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28 Feb 2024 07:10

Using HAL lincurve and offset to correct for a not-so-straight axis

Category: Show Your Stuff

I built my own CNC router with the long axis (I called it X for various reasons) at about 2.7m. It's all on 8020 profile and no matter how I tweaked it, I could never get the gantry to move in a straight line. It would shift reliably +/- 0.1mm (or about 0.005in), so I had an accuracy problem that was too large for my liking.


I got this same plot over and over at multiple Y locations, so lincurve  would be a good solution here together with offset .

Essentially, lincurve lets you define an equation of sorts, then lets you map the x value to the y value. In this case, I would map the input of my X of where the spindle is to the output offset I want to move my Y axis. The reverse of the error you see in the graph above. Then I use that offset and implement it in the controller using HAL offset.

The "equation" that you give lincurve however is not your usual y=f(x), but multiple points (up to 16) on the x,y graph. The lincurve link above explains it better than I would.

Here is a snippet from my HAL:
net y-index-enable => pid.y.index-enable
net y-enable => pid.y.enable
net y-pos-cmd => pid.y.command
net y-pos-fb =>
net y-output <= pid.y.output

# Step Gen signals/setup
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.dirsetup [JOINT_2]DIRSETUP
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.dirhold [JOINT_2]DIRHOLD
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.steplen [JOINT_2]STEPLEN
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.stepspace [JOINT_2]STEPSPACE
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.position-scale [JOINT_2]STEP_SCALE
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.step_type 0
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.control-type 1
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.maxaccel [JOINT_2]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL
setp hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.maxvel [JOINT_2]STEPGEN_MAXVEL

# ---closedloop stepper signals---
# Alter Y position dependent on X position in order to straighten X axis
setp x_straight.x-val-00 0.0
setp x_straight.y-val-00 0.04341242632711628
setp x_straight.x-val-01 607.2917010709281
setp x_straight.y-val-01 -0.0941465387965644
setp x_straight.x-val-02 1150.4857125892602
setp x_straight.y-val-02 0.06777797847289474
setp x_straight.x-val-03 1405.8006869324868
setp x_straight.y-val-03 0.10253790211206171
setp x_straight.x-val-04 1662.603323359967
setp x_straight.y-val-04 0.07153820324398952
setp x_straight.x-val-05 1963.5065299510084
setp x_straight.y-val-05 -0.04292886830166562
setp x_straight.x-val-06 2341.4825252892224
setp x_straight.y-val-06 -0.053798901184427095
setp x_straight.x-val-07 2435.0
setp x_straight.y-val-07 -0.10441928397325695
net x-pos-fb =>
net y-offset <= x_straight.out
net y-offset => x_straight_offset.offset
net y-pos-cmd-raw <= joint.2.motor-pos-cmd
net y-pos-cmd-raw =>
net y-pos-fb-raw <= hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.position-fb
net y-pos-fb-raw => x_straight_offset.fb-in

net y-pos-cmd <= x_straight_offset.out
net y-vel-cmd <= joint.2.vel-cmd
net y-output => hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.velocity-cmd
net y-pos-fb <= x_straight_offset.fb-out
net y-pos-fb => joint.2.motor-pos-fb
net y-enable <= joint.2.amp-enable-out
net y-enable => hm2_7i76e.0.stepgen.01.enable

And voila:
27 Feb 2024 07:01
Replied by ajc771 on topic MPG and MESA 7i76E

MPG and MESA 7i76E

Category: Driver Boards

Hi Peter;

Thanks, I will look into that receiver chip.

Just for others who might find problems getting their MPG to work; I had to make some modifications to the HAL file. (I am using LinuxCNC 2.9.2)

1) I decided to use the jog-vel-mode 1 over incremental because I was use to a VMC I used at my job that would Jog that way: For each axis I did:

setp axis.x.jog-vel-mode 1
setp axis.y.jog-vel-mode 1
setp axis.z.jog-vel-mode 1

Mode 1 does not need increment but jogs each axis (selected by a switch on the Pendant Control) continuously at the speed of the turning of the encoder wheel.

