XHC LHB04B-4: fails to detect - SOLVED

24 Nov 2019 17:29 #151127 by travis036
found in /usr/bin, :xhc-hb04, but when i run it under halrun:
halcmd: loadusr xhc-hb04
halcmd: Creating pin: xhc-hb04.x.pos-absolute
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.y.pos-absolute
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.z.pos-absolute
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.a.pos-absolute
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.x.pos-relative
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.y.pos-relative
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.z.pos-relative
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.a.pos-relative
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.feed-value
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.feed-override
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.spindle-rps
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.spindle-override
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.sleeping
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.connected
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.stepsize-up
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.stepsize-down
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.stepsize
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.require_pendant
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.inch-icon
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.enable-off
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.enable-x
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.enable-y
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.enable-z
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.enable-a
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.enable-feed-override
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.enable-spindle-override
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.scale
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.counts
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.counts-neg
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.velocity
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.max-velocity
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.increment
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.plus-x
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.minus-x
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.plus-y
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.minus-y
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.plus-z
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.minus-z
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.plus-a
Creating pin: xhc-hb04.jog.minus-a
xhc-hb04: waiting for XHC-HB04 device
but then it returns to the hal command prompt, and never seems to report if it found the pendant, or not.
i ran this over an SSH terminal from inside the house (so glad i ran ethernet out to the cnc shed), so to be honest, i don't know if the pendant responds or not. i will go back out in a bit, see if the heater has done anything for the shed temperature.


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24 Nov 2019 20:31 #151136 by travis036
ok, so my old pendant apparently no longer works... no matter what i have tried, so now i have to get the new pendant working. either that or abandon both pendants, and... i don't know what.

so, i have changed /etc/udev/rules.d/90-xhc.rules from:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="10ce", ATTRS{idProduct}=="eb70", MODE="666", OWNER="root", GROUP="users"

back to:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="10ce", ATTRS{idProduct}=="eb93", MODE="666", OWNER="root", GROUP="users"

and commented out the XHC-HB04 related config in the main ini, so now i only have to get my 10ce:eb93 pendant to function.

i have seen several ways to do it, but it all involves re-compiling LinuxCNC, and i can't do that as the dependencies fail to install. here is my apt sources:
deb http://archive.debian.org/debian wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src http://archive.debian.org/debian wheezy main contrib non-free
deb http://archive.debian.org/debian wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://archive.debian.org/debian wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-security wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://archive.debian.org/debian-security/ wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

deb http://linuxcnc.org/ wheezy base 2.7-rtai
deb-src http://linuxcnc.org/ wheezy base 2.7-rtai

#deb     http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ wheezy master-rt
#deb-src http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ wheezy master-rt

#deb     http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ wheezy 2.7-rt
#deb-src http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ wheezy 2.7-rt

deb     http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ wheezy master-rt
deb-src http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ wheezy master-r

LinuxCNC config files at: github.com/travisfarmer/my-linuxcnc-conf/tree/linuxcnc_2.9

i apologize for dumping this issue on the forum so much, but i am becoming very frustrated.


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25 Nov 2019 14:58 #151227 by andypugh
What other hardware are you using? Can you use the Stretch preempt-rt installer instead? At least that way you get a distro that still has active repositories.

Second link here: www.linuxcnc.org/downloads/

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25 Nov 2019 16:55 #151235 by islander261

I am back from a weekend of selling at holiday markets.

I am running 2.9 master now under LMDE 2 (Debian Jessy) with no problems. I have attached a zip file of the relevant parts of my configuration. Please note that because I use PlasmaC I have to use modified versions of the stock pendant support files and rearrange hal connections in a postgui.hal file.


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25 Nov 2019 19:26 #151244 by travis036

What other hardware are you using? Can you use the Stretch preempt-rt installer instead? At least that way you get a distro that still has active repositories.

Second link here: www.linuxcnc.org/downloads/

Currently downloading the ISO.

i have what i think is a intel P4 (maybe, never actually checked), using a dual parallel port card, interfacing with dual breakout boards, driving steppers. i don't know the exact specifics, but can get them if needed (when i next go out to the CNC shed). i still have the old configs, so i can always go back if this doesn't work. :)


I am back from a weekend of selling at holiday markets.

I am running 2.9 master now under LMDE 2 (Debian Jessy) with no problems. I have attached a zip file of the relevant parts of my configuration. Please note that because I use PlasmaC I have to use modified versions of the stock pendant support files and rearrange hal connections in a postgui.hal file.


Thank you, i will study them! :)


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28 Nov 2019 21:36 - 28 Nov 2019 22:06 #151457 by travis036
so, i tried to install from linuxcnc-stretch-uspace-i386-r13.iso, but it failed during install, with no clue as to what caused it. not enough hard-drive space maybe? (4.3GB) i don't have any other IDE hard-drives kicking around. i have a SATA drive kicking around, but i will have to hot-wire in a SATA power adapter, and install a SATA controller. i think i have a PCI one kicking around.

I will try downloading and installing linuxcnc-stretch-uspace-i386-r12.iso, and see if it makes a difference.


EDIT: just read the min system requirements... hard-drive is too small.
Last edit: 28 Nov 2019 22:06 by travis036.

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29 Nov 2019 08:26 #151478 by travis036
late last night, when i got around to installing the SATA hard drive (>100GB), it locked up during the install (DVD) when "configuring apt sources". I will try a re-install, as i have no idea what happened.


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29 Nov 2019 21:36 #151524 by travis036
i don't know exactly what i fixed, but after several tries installing, i got it to install completely. now i am installing deps to be able to compile the HAL component for my pendant. long list of deps, but i am working through it.


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30 Nov 2019 08:12 #151558 by travis036
My RT latency seems to have gone from barely usable, to much worse (from around 50K, to 161702).

on the plus side, i could install all dependencies (dpkg-checkbuilddeps returned nothing). though when i ran configure, i got the error:
checking libgl1-mesa-dri workaround... test for libgl1-mesa-dri workaround failed, please file a bug
using code from: github.com/ctbenergy/linuxcnc/tree/2.7-feature-xhc-whb04b-6

so i can't configure past this, and therefore i can't compile, as there is no makefile.

as much as i like the new pendant, i am wondering if it is even going to work. i am considering cutting my losses with it, and trying to get my old pendant working again, and using the wheezy linuxcnc distro, as it had better latency numbers.

in parallel to that, i will attempt to find some hardware from my stash of old computers, and see if i can find a PC that runs Stretch LinuxCNC better, and use that to play around with trying to get the newer (xhc-lhb04b-4) pendant working. at least that way, i won't be compromising the usability of my machine by holding it up in development. then, once i get the new system working good, i can move it over to the machine to see if it really works, while still having the old one available to swap in if it doesn't work.


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30 Nov 2019 13:36 #151565 by andypugh
You might try
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev

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