XHC LHB04B-4: fails to detect - SOLVED

03 Dec 2019 16:13 #151886 by travis036
i read through the page ( linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/hal/comp.html ) several times, and i think i am more confused then when i started ;)
i know some C/C++, but i am unsure how to manipulate hal parallel port pins from within the comp file.
here is my interpretation, in HAL TCL, what i need to do, only looped.
set runflag 0
if {[hal list pin motion.program-line] > 0 && runflag == 0} {
  set runflag 1
if {[hal list pin motion.program-line] == 0 && runflag == 1} {
  set runflag 0
  setp parport.1.pin-1-out 1
  loadrt timedelay.0.off-delay 0.25
  setp parport.1.pin-1-out 0
so, line one sets the flag runflag to zero, then there is a test if motion.program-line is greater than 0, and that runflag is equal to zero (program starts to run). if so, set the flag to one.
then a test if motion.program-line falls back to zero, while runflag is equal to 1. if it is, it raises parport.1.pin-1-out to high for 0.25 seconds, then back to low.

then, i will work on something for tool breakage. that may be harder, though.


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03 Dec 2019 16:38 #151889 by travis036
component alert "Process motion.program-line to detect program completion, or pauses";
pin in unsigned in;
pin out unsigned out;
variable unsigned runflag;
function _;
author "Travis Farmer"
license "GPL"; // indicates GPL v2 or later
if (in > 0 && runflag == 0)
  runflag = 1;
if (in == 0 && runflag == 1)
  runflag = 0;
  out = TRUE;

i think this may work, but how do i pulse the output out?

i do have some Arduino boards kicking arround, so maybe i can simplify it to:
component alert "Process motion.program-line to detect program completion, or pauses";
pin in unsigned in;
pin out unsigned out;
function _;
author "Travis Farmer"
license "GPL"; // indicates GPL v2 or later
if (in > 0)
  out = 0;
if (in == 0)
  out = 1;

and connect an arduino to the output pin to handle the triggering of the pager transmitter. it could also handle the ESTOP signal to the pager as well.


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03 Dec 2019 21:49 #151902 by travis036
So, that last bit of code can apparently be done easier in a HAL file, if i use an Arduino to process the info.
net halui.program.is-running	=>	parport.1.pin-01-out
net estop-out			=>	parport.1.pin-02-out

again, with the arduino, or even a smaller ATtiny85, i just take in the logic inputs, and process them. for that matter, i could plug the Arduino directly into the LinuxCNC computer via USB, and base something like this: forum.linuxcnc.org/18-computer/22562-ard...for-linuxcnc?start=0
it just fuels the mind with ideas. i could actually leave out one of my parallel port cards, and use the arduino for non-critical processing...

anyway, i seem to have diverged from the original topic. and the pendant works, so i will call it SOLVED, and i thank all who helped, very much! :)


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03 Dec 2019 21:58 #151904 by andypugh
You don't control parallel port pins from inside a component, you create output pins and net them in HAL to the parport.

But, I was talking about a .comp to detect tool breakage. There is no need for that to detect that the program has stopped.

You can do that entirely with built-in HAL functions
loadrt comp
loadrt oneshot
loadrt conv_s32_float
addf comp.0 servo-thread
addf oneshot.0.servo-thread
addf conv_s32_float.0 servo-thread
net line-s32 motion.program-line conv_s32_float.0.in 
net line-float conv_s32_float.out  comp.0.in0
setp comp.0.in1 0.0
setp comp.0.hyst 0.5
setp oneshot.0.width 1.6
net line_zero comp.0.equal oneshot.0.in
net pulse oneshot.0.out parport.0.pin-99-out

All the pre-existing HAL functions are listed here:
You might need to expand the section "Realtime components and kernel modules"

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03 Dec 2019 22:16 #151909 by andypugh
There is absolutely no need to use an Arduino for any of what you are describing. HAL can do anything an arduino can (and if you can program the arduino, you can write a HAL component to do exactly the same thing). But you probably don't need to bother.

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03 Dec 2019 22:49 #151910 by travis036
Hmm, and thanks yet again. :)

I really had no idea the limits of HAL were so expansive. i will take the time to read up on the components of the script you wrote. at least that way, when i use it, i will know how and why it works.

my "comfort zone" is Arduino, hence why i tried to fit it in.

oh, BTW, my production computer just bit the dust. it was beginning to act funny, then quite suddenly, it didn't act at all. the screen froze, and went blank. no idea what failed, but it seems to be within the motherboard. i am on the lookout for a replacement, but in the meantime (after work tomorrow), i will see if my development computer will run the machine.
fortunately, the computer was not yet connected to my machine, as i was installing Stretch LinuxCNC. but i have my answer why the DVDrom drive was acting up...

anyway, thanks!


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07 Dec 2019 19:13 #152274 by travis036
due to my former production computer dying, i have placed the dev computer into production mode (attached to the CNC router). i am pleased to report that everything seems to run as configured, and i haven't noticed any issues. i ran the init NGC file (LinuxCNC logo), with no tool bit or material in place, just to confirm operation, and it ran through without errors. oh, and the pendant too, operated as configured. i still have to add function for the spindle, though the G-code starts and stops the spindle anyway, as needed.


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16 Feb 2020 13:10 - 23 Feb 2020 06:13 #157515 by nkp
I edited the driver a bit(for LHB04-B4)
   XHC-HB04 Wireless MPG pendant LinuxCNC HAL module for LinuxCNC

   Copyright (C) 2013 Frederic Rible (frible@teaser.fr)
   Copyright (C) 2013 Rene Hopf (renehopf@mac.com)
   Copyright (C) 2014 Marius Alksnys (marius.alksnys@gmail.com)

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with the program; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
   MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libusb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include <hal.h>
#include <inifile.hh>

#include "config.h"

const char *modname = "xhc-hb04";
int hal_comp_id;
const char *section = "XHC-HB04";
bool simu_mode = true;

typedef struct {
	char pin_name[256];
	unsigned int code;
} xhc_button_t;

typedef enum {
	axis_off = 0x06,
	axis_x = 0x11,
	axis_y = 0x12,
	axis_z = 0x13,
	axis_a = 0x18,
	axis_spindle = 0x15,
	axis_feed = 0x14
} xhc_axis_t;

#define NB_MAX_BUTTONS 32

#define STEPSIZE_BYTE 35
#define FLAGS_BYTE    36

// the defines below were found for an 18 button device
// bit 'or' patterns for STEPSIZE_BYTE
#define DISPLAY_HOME_ICON           0x10
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN_40   0x40
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN_80   0x80

#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_0          0x00
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1          0x01
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_5          0x02
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_10         0x03
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_20         0x04
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_30         0x05
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_40         0x06
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_50         0x07
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_100        0x08
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_500        0x09
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1000       0x0A
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_P6         0x0B

