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Search Results (Searched for: 7i76e)

09 Jan 2024 21:56

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

Nope each smart serial device requires it’s own smart serial channel.
So for 2 smart serial devices you need 2 channels.

The 7i74 plugs into a Mesa db25 connector but you’ll need firmware to suit
09 Jan 2024 21:51

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

I do not think so, pretty sure each needs it's own channel.
So far i have always used a 7i74 to connect multiple SSerial devices, it can do 8 channels and it needs a DB25 to IDC26 cable, both easily found.
Might also need changing the firmware on 7i76E.
As usual, might want to wait for PCW as he knows best.
09 Jan 2024 21:41

Connecting Multiple Smart Serial Devices to a 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

  So I have been contemplating using a 7i73 and a 7i71 connected to a 7i76e's smart serial line. However I have never done
it , and so far my searches have come up with little. As I understand it they work on the RS-422 protocol . If I understand that
correctly you have to run it kind of daisy chained. Meaning the cable probably runs to the 7i73 then from the 7i73 to the 7i71
then you have to set the device in the middle (7i73) to un-terminated (W10 W11 down) and the 7i71 to terminated
(W10, W11 up). Correct?
08 Jan 2024 18:33

Mesa 7i76e Spindel Setup in LinuxCNC Configuration

Category: Basic Configuration

Oh no, i did not had this.

Now it works.. Thank you very much PCW. You brought my maschine to life!
Main things should work for now..
08 Jan 2024 17:49

Stepper Treiber Alarm Ausgang

Category: Deutsch

Ein timedelay wäre ein Möglichkeit. Würde aber im Ernstfall auch bedeuten das die Maschine Zeitverzögert abschaltet. Vielleicht kann ein Power On taster helfen die Maschine einzuschalten. Solange der Taster gedrückt wird ist der Fehler quittiert. Und hat der Antrieb wirklich ein Problem dann geht die Maschine nach loslassen des Tasters wieder in Störung.
Zu deinem NotAus. 
Ich habe alle Antriebe mit dem *amp-fault-in Signal verbunden. So gibt es auch gleich Meldung wer schmerzen hat.
Wenn du ihn zusätzlich auch mit in den Notaus haben möchtest gibt die E-stop kette.
Habe so meine Messtaster eingebunden. 
net toolsensor     <=  hm2_7i76e.0.7i84.0.1.input-23-not
net toolsensor    => estop-latch.1.fault-in 
07 Jan 2024 21:02 - 07 Jan 2024 21:03

Mesa 7i76e Spindel Setup in LinuxCNC Configuration

Category: Basic Configuration

Do you have:

addf near.0 servo-thread

in your hal file?
07 Jan 2024 19:25

Mesa 7i76e Spindel Setup in LinuxCNC Configuration

Category: Basic Configuration

Ok, I found some information out and yeah, it´s very easy to get result if you know for what you have to search for :)

I dind´t noticed the section "parameters" in Halshow until now. Now I found the Encoder Scale for the 7i76e there!
BTW: My Scale is 1000 / - 1000. 

I was able now to get the Feedback in RPM from the Encoder and forwarding this value to the gmoccapy speed-bar.

But I am not able to get the spindle-at.speed-signal to work.

I used the near function like everybody else is doing I think. I watched the input values in the halshow. They are correct. But the output of near is everytime false. In my oppinion it should work fine?! Could somebody have a look please?

After everything works well. I will post a small summary.

