XHC-HB04 wireless MPG pendant HAL module

21 Feb 2016 22:25 #70460 by dgarrett
The problem is indicated by:

Pin 'motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs' was already linked to signal 'spindle-cmd-rps-abs'

You likely used pncconf (or stepconf) which create numerous signals that are
connected to a source but not to a destination -- e.g,, it creates signals
which are not used.

So, in your config directory, find the hal file created by pncconf (or
stepconf) and look for a line like:
net spindle-vel-cmd-rps-abs <= motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs

Remove that line or comment it out with a leading '#' character and try again

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22 Feb 2016 14:27 #70481 by blacksmith99

Thank you very much. I will try that. I knew there something going on with the pins. I don't have enough experience with this to know what can safely be deleted and what can't. I went back and forth between the ini and hal files trying to see a connection as to where they are different.

As far as I can tell the hal files are indentical. That is what confuses me. One of them was indeed setup by stepconf as I wanted to use the paralell port. The 5i25 hal file was put together with help from andypugh and pcw. There is a thread here where I posted my hal file which works perfectly with the G540 and the 5i25. Smooth as silk. I realize that the 5i25 is overkilll for the G540, the paralell port is more than fast enough. I had already purchased the 5i25 before I understood that. I'm wanting to add probing routines to my mill and I thought that it would be simple matter to change over to the paralell port while I developed that capability.

It might be more effective to just make changes to the 5i25 file and work from there.

I don't spend enough time time working with the hal files to fully understand them. I have delved into them in the past but as soon as I get it working I don't work with the hal files enough to handle new problems.

I appreciate the time and effort you and the other folks here put into helping folks.



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26 Feb 2016 22:45 #70686 by blacksmith99

From the xhc-hb04.tcl file:

net pendant:spindle-rps <= motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs \
=> xhc-hb04.spindle-rps

From the SX3_parallel_hb04.ini file:

net spindle-cmd-rps-abs <= motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs
changed to:
#net spindle-cmd-rps-abs <= motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs

I commented out the line in the SX3_parallel_hb04.ini file and as you commented it was not connected.

That got it working. Thank you.



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12 Apr 2016 04:31 - 13 Apr 2016 00:13 #73142 by dannym
Throwing this into this megathread:

I'm getting "Missing Stanza: [XHC_HB04_BUTTONS]"

HALFILE = 7i92_general.hal
HALFILE = xhc-hb04.hal
HALFILE = LIB:xhc-hb04.tcl

loadusr -W xhc-hb04 -I xhc-hb04-layout2.ini -H

#INCLUDE layout2.inc


all these .ini/.inc files are already copied to linuxcnc/configs. They're unmodified.

Is is saying that XHC_HB04_BUTTONS is required, and can't be found? Why can't it be found?

EDIT: shoot, that that INCLUDE line commented out??
Last edit: 13 Apr 2016 00:13 by dannym.

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12 Apr 2016 11:49 #73155 by cncbasher
layout 2.inc is your list of buttons. and it cant load or can't find them
#INCLUDE layout2.inc , needs to be included at the top of your ini file

you appear to be mixing the older xhc install , with the newer version .
which version of linuxcnc are you running ? older versions will not have the #INCLUDE function

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13 Apr 2016 00:13 - 13 Apr 2016 01:13 #73205 by dannym
It's LinuxCNC 2.7.4, Preempt RTK.

I think all the files came from the linuxcnc directory. I did see online that people had problems where the .ini file used dashes instead of underscores in the names, but there's none of that problem here. All underscores.

Like I say, #INCLUDE layout2.inc is right there at the top of xhc-hb04-layout2.ini, and that is referenced in the xhc-hb04.hal which is referenced from the main .ini. It seems like it should see it!
Last edit: 13 Apr 2016 01:13 by dannym.

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17 Apr 2016 04:20 - 17 Apr 2016 04:34 #73460 by dannym
OK back at the shop-

I stopped worrying about why the xhc-hb04-layout2.in and layout2.inc didn't get included and just added the relevant contents to my .ini file.

Now I get
monitor-xhc-hb04: xhc-hb04 comp not loaded
monitor-xhc-hb04: <pin or parameter 'xhc-hb04.connected' not found>
monitor-xhc-hb04: exiting

any idea?
Last edit: 17 Apr 2016 04:34 by dannym.

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20 Jun 2016 12:52 #76314 by vre
Has anyone tested this version www.ebay.com/itm/2016-Wireless-Mach3-MPG...lesale-/140918851970 if works with linuxcnc ?

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20 Jun 2016 18:55 #76325 by pommen
Looks just as the one that I have. Works a treat.


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24 Jun 2016 22:40 #76613 by Gasman
Was the spindle toggle problem ever resolved? I would like to do the same - I have the HB04 working well but would like to free up the 'half' button. I have got the mode button to toggle between auto and MDI but can't figure out how to get the spindle switching on and off with the spindle button only. I think I have managed to get it to switch on with

loadrt toggle count=3
addf toggle.0 servo-thread
net spindle-toggle toggle.0.in <= xhc-hb04.button-spindle
net spindle-control toggle.0.out => halui.spindle.start

but I am confused as to how I now get it to stop as nothing I tried seemed to work.

Figuring out the configs is made more complicated by the fact that the mill is in the workshop and I am in the house running linuxcnc under emulation on a Mac.

Wanted to do the same for toggling functions for 'mist' on macro 6 and 'flood' on macro 7, so that I can use buttons Macro 1-3 for some probing/edge finding routines.

Feel I am nearly there as have jogging, zeroing and probing all working but when I start looking at hal files my eyes start to glaze over. :)

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