Pause option capabilities

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21 Oct 2019 21:11 #148493 by LuisGZ
Replied by LuisGZ on topic Pause option capabilities
Great addition, exactly what I was trying to describe. I'll update and give it a go, thanks a lot!

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22 Oct 2019 14:39 #148543 by LuisGZ
Replied by LuisGZ on topic Pause option capabilities
A little update, I tried a new configuration both on Axis and Gmoccapy and I'm unable to run it. In Axis I get this error:

In Gmoccapy when I home the machine and I click on Change Consumables it get Bad character 'c' used

I'm not entirely sure I'm missing something, is someone else having problems?

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22 Oct 2019 21:58 - 22 Oct 2019 22:29 #148560 by phillc54
Replied by phillc54 on topic Pause option capabilities
Could you post your .ini file.

Edit: did you run the Configurator and do an Upgrade?

Edit2: in Axis there should have been "invalid consumable change feed rate" message just above the error you posted. Can you check the "BUTTON_n_CODE" line in your .ini that has "change-consumables" in it for "Fnnn"

Edit3: The button should not be enabled unless paused during a program. Can you check the you have "change-consumables" in the "BUTTON_n_CODE" line of the Gmoccapy .ini file.
Last edit: 22 Oct 2019 22:29 by phillc54.

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22 Oct 2019 22:33 #148563 by LuisGZ
Replied by LuisGZ on topic Pause option capabilities
Sure, here is the code. I made a profile using just the simulator, so I didn't use the PlasmaC configurator, both for Axis and Gmoccapy.
Also, I set up f to 1000 as shown in the example.
# see notes below on how to marry this config into a working config

# this section only reqired if using the sim testing panel
DELAY                   = 3
APP                     = ./test/

# required

# sets the operating mode, if not specified the default is 0
# 0 = use arc-voltage-in for arcOK and THC (no need to connect arc-ok-in, move-up-in and move-down-in)
# 1 = use arc-ok-in for arcOK and arc-voltage-in for THC (no need to connect move-up-in and move-down-in)
# 2 = use arc-ok-in for arcOK and move-down-in + move-up-in for THC (no need to connect arc-voltage-in)
MODE                    = 0

# enable(0) or disable(1) the plasmac config page, if not specified the default is enabled
CONFIG_DISABLE          = 0

# the font for the Axis GUI, if not specified 'sans 10' will be used
# valid font sizes are from 10 to 15
FONT                    = sans 11

# the window size for the Axis GUI, 0 = minimum size to suit font, 1 = maximized
MAXIMISED               = 0

# the theme for the Axis GUI tabs, if not specified the system theme will be used
THEME                   = Clearlooks

# percentage of cut-feed-rate used for paused motion speed

# torch on time when manual pulse requested
TORCH_PULSE_TIME        = 1.0

# for the five user buttons
# the text that appears on the button
# for multiple lines, split the lines with a \
# e.g. BUTTON_1_NAME = Clear \ Coordinates or 
BUTTON_1_NAME           = Ohmic\Test
BUTTON_2_NAME           = Probe\Test
BUTTON_3_NAME           = Z\To Top
BUTTON_4_NAME           = Load\Sheet
BUTTON_5_NAME           = Change\Consumables

# the command that the button sends
# for multiple lines, split the lines with a \
# e.g. BUTTON_1_NAME = Clear \ Coordinates or 
# e.g. BUTTON_1_CODE =  g0 x0 \ g1x10f100 \ g0x0
# ini file settings can be used, must be within {} and with a space between
# e.g. G0 X{JOINT_0 HOME}
# e.g. G0 X{JOINT_0 HOME} Y1
# e.g. G53 G0 Z[{AXIS_Z MAX_LIMIT} - 1.001]
# for an external command, precede the command with %
# e.g. %halshow
# external commands and gcode may be on the same code line
# e.g  %halshow \ g0x.5y.5 \ %halmeter
# there are four special commands:
# probe-test, ohmic-test, cut-type and change-consumables
# using these will set/reset the corresponding hal pin in the component
# adding a number after probe-test will hold the pin for that number of seconds
# e.g. probe-test 15 will hold the halpin on for 15 seconds
# cut-type switches between pierce & cut and pierce only and will reload the current program
# change-consumables moves the torch to the specified machine coordinates when paused
# e.g. change-consumables x10 f1000 will move to X10 at 1000 units per minute
# valid entries are Xnnn Ynnn Fnnn. F is mandatory and at least one of X or Y are required
BUTTON_1_CODE           = ohmic-test
BUTTON_2_CODE           = probe-test 10
BUTTON_3_CODE           = G53 G0 Z[{AXIS_Z MAX_LIMIT} - 1]
BUTTON_4_CODE           = G53 G0 X{JOINT_0 HOME} Y1
#BUTTON_5_CODE           = cut-type
BUTTON_5_CODE           = change-consumables x10 y10 f1000

