Widescreen-Touch User Interface Proposal by BrendaEM

19 Oct 2018 05:10 - 19 Oct 2018 05:21 #119055 by BrendaEM
I had hoped to export the icons to suit a programmer's needs.
But I can upload the source. SVG somewhere, but where?
I wish LinuxCNC had some kind of file storge situation, now that MS owns github.

For weeks there was little response here, also.

Anyway, to start, I will .zip up the source, and serve it from dropbox, for now. That will be done by the end of this weekend.

I or someone will have to export the icons in various sizes. The issue is: without a programmer, I don't know if all the icons need exporting, yes the drawing ones do, but I am not sure if the text ones do, if I am making things too complicated for both myself and the programmer.

BTW, 648 people saw the proposal, so far.
I wrote to Hackaday.com, asking of they would run a story. Crossing my fingers, because there's a lot of programmers who also visit that site.
Last edit: 19 Oct 2018 05:21 by BrendaEM.
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19 Oct 2018 07:53 #119058 by cmorley
You could zip it and save it on the linuxcnc wiki too

Chris M

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19 Oct 2018 07:54 #119059 by cmorley
or zip it and add it here?

Chris M

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19 Oct 2018 09:46 - 20 Oct 2018 01:03 #119065 by Linrox
love the look, i think it would help the in many ways. The currently available gui's look unfinished compared to this professional looking one. However i think scrolling the instruction window (on the left) is a great idea but i think it should scroll in a way that always has the 10 past instructions and 10 to do instructions always on screen and where the black arrow is should be the static and the lines scroll up from the arrow.
Last edit: 20 Oct 2018 01:03 by Linrox.

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21 Oct 2018 23:04 #119179 by BrendaEM
As I stated, I have uploaded the SVG source for the proposal, here:

I am still in the process of trying to find a programmer. Someone has even offered to pay for it, on another forum. I have a few more ideas, but because of the logistical nightmare my life is right now, I am not going to be able to attend to that for another week.

(I am and have been under the pressure of losing my home. I live in the Silicon Valley, and here any housing is expensive. The houses on my street cost more than a million dollars each, and finding someone to live, while living below the poverty lines has not gone well. Anyway. I appreciate LinuxCNC because there was no other way I could have afforded to get my machine going. Whether my detractor(s) believe it or not, I tried to give something back to this community, in hopes of breathing some new life into LinuxCNC. Everything a bickered with people with, such as: better documentation, for the distribution to be updated, for NativeCam and the Verser's Probe screen to be included, I thought and think are a right direction to bring LinuxCNC: to support it's supporters, and to attract fresh programmers and maintainers.)

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23 Oct 2018 21:59 - 15 Aug 2019 19:57 #119293 by tommylight

As I stated, I have uploaded the SVG source for the proposal, here:

Brenda just pointed the error i made about the statement above, the layers are there, just not visible.
Please do ignore the above post.
Thank you, and sorry for the implications caused by this.

I am still in the process of trying to find a programmer.

You already had 3 waiting eagerly ( over 10 in total who help a lot with GUI development, but those 3 were all over this) for you to release the images, you did not, they lost patience and moved on! Pity since one of them alone could have gotten your images to a working GUI in about a week, and with the help of the others we could have been using it daily on our machines since over 2 months ago, with your name on it !

You keep insisting that you are helping linuxcnc and giving back to the community, so far you have asked us for help in developing and we did, a lot, and you moved on to ask others to program it !!!!
I can not see that as giving back.
Last edit: 15 Aug 2019 19:57 by tommylight. Reason: explanation
The following user(s) said Thank You: InMyDarkestHour, emilvv, racedirector, KCJ, Kriek, Immutef

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24 Oct 2018 09:54 - 24 Oct 2018 10:16 #119324 by BrendaEM
Hi Tommylight,

The SVG file is intact. As far as I can see, nothing has been deleted. Yes, there are a lot of layers that are switched on and off given which machine type and which panels are showing. A few layers are locked, not many. Yes, you can unlock them. In Inkscape, the layer icons are near the bottom the screen, near the left-center. They look like little eyes. The layers which are hidden are greyed. The other icon is for locking the layer.

I had hoped to work with a programmer, exporting whatever needs to be exported. As far as I know there was only one programmer interested, but then he seemed not to be interested, now I learn that he is again, well, good! I responded to that message on CNCzone.

I saw a post on CNCZone that stated someone offered to pay to have it programmed, but I wanted to what other options existed.

I want to make something clear to all: I wanted to be fairly certain that the interface design was mature enough to offer to LinuxCNC. I take the responsibility of asking anyone to do anything seriously. I stated that I would take time, and it did.

Since the beginning, I've tried to best to work this project around the drama I have in my life. I also had a stupid problem with Inkscape. There was a font issue with my laptop, and I thought there was a Inkscape compatibility problem, so I filed a bug report. As it turns out, I forgot to put OpenSans font on my latop. Duh.

Still, I did everything I stated I was going to do--except export the images from the source file, and I still aim to help with that chore, though, when I was working with Kurt, he seemed to indicate he was able to generate a lot of things such as X, Y, Z as characters instead of graphics. There were other technical problems with the arrow buttons which I might need to modify. This is a process.

As far as the exporting images from the svg source, I indeed want to make sure no other changes are at this point are requested from the programmer before the export process starts. The exporting would only take perhaps a day, but each change becomes a file version management issue, which quite frankly I am error-prone at when saving off hundreds of files. So, I have to accept my limitations. I actually have good organizing ability but if you give me anything repetitive to do, I mess it up.

I will start the bitmap export process--even if it's inefficient at this stage. I want people to be happy.
Last edit: 24 Oct 2018 10:16 by BrendaEM.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tommylight, emilvv, KCJ

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24 Oct 2018 11:55 #119328 by tommylight
I am sorry for the failure to notice that the layers are not visible and stating that they are empty.
Brenda, i am sorry for that, i will go edit the above post to reflect that.
Thank you.

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24 Oct 2018 15:19 - 24 Oct 2018 17:18 #119343 by BrendaEM
Tommylight, it's understandable. You gave me a lot of helpful feedback for the interface, and you deserved something in return.
I will edit in more information. Thanks for helping.

Edit: Done.
Last edit: 24 Oct 2018 17:18 by BrendaEM.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tommylight

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03 Dec 2018 21:06 #121766 by BrendaEM
So, far 1,671 people have seen the interface design. Most people seem to like the design.

I upload the original SVG source perhaps a month ago, and I had sent a message to work with someone exporting bitmaps from that source, before I came down with the shingles, which took a few weeks from the time I was supposed to be using to pack up and move, to wherever, and clean the remaining youtube projects from my SSD.

SVG source files.
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