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17 Jan 2024 09:29
Ethernet Verbindung was created by Edi_48

Ethernet Verbindung

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Hallo Ich habe ein Problem mit meiner Ethernet  Verbindung  zwischen Pc und Mesa  7i76e
Wen ich Linuxcnc starte und einen Ping ist alles in Ordnung.
Starte Ich Linuxcnc Axsis komme ich bis zur Reverencfahrt danach bricht meine Ethernet Verbindung zusammen.
Ich habe einen Zotac Mini PC mit 2 Ethernet Schnittstellen und 1 mal Wlan, Ich habe eine Ethernet Ausgang
abgeschaltet. Realtek RTL 811
Frage wo ist der Fehler
15 Jan 2024 16:40 - 15 Jan 2024 16:45
Replied by 0x2102 on topic Spindle Drive 7i76e

Spindle Drive 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

Andy also explains it here:

The VFD provides an isolated GND (ACM = analog common) and 10V output (preferred) to the Mesa card (Spindle- / Spindle+). Spindle out is a potentiometer, like you said. 
In this case the input voltage is 12V and that needs to be scaled down to 0-10V. This happens in your INI.
Take GND also from the analog section. 

Enable and direction are isolated outputs allow sinking, sourcing combinations of both. Most chinese vfd are NPN inputs - you need to provide GND (DCM = digital common) to their input to close the circuit. 

You take the GND from the vfd and connect it to SPINDLE ENA- and from SPINDLE ENA+ back to your VFD (input). That way you are providing GND to the VFD input, when the relay is on. Same for the direction.

Most VFD's have ACM (analog common) and DCM (digital common) but I couldn't see that in the A2 manual. 


Say your inputs are PNP (24v)...this would require a 24V signal. You would take 24V from the VFD to Spindle ENA+ and back to the VFD on SPINDLE ENA- to your input. 

15 Jan 2024 15:49 - 17 Jan 2024 09:37
Replied by fons on topic Spindle Drive 7i76e

Spindle Drive 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

the wiring is was given  on  ""
if i understend it correkt   the vfd give power to the mesa card  for the spindle output
on tb4 pin1 and pin 3 are the powersuply for the analoge out of the mesa card  and the vfd provide these  power
while pin 2 is the real voltage output   
the mesa  card act as an potentiometer ?
pin  6 and  8 had also 12 / 24 v this is also power deliverd from the vfd 
this is very confiusing   witch pin is input and witch is output   on the mesa card  and on the vfd  
same problem for the dir and enable pin  here the vfd give power  and the  mesa card act like a switch ?
15 Jan 2024 10:26 - 15 Jan 2024 10:38
Replied by 0x2102 on topic Spindle Drive 7i76e

Spindle Drive 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

Did you wire it correctly? Can you share your wiring diagram?

The Mesa 7i76e doesn't provide 0-10V by itself. You need to provide 0 - 15V (max) to SPINDLE- / SPINDLE+. The SPINDLE OUT needs to be scaled in your INI based on that voltage. 

Example with 12V to create a 0-10V output

# 0-10V output based on 12V input
MAX_OUTPUT = 24000
# 12V = 28800 rpm / 10V = 24000

Mesa 7i76e:
SPINDLE-  <-> VFD GND            

15 Jan 2024 09:20 - 15 Jan 2024 09:36

Spindle Drive 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

Hi sorry for our late reply, this is what showed up when we typed in the command in terminal.
We also measured 0V between pin 1 and pin 3 when the spindle was supposed to be running.