# this section required as is for removing z axis moves from the loaded gcode file
# this is optional and if used then needs to be set as executable
PROGRAM_EXTENSION       = .ngc remove z axis stuff
ngc                     = ./

RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE   = o<metric_startup> call
PARAMETER_FILE          = metric_parameters.txt

# required, ./ must be in this path
SUBROUTINE_PATH         = ./:../../nc_files/subroutines

# required for reading ini and hal variables
FEATURES                = 12

# required for our material change


# required
TWOPASS                 = ON

# for a working config point this to your machine hal file
HALFILE                 = machine.hal

# required
HALFILE                 = plasmac.hal

# required - see comments in plasmac.hal
HALFILE                 = metric_plasmac_connections.hal

# required
HALUI                   = halui

# for a working config:
# delete the [FILTER], [RS274NGC] & [HAL] sections (if they exist) in your working configs ini file
# edit the [HAL] section above so that HALFILE points to the machine hal file in your working config
# copy everything above these comments into your working configs ini file
# copy all the EMBED_TAB_ stuff below to the [DISPLAY] section in your working configs ini file
# edit the [AXIS_Z] section of your working configs ini file (see [AXIS_Z] section below for notes)
# look at comments in plasmac.hal for recommendations on how to set up your connections
DISPLAY                 = axis
PROGRAM_PREFIX          = /home/boyser/linuxcnc/nc_files
INTRO_GRAPHIC           = linuxcnc.gif
INTRO_TIME              = 1
CYCLE_TIME              = 0.1
INCREMENTS              = 10, 1, .1, .01, .001
MDI_HISTORY_FILE        = metric_mdi_history.txt
OPEN_FILE               = ""
EDITOR                  = leafpad
TOOL_EDITOR             = tooleditor x y

# required

# required
# for a working config add these to the [DISPLAY] section in your working configs ini file
EMBED_TAB_NAME          = Statistics
EMBED_TAB_COMMAND       = gladevcp -c plasmac_stats -x {XID} -u ./ -H ./plasmac_stats.hal

# use one of the next two
# run panel in tab behind preview
EMBED_TAB_NAME          = Plasma Run
EMBED_TAB_COMMAND       = gladevcp -c plasmac_run -x {XID} -u ./ -H plasmac_run.hal
# run panel in panel on right side
#GLADEVCP                = -c plasmac_run -u ./ -H plasmac_run.hal

EMBED_TAB_NAME          = Plasma Config
EMBED_TAB_COMMAND       = gladevcp -c plasmac_config -x {XID} -u ./ -H plasmac_config.hal

VERSION                 = 1.1
MACHINE                 = METRIC_PLASMAC
DEBUG                   = 0

EMCIO                   = io
CYCLE_TIME              = 0.100
TOOL_TABLE              = tool.tbl

TASK                    = milltask
CYCLE_TIME              = 0.01

EMCMOT                  = motmod
BASE_PERIOD             = 32000
SERVO_PERIOD            = 1000000

KINEMATICS              = trivkins coordinates=xyyz
JOINTS                  = 4

SPINDLES                = 2
COORDINATES             = XYYZ
LINEAR_UNITS            = mm
ANGULAR_UNITS           = degree
POSITION_FILE           = metric_position.txt

MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 612.001
MAX_VELOCITY            = 250
MAX_ACCELERATION        = 2500

MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 612.001
MAX_VELOCITY            = 250
MAX_ACCELERATION        = 2500
TYPE                    = LINEAR
MIN_FERROR              = 0.025
FERROR                  = 1
HOME                    = 0.0
HOME_OFFSET             = 0.0
HOME_SEQUENCE           = 1
HOME_SEARCH_VEL         = 15
HOME_LATCH_VEL          = 1
HOME_FINAL_VEL          = 15
HOME_USE_INDEX          = NO
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL        = 3000
SCALE                   = -41.666667
STEPLEN                 = 1
STEPSPACE               = 0
DIRSETUP                = 8000
DIRHOLD                 = 5000

MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 612.001
MAX_VELOCITY            = 250
MAX_ACCELERATION        = 2500

MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 612.001
MAX_VELOCITY            = 250
MAX_ACCELERATION        = 2500
TYPE                    = LINEAR
MIN_FERROR              = 0.025
FERROR                  = 1
HOME                    = 0.0
HOME_OFFSET             = 0.0
HOME_SEQUENCE           = -2
HOME_SEARCH_VEL         = 15
HOME_LATCH_VEL          = 1
HOME_FINAL_VEL          = 15
HOME_USE_INDEX          = NO
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL        = 3000
SCALE                   = 41.666667
STEPLEN                 = 1
STEPSPACE               = 0
DIRSETUP                = 8000
DIRHOLD                 = 5000

MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 612.001
MAX_VELOCITY            = 250
MAX_ACCELERATION        = 2500
TYPE                    = LINEAR
MIN_FERROR              = 0.025
FERROR                  = 1
HOME                    = 0.0
HOME_OFFSET             = 0.0
HOME_SEQUENCE           = -2
HOME_SEARCH_VEL         = 15
HOME_LATCH_VEL          = 1
HOME_FINAL_VEL          = 15
HOME_USE_INDEX          = NO
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL        = 3000
SCALE                   = 41.666667
STEPLEN                 = 1
STEPSPACE               = 0
DIRSETUP                = 8000
DIRHOLD                 = 5000

# this should be the top of your slats
MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 70.001

# required, set to double the value in the corresponding joint
MAX_VELOCITY            = 120

# required, set to double the value in the corresponding joint
MAX_ACCELERATION        = 1200

# required, shares the above two equally between the axis/joint and the offset
OFFSET_AV_RATIO         = 0.5

# this should be the top of your slats
MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 70.001
MAX_VELOCITY            = 60
TYPE                    = LINEAR
MIN_FERROR              = 0.25
FERROR                  = 1.0
HOME                    = 65.0
HOME_OFFSET             = 70.0
HOME_SEQUENCE           = 0
HOME_SEARCH_VEL         = 15
HOME_LATCH_VEL          = 1
HOME_FINAL_VEL          = 15
HOME_USE_INDEX          = NO
STEPGEN_MAXACCEL        = 900.0
SCALE                   = 500.0
STEPLEN                 = 1
STEPSPACE               = 0
DIRSETUP                = 8000
DIRHOLD                 = 5000

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22 Oct 2019 22:47 - 22 Oct 2019 22:56 #148564 by phillc54
Replied by phillc54 on topic Pause option capabilities
Thanks, I see the problem here as well.

I'm not sure what is causing it but while I work on it if you want to try it out temporarily, use button #1 and it works ok, any other button and it doesn't.

Edit: I missed these in the sims, you need to change [AXIS_X] and [AXIS_Y] to:
MIN_LIMIT               = -0.001
MAX_LIMIT               = 612.001
# set to double the value in the corresponding joint
# set to double the value in the corresponding joint
# shares the above two equally between the joint and the offset
Last edit: 22 Oct 2019 22:56 by phillc54.

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22 Oct 2019 23:04 #148565 by LuisGZ
Replied by LuisGZ on topic Pause option capabilities
That's right, in Axis I changed to button 1 and now it opens. Weird enough, when I open a program, run it, pause it and click on the button 1, it doesn't seems to do anything or show an error.

Alternatively, in Gmoccapy when paused it stays grayed out

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22 Oct 2019 23:06 #148567 by phillc54
Replied by phillc54 on topic Pause option capabilities
The Axis one won't do anything until you add the changes I put in the edit of the last post.
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22 Oct 2019 23:09 - 22 Oct 2019 23:17 #148568 by LuisGZ
Replied by LuisGZ on topic Pause option capabilities
Right! Its working in the sim now, I'll add it aswell on Gmoccapy and check again

Edit: Gmoccapy still behaves as shown above
Last edit: 22 Oct 2019 23:17 by LuisGZ.
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22 Oct 2019 23:56 #148572 by phillc54
Replied by phillc54 on topic Pause option capabilities
I just pushed the fixes to Github, are you using Run In Place or Buildot?
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23 Oct 2019 01:25 - 23 Oct 2019 14:22 #148576 by LuisGZ
Replied by LuisGZ on topic Pause option capabilities
Great! I'm using a run in place installation, I will catch up tomorrow and test it out

Edit: I just updated my .ini with the PlasmaC Configurator and its all sorted out and working. Thanks!
Last edit: 23 Oct 2019 14:22 by LuisGZ.
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