2) Next I had to add this line for the motion module:

net motion-in-position halui.mode.teleop hm2_7i76e.0.7i76.0.0.input-07

3) For each Axis x,y &z I:

setp axis.x.jog-scale 3 #(to lower the speed I could have put 0.5 for example)
net axis-select-x => axis.x.jog-enable
net axis-selected-count => axis.x.jog-counts

Input 7, above, is an input pin on my MESA card that is netted to a switch on the Pendant control. I also had to comment out all the places in the HAL file that had to do with incremental control. The pedant control and the MPG work fine now.

Thanks Again,

27 Feb 2024 02:44
Replied by PCW on topic MPG and MESA 7i76E

MPG and MESA 7i76E

Category: Driver Boards

There is no way to use the 7I76E MPG inputs differentially
but typically MPG inputs are pretty slow so if you had
a noise issue you could just add a bit of RC filtering.
(or add a differential receiver chip like a 26LS32)
27 Feb 2024 01:00
MPG and MESA 7i76E was created by ajc771

MPG and MESA 7i76E

Category: Driver Boards


I have a Differential MPG on my Pendant control (It has A+, A-,B+,B- and 5V and GND)  and because of the distance to the 7i76e card and the noise,  I would like to use this 100 turn encoder in the differential mode.   With the 7i76e in mode 2 there are two MPG possible on terminal 16 &17 and terminals 18 & 19.  Is there a way to connect one MPG in the differential mode on these terminals?   If so, exactly where and how would I connect them?  Also, is there any special lines I would have to add to my HAL file or INI file?


24 Feb 2024 16:04
Replied by PCW on topic 7i76e with 7i85

7i76e with 7i85

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Yes, for single ended encoders, the - A,B,Z inputs are left unconnected.
24 Feb 2024 05:47
Replied by ajc771 on topic 7i76e with 7i85

7i76e with 7i85

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Hi Peter,
My pncconfig screen looks exactly like what you have for P! which is on the 7i85 card and I have my XYZ encoders configured as you show. Since I have TTL encoders with the index signal: I set up all the jumpers in the correct position. What confused me was the numbering and use of the word MUXed. As you can see the terminal numbers are not given and encoder x axis is numbered 0 which I take to mean the first 8 terminals and the Y to be the next 8 terminals and z the next 8 terminals. Is that correct?

Also since I am only using 2 signal wires, a power and a ground. I would connect the A+ and B+ to their terminals and the index to its terminal. The power and ground are easy to figure out . I would, of course leave A- & B - terminals unconnected with no pull-up resistor ---- Is that correct? My encoders are sinking about 35 ma to ground MAX. Their rated for up to 30 volts but I am using the 5 volts provided by the 7i85.

Thanks Again for your help!
23 Feb 2024 15:25
Replied by PCW on topic 7i76e with 7i85

7i76e with 7i85

Category: PnCConf Wizard

If you are talking about encoder type (single ended vs differential),
this is selected by jumpers on the 7I85 card.

The 7I85 encoders are on the P1 tab. Note
that in this configuration, encoders 0..3
are on the 7I85 and the spindle encoder
(4) is on the 7I76E


As far as the stepgens go, the only per-pin hardware
option is  whether the outputs are inverted or not.
Here are 4 axis of stepgens setup in a typical manner:

23 Feb 2024 09:58
Replied by tommylight on topic 7i76e with 7i85

7i76e with 7i85

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Probably needs flashing firmware for use with 7i85, and most probably it is included in the downloads on the website.
Still, that does not explain grayed out stepgens, so what language are you using?
Check if UTF-8 is used as locale as some locales will cause such issues.
22 Feb 2024 17:41
Replied by Dean on topic WiFi/LAN Conflict

WiFi/LAN Conflict

Category: Computers and Hardware

The problem is that the address is a default route
That's an error in setting up the interface

I set up the nic based on tommylight's sticky on "Mesa ethernet setup for 7i92, 7i96, 7i76E and other ethernet Mesa boards".  The nic is set with an address of and the gateway is set to
Everything seems to be working great now.
21 Feb 2024 03:33
Replied by ajc771 on topic MESA cards

MESA cards

Category: Driver Boards


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Concerning my MPG; it has 4 wires, A+, A-, B+ and B-. It is 100 PPR but the 7i76e terminals only take A+ and B+ and of course the 5 volts. On my oscilloscope I get a pulse from A+ and B+ by connecting to the probe grounds to negative.. A and B signals are 90 degrees out of phase. Maybe I should just leave the A- and B- unconnected?

