Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

05 Apr 2014 23:21 #45588 by andypugh

it is the first screen that I have found that looks like it was designed to be used at the machine, instead of at a desktop with a mouse.

I just thought I would put in a word for "Touchy" here, which is what I am using on my mill. I don't know how well it would work on a lathe.
Touchy insists on physical switches and a jogwheel rather than allowing touchscreen jogging. I confess that I rather support that decision (and is a slight objection I have to Gscreen and Gmoccapy)

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06 Apr 2014 00:42 #45591 by todmorg
That was the info I needed. When I ran stepconf, I had it include a blank ladder program, and that was causing the error. Now I can move forward.

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06 Apr 2014 01:25 #45593 by newbynobi
Halo Andy,

Thanks for the support, I am on holliday and have only my phone here.
Give me some more time and be aware of luminos. I am sure it will be your GUI.


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07 Apr 2014 16:50 #45644 by Swapper
Have a anoying problem that i get a long line of numbers.
Anyone got any thaughts on what i have done wrong?


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07 Apr 2014 17:01 #45645 by mariusl
Look in the INI file under the [TRAJ] section you will find and entry MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = xxx. Change that entry to MAX_VELOCITY = xxx


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07 Apr 2014 18:05 #45648 by Swapper
Now the numbers are gone.

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07 Apr 2014 22:04 #45655 by newbynobi
I did report that error from stepconf allready, should be fixed from Chris soon.


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12 Apr 2014 04:28 #45870 by Swapper
Hi Norbert!
im a totaly new user to LinuxCNC and this screenset have given me a realy good feeling for LinuxCNC (changed to gmoccapy directly)

i have a question/suggestion regarding the "Auto Tool Measurement" function.
i watched the videos and i think i understand how it works and it looks very handy.
Have not tried it yet though but got thinking of the step where you messure the blockhight with a digital caliper.
Would it be possible to make that step with the use of a spindle probe?

Then it would be:

1. Mount spindle probe in spindle
2. Jog the machine over the corner on the raw stock
3. press a button (macro) related to what corner to find xyz with the help of the spindle probe.
(Or only z probe at current position if its center of a circle that cant be probed)
4. When done, ask for toolchange to tool in gcode if loaded.
5. Mesure the tool length with the tool-probe/plate.
6. Continue program.

To get this to work one could combine the Gmoccapy tool Measurement with this macros for probing?

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13 Apr 2014 17:44 #45903 by newbynobi
Hallo Swapper,

sorry for the late answer, I have been on holiday.

Thanks for your compliments, and suggestions.

What you want to do is possible, but at the moment I will not integrate it as standard to gmoccapy, because IMHO not many users have a touch probe for spindle mount, but many do have a caliper ;-)

But this is gmoccapy, so it is quiet easy to solve that for you.

First read the WIKI Section about macros, you can add the touch off routines as macros, so that your touch off behavior can be done with one click.
And second step would be modify the tool_change_remap pocedure. You only have to change the change.ngc file to your needs and you are done. You may not need the block height entry for your configuration, because you may use your probe as reference tool and just compensate the others.


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13 Apr 2014 18:45 #45905 by Swapper
No problem at all!

i understand that you canĀ“t incorporate all features that everyone uses :)
i will probably use the caliper method since its so simple to use and when i get more used to linuxcnc test some with the suggestions you made on where to make the changes.

i will keep you posted if i make anything usefull.


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