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24 Nov 2023 13:54

Spoilboard Surfacing - 2D Adaptive Clearing - Tool Bottoming Out

Category: Fusion 360

A few years back i had one such case where the machine would go into e-stop while working very rarely, this was a plasma CNC with parallel port control, turned out keyboard being near the main torch cable triggered it.
Removing keyboard and mouse cables as far from spindle and mains cables as a starting point, maybe...

Could be any number of things burping or causing interference I s'pose; the OptiPlex control computer, Mesa 7i76E, VFD,I dunno.  Appreciate your input.  The control computer and its accompanying keyboard are in the neighborhood of 3 feet, possibly a smidge more from enclosure, VFD and it's main cable.

Funny thing is, I created a second program that surfaced the short distance Y depth and it too quit about 1/3rd way into it.  Ran it a second time and it ran in its entirety.  Would seem there is an issue.  Think I will take spumco's suggestion and hopefully be provided some insight as to what is happening.
24 Nov 2023 07:35

Control output from multiple inputs?

Category: HAL

I have momentary push buttons on my machine panels say to toggle G90/G91, MDI/HAND or coolant. So basically the push button will toggle the state to the opposite of what it was.
IIRC it's like toggle2nist but with 'enable' and debounce.

For coolant my hal section looks like this:

#  --- Toggle M7 on/off ---
net machine-is-on                                           => paneltoggle.m7.enable
net m7-panel                <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i73.0.1.input-02-not                     => paneltoggle.m7.input
net m7-is-on                <=             => paneltoggle.m7.status => hm2_7i76e.0.7i73.0.1.output-09
net m7-is-on                                                                         => hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.output-11
net m7-set                  <= paneltoggle.m7.set           => halui.mist.on
net m7-reset                <= paneltoggle.m7.reset         =>

#  --- Toggle M8 on/off ---
net machine-is-on                                           => paneltoggle.m8.enable
net m8-panel                <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i73.0.1.input-03-not                     => paneltoggle.m8.input
net m8-is-on                <=            => paneltoggle.m8.status => hm2_7i76e.0.7i73.0.1.output-08
net m8-is-on                                                                         => hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.output-08
net m8-set                  <= paneltoggle.m8.set           => halui.flood.on
net m8-reset                <= paneltoggle.m8.reset         =>

Component is here:

File Attachment:

File Name: paneltoggle.comp
File Size:2 KB

Note that for this to work you need a source that tells the component what the current status of the function in question is which is sometimes, like for coolants, easily available as a hal pin. If it is not then you may have to use a helper component like this one I use to expose the state of G90/G91 as a hal pin:

Warning: Spoiler!

The relevant hal section:
# ----- Handle panel toggle buttons using Custom Python Component ''

#  --- Toggle G90/G91 ---
net machine-is-on                                       => paneltoggle.g91.enable
net g91-panel               <= hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-23-not                       => paneltoggle.g91.input
net g91-led                 <= linuxcnc_status.g91      => paneltoggle.g91.status      => hm2_7i76e.0.7i73.0.1.output-14
net g91-set                 <= paneltoggle.g91.set      => halui.mdi-command-04
net g91-reset               <= paneltoggle.g91.reset    => halui.mdi-command-05

I've been using this for many years now but maybe there are better ways to do it.
23 Nov 2023 15:45
Replied by PCW on topic PMW signal mesa 7I76

PMW signal mesa 7I76

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Do you have a 7I76 or 7I76E?
For a 7I76E, you would use 7i76e_7i76x1pD.bit firmware which
replaces the last stepgen with a PWMGen.

If you have a 7I76 + a FPGA card, the firmware depends on the
FPGA card used.

In either case, you use the mesaflash utility to update the firmware.
23 Nov 2023 11:30

Custom 7i76e bitfile for PWM

Category: Driver Boards

Hi Henk, were you able to retrofit Sodick?
It would help me?
Thank you
22 Nov 2023 08:47 - 22 Nov 2023 08:57

Hypersensing with THCAD - better way to do ohmic sensing

Category: Plasma & Laser

I had a bit of a mission getting ohmic sensing working.  I sort of rushed and just followed the examples I found, but none worked for me, so had to make my own hal connections.  Just thought I would post them here in case it helps someone in the future.  I am using LinuxCNC 2.8, Mesa 7i76e with THCAD-10 for ohmic wired to 7i76e encoder B pins.  Base setup made with Pcncconf, then with the plasmac configurator.  Using plasmac in axis.

Thee original post for this topic shows:
net ohmic-true ohmicsense.ohmic-on =>
net plasmac:ohmic-enable =>

The manual pages say (
net ohmic-true ohmicsense.ohmic-on => plasmac.ohmic-probe

The plasma cnc primer says (
net ohmic-true ohmicsense.ohmic-on =>
net plasmac:ohmic-enable =>

But what I had to use was:
net ohmic-true ohmicsense.ohmic-on =>
net ohmic-enable plasmac.ohmic-enable =>

So it looks like some pin names and debounce pins have changed across versions.
21 Nov 2023 23:09

Mesa 7i76E HY Spindle Coolant Best Practices

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Connect it to the inverter 24v and use the built in inverter relay to switch on my water pump?

