ColorCNC Colorlight 5A-75E/5A-75B as FPGA controller board

11 May 2023 05:43 - 11 May 2023 07:21 #271143 by MartijnD

I can blink out but not read on my input pin and the strange thing is this:

7 bit IN FALSE

.in and .in-not is set to FALSE at the same time , hmmmmmm?

It looks like you soldered 2 pins together (pin 9 and 10) of the u28. Maybe this causing your issue and you fried some I/O pins of your FPGA
Last edit: 11 May 2023 07:21 by MartijnD.

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11 May 2023 07:29 #271144 by meister
No, I measured the pin and it is exactly what it should be

.in-not should be the opposite of .in,
no matter what the pin thinks it has.

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11 May 2023 15:45 #271164 by deroj
are the pins in the JSON assigned correctly?

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11 May 2023 16:49 #271166 by MartijnD
Maybe you can file an issue on TOLP2's repo:

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14 May 2023 07:02 #271333 by tuxcnc
I did several tests with a laboratory power supply.
I connected the power supply to the screw terminals, lowered the voltage and watched whether the plate responds to the pings.
The 75E V8 board worked at 3.3 V, at 3.2 V not.
However, the 75B V8 board worked at 2.7 V, at 2.6 not.
Working on the edge is not a good idea, but I think that FPGA inputs without risk and problem will withstand 3.5 V.
If the boards can be fed with such a voltage, the modification of the inputs would come down to unsoldering the PIN 1 (DIR) of the 245 circuit, bending it up and bridging it with PIN 10 (GND).
This is not as scary as the replacement of SSOT packages.
I don't say it will be working, but it seems possible.
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06 Jun 2023 10:13 #273001 by juergenmoser
Hello together! I am now making a second 3 axis cnc with Peters Firmware. When I connect the ft232h to upload the firmware there is no response.. (I think I fried it due emv) so I tried with a cheap eeprom programmer (ch431) to write directly to the eeprom of the Colorlight 7a75b and would should I say - It worked  So when somebody is struggeling with the upload of the firmware the eeprom programmer should be a good and cheap solution - Thanks again Peter for sharing and making your Project! If somebody need a bitfile anf the json, let me know - maybe we can upload a bitfile and a json as well on Peters Github repositoy? 

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06 Jun 2023 19:18 #273030 by tuxcnc

I am now making a second 3 axis cnc with Peters Firmware.

Could you, please, share your HAL and INI config files ?

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06 Jun 2023 20:38 #273035 by juergenmoser
Yes, sure I can - but i‘m now at the beginning, so 3 Joints are already work and move, i‘m now setting up the home sensors and the spindle out nets. Tommorow i can upload the Files if you want..

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07 Jun 2023 03:12 #273055 by tuxcnc

3 Joints are already work and move

This is what I need.

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07 Jun 2023 16:53 - 07 Jun 2023 17:20 #273090 by juergenmoser
@ tuxcnc here are my ini and hal files - you need also the Json File on maybe your Desktop, otherwise it will not work or you change the location for the Json File in the hal... for the JSON and for the Bitfile I have to upload it to my Google Drive - I will add the link later... 

File Attachment:

File Name: my-mill1.ini
File Size:3 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: my-mill.hal
File Size:6 KB

Google Drive with Bitfile and JSON:

I Also made a PCB Layout which hits perfectly on the 5A75B
You can Import the DXF as a Document (KiCAD, EAGLE, etc.) then you have the exact matching for positioning your headers.
Google Drive:

Last edit: 07 Jun 2023 17:20 by juergenmoser.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Bari, tuxcnc, deanforbes, Pro_El

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