5i25 + 7i73

21 Jun 2019 16:40 #137504 by Reinhard
5i25 + 7i73 was created by Reinhard

I have a 5i25 with an individual bitfile, that should drive three 7i73 slaves.
I created an xml-file as firmware-input for pncconf, which already works.
What does not work as expected is the handling of the 7i73 ...
I'd like to use the 7i73 in 8x8 keypad mode wih analog inputs.
So I have to change direction of some pins

... the analog inputs should be interpreted as override controls. But override options allow switches or mpg only. No support for analog input. But I know, that linuxcnc supports analog inputs as override-controls.

So is there any guide on how to patch pncconf to bring those features into play?

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21 Jun 2019 16:56 #137505 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic 5i25 + 7i73
I suspect it would be easier to just add the needed connections to your hal file

(and a working hal file this would be useful as model if you wanted add
an analog feed rate override option to pncconf )

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22 Jun 2019 08:29 #137569 by Reinhard
Replied by Reinhard on topic 5i25 + 7i73

I suspect it would be easier to just add the needed connections to your hal file

bad luck!

I don't know hal and xml-tweaking for pncconf was pretty easy, so I thought, may be I can patch pncconf to get it create a working hal for me ;)

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22 Jun 2019 16:33 #137602 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic 5i25 + 7i73
Yes, but xml tweaking will not add hal structural parts like analog --> feed override
that would need to be added to pncconfs feed override page and hal net /setp / generation

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23 Jun 2019 05:23 #137637 by Reinhard
Replied by Reinhard on topic 5i25 + 7i73
So I hope you don't mind me asking questions ...

In the generated hal-file there's a config line like this:
loadrt hm2_pci config=" num_encoders=5 num_pwmgens=1 num_stepgens=5 sserial_port_0=1110xx"
I have 3 smart serial ports, so where do I get those addresses from?
Application claims on start, that there is no "hm2_pci" device.
How do I create that device?

Through testing I found this line:
net spindle-cw hm2_5i25.0.7i73.0.2.output-02
and it seems, as if the last number before ".output" is the number of the 7i73 card (or the number of the smart serial port, which might be the same).
The 7i73 has 2 ports - but they are not distinguished?
The pin numbering is a bit hard to get in sync with the docs from mesanet.

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23 Jun 2019 13:26 - 23 Jun 2019 13:27 #137649 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic 5i25 + 7i73
Sserial device channel/port numbers are determined by the firmware
you can check this with
sudo mesaflash --device [cardname] --readhmid
(for PCI cards) or
mesaflash --device [cardname] --addr [ipaddress] --readhmid
( for Ethernet cards )

or lookin at the existing .pin or xml file for the FPGA configuration you are using

If you have a 5i25 card install and the loadrt hm2_pci fails with a "no such device" error
this indicates a hardware failure of some kind.

Serial device pin names have this format


FCard is the FPGA card name
Fnumb is the FPGA card number (just 0 unless you have multiple FPGA cards)
SName is the Sserial remote device name
SPort is the Sserial port (0..3 just 0 if you have only 1 port)
SChan is the Sserial device channel ( 0..7 )

The 7I73 does not have ports, OUT2 is on P1 pin 33 (manual page 5)
Last edit: 23 Jun 2019 13:27 by PCW.

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23 Jun 2019 13:53 #137650 by Reinhard
Replied by Reinhard on topic 5i25 + 7i73

thank you for your patience and support.
I do have the manual, but may be I don't understand enuf ...
Page 5:

and page 7

I don't see any information, that the connectors are the same port?!?

Output from mesaflash looks like this:

So I have TXData1/RXData1, TXData2/RXData2 and TXData3/RXData3
are the postfix number of the pins [SPort] or [SChan]?

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23 Jun 2019 14:19 #137651 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic 5i25 + 7i73
I'm not sure what you mean about ports on the 7I73, the 7I73 has 2 connectors but no ports and the 7I73 pins are named by function, not by connector.

On the FPGA pinout list , the sserial "Chan" field is the port (all 0 here)
and the RX/TX pin suffix is the sserial channel

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24 Jun 2019 04:20 - 24 Jun 2019 04:21 #137693 by Reinhard
Replied by Reinhard on topic 5i25 + 7i73

On the FPGA pinout list , the sserial "Chan" field is the port (all 0 here)
and the RX/TX pin suffix is the sserial channel

So to use the Pin10 of the second connector of the third 7i73 the pin-notation would be

pncconf does not allow the use of analag pins. What would be the right notation?
Manual says, that only Input pins 0-4 could be used as analog input.
If I understand numbering scheme right, than IN0 would be .Input-08
That pin as analog input is then .Analog-00 ?
Last edit: 24 Jun 2019 04:21 by Reinhard.

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24 Jun 2019 05:06 - 24 Jun 2019 05:10 #137696 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic 5i25 + 7i73

On the FPGA pinout list , the sserial "Chan" field is the port (all 0 here)
and the RX/TX pin suffix is the sserial channel

So to use the Pin10 of the second connector of the third 7i73 the pin-notation would be

No, that would be input-07 (7I73 manual page 7)

pncconf does not allow the use of analag pins. What would be the right notation?
Manual says, that only Input pins 0-4 could be used as analog input.
If I understand numbering scheme right, than IN0 would be .Input-08
That pin as analog input is then .Analog-00 ?


To list the available 7I73 pins, run:

halcmd show pin *7i73*

When LinuxCNC is running
Last edit: 24 Jun 2019 05:10 by PCW.

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