No idea if HY can do that, installed one of those once a few years back, but never checked if it can do that.
Some can by using the "at speed" output on the VFD so no need to wire anything to Mesa at all.
21 Nov 2023 21:12 - 21 Nov 2023 21:51

Mesa 7i76E HY Spindle Coolant Best Practices

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

What about using the HY inverter? Any options there?

Or even better what if I were to use something like this:

Connect it to the inverter 24v and use the built in inverter relay to switch on my water pump?
21 Nov 2023 00:22

Mesa 7i76E HY Spindle Coolant Best Practices

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

OK, 24V and max 30mA directly or 60mA with a diode across the relay coil, minding the polarity.
Or, if using a really small relay, adding a resistor in series with the coil is still manageable for 12V relay.
20 Nov 2023 23:06
20 Nov 2023 22:43

Mesa 7i76E HY Spindle Coolant Best Practices

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

I'm running the Mesa 7i76E with a HY water cooled spindle connected.

What would be best practice to wire my 12V fans and pump to automatically start when the spindle is enabled?

I am aware of the PD050 setting to number 1 which is a out of the box setting.

Do I need to use a 24V relay or will the 7i76E handle 12V ?

20 Nov 2023 08:01

Arc voltage oscillating

Category: Plasmac

This is my first post so go easy on me please!

I have built a plasma table and finally up to the part of configuring Plasmac.  This is my first time using LinuxCNC so still getting used to how it all ties together.  So far so good though, the machine moves nicely and I have got as far as completing Plasmac configuration.

I am stuck on a little problem where the arc voltage is unstable.  In fact, it is oscillating like crazy in the HAL scope.  My configuration is:
 - Mesa 7i76e
 - THCAD 10 wired F0+/- pins to ENCA+/- pins.  Analog side connected to PowerMax pins 5/6. Freq/32, unipolar mode

What I tried:
 - Bridging the analog input terminals to ensure it was not oscillating on the input.  No change.
 - Changed the frequency divider jumper.  The amplitude of the oscillation in hal scope changes but not the frequency, so is sort of working!
 - Reading lots of form posts!

I did read tonight that there is a special firmware for the 7i76e for using dual frequency inputs (I have two THCAD, one for ohmic).  I need to work out if I have the right firmware in it.  I think I did install it a few years ago when I got it, but honestly don't remember (cant access the machine tonight).  Is special firmware even required to get the one frequency input going for a start? 

I have attached some pictures and files, please let me know if anything else is needed.  Thankyou in advance.
19 Nov 2023 19:03

How to "connect" a hal to sserial at mesa 7i76e => THSW.hal Hand Wheel

Category: HAL

Hey guys,

i build the handwheel of peter / talla83 and I´ll try to include it into my linuxcnc (2.9.1) configuration.
Configuration is nothing special and built with pncconf. Don´t forget I am a starter at linuxcnc. So I hope it´s a simple trick I have to do.

On GIT there is an example of the thsw.hal include for a mesa 7i96s ( ) .
I used this tshw.hal:

I added tshw.hal in my postgui.hal not more.

When I try to start my linuxcnc config it promps:
tshw.hal:71: Pin 'hm2_7i76e.0.TsHW.0.1.input-06' does not exist

I think it´s something like "TsHW" is unknown?! I try to find out where the definition is, but I can´t find it out.

Do you have any idea?

18 Nov 2023 02:45

Sanity Check Beginner

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions


I'm new to CNC but familiar with Linux/Servers.

I'm have an old Australian made drill press I'm in the process of restoring. I have to replace the motor.

As a beginning project I'd like to control a 3 phase 2hp induction motor with a vfd through linuxcnc. It's an induction motor so I'm really just after controlling the speed with the vfd through linuxcnc. I've got an old homelab server I'm using. I'm intending to buy a 7i96s (Was going to be a 7i76e but no one seems to have any in stock) to connect via ethernet to the pc and control the speed of the motor.

As far as I'm aware, I believe this will work, however before I buy the board, can someone with a bit more confidence and experience in linuxcnc confirm that it will work? (I'm intending to use the 7i96s to initially get this project running, then will eventually take it out and replace it with something cheaper to fulfill the drill press needs permanently. While keeping the 7i96s to play with in other machines.)

Have I missed anything? Will this work?

17 Nov 2023 16:00

Mesa hm2/hm2_7i96s.0: error finishing read

Category: Driver Boards

Yes it is rt kernel. I built on the standard bookworm installation and Intel Cpu. I not try any other distro / iso. Since bookworm is the installation pretty easy. Load debian netinstall file -> write to stick -> and go. Plug and pray :) more or less In future time i will also try other distro. Should work for AMD too, but not Raspberry.
But for now i am really happy with my set up. Hp G3 SSF I5 with intel networkcard and old AMD graphics card. I disable on board graphics and network. Since this is tmax to hm2_7i76e is straigt on 340000 middle sometimes tmax by 450000 if i open Browser.
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