// guard for maximum number of items in a stepsize_sequence

// alternate stepsize sequences (use STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_*), terminate with 0:
static const int  stepsize_sequence_1[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1,10,100,1000, 0}; // default
static const int  stepsize_sequence_2[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1, 5, 10, 20,         0};
static const int  stepsize_sequence_3[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1,10,100,             0};
static const int  stepsize_sequence_4[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1, 5, 10, 20,  50,100,0};
static const int  stepsize_sequence_5[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1,10, 50,100,1000,    0};
static const int* stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_1; // use the default
static int stepsize_idx = 0; // start at initial (zeroth) sequence
static int stepsize_last_idx  =  0; //calculated`

typedef struct {
	hal_float_t *x_wc, *y_wc, *z_wc, *a_wc;
	hal_float_t *x_mc, *y_mc, *z_mc, *a_mc;

	hal_float_t *feedrate_override, *feedrate;
	hal_float_t *spindle_override, *spindle_rps;

	hal_bit_t *button_pin[NB_MAX_BUTTONS];

    hal_bit_t *jog_enable_off;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_x;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_y;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_z;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_a;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_feedrate;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_spindle;
	hal_float_t *jog_scale;
	hal_s32_t *jog_counts, *jog_counts_neg;

	hal_float_t *jog_velocity;
	hal_float_t *jog_max_velocity;
	hal_float_t *jog_increment;
	hal_bit_t *jog_plus_x, *jog_plus_y, *jog_plus_z, *jog_plus_a;
	hal_bit_t *jog_minus_x, *jog_minus_y, *jog_minus_z, *jog_minus_a;

	hal_bit_t *stepsize_up;
	hal_bit_t *stepsize_down;
	hal_s32_t *stepsize;
	hal_bit_t *sleeping;
	hal_bit_t *connected;
	hal_bit_t *require_pendant;
	hal_bit_t *inch_icon;
	hal_bit_t *zero_x;
	hal_bit_t *zero_y;
	hal_bit_t *zero_z;
	hal_bit_t *zero_a;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_x;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_y;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_z;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_a;
	hal_bit_t *half_x;
	hal_bit_t *half_y;
	hal_bit_t *half_z;
	hal_bit_t *half_a;
} xhc_hal_t;

#define STEP_UNDEFINED  -1
#define STEP_NONE      0x0
#define STEP_UP        0x1
#define STEP_DOWN      0x2

typedef struct {
	xhc_hal_t *hal;
	xhc_axis_t axis;
	xhc_button_t buttons[NB_MAX_BUTTONS];
	unsigned char button_code;

	char old_inc_step_status;
	unsigned char button_step;	// Used in simulation mode to handle the STEP increment

	// Variables for velocity computation
	hal_s32_t last_jog_counts;
	struct timeval last_tv;

	struct timeval last_wakeup;
} xhc_t;

static xhc_t xhc;

static int do_exit = 0;
static int do_reconnect = 0;
static bool wait_for_pendant_before_HAL = false;

struct libusb_transfer *transfer_in  = NULL;
unsigned char in_buf[32];
void setup_asynch_transfer(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle);

extern "C" const char *
iniFind(FILE *fp, const char *tag, const char *section)
    IniFile                     f(false, fp);

    return(f.Find(tag, section));

void init_xhc(xhc_t *xhc)
	memset(xhc, 0, sizeof(*xhc));
	xhc->old_inc_step_status = STEP_UNDEFINED;
	gettimeofday(&xhc->last_wakeup, NULL);

int xhc_encode_float(float v, unsigned char *buf)
	unsigned int int_v = round(fabs(v) * 10000.0);
	unsigned short int_part = int_v / 10000;
	unsigned short fract_part = int_v % 10000;
	if (v < 0) fract_part = fract_part | 0x8000;
	*(short *)buf = int_part;
	*((short *)buf+1) = fract_part;
	return 4;

int xhc_encode_s16(int v, unsigned char *buf)
	*(short *)buf = v;
	return 2;

void xhc_display_encode(xhc_t *xhc, unsigned char *data, int len)
	unsigned char buf[6*7];
	unsigned char *p = buf;
	int i;
	int packet;

	assert(len == 6*8);

	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	*p++ = 0xFE;
	*p++ = 0xFD;
	*p++ = 0x0C;
	*p++ = 0x03;

	if (0) p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->a_wc)) / 1000, p);
	else p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->x_wc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->y_wc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->z_wc)) / 1000, p);
	if (0) p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->a_mc)) / 1000, p);
	else p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->x_mc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->y_mc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->z_mc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(100.0 * *(xhc->hal->feedrate_override)), p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(100.0 * *(xhc->hal->spindle_override)), p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(60.0 * *(xhc->hal->feedrate)), p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(60.0 * *(xhc->hal->spindle_rps)), p);

	switch (*(xhc->hal->stepsize)) {
	case    0: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_0; break;
	case    1: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1; break;
	case    5: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_5; break;
	case   10: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_10; break;
	case   20: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_20; break;
	case   30: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_30; break;
	case   40: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_40; break;
	case   50: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_50; break;
	case  100: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_100; break;
	case  500: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_500; break;
	case 1000: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1000; break;
	default:   //stepsize not supported on the display:

    buf[FLAGS_BYTE] = 0;
    if (*(xhc->hal->inch_icon)) {
        buf[FLAGS_BYTE] |= 0x80;

	// Multiplex to 6 USB transactions

	p = buf;
	for (packet=0; packet<6; packet++) {
		for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
			if (i == 0) data[i+8*packet] = 6;
			else data[i+8*packet] = *p++;

void xhc_set_display(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, xhc_t *xhc)
	unsigned char data[6*8];
	int packet;

	xhc_display_encode(xhc, data, sizeof(data));

	for (packet=0; packet<6; packet++) {
		int r = libusb_control_transfer(dev_handle,
		              LIBUSB_DT_HID, //bmRequestType 0x21
		              LIBUSB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION, //bRequest 0x09
		              0x0306,         //wValue
		              0x00,           //wIndex
		              data+8*packet,  //*data
		              8,              //wLength
		              0);             //timeout
		if (r < 0) {
			do_reconnect = 1;

void linuxcnc_simu(xhc_t *xhc)
	static int last_jog_counts;
	xhc_hal_t *hal = xhc->hal;

	// for simu, always step up
	*(hal->stepsize_up) = (xhc->button_step && xhc->button_code == xhc->button_step);

	if (*(hal->jog_counts) != last_jog_counts) {
		int delta_int = *(hal->jog_counts) - last_jog_counts;
		float delta = delta_int * *(hal->jog_scale);
		if (*(hal->jog_enable_x)) {
			*(hal->x_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->x_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_y)) {
			*(hal->y_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->y_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_z)) {
			*(hal->z_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->z_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_a)) {
			*(hal->a_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->a_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_spindle)) {
			*(hal->spindle_override) += delta_int * 0.01;
			if (*(hal->spindle_override) > 1) *(hal->spindle_override) = 1;
			if (*(hal->spindle_override) < 0) *(hal->spindle_override) = 0;
			*(hal->spindle_rps) = 25000.0/60.0 * *(hal->spindle_override);