~$ halcmd show all | grep spindle
    46  bit   IN          FALSE  gmoccapy.spc_spindle.decrease
    46  bit   IN          FALSE  gmoccapy.spc_spindle.increase
    46  float IN             60  gmoccapy.spc_spindle.scale
    46  float OUT      1.666667  gmoccapy.spc_spindle.scaled-value
    46  float OUT           100  gmoccapy.spc_spindle.value
    46  bit   IN          FALSE  gmoccapy.spindle.reset-spindle-override
    46  bit   IN          FALSE  gmoccapy.spindle.spindle-override.analog-enable
    46  bit   IN          FALSE  gmoccapy.spindle.spindle-override.count-enable
    46  s32   IN              0  gmoccapy.spindle.spindle-override.counts
    46  float IN              0
    46  bit   IN          FALSE  gmoccapy.spindle_at_speed_led
    46  float IN              0  gmoccapy.spindle_feedback_bar
    10  bit   OUT         FALSE  halui.spindle.0.brake-is-on
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.brake-off
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.brake-on
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.decrease
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.forward <== spindle-manual-cw
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.increase
    10  bit   OUT          TRUE
    10  bit   IN           TRUE  halui.spindle.0.override.count-enable
    10  s32   IN              0  halui.spindle.0.override.counts
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.override.decrease
    10  bit   IN          FALSE
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.override.increase
    10  float IN            0.1  halui.spindle.0.override.scale
    10  float OUT             1  halui.spindle.0.override.value
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.reverse <== spindle-manual-ccw
    10  bit   OUT         FALSE  halui.spindle.0.runs-backward
    10  bit   OUT          TRUE  halui.spindle.0.runs-forward
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.start
    10  bit   IN          FALSE  halui.spindle.0.stop <== spindle-manual-stop
    26  bit   IN          FALSE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spindir <== spindle-ccw
    26  bit   IN           TRUE  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinena <== spindle-enable
    26  float IN            300  hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.spinout <== spindle-output
    29  float IN            300  pid.s.command <== spindle-vel-cmd-rpm
    29  bit   IN           TRUE  pid.s.enable <== spindle-enable
    29  float IN              0 <== spindle-vel-fb-rpm
    29  bit   IN          FALSE  pid.s.index-enable <== spindle-index-enable
    29  float OUT           300  pid.s.output ==> spindle-output
    19  bit   IN          FALSE  spindle.0.amp-fault-in
    19  bit   IN           TRUE <== spindle-at-speed
    19  bit   OUT         FALSE  spindle.0.brake ==> spindle-brake
    19  bit   OUT          TRUE  spindle.0.forward ==> spindle-cw
    19  bit   I/O         FALSE  spindle.0.index-enable <=> spindle-index-enable
    19  bit   IN          FALSE  spindle.0.inhibit
    19  bit   IN          FALSE
    19  bit   OUT         FALSE  spindle.0.locked
    19  bit   OUT          TRUE  spindle.0.on ==> spindle-enable
    19  bit   OUT         FALSE  spindle.0.orient
    19  float OUT             0  spindle.0.orient-angle
    19  s32   IN              0  spindle.0.orient-fault
    19  s32   OUT             0  spindle.0.orient-mode
    19  bit   OUT         FALSE  spindle.0.reverse ==> spindle-ccw
    19  float IN              0  spindle.0.revs <== spindle-revs
    19  float OUT             5  spindle.0.speed-cmd-rps
    19  float IN              0  spindle.0.speed-in <== spindle-vel-fb-rps
    19  float OUT           300  spindle.0.speed-out ==> spindle-vel-cmd-rpm
    19  float OUT           300  spindle.0.speed-out-abs ==> spindle-vel-cmd-rpm-abs
    19  float OUT             5  spindle.0.speed-out-rps ==> spindle-vel-cmd-rps
    19  float OUT             5  spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs ==> spindle-vel-cmd-rps-abs
bit            TRUE  spindle-at-speed
bit           FALSE  spindle-brake
                         <== spindle.0.brake
bit           FALSE  spindle-ccw
                         <== spindle.0.reverse
bit            TRUE  spindle-cw
                         <== spindle.0.forward
bit            TRUE  spindle-enable
                         <== spindle.0.on
bit           FALSE  spindle-index-enable
                         <=> spindle.0.index-enable
bit           FALSE  spindle-manual-ccw
                         ==> halui.spindle.0.reverse
bit           FALSE  spindle-manual-cw
                         ==> halui.spindle.0.forward
bit           FALSE  spindle-manual-stop
                         ==> halui.spindle.0.stop
float           300  spindle-output
float             0  spindle-revs
                         ==> spindle.0.revs
float           300  spindle-vel-cmd-rpm
                         <== spindle.0.speed-out
float           300  spindle-vel-cmd-rpm-abs
                         <== spindle.0.speed-out-abs
float             5  spindle-vel-cmd-rps
                         <== spindle.0.speed-out-rps
float             5  spindle-vel-cmd-rps-abs
                         <== spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs
float             0  spindle-vel-fb-rpm
float             0  spindle-vel-fb-rps
                         ==> spindle.0.speed-in
12 Jan 2024 08:51

XHC-WHB04B-6 and LinuxCNC 2.9.1

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Now i found the reason about working and not working of the Jogwheel of the xhc-whb04b-6.
Its a issue with MESA 7i96S.
MESA 7i76e works without any problems, but with a MESA 7i96S is possible as well.
in a old configuration i found in the Hal ( was for MESA 7i76e ) "[HMOT](CARD0)"
in the new configuration i found "hm2_7i96s"
[HMOT](CARD0) is working in both configurations with the xhc-whb04b-6
i testet in the Linuxcnc Versions 2.8.4 and 2.9.2 .. in both Versions is working
My Configurations was made with Pncconf
The Inputs and outputs is to write in this way for using with 7i96s :
"[HMOT](CARD0).ssr.00.out-02"  for output
"[HMOT](CARD0).inm.00.input-01" for input

My suspect is the issue the driver for the MESA Card 7i96S !
The solution is to change "hm2_7i96s" to "[HMOT](CARD0)" in your Hal
11 Jan 2024 21:28

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

I might add you can flash the 7i76E with the correct firmware with my Mesa Configuration Tool.


