LinuxCNC Features - a kind of NGCGUI

11 Jun 2014 18:43 #47892 by mariusl
The error that comes up when you run it first time and use the OD subroutine is that it does not exist. Once that has happened nothing goes on from there. No update or refresh or nada.


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11 Jun 2014 19:19 #47895 by phillc54
I just tried the probe routines, they post to axis ok but are missing the following parameters: #<_global_probe_feed>, #<_global_latch> & #<_global_latch_feed>.
It all seems really random to me, some things post to axis, some don't, some things save, some don't.
Back to the good ol' ngcgui methinks...

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11 Jun 2014 19:40 #47898 by mariusl
I tend to agree with that. Have you tried Andy's LatheMacro stuff. Also very neat solution. I am trying to get that to work with Gscsreen at the moment. I have NGCGUI installed as well. Best of both worlds :)



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11 Jun 2014 19:50 #47899 by phillc54
I had a quick look last night, a bit scary for me pressing the play buton and not seeing a backplot. Hopefully I'll spend a bit more time with it next week.

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11 Jun 2014 21:20 #47904 by Nick
Features is still under development.
Right now we are redesigning internal subroutines structure, some of then can be out of order...

Sorry for inconvenience!

I'll post back as soon new testing version will be available...

PS We have not changed lathe much... probably it will work...
PSS #<_global_probe_feed>, #<_global_latch> & #<_global_latch_feed>. these parameters are firstly defined in default.ngc and then can be changed in Cutting tool parameters Feature.

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11 Jun 2014 22:05 #47906 by mariusl
Thanks Nick we will wait for your prompt.


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12 Jun 2014 06:01 #47925 by phillc54
Thanks Nick looking forward to it.
I am using lathe, I only used the probe routines to point out some of the varying problems I am having.

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12 Jun 2014 18:55 #47941 by phillc54
Some success:

Fixed the unable to open a file problem by inserting
filter = gtk.FileFilter()
as line 1258 in

Fixed the not refreshing to axis problem by adding the draw directory as a sub-directory of subroutines

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27 Oct 2014 05:39 #52416 by FernV
Hi Nick,

Congratulations for creating a fantastic plug-in that in my opinion will be appreciated by beginners like me and users that do not use it on a regular basis. I think it is promising and has a future.

I was able to download and install it quite easily following the but I wonder if those files are up to date, they seem quite old for a product in it's infancy.
  • Mill.xml has many broken link between *.ini file and their address on disk, same for lathe.xml
  • To execute as stand alone and see the result in LinuxCNC, I have to execute as sudo
  • Only linear array, circular array and n-gon are working, everything else result in errors in Terminal even after updating mill.xml like this when trying to show a Center Rectangle:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./", line 912, in refresh
    File "./", line 894, in to_gcode
    g,d = self.refresh_recursive(iter)
    File "./", line 871, in refresh_recursive
    gcode_def += f.get_definitions()
    File "./", line 257, in get_definitions
    s = self.process(self.attr["definitions"])
    File "./", line 324, in process
    s = re.sub(r"(?i)(<eval>(.*?)</eval>)", eval_callback, s)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 151, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
    File "./", line 287, in eval_callback
    return str( eval(, globals(),{"self":self}) )
    File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    File "./", line 274, in include_once
    return self.include(src)
    File "./", line 265, in include
    f = open(search_path(SUBROUTINES_PATH,src))
    TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found
  • There are inconsistencies in the interface, sometimes it is cX, CX or DX, though the order is right in the *.ini file, it is not the same in the interface
  • "Rappid" does not seem a significant word in LinuxCNC but I think I understand the meaning
  • po file is incomplete

I am using Debian Wheezy with LinuxCNC 2.6.3

I guess some work has been done since the last update of the files in gethub repo. Will you update soon ? I do not understand how others can say that it runs perfectly when I can not with supposedly the same files.


P.S. I can complete the translation in 2-3 days to french if I have a complete po file and will be happy to contribute

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27 Oct 2014 14:28 #52419 by Nick

Honestly, I have not tested Features with 2.6.3 yet.
We have tested it only with pre-releases of 2.6.

I'll try to find out what's wrong with 2.6.3.

If you will make po file it will be amazing :)! Features are going to be multilingual :)

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