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_feedrate)) {
			*(hal->feedrate_override) += delta_int * 0.01;
			if (*(hal->feedrate_override) > 1) *(hal->feedrate_override) = 1;
			if (*(hal->feedrate_override) < 0) *(hal->feedrate_override) = 0;
			*(hal->feedrate) = 3000.0/60.0 * *(hal->feedrate_override);

		last_jog_counts = *(hal->jog_counts);

void compute_velocity(xhc_t *xhc)
	timeval now, delta_tv;
	gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

	if (xhc->last_tv.tv_sec == 0) xhc->last_tv = now;
	timersub(&now, &xhc->last_tv, &delta_tv);
	float elapsed = delta_tv.tv_sec + 1e-6f*delta_tv.tv_usec;
	if (elapsed <= 0) return;

	float delta_pos = (*(xhc->hal->jog_counts) - xhc->last_jog_counts) * *(xhc->hal->jog_scale);
	float velocity = *(xhc->hal->jog_max_velocity) * 60.0f * *(xhc->hal->jog_scale);
	float k = 0.05f;

	if (delta_pos) {
		*(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) = (1 - k) * *(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) + k * velocity;
		*(xhc->hal->jog_increment) = fabs(delta_pos);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_x) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_x);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_x) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_x);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_y) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_y);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_y) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_y);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_z) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_z);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_z) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_z);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_a) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_a);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_a) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_a);
		xhc->last_jog_counts = *(xhc->hal->jog_counts);
		xhc->last_tv = now;
	else {
		*(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) = (1 - k) * *(xhc->hal->jog_velocity);
		if (elapsed > 0.25) {
			*(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_x) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_x) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_y) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_y) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_z) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_z) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_a) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_a) = 0;

void handle_step(xhc_t *xhc)//TODO to rework to multi position switch
	int _inc_step_status = STEP_NONE;
	int _stepsize = *(xhc->hal->stepsize);	// Use a local variable to avoid STEP display as 0 on pendant during transitions

	if (*(xhc->hal->stepsize_up)) {
	       _inc_step_status = STEP_UP;
	   if (*(xhc->hal->stepsize_down)) {
	       _inc_step_status = STEP_NONE; // none if both pressed
	} else if (*(xhc->hal->stepsize_down)) {
	      _inc_step_status = STEP_DOWN;
	} else {
	      _inc_step_status = STEP_NONE;

	if (_inc_step_status  !=  xhc->old_inc_step_status) {
	    if (_inc_step_status == STEP_UP) {
	        // restart idx when 0 terminator reached:
	        if (stepsize_sequence[stepsize_idx] == 0) stepsize_idx = 0;
	    if (_inc_step_status == STEP_DOWN) {
	        // restart at stepsize_last_idx when stepsize_idx < 0
	        if (stepsize_idx < 0) stepsize_idx = stepsize_last_idx;
	    _stepsize = stepsize_sequence[stepsize_idx];

	xhc->old_inc_step_status = _inc_step_status;

	*(xhc->hal->stepsize) = _stepsize;
	*(xhc->hal->jog_scale) = *(xhc->hal->stepsize) * 0.001f;

void hexdump(unsigned char *data, int len)
	int i;

	for (i=0; i<len; i++) printf("%02X ", data[i]);

void cb_response_in(struct libusb_transfer *transfer)
	int i;
	if (!*(xhc.hal->connected)) return;

	if (transfer->actual_length > 0) {

		xhc.button_code = in_buf[2];
		xhc.axis = (xhc_axis_t)in_buf[5];

		*(xhc.hal->jog_counts) += ((signed char)in_buf[6]);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_counts_neg) = - *(xhc.hal->jog_counts);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_off) = (xhc.axis == axis_off);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_x) = (xhc.axis == axis_x);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_y) = (xhc.axis == axis_y);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_z) = (xhc.axis == axis_z);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_a) = (xhc.axis == axis_a);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_feedrate) = (xhc.axis == axis_feed);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_spindle) = (xhc.axis == axis_spindle);

		for (i=0; i<NB_MAX_BUTTONS; i++) {
			if (!xhc.hal->button_pin[i]) continue;
			*(xhc.hal->button_pin[i]) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code);
            if (strcmp("button-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
               *(xhc.hal->zero_x) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_x);
               *(xhc.hal->zero_y) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_y);
               *(xhc.hal->zero_z) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_z);
               *(xhc.hal->zero_a) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_a);
            if (strcmp("button-goto-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_x) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_x);
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_y) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_y);
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_z) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_z);
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_a) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_a);
            if (strcmp("button-half", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
               *(xhc.hal->half_x) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_x);
               *(xhc.hal->half_y) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_y);
               *(xhc.hal->half_z) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_z);
               *(xhc.hal->half_a) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_a);
			if (simu_mode && *(xhc.hal->button_pin[i])) {
				printf("%s pressed", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
		if (simu_mode) {
			if ((signed char)in_buf[4] != 0) printf(" delta %+3d",(signed char)in_buf[4]);

		//detect pendant going to sleep (occurs for 18 button pendant)
		if (   in_buf[0]==0x04
			&& in_buf[1]==0
			&& in_buf[2]==0
			&& in_buf[3]==0
			&& in_buf[6]==0
			&& in_buf[7]==0) {

				*(xhc.hal->sleeping) = 1;
				if (simu_mode) {
					struct timeval now;
					gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
					fprintf(stderr,"Sleep, idle for %ld seconds\n",
						               now.tv_sec - xhc.last_wakeup.tv_sec);
			} else {
				gettimeofday(&xhc.last_wakeup, NULL);
				if (*(xhc.hal->sleeping)) {
					if (simu_mode) {
				*(xhc.hal->sleeping) = 0;


void setup_asynch_transfer(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle)
	libusb_fill_bulk_transfer( transfer_in, dev_handle, (0x1 | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN),
		in_buf, sizeof(in_buf),
		cb_response_in, NULL, 0); // no user data

static void quit(int sig)
	do_exit = 1;

static int hal_pin_simu(char *pin_name, void **ptr, int s)
	printf("Creating pin: %s\n", pin_name);
	*ptr = calloc(s, 1);
	return 0;

int _hal_pin_float_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_float_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...)
	char pin_name[256];
    va_list args;
	vsprintf(pin_name, fmt, args);

    if (simu_mode) {
    	return hal_pin_simu(pin_name, ( void**)data_ptr_addr, sizeof(*data_ptr_addr));
    else {
    	return hal_pin_float_new(pin_name, dir, data_ptr_addr, comp_id);

int _hal_pin_s32_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_s32_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...)
	char pin_name[256];
    va_list args;
	vsprintf(pin_name, fmt, args);

