ColorCNC Colorlight 5A-75E/5A-75B as FPGA controller board

27 Feb 2023 21:54 #265520 by TOLP2

To run litexcnc in your poetry environment, please use:

sudo -E env PATH=$PATH poetry run litexcnc install_driver
Sorry...This doesn´t work either.
oj@VMLinuxCNC:~$ sudo -E env PATH=$PATH poetry run litexcnc install_driver
[sudo] Passwort für oj: 

/home/oj/src/litexcnc does not contain any element

This error is due to an error in your project. Can you share the location of you repository or a zip-file with your code, the I can correct the error for you.

I implemented the aforementioned improvements in Litex-CNC. When pulling the latest version from this GitHub branch  you can now load extra modules and directly connect to the FPGA, for example with:
loadrt extra_modules="toolerator" connections="eth:"

The above statement will load the extra module toolerator  and will connect to a FPGA using:
  • ethernet / etherbone protocol (this is the only supported protocol at this moment);
  • the ip-address (adjust this to the value in your config json);
  • the port 1234 (when the port is 1234, this can be omitted, as 1234 is the default).
One step closer to releasing version 1.0.0 of LitexCNC

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27 Feb 2023 22:41 #265523 by deroj
Don't think it is an error in my project because I did not add one.
I am just not familiar with poetry and/or your workflow

Deleted litexcnc from the python site-package folder.
Reinstalled it with pip (0.9.0a5)
Did the poetry add git+http://......
Then sudo ... poetry run litexcnc....

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28 Feb 2023 08:16 #265536 by TOLP2
Wth the template I might have a mistake, which causes this behavior.

With he reinstall: did it work?

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28 Feb 2023 12:01 #265555 by deroj
No it didn't...
There is a simple thing I am not doing right I think.
But I don't know where to look.
Do I have to clone the branch into a certain folder or path?
Or only poetry add?
I tried to clone the branch with git clone.
Then went into the cloned LiteX-CNC folder.
Then the poetry run command kind of worked. But it also did not include any of the "" modules

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02 Mar 2023 17:59 #265730 by deroj
oj@VMLinuxCNC:~/LiteX-CNC$ poetry run litexcnc install_Driver
Usage: litexcnc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try 'litexcnc --help' for help.

Error: No such command 'install_Driver'.
oj@VMLinuxCNC:~/LiteX-CNC$ poetry run litexcnc install_driver
INFO: Retrieving main driver to compile...
Copying file 'watchdog.h'
Copying file 'litexcnc.c'
Copying file ''
Copying file 'watchdog.c'
Copying file 'wallclock.c'
Copying file 'litexcnc.h'
Copying file 'wallclock.h'
Copying file ''
Copying file 'pos2vel.h'
Copying file 'pos2vel.c'
INFO: Retrieving modules to compile...
INFO: Retrieving board drivers to compile...
INFO: Compiling LitexCNC driver...
Compiling realtime litexcnc.c
litexcnc.c: In function ‘litexcnc_register’:
litexcnc.c:494:1: warning: label ‘fail0’ defined but not used [-Wunused-label]
cp /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/
cp: reguläre Datei '/usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/' kann nicht angelegt werden: Keine Berechtigung
make: *** [/usr/share/linuxcnc/Makefile.modinc:105: install] Fehler 1
Error: Compilation of the driver failed.
oj@VMLinuxCNC:~/LiteX-CNC$ cd ..
oj@VMLinuxCNC:~$ poetry run litexcnc install_driver

/home/oj/src/litexcnc does not contain any element
oj@VMLinuxCNC:~$ litexcnc install_driver
INFO: Compiling LitexCNC driver...
Compiling realtime litexcnc.c
cp /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/
cp: reguläre Datei '/usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/' kann nicht angelegt werden: Keine Berechtigung
make: *** [/usr/share/linuxcnc/Makefile.modinc:105: install] Fehler 1
Error: Compilation of the driver failed.

Here is the terminal...compilation failed because I did not use "sudo".
But it shows the behaviour.
Only when I am in the LiteX-CNC folder, the poetry command kind of works

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09 Mar 2023 19:15 #266230 by deroj
for module in ModuleBaseModel.__subclasses__():
            for file in module.driver_files:
                click.echo(f"Copying file '{os.path.basename(file)}'")
                shutil.copy2(file, os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(file)))
                if"litexcnc_.*\.c", os.path.basename(file)):

It seems that this for.loop do not find any files.
I added "print("Module") to check if there is any output.
Maybe the path is not right? What should be in "os.path.basename(file)"  ?

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21 Mar 2023 11:08 #267222 by song_gy
Do you have any shades for this project? What's new? He's great.

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21 Mar 2023 19:46 #267248 by Pro_El
I really hope this project gain attention and we can have good documentation for the ordinary user can build the machine with these board.
In future will be good to implemente driver in linuxcnc and some configuration tool will be game changer for a lot users.

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21 Mar 2023 22:39 #267257 by Bari
The project is still at the mercy of hardware vendors that make these boards for signage.

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24 Mar 2023 06:42 #267399 by romanetz
The board is almost totally reverse-engineered, but without such a bulk production one won't get this affordable price

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