workflow, it's not my issue. My issue was ensuring the integrity of the images.
I don't care about you trying to setup a remote desktop, that was something you decided to do. That software was outside the scope of the software needed to run a cnc machine. I don't know why people ignore using ssh.
  • AnkerFly
  • AnkerFly
Today 01:24
Replied by AnkerFly on topic Probe basiс and Cyrillic characters

Probe basiс and Cyrillic characters

Category: QtPyVCP

Good afternoon.
Thank you! Everything worked out for me.
I had to try different encoding options.
  • flanaj
  • flanaj
Today 00:39
Replied by flanaj on topic SANYO DENKI PMM-BA-5641-7 manual wanted

SANYO DENKI PMM-BA-5641-7 manual wanted

Category: CNC Machines

I am planning  the exact same install for a 4th axis on a Bridgeport VX2T that I am re-controlling. 
Did you find or test to find the signals for the servo amp?  Any help would be appreciated. 
  • Lcvette
  • Lcvette's Avatar
  • behai
  • behai
Today 00:02

PNCConf, Mesa 7I96S: "You are using a simulated-realtime version of LinuxCNC..."

Category: PnCConf Wizard

I have worked out why I have this message: when Raspbian prompted for system update, I accepted it. This over-wrote the RT kernel!

The kernel was reversed to the PREEMPT one. I thought it was something to do with how I built LinuxCNC ( I followed the official instructions to the letter ). So yesterday, I uninstalled LinuxCNC from my backup card, downloaded a installed the LinuxCNC *.deb 2.9.4.

I got PnCConf  to tune the X-axis... I updated the system when prompted. And this message appeared again.
  • Muftijaja
  • Muftijaja
Today 22:50
Replied by Muftijaja on topic Probe Basic V.5 - kein Feedregler mehr?

Probe Basic V.5 - kein Feedregler mehr?

Category: Deutsch

Moin TooTall18T! danke für den Hinweis! Das wäre super klasse, denn ich weiß dass ich diesen Regeler noch brauchen werde. Ich probier das morgen direkt mal aus. Hatte mir die neueste develop Version von Dir geladen und installiert, da habe ich auch noch Fragen zu. Aber eins nach dem anderen.
Ich melde mich dann noch. Danke erst einmal!
  • Jdolecki
  • Jdolecki
Today 22:45 - Today 22:47
For Sale or trade?. was created by Jdolecki

For Sale or trade?.

Category: User Exchange

5i20 pci card7i47
rs-422 interfacw 
7i37-TA isolated I/o
two ribbon  cables to connect
will ship usps flat rate box (in us)They light up but that’s as far as I can test them. 

Attachment not found

  • tftmarco0
  • tftmarco0's Avatar
Today 22:40

Tried every net solution for days to install linuxcnc

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Solution Found! Even though my main internal hard drive was successfully installing debian12, debian13, linuxcnc/debian12, mint, etc. the reboot to the new OS would fail with “no boot device found” It turns out that booting to a root starting point is much more difficult for a HD than going through the whole installation processes. The disk past the first BIOS test but failed the “short test” I got another HDD that did pass the shot test in the BIOS system check. Debian13 now boots with all green “OK” from a check list that runs at boot up (and shut down) all the way to it’s login then desktop.

Thanks Rodw, you pegged the problem from the beginning. I will get an internal SSD to replace my HDD as you suggested. I learned…

“typical HDD speeds ranging from 30-150 MB/s while SSDs can reach speeds between 500 MB/s and 3,500 MB/s or more “

The LinuxCNC was not pre-loaded, and the…

sudo apt update
sudo apt install linuxcnc-uspace linuxcnc-uspace-dev

Were not allowed in any of the 4 terminal options under system tools. The sudo command fails because when it asked for my password, it would not accept any input. The cursor did not move and no “******” to hide input were created.

[sudo] password for “username”:

The return or response after typing in the correct password anyway was…

“username” is not in the sudoers file,

Anybody know why this is happening?
  • Sziggy_NC
  • Sziggy_NC
Today 22:34
Replied by Sziggy_NC on topic Mill ATC Help needed.

Mill ATC Help needed.

Category: Basic Configuration

That seems to have been it. Thank you so much!
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