    if (simu_mode) {
    	return hal_pin_simu(pin_name, ( void**)data_ptr_addr, sizeof(*data_ptr_addr));
    else {
    	return hal_pin_s32_new(pin_name, dir, data_ptr_addr, comp_id);

int _hal_pin_bit_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_bit_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...)
	char pin_name[256];
    va_list args;
	vsprintf(pin_name, fmt, args);

    if (simu_mode) {
    	return hal_pin_simu(pin_name, ( void**)data_ptr_addr, sizeof(*data_ptr_addr));
    else {
    	return hal_pin_bit_new(pin_name, dir, data_ptr_addr, comp_id);

static void hal_setup()
	int r, i;

	if (!simu_mode) {
		hal_comp_id = hal_init(modname);
		if (hal_comp_id < 1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: hal_init failed\n", modname);

		xhc.hal = (xhc_hal_t *)hal_malloc(sizeof(xhc_hal_t));
		if (xhc.hal == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: unable to allocate HAL shared memory\n", modname);
	else {
		xhc.hal = (xhc_hal_t *)calloc(sizeof(xhc_hal_t), 1);

    r = 0;

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->x_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.x.pos-absolute", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->y_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.y.pos-absolute", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->z_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.z.pos-absolute", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->a_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.a.pos-absolute", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->x_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.x.pos-relative", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->y_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.y.pos-relative", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->z_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.z.pos-relative", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->a_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.a.pos-relative", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->feedrate), hal_comp_id, "%s.feed-value", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->feedrate_override), hal_comp_id, "%s.feed-override", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->spindle_rps), hal_comp_id, "%s.spindle-rps", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->spindle_override), hal_comp_id, "%s.spindle-override", modname);

    for (i=0; i<NB_MAX_BUTTONS; i++) {
        if (!xhc.buttons[i].pin_name[0]) continue;
        r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->button_pin[i]), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-x", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-y", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-z", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-a", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-goto-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-x", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-y", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-z", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-a", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-half", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-x", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-y", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-z", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-a", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-step", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) xhc.button_step = xhc.buttons[i].code;

    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->sleeping), hal_comp_id, "%s.sleeping", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->connected), hal_comp_id, "%s.connected", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN,  &(xhc.hal->stepsize_up), hal_comp_id, "%s.stepsize-up", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN,  &(xhc.hal->stepsize_down), hal_comp_id, "%s.stepsize-down", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_s32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->stepsize), hal_comp_id, "%s.stepsize", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->require_pendant), hal_comp_id, "%s.require_pendant", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN,  &(xhc.hal->inch_icon), hal_comp_id, "%s.inch-icon", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_off), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-off", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-x", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-y", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-z", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-a", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_feedrate), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-feed-override", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_spindle), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-spindle-override", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_scale), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.scale", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_s32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_counts), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.counts", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_s32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_counts_neg), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.counts-neg", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_velocity), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.velocity", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->jog_max_velocity), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.max-velocity", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_increment), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.increment", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-x", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-x", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-y", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-y", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-z", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-z", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-a", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-a", modname);


int read_ini_file(char *filename)
	FILE *fd = fopen(filename, "r");
	const char *bt;
	int nb_buttons = 0;
	if (!fd) {
		return -1;

	IniFile f(false, fd);

	while ( (bt = f.Find("BUTTON", section, nb_buttons+1)) && nb_buttons < NB_MAX_BUTTONS) {
		if (sscanf(bt, "%x:%s", &xhc.buttons[nb_buttons].code, xhc.buttons[nb_buttons].pin_name) !=2 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: syntax error\n", bt);
			return -1;

	return 0;


static void Usage(char *name)
	fprintf(stderr, "%s version %s by Frederic RIBLE (frible@teaser.fr)\n", name, PACKAGE_VERSION);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-I button-cfg-file] [-h] [-H] [-s n]\n", name);
    fprintf(stderr, " -I button-cfg-file: configuration file defining the MPG keyboard layout\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -h: usage (this)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -H: run in real-time HAL mode (run in simulation mode by default)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -x: wait for pendant detection before creating HAL pins\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -s: step sequence (multiplied by 0.001 unit):\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     1: 1,10,100,1000 (default)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     2: 1,5,10,20\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     3: 1,10,100\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     4: 1,5,10,20,50,100\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     5: 1,10,50,100,1000\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Configuration file section format:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "[XHC-HB04]\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "BUTTON=XN:button-thenameN\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "...\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "    where XN=hexcode, button-thenameN=nameforbutton\n");

int main (int argc,char **argv)
	libusb_device **devs;
    libusb_device_handle *dev_handle;
	libusb_context *ctx = NULL;
	int r,idx;
	ssize_t cnt;
#define MAX_WAIT_SECS 10
	int wait_secs = 0;

    int opt;
    bool hal_ready_done = false;


    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "HhI:xs:")) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
        case 'I':
            if (read_ini_file(optarg)) {
                printf("Problem reading ini file: %s\n\n",optarg);
        case 'H':
        	simu_mode = false;
        case 's':
            switch (optarg[0]) {
              case '1': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_1;break;
              case '2': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_2;break;
              case '3': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_3;break;
              case '4': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_4;break;
              case '5': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_5;break;
                printf("Unknown sequence: %s\n\n",optarg);
        case 'x':
        	wait_for_pendant_before_HAL = true;

    // compute the last valid idx for use with stepsize-down
    for (idx=0; idx < MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE; idx++) {
       if (stepsize_sequence[idx] == 0) break;
    stepsize_last_idx  =  idx - 1;


    signal(SIGINT, quit);
	signal(SIGTERM, quit);

    if (!wait_for_pendant_before_HAL && !simu_mode) {
    	hal_ready_done = true;

	while (!do_exit) {
    	//on reconnect wait for device to be gone
    	if (do_reconnect == 1) {
    		do_reconnect = 0;

		r = libusb_init(&ctx);

		if(r < 0) {
			return 1;
		libusb_set_debug(ctx, 2);
		// use environmental variable LIBUSB_DEBUG if needed

		printf("%s: waiting for XHC-HB04 device\n",modname);
		*(xhc.hal->connected) = 0;
		wait_secs = 0;
		*(xhc.hal->require_pendant) = wait_for_pendant_before_HAL;
		*(xhc.hal->stepsize) = stepsize_sequence[0];

		do {
			cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs);
			if (cnt < 0) {
				return 1;

			dev_handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(ctx, 0x10CE, 0xEB93);
			libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1);
			if (dev_handle == NULL) {
				if (wait_for_pendant_before_HAL) {
					if (wait_secs >= MAX_WAIT_SECS/2) {
						printf("%s: waiting for XHC-HB04 device (%d)\n",modname,wait_secs);
					if (wait_secs > MAX_WAIT_SECS) {
						printf("%s: MAX_WAIT_SECS exceeded, exiting\n",modname);
		} while(dev_handle == NULL && !do_exit);

		if (dev_handle) printf("%s: found XHC-HB04 device\n",modname);

		if (dev_handle) {
			if 	(libusb_kernel_driver_active(dev_handle, 0) == 1) {
				libusb_detach_kernel_driver(dev_handle, 0);

			r = libusb_claim_interface(dev_handle, 0);
			if (r < 0) {
				return 1;
			//allocate the transfer struct here only once after successful connection
			transfer_in  = libusb_alloc_transfer(0);