In reference to your suggestion to run a PID tuning; can that be done without running PNCongfig? If so how?

Agian, thanks for your help.

21 Feb 2024 03:16
Replied by PCW on topic MESA cards

MESA cards

Category: Driver Boards

A couple things:

I missed your post about encoders

Whether encoders are muxed or not has no real effect
on configuration file setup or hardware setup.

Almost all mesa encoders (other than MPG encoders)
can be jumpered to select TTL or differential inputs.
This is true of the 7I76E and 7I85. Typically MPG inputs
are single ended, this means if you have a differential
output MPG, you only use the two  A,B lines and ignore
/A and /B

Typically 7I76E firmware with 7I85 or 7I85X puts the
first 4 encoders on the 7I85 or 7I85S
so that the sensible encoder/stepgen 0,1,2 = X,Y,Z
mapping can be used.

Also note that stepgen systems with encoder
feedback are rather complex and uncommon.
In fact, if you are setting up such a system,
its better to get a pure open loop stepgen
system configured and working before you
change over to encoder feedback

With pncconf if you setup encoder feedback
the hal file will have the proper connections
(feedback comes from the encoder)
 If setup without encoder feedback, the local
stepgen position feedback is used.

This may be pncconf version dependent
but current (2.9.2) does the right thing.

Note that tuning will be quite different
with stepgen feedback or encoder feedback
and with encoder feedback you must get
the stepgen scale and encoder scale  and directions

21 Feb 2024 01:02
MESA cards was created by ajc771

MESA cards

Category: Driver Boards


First let me say I am a newbie and want to learn as much as I can from the wiser ones in this group.  Further,  I appreciate any and all help as I have been at this for over a year, on and off, trying to get my system working.  I purchased a 7i76E and 7i85 board from MESA and feel that there documentation (although very thorough but hard to digest) is, in parts, over my head .  MESA's support seems to be  lacking and that may be because I am not a programmer or a wizard at computers.  At this point in time, I would have not made the purchase knowing all the stress and time spent spinning my wheels. 

I have asked a question, recently, about MUXed encoders and grayed out areas of the pncconfig program with no reply.  Again its probably my fault because I asked the wrong question. Now I ran into another problem (one after another) concerning the "closedloop stepper signals" section of the HAL file (which I do  not know how it got in the HAL file, since I do not have a closed loop steppper). In any event, seems the pncconfig program wants to net the x-pos-fb signal to stepgen.00.position-fb.  This causes an error because I want the x-pos-fb signal to be connected to the x-axis encoder. In my logic (which is probably flawed)  the program should know that the x-axis encoder info should reflect the steppers pulse count and at the same time, verifying the ball screw movement. Very confusing on how this program logically looks at real world data.

Any help in clarifying what is meant by MUXed (MUX x 4 or MUX x 16) encoder vs a TTL or differential encoder would be appreciated.  I have TTL encoders and hope they will work with the above MESA cards. Also, I have a pendant control that has a MPG on it with x1, x10, x100  switch on it and will need help adding it to the HAL files.  The encoder on the Pendant seems to be differential as it has A+, A-, B+, B- wires.
In regards to the problem with x-pos-fb; I just commented out the lines where they were netted to stepgen position feedback .  Please, comment on this being the correct strategy.


20 Feb 2024 23:29

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

You need to set DI1 to RUN and DI2 to FWD/REV to work with the 7I76E
I think this is P3.01 = 1

From this list what should I be selecting based on your comment?  

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