Here the near function I located in custom.hal:

# ---Encoder feedback signals/setup---

setp    hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.counter-mode 1
setp    hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.filter 1
setp    hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.index-invert 0
setp    hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.index-mask 0
setp    hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.index-mask-invert 0
setp    hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.scale  [SPINDLE_0]ENCODER_SCALE

net spindle-revs             <=   hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.position
net spindle-vel-fb-rps       <=   hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.velocity
net spindle-vel-fb-rpm       <=   hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.velocity-rpm
net spindle-index-enable     <=>  hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.index-enable

# ---Setup spindle at speed signals---

loadrt near
net spindle-vel-cmd-rpm    =>  near.0.in1
net spindle-vel-fb-rpm        =>  near.0.in2
net spindle-at-speed       <=  near.0.out
setp near.0.scale 1.10000
setp near.0.difference 20

The line in main HAL i´ve tried to deactivate - but no change: 

# ---Einrichtung der Signale zur Spindel-Geschwindigkeits-Steuerung---

#sets spindle-at-speed true
06 Jan 2024 20:49

Mesa 7i76e Spindel Setup in LinuxCNC Configuration

Category: Basic Configuration

Perfect! So maybe someone else can bring me on the track how to get the encoder signals connected correctly to gmoccapy regarding speedbar and speed is okay signal...
06 Jan 2024 19:58 - 06 Jan 2024 20:17

Mesa 7i76e Spindel Setup in LinuxCNC Configuration

Category: Basic Configuration

The spindle encoder scale can be set in pncconf or by editing the .ini file

You set the index-enable signal and check that it gets cleared in the same
rotational position when the spindle is rotated by hand. If index-enable is only
cleared at one repeatable position, index is working.

The actual index signal is often quite a narrow pulse to hard to check in other ways
06 Jan 2024 19:30

Mesa 7i76e Spindel Setup in LinuxCNC Configuration

Category: Basic Configuration

Where do I find this encoder scale? In the encoder section of 7i76e is nothing?

For the index I am not sure if I have it or not.
I tried something by setting the "hm2_7i76e.0.encoder.00.input-index" Bit in Halshow.
Then I turned the motor by hand one round and the bit was reset. I marked this position on the motor wheel. It´s reproduceable. So that means my Z Signal is working?! It´s not really possible to measure by a multimeter on the Z+ / Z- Pins. I think the Signaltime is to short by turning the motor.
06 Jan 2024 16:09
06 Jan 2024 15:35

Yet another "error finishing read" with mesa 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

$ reboot world --recompile /universe/all --ty
06 Jan 2024 14:59

Yet another "error finishing read" with mesa 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

The "tmax" command is like this:

peter@EliteDesk-800-G1-USDT:~$ halcmd show param *.tmax
Owner   Type  Dir         Value  Name
    33  s32   RW              0
    33  s32   RW         760736
    33  s32   RW          71032  hm2_7i76e.0.write.tmax
    23  s32   RW          18936  motion-command-handler.tmax
    23  s32   RW          48472  motion-controller.tmax
    27  s32   RW          18176
    27  s32   RW          18588
    27  s32   RW          20580
    27  s32   RW          22780
    24  s32   RW         795540  servo-thread.tmax

Have you disabled all power management (Turbo modes, EIST , C states > C1 etc) in your PCs BIOS?

This is most likely an issue with the host PC or its setup

What does a ping test show?

ping -c 4 -i .2
 and then
sudo chrt 99 ping -i .001  -q 

let the last command run for a few minutes and then hit control-C
to print out the ping statistics (substitute your cards IP address for the if it differs)

also for a latency test, you should disable the base thread:

latency-test 1ms
latency-histogram --nobase --sbinsize 1000
06 Jan 2024 14:23 - 06 Jan 2024 15:32

Yet another "error finishing read" with mesa 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

add https:// to the links. Be mindful of the splitting /.../ in the urls on this forum. Always better to right-click on urls and copying the actual link.
06 Jan 2024 14:03

Yet another "error finishing read" with mesa 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

I've tryied to compile a new kernel, but with now success. First of all, executing sudo apt upgrade resulted in an error: "dpkg: error processing package linux-image-rt-amd64 (--configure)" because: "Package linux-image-6.1.0-17-rt-amd64 is not configured yet",
after that, git clone -b v6.6 --depth 1 linux-6.7 falted out saying that the repository doesn't exist.

I'm now trying LinuxCNC2.9.2 installed directly from the image on the website, update ASAP
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