		*(xhc.hal->connected) = 1;

	    if (!hal_ready_done && !simu_mode) {
	    	hal_ready_done = true;

		if (dev_handle) {
			xhc_set_display(dev_handle, &xhc);

		if (dev_handle) {
			while (!do_exit && !do_reconnect) {
				struct timeval tv;
				tv.tv_sec  = 0;
				tv.tv_usec = 30000;
				r = libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, &tv);
			    if (simu_mode) linuxcnc_simu(&xhc);
				xhc_set_display(dev_handle, &xhc);
			*(xhc.hal->connected) = 0;
            printf("%s: connection lost, cleaning up\n",modname);
			if (*(xhc.hal->require_pendant)) {
				do_exit = 1;
			libusb_cancel_transfer(transfer_in); // ignore result
			assert (0 == libusb_handle_events_completed(ctx, nullptr));
			assert (0 == libusb_release_interface(dev_handle, 0));
		} else {
			while (!do_exit) usleep(70000);
	} // while (!do_exit)

This file should be created (using sudo and a text editor) as:
with the single line:
ATTR{idProduct}=="eb93", ATTR{idVendor}=="10ce", MODE="0666", OWNER="root", GROUP="plugdev"
Last edit: 23 Feb 2020 06:13 by nkp.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tommylight

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23 Feb 2020 06:14 #158275 by nkp
only instead *p++ = 0x03;
*p++ = 0x00;      CON:60%
   *p++ = 0x01;      STP:0.01        
   *p++ = 0x02;      MPG:60%
   *p++ = 0x03;      60%

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23 Feb 2021 12:12 #199816 by tecno
Is this code included in the xhc-whb04b-6 ??

I edited the driver a bit(for LHB04-B4)
   XHC-HB04 Wireless MPG pendant LinuxCNC HAL module for LinuxCNC

   Copyright (C) 2013 Frederic Rible (frible@teaser.fr)
   Copyright (C) 2013 Rene Hopf (renehopf@mac.com)
   Copyright (C) 2014 Marius Alksnys (marius.alksnys@gmail.com)

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with the program; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
   MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libusb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include <hal.h>
#include <inifile.hh>

#include "config.h"

const char *modname = "xhc-hb04";
int hal_comp_id;
const char *section = "XHC-HB04";
bool simu_mode = true;

typedef struct {
	char pin_name[256];
	unsigned int code;
} xhc_button_t;

typedef enum {
	axis_off = 0x06,
	axis_x = 0x11,
	axis_y = 0x12,
	axis_z = 0x13,
	axis_a = 0x18,
	axis_spindle = 0x15,
	axis_feed = 0x14
} xhc_axis_t;

#define NB_MAX_BUTTONS 32

#define STEPSIZE_BYTE 35
#define FLAGS_BYTE    36

// the defines below were found for an 18 button device
// bit 'or' patterns for STEPSIZE_BYTE
#define DISPLAY_HOME_ICON           0x10
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN_40   0x40
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN_80   0x80

#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_0          0x00
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1          0x01
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_5          0x02
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_10         0x03
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_20         0x04
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_30         0x05
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_40         0x06
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_50         0x07
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_100        0x08
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_500        0x09
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1000       0x0A
#define STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_P6         0x0B

// guard for maximum number of items in a stepsize_sequence

// alternate stepsize sequences (use STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_*), terminate with 0:
static const int  stepsize_sequence_1[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1,10,100,1000, 0}; // default
static const int  stepsize_sequence_2[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1, 5, 10, 20,         0};
static const int  stepsize_sequence_3[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1,10,100,             0};
static const int  stepsize_sequence_4[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1, 5, 10, 20,  50,100,0};
static const int  stepsize_sequence_5[MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE +1] = {1,10, 50,100,1000,    0};
static const int* stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_1; // use the default
static int stepsize_idx = 0; // start at initial (zeroth) sequence
static int stepsize_last_idx  =  0; //calculated`

typedef struct {
	hal_float_t *x_wc, *y_wc, *z_wc, *a_wc;
	hal_float_t *x_mc, *y_mc, *z_mc, *a_mc;

	hal_float_t *feedrate_override, *feedrate;
	hal_float_t *spindle_override, *spindle_rps;

	hal_bit_t *button_pin[NB_MAX_BUTTONS];

    hal_bit_t *jog_enable_off;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_x;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_y;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_z;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_a;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_feedrate;
	hal_bit_t *jog_enable_spindle;
	hal_float_t *jog_scale;
	hal_s32_t *jog_counts, *jog_counts_neg;

	hal_float_t *jog_velocity;
	hal_float_t *jog_max_velocity;
	hal_float_t *jog_increment;
	hal_bit_t *jog_plus_x, *jog_plus_y, *jog_plus_z, *jog_plus_a;
	hal_bit_t *jog_minus_x, *jog_minus_y, *jog_minus_z, *jog_minus_a;

	hal_bit_t *stepsize_up;
	hal_bit_t *stepsize_down;
	hal_s32_t *stepsize;
	hal_bit_t *sleeping;
	hal_bit_t *connected;
	hal_bit_t *require_pendant;
	hal_bit_t *inch_icon;
	hal_bit_t *zero_x;
	hal_bit_t *zero_y;
	hal_bit_t *zero_z;
	hal_bit_t *zero_a;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_x;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_y;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_z;
	hal_bit_t *gotozero_a;
	hal_bit_t *half_x;
	hal_bit_t *half_y;
	hal_bit_t *half_z;
	hal_bit_t *half_a;
} xhc_hal_t;

#define STEP_UNDEFINED  -1
#define STEP_NONE      0x0
#define STEP_UP        0x1
#define STEP_DOWN      0x2

typedef struct {
	xhc_hal_t *hal;
	xhc_axis_t axis;
	xhc_button_t buttons[NB_MAX_BUTTONS];
	unsigned char button_code;

	char old_inc_step_status;
	unsigned char button_step;	// Used in simulation mode to handle the STEP increment