Thanks JT
11 Jan 2024 20:01

LinuxCNC PNCconf error on RasPi 4

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Hello,I am running LinuxCNC (2.72) on a intel pc for some years successful. Now the harddrive on the intel pc is broken and I would like to run LinuxCNC on a RasPi 4.I created the raspi image and I booted the raspi and now I am trying to create the configuration using PNCconf.When I try to finish the X Motor settings I get an error PNCConf encountered an Error ......locale.Error: unsupported locale settingCan anybody help me to fix this problem, so that I can configure my cnc on a raspi 4, please. (I cannot use the config files from the older version, because there are some changes in the config file /s, and I am pretty sure I have to create now config files for version 2.9.2.I am using a Mesa Card 7i76e (which was/is successfully used by my old config)Any help is highly appreciatedBest regards Hartmut
11 Jan 2024 19:15

XHC-WHB04B-6 and LinuxCNC 2.9.1

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Hello Andi,
thank you so much, i know the Video of talla83, this guy is a pretty well teacher of Linuxcnc.
Today i tested a lot of things it different versions of Linuxcnc, and i have a hot suspect of the source of this problem.
With the version 2.8.4. with a configuration of a Mesa 7i76e is working very well, with the same configuration but with a Mesa 7i96S doesnt work the Jogwheel of the xhc-whb04b-6.
I rewritten the configuration by of the Mesa 7i76e to a Mesa 7i96S manually and its working too.
My big suspect is the pncconf program, i am sure here get the Hal a value that prevented to work the xhc-whb04b-6.
Tomorrow i will check something about the values in the hal, because i need to understand the source of the problem.
I will report my experience.
I see, a lot of people here has exactly the same problem.
10 Jan 2024 20:02 - 10 Jan 2024 20:02
Replied by 0x2102 on topic Spindle config EtherCAT

Spindle config EtherCAT

Category: EtherCAT

I haven't done nor tested this but the CIA402 comp should work for your spindle in CSV (velocity mode).

I would probably use Pncconf to generate a test machine with a Mesa 7i76e for example and Spindle StepGen.

Use the test machine HAL to copy out the spindle section, remove the stepgen lines and connect our velocity-cmd and velocity-fb to the CIA402 comp.

Connect and set your Spindle CIA402 to CSV mode.
10 Jan 2024 11:06

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

I might add you can flash the 7i76E with the correct firmware with my Mesa Configuration Tool.

10 Jan 2024 00:04

Which linux distro is easiest to start with to select for LinuxCNX as of today?

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

If I go for parallel port at first, how much kHz I can expect?

1kHz up to 50kHz, that depends only on the PC used, but the usual range is 10-25kHz.

If I am to look for a MESA, what to start with with good value per $?

Mesa 7i96S, this can be found quite often in stock.
All Mesa boards are very good value per $, that is a given, finding Mesa boards has become quite hard, despite PCW doing everything possible to keep a steady stream.
Other boards
09 Jan 2024 22:41 - 09 Jan 2024 23:45

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

Glad I asked.
So it's a point to point system like RS-232 but better. Got it.
09 Jan 2024 22:16

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

The reason we chose RS-422 is that:

1. All communications are done in parallel (so speed is the same regardless of the number of devices)
2. No marginal RS-485 termination issues (Async RS-485 devices need kludgy bias resistors to define the state
of the un-driven bus so suffer from lowered noise immunity compared to always driven full duplex RS-422)

I am very greatfull for that, i still have traumas from using RS232 and RS485, a lot! :)
09 Jan 2024 22:00

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

Each SSerial device needs its own channel (they are RS-422 full duplex devices, not RS-485
half duplex) So you would need a 7I74, 7I85 (or just a SP491 chip wired to and expansion port)
to have more than the one built-in SSerial port on the 7I76E.

The reason we chose RS-422 is that:

1. All communications are done in parallel (so speed is the same regardless of the number of devices)
2. No marginal RS-485 termination issues (Async RS-485 devices need kludgy bias resistors to define the state
of the un-driven bus so suffer from lowered noise immunity compared to always driven full duplex RS-422)
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