	// Variables for velocity computation
	hal_s32_t last_jog_counts;
	struct timeval last_tv;

	struct timeval last_wakeup;
} xhc_t;

static xhc_t xhc;

static int do_exit = 0;
static int do_reconnect = 0;
static bool wait_for_pendant_before_HAL = false;

struct libusb_transfer *transfer_in  = NULL;
unsigned char in_buf[32];
void setup_asynch_transfer(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle);

extern "C" const char *
iniFind(FILE *fp, const char *tag, const char *section)
    IniFile                     f(false, fp);

    return(f.Find(tag, section));

void init_xhc(xhc_t *xhc)
	memset(xhc, 0, sizeof(*xhc));
	xhc->old_inc_step_status = STEP_UNDEFINED;
	gettimeofday(&xhc->last_wakeup, NULL);

int xhc_encode_float(float v, unsigned char *buf)
	unsigned int int_v = round(fabs(v) * 10000.0);
	unsigned short int_part = int_v / 10000;
	unsigned short fract_part = int_v % 10000;
	if (v < 0) fract_part = fract_part | 0x8000;
	*(short *)buf = int_part;
	*((short *)buf+1) = fract_part;
	return 4;

int xhc_encode_s16(int v, unsigned char *buf)
	*(short *)buf = v;
	return 2;

void xhc_display_encode(xhc_t *xhc, unsigned char *data, int len)
	unsigned char buf[6*7];
	unsigned char *p = buf;
	int i;
	int packet;

	assert(len == 6*8);

	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	*p++ = 0xFE;
	*p++ = 0xFD;
	*p++ = 0x0C;
	*p++ = 0x03;

	if (0) p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->a_wc)) / 1000, p);
	else p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->x_wc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->y_wc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->z_wc)) / 1000, p);
	if (0) p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->a_mc)) / 1000, p);
	else p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->x_mc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->y_mc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_float(round(1000 * *(xhc->hal->z_mc)) / 1000, p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(100.0 * *(xhc->hal->feedrate_override)), p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(100.0 * *(xhc->hal->spindle_override)), p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(60.0 * *(xhc->hal->feedrate)), p);
	p += xhc_encode_s16(round(60.0 * *(xhc->hal->spindle_rps)), p);

	switch (*(xhc->hal->stepsize)) {
	case    0: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_0; break;
	case    1: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1; break;
	case    5: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_5; break;
	case   10: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_10; break;
	case   20: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_20; break;
	case   30: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_30; break;
	case   40: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_40; break;
	case   50: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_50; break;
	case  100: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_100; break;
	case  500: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_500; break;
	case 1000: buf[STEPSIZE_BYTE] = STEPSIZE_DISPLAY_1000; break;
	default:   //stepsize not supported on the display:

    buf[FLAGS_BYTE] = 0;
    if (*(xhc->hal->inch_icon)) {
        buf[FLAGS_BYTE] |= 0x80;

	// Multiplex to 6 USB transactions

	p = buf;
	for (packet=0; packet<6; packet++) {
		for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
			if (i == 0) data[i+8*packet] = 6;
			else data[i+8*packet] = *p++;

void xhc_set_display(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, xhc_t *xhc)
	unsigned char data[6*8];
	int packet;

	xhc_display_encode(xhc, data, sizeof(data));

	for (packet=0; packet<6; packet++) {
		int r = libusb_control_transfer(dev_handle,
		              LIBUSB_DT_HID, //bmRequestType 0x21
		              LIBUSB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION, //bRequest 0x09
		              0x0306,         //wValue
		              0x00,           //wIndex
		              data+8*packet,  //*data
		              8,              //wLength
		              0);             //timeout
		if (r < 0) {
			do_reconnect = 1;

void linuxcnc_simu(xhc_t *xhc)
	static int last_jog_counts;
	xhc_hal_t *hal = xhc->hal;

	// for simu, always step up
	*(hal->stepsize_up) = (xhc->button_step && xhc->button_code == xhc->button_step);

	if (*(hal->jog_counts) != last_jog_counts) {
		int delta_int = *(hal->jog_counts) - last_jog_counts;
		float delta = delta_int * *(hal->jog_scale);
		if (*(hal->jog_enable_x)) {
			*(hal->x_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->x_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_y)) {
			*(hal->y_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->y_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_z)) {
			*(hal->z_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->z_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_a)) {
			*(hal->a_mc) += delta;
			*(hal->a_wc) += delta;

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_spindle)) {
			*(hal->spindle_override) += delta_int * 0.01;
			if (*(hal->spindle_override) > 1) *(hal->spindle_override) = 1;
			if (*(hal->spindle_override) < 0) *(hal->spindle_override) = 0;
			*(hal->spindle_rps) = 25000.0/60.0 * *(hal->spindle_override);

		if (*(hal->jog_enable_feedrate)) {
			*(hal->feedrate_override) += delta_int * 0.01;
			if (*(hal->feedrate_override) > 1) *(hal->feedrate_override) = 1;
			if (*(hal->feedrate_override) < 0) *(hal->feedrate_override) = 0;
			*(hal->feedrate) = 3000.0/60.0 * *(hal->feedrate_override);

		last_jog_counts = *(hal->jog_counts);

void compute_velocity(xhc_t *xhc)
	timeval now, delta_tv;
	gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

	if (xhc->last_tv.tv_sec == 0) xhc->last_tv = now;
	timersub(&now, &xhc->last_tv, &delta_tv);
	float elapsed = delta_tv.tv_sec + 1e-6f*delta_tv.tv_usec;
	if (elapsed <= 0) return;

	float delta_pos = (*(xhc->hal->jog_counts) - xhc->last_jog_counts) * *(xhc->hal->jog_scale);
	float velocity = *(xhc->hal->jog_max_velocity) * 60.0f * *(xhc->hal->jog_scale);
	float k = 0.05f;

	if (delta_pos) {
		*(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) = (1 - k) * *(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) + k * velocity;
		*(xhc->hal->jog_increment) = fabs(delta_pos);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_x) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_x);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_x) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_x);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_y) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_y);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_y) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_y);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_z) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_z);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_z) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_z);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_a) = (delta_pos > 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_a);
		*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_a) = (delta_pos < 0) && *(xhc->hal->jog_enable_a);
		xhc->last_jog_counts = *(xhc->hal->jog_counts);
		xhc->last_tv = now;
	else {
		*(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) = (1 - k) * *(xhc->hal->jog_velocity);
		if (elapsed > 0.25) {
			*(xhc->hal->jog_velocity) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_x) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_x) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_y) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_y) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_z) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_z) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_plus_a) = 0;
			*(xhc->hal->jog_minus_a) = 0;

void handle_step(xhc_t *xhc)//TODO to rework to multi position switch
	int _inc_step_status = STEP_NONE;
	int _stepsize = *(xhc->hal->stepsize);	// Use a local variable to avoid STEP display as 0 on pendant during transitions

	if (*(xhc->hal->stepsize_up)) {
	       _inc_step_status = STEP_UP;
	   if (*(xhc->hal->stepsize_down)) {
	       _inc_step_status = STEP_NONE; // none if both pressed
	} else if (*(xhc->hal->stepsize_down)) {
	      _inc_step_status = STEP_DOWN;
	} else {
	      _inc_step_status = STEP_NONE;

	if (_inc_step_status  !=  xhc->old_inc_step_status) {
	    if (_inc_step_status == STEP_UP) {
	        // restart idx when 0 terminator reached:
	        if (stepsize_sequence[stepsize_idx] == 0) stepsize_idx = 0;
	    if (_inc_step_status == STEP_DOWN) {
	        // restart at stepsize_last_idx when stepsize_idx < 0
	        if (stepsize_idx < 0) stepsize_idx = stepsize_last_idx;
	    _stepsize = stepsize_sequence[stepsize_idx];

	xhc->old_inc_step_status = _inc_step_status;

	*(xhc->hal->stepsize) = _stepsize;
	*(xhc->hal->jog_scale) = *(xhc->hal->stepsize) * 0.001f;

void hexdump(unsigned char *data, int len)
	int i;

	for (i=0; i<len; i++) printf("%02X ", data[i]);

void cb_response_in(struct libusb_transfer *transfer)
	int i;
	if (!*(xhc.hal->connected)) return;

	if (transfer->actual_length > 0) {

		xhc.button_code = in_buf[2];
		xhc.axis = (xhc_axis_t)in_buf[5];

		*(xhc.hal->jog_counts) += ((signed char)in_buf[6]);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_counts_neg) = - *(xhc.hal->jog_counts);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_off) = (xhc.axis == axis_off);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_x) = (xhc.axis == axis_x);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_y) = (xhc.axis == axis_y);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_z) = (xhc.axis == axis_z);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_a) = (xhc.axis == axis_a);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_feedrate) = (xhc.axis == axis_feed);
		*(xhc.hal->jog_enable_spindle) = (xhc.axis == axis_spindle);

		for (i=0; i<NB_MAX_BUTTONS; i++) {
			if (!xhc.hal->button_pin[i]) continue;
			*(xhc.hal->button_pin[i]) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code);
            if (strcmp("button-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
               *(xhc.hal->zero_x) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_x);
               *(xhc.hal->zero_y) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_y);
               *(xhc.hal->zero_z) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_z);
               *(xhc.hal->zero_a) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_a);
            if (strcmp("button-goto-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_x) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_x);
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_y) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_y);
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_z) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_z);
               *(xhc.hal->gotozero_a) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_a);
            if (strcmp("button-half", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
               *(xhc.hal->half_x) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_x);
               *(xhc.hal->half_y) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_y);
               *(xhc.hal->half_z) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_z);
               *(xhc.hal->half_a) = (xhc.button_code == xhc.buttons[i].code) && (xhc.axis == axis_a);
			if (simu_mode && *(xhc.hal->button_pin[i])) {
				printf("%s pressed", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
		if (simu_mode) {
			if ((signed char)in_buf[4] != 0) printf(" delta %+3d",(signed char)in_buf[4]);

		//detect pendant going to sleep (occurs for 18 button pendant)
		if (   in_buf[0]==0x04
			&& in_buf[1]==0
			&& in_buf[2]==0
			&& in_buf[3]==0
			&& in_buf[6]==0
			&& in_buf[7]==0) {

				*(xhc.hal->sleeping) = 1;
				if (simu_mode) {
					struct timeval now;
					gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
					fprintf(stderr,"Sleep, idle for %ld seconds\n",
						               now.tv_sec - xhc.last_wakeup.tv_sec);
			} else {
				gettimeofday(&xhc.last_wakeup, NULL);
				if (*(xhc.hal->sleeping)) {
					if (simu_mode) {
				*(xhc.hal->sleeping) = 0;


void setup_asynch_transfer(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle)
	libusb_fill_bulk_transfer( transfer_in, dev_handle, (0x1 | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN),
		in_buf, sizeof(in_buf),
		cb_response_in, NULL, 0); // no user data

static void quit(int sig)
	do_exit = 1;

static int hal_pin_simu(char *pin_name, void **ptr, int s)
	printf("Creating pin: %s\n", pin_name);
	*ptr = calloc(s, 1);
	return 0;

int _hal_pin_float_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_float_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...)
	char pin_name[256];
    va_list args;
	vsprintf(pin_name, fmt, args);

    if (simu_mode) {
    	return hal_pin_simu(pin_name, ( void**)data_ptr_addr, sizeof(*data_ptr_addr));
    else {
    	return hal_pin_float_new(pin_name, dir, data_ptr_addr, comp_id);

int _hal_pin_s32_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_s32_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...)
	char pin_name[256];
    va_list args;
	vsprintf(pin_name, fmt, args);

    if (simu_mode) {
    	return hal_pin_simu(pin_name, ( void**)data_ptr_addr, sizeof(*data_ptr_addr));
    else {
    	return hal_pin_s32_new(pin_name, dir, data_ptr_addr, comp_id);

int _hal_pin_bit_newf(hal_pin_dir_t dir, hal_bit_t ** data_ptr_addr, int comp_id, const char *fmt, ...)
	char pin_name[256];
    va_list args;
	vsprintf(pin_name, fmt, args);

    if (simu_mode) {
    	return hal_pin_simu(pin_name, ( void**)data_ptr_addr, sizeof(*data_ptr_addr));
    else {
    	return hal_pin_bit_new(pin_name, dir, data_ptr_addr, comp_id);

static void hal_setup()
	int r, i;

	if (!simu_mode) {
		hal_comp_id = hal_init(modname);
		if (hal_comp_id < 1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: hal_init failed\n", modname);

		xhc.hal = (xhc_hal_t *)hal_malloc(sizeof(xhc_hal_t));
		if (xhc.hal == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: unable to allocate HAL shared memory\n", modname);
	else {
		xhc.hal = (xhc_hal_t *)calloc(sizeof(xhc_hal_t), 1);

    r = 0;

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->x_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.x.pos-absolute", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->y_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.y.pos-absolute", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->z_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.z.pos-absolute", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->a_mc), hal_comp_id, "%s.a.pos-absolute", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->x_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.x.pos-relative", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->y_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.y.pos-relative", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->z_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.z.pos-relative", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->a_wc), hal_comp_id, "%s.a.pos-relative", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->feedrate), hal_comp_id, "%s.feed-value", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->feedrate_override), hal_comp_id, "%s.feed-override", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->spindle_rps), hal_comp_id, "%s.spindle-rps", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->spindle_override), hal_comp_id, "%s.spindle-override", modname);

    for (i=0; i<NB_MAX_BUTTONS; i++) {
        if (!xhc.buttons[i].pin_name[0]) continue;
        r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->button_pin[i]), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-x", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-y", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-z", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->zero_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-a", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-goto-zero", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-x", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-y", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-z", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->gotozero_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-a", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-half", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) {
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-x", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-y", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-z", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
            r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->half_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.%s-a", modname, xhc.buttons[i].pin_name);
        if (strcmp("button-step", xhc.buttons[i].pin_name) == 0) xhc.button_step = xhc.buttons[i].code;

    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->sleeping), hal_comp_id, "%s.sleeping", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->connected), hal_comp_id, "%s.connected", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN,  &(xhc.hal->stepsize_up), hal_comp_id, "%s.stepsize-up", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN,  &(xhc.hal->stepsize_down), hal_comp_id, "%s.stepsize-down", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_s32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->stepsize), hal_comp_id, "%s.stepsize", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->require_pendant), hal_comp_id, "%s.require_pendant", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN,  &(xhc.hal->inch_icon), hal_comp_id, "%s.inch-icon", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_off), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-off", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-x", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-y", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-z", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-a", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_feedrate), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-feed-override", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_enable_spindle), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.enable-spindle-override", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_scale), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.scale", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_s32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_counts), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.counts", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_s32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_counts_neg), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.counts-neg", modname);

    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_velocity), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.velocity", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(xhc.hal->jog_max_velocity), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.max-velocity", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_increment), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.increment", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-x", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_x), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-x", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-y", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_y), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-y", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-z", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_z), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-z", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_plus_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.plus-a", modname);
    r |= _hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(xhc.hal->jog_minus_a), hal_comp_id, "%s.jog.minus-a", modname);


int read_ini_file(char *filename)
	FILE *fd = fopen(filename, "r");
	const char *bt;
	int nb_buttons = 0;
	if (!fd) {
		return -1;

	IniFile f(false, fd);

	while ( (bt = f.Find("BUTTON", section, nb_buttons+1)) && nb_buttons < NB_MAX_BUTTONS) {
		if (sscanf(bt, "%x:%s", &xhc.buttons[nb_buttons].code, xhc.buttons[nb_buttons].pin_name) !=2 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: syntax error\n", bt);
			return -1;

	return 0;


static void Usage(char *name)
	fprintf(stderr, "%s version %s by Frederic RIBLE (frible@teaser.fr)\n", name, PACKAGE_VERSION);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-I button-cfg-file] [-h] [-H] [-s n]\n", name);
    fprintf(stderr, " -I button-cfg-file: configuration file defining the MPG keyboard layout\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -h: usage (this)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -H: run in real-time HAL mode (run in simulation mode by default)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -x: wait for pendant detection before creating HAL pins\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " -s: step sequence (multiplied by 0.001 unit):\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     1: 1,10,100,1000 (default)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     2: 1,5,10,20\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     3: 1,10,100\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     4: 1,5,10,20,50,100\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     5: 1,10,50,100,1000\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Configuration file section format:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "[XHC-HB04]\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "BUTTON=XN:button-thenameN\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "...\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "    where XN=hexcode, button-thenameN=nameforbutton\n");

int main (int argc,char **argv)
	libusb_device **devs;
    libusb_device_handle *dev_handle;
	libusb_context *ctx = NULL;
	int r,idx;
	ssize_t cnt;
#define MAX_WAIT_SECS 10
	int wait_secs = 0;

    int opt;
    bool hal_ready_done = false;


    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "HhI:xs:")) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
        case 'I':
            if (read_ini_file(optarg)) {
                printf("Problem reading ini file: %s\n\n",optarg);
        case 'H':
        	simu_mode = false;
        case 's':
            switch (optarg[0]) {
              case '1': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_1;break;
              case '2': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_2;break;
              case '3': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_3;break;
              case '4': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_4;break;
              case '5': stepsize_sequence = stepsize_sequence_5;break;
                printf("Unknown sequence: %s\n\n",optarg);
        case 'x':
        	wait_for_pendant_before_HAL = true;

    // compute the last valid idx for use with stepsize-down
    for (idx=0; idx < MAX_STEPSIZE_SEQUENCE; idx++) {
       if (stepsize_sequence[idx] == 0) break;
    stepsize_last_idx  =  idx - 1;


    signal(SIGINT, quit);
	signal(SIGTERM, quit);

    if (!wait_for_pendant_before_HAL && !simu_mode) {
    	hal_ready_done = true;

	while (!do_exit) {
    	//on reconnect wait for device to be gone
    	if (do_reconnect == 1) {
    		do_reconnect = 0;

		r = libusb_init(&ctx);

		if(r < 0) {
			return 1;
		libusb_set_debug(ctx, 2);
		// use environmental variable LIBUSB_DEBUG if needed

		printf("%s: waiting for XHC-HB04 device\n",modname);
		*(xhc.hal->connected) = 0;
		wait_secs = 0;
		*(xhc.hal->require_pendant) = wait_for_pendant_before_HAL;
		*(xhc.hal->stepsize) = stepsize_sequence[0];

		do {
			cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs);
			if (cnt < 0) {
				return 1;

			dev_handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(ctx, 0x10CE, 0xEB93);
			libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1);
			if (dev_handle == NULL) {
				if (wait_for_pendant_before_HAL) {
					if (wait_secs >= MAX_WAIT_SECS/2) {
						printf("%s: waiting for XHC-HB04 device (%d)\n",modname,wait_secs);
					if (wait_secs > MAX_WAIT_SECS) {
						printf("%s: MAX_WAIT_SECS exceeded, exiting\n",modname);
		} while(dev_handle == NULL && !do_exit);

		if (dev_handle) printf("%s: found XHC-HB04 device\n",modname);

		if (dev_handle) {
			if 	(libusb_kernel_driver_active(dev_handle, 0) == 1) {
				libusb_detach_kernel_driver(dev_handle, 0);

			r = libusb_claim_interface(dev_handle, 0);
			if (r < 0) {
				return 1;
			//allocate the transfer struct here only once after successful connection
			transfer_in  = libusb_alloc_transfer(0);

		*(xhc.hal->connected) = 1;

	    if (!hal_ready_done && !simu_mode) {
	    	hal_ready_done = true;

		if (dev_handle) {
			xhc_set_display(dev_handle, &xhc);

		if (dev_handle) {
			while (!do_exit && !do_reconnect) {
				struct timeval tv;
				tv.tv_sec  = 0;
				tv.tv_usec = 30000;
				r = libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, &tv);
			    if (simu_mode) linuxcnc_simu(&xhc);
				xhc_set_display(dev_handle, &xhc);
			*(xhc.hal->connected) = 0;
            printf("%s: connection lost, cleaning up\n",modname);
			if (*(xhc.hal->require_pendant)) {
				do_exit = 1;
			libusb_cancel_transfer(transfer_in); // ignore result
			assert (0 == libusb_handle_events_completed(ctx, nullptr));
			assert (0 == libusb_release_interface(dev_handle, 0));
		} else {
			while (!do_exit) usleep(70000);
	} // while (!do_exit)

This file should be created (using sudo and a text editor) as:
with the single line:
ATTR{idProduct}=="eb93", ATTR{idVendor}=="10ce", MODE="0666", OWNER="root", GROUP="plugdev"

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