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05 Jun 2024 18:44 - 05 Jun 2024 18:47
Real Time Kernel was created by dynodust

Real Time Kernel

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

First of all I'd like to apologize I thought I could get this running without any issues but I'm at a stand still so I thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.I am converting a benchtop mill to a CNC and I have all the hardware side of things finished on it. Motor mounts and screws are installed, motors are mounted, motors are connected to stepper drivers stepper drivers are connected to 7c81 Mesa BOB (hopefully correctly but I can't test it because I can't get the RT kernel to work). I have installed and compiled the RT kernel maybe 5 times and I think I'm doing one step wrong because it won't actually initialize the kernel.
-Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB RAM-Debian 12 "bookworm" 64 bit OS
-I have installed the RT kernel from linux-6.6.32
-patch from patch-6.6.32.rt32.patch
As you can see in the pictures when I call uname -a it says that it is running 6.6.31-v8 PREEMPT kernel but when I call make config to choose the RT Kernel it says it is already chosen but if you look at the top of the config menu it states that it is using the arm 6.6.32 Kernel. So my guess is its actually using a different kernel than the one I "made" after altering the menuconfig command. I don't know what is the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  
05 Jun 2024 16:39

Notes from installation of ethercat on Raspberry Pi 4

Category: EtherCAT

“linuxcnc-uspace” will also run on a standard Linux kernel for use as a simulator, but it should not be used to control hardware."

This can be used to control machines when using the RT-Preempt kernel, it can not be used to control machines when using normal "generic" kernel.
RTAI version is more for use with parallel port.
05 Jun 2024 16:33

Notes from installation of ethercat on Raspberry Pi 4

Category: EtherCAT

Hi, sorry for asking too many questions. In the linuxcnc downloads web page,there is this note";“linuxcnc-uspace” will also run on a standard Linux kernel for use as a simulator, but it should not be used to control hardware."
Does it mean that in order to actually run a machine, I have to use the “linuxcnc” with specific RTAI kernel?
Please let me know which package I have to download! Thank You! 
04 Jun 2024 17:49

Raspberry Pi GPIO Conversion CNC Software

Category: Other Languages

The utility may have been written in C# and may be executable with mono, but if you don’t have it installed it’s slot of packages just to run an executable.
But I just get a bit weirded out if no source and build instructions are there. Or it’s not a package from a known source. Switching from Slackware to Debian\Ubuntu based distros has made me a bit lazy.

Anyways didn’t JT write something similar in python ? (amd64 and armhf)  (arm64)
04 Jun 2024 12:12

linuxcnc_2.9.1-amd64.hybrid.iso Intallation fail

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

There should not be any difference between our installer Debian's because we use the Debian Live installer which is fully documented on the Debian Website. We don't really do anything else, just install XFCE, linuxcnc and set up some repositories. (Linuxcnc, Ethercat, QTPYVCP)
Some behaviour is odd and I don't have a solution (like the icons). This installer was started by other linuxcnc  developers so i inherited some oddities. I could never see how to fix that. The issue with the Raspberry Pi firmware I think was because the installer had not been updated since the release of Debian 6.0. FIxing that should be a Debian responsibility. They say you will get the Debian version that is installed on the development PC.
Our 2.9.2 ISO used the latest Debian version. When 2.9.3 is released I will rebuild it.

Unfortunately, I am working 80 + hours a week so it is impossible to devote any more time to Linuxcnc. When  drop by, all I seem to get are people complaining about me (including on this thread) so  I am not really inclined to give a stuff. 

I have installed the ISO on several PC's including a new 20 core i7 with Secure boot and I have never had an issue installing. As I said, I only ever use Balena Etcher to burn my USB sticks. It is so much faster than other tools and I have never needed to worry about verifying any ISO after its burnt. (which Balena does automatically if you let it).
03 Jun 2024 13:46

Raspberry Pi GPIO Conversion CNC Software

Category: Other Languages

The utility may have been written in C# and may be executable with mono, but if you don’t have it installed it’s slot of packages just to run an executable.
But I just get a bit weirded out if no source and build instructions are there. Or it’s not a package from a known source. Switching from Slackware to Debian\Ubuntu based distros has made me a bit lazy.

Anyways didn’t JT write something similar in python ?
03 Jun 2024 13:39

Raspberry Pi GPIO Conversion CNC Software

Category: Other Languages

I think it is to calculate the GPIO values ​​of the RPi, like the image in the first post.
03 Jun 2024 11:55

Raspberry Pi GPIO Conversion CNC Software

Category: Other Languages

Any idea why there is an exe file attached there?
02 Jun 2024 21:26

Raspberry Pi GPIO Conversion CNC Software

Category: Other Languages

hmm, i havent actually tried it out because I dont use rpi gpio so much right now. but it looked neat
02 Jun 2024 03:51


Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Technically the RPi4 does support both frequencies. There are many articles dealing with this when using an official RPi image.

Since the most recent RPi image is a custom image, most of those articles are not of much use unless of course you are able to extrapolate the information.

You could try a USB to wifi dongle or a usb to ethernet adapter to connect to your local lan if you have available lan ports in the vancity.

Or you could start with a Raspberry Pi OS and install the RT kernel and Linuxcnc, which does work and gives you access to the official RPI tools to setup the system.

The issue I can see is that Rod, the guy who puts the images together, has neither a working RPi4 or Rpi5 and relies on others to point out any issues. Unfortunately it is a bit of a mess ATM, even the download page claims the RPi5 image works with mesa SPI boards but that is not so.
29 May 2024 05:20

Linuxcnc compatible with Ethercat

Category: EtherCAT

I am working on linuxcnc(Raspberry pi) + EtherCAT. I have successfully install ethercat master on raspberry pi. I am able to detect slaves connected to raspberry pi. Now i want to run linuxcnc through EtherCAT. As I am new in this I need some steps to steps guidance. 

Can someone please help me?  
29 May 2024 03:02

Raspberry Pi GPIO Conversion CNC Software

Category: Other Languages

hmm the attached zip file contains an exe file.
27 May 2024 23:33

Trying out LinuxCNC on Raspberry PI5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

your best bet is a mesa ethernet card or get an RPi4

Im sure your configuration issue isnt anything that difficult. Im sure the company, or other users could help you to figure it out. It is also beneficial long term to try and learn the HAL

Most setups require you to do something,, but a mesa ethernet board you can use the config program, or a flexihal ethernet thing comes without changing the config but you need to load new firmware probably
or contact byte2byte to ask them for assistance

But also for anyone else interested, this fellow in the Other Languages section, has made some kind of RPi GPIO config tool
27 May 2024 15:33

Trying out LinuxCNC on Raspberry PI5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Well mate ya gunna be well outta luck.

It you want the easiest option a PC with a parallel port will just about get you there.

Or you can ask for help with the board you have.

Even a Mesa card will require you to at least have the firmware you require and setting of an IP address on the Ethernet side. There's no SPI support for the RPi5, despite what the blurb says. Trust me I think I've wasted money getting a Rpi5 for Linuxcnc.

To use the GPIO a driver has to be load and setup correctly. I don't even know if Linuxcnc supports a GPIO to serial adapter or what you mean. JT has a config tool for that floating around. Andy Pugh has the low down on how it works.

The thing is there are that many machines and combinations at at the least you ave to use at PCconf for mesa or stepconf for a parallel port setup for a PC.

We'll help but you'll have to put some effort in. If you don't want to put the effort in that's your loss.

But for a 2 axis milling machine and the level of effort you want to put in grbl might be a better option for you.
27 May 2024 12:39

Trying out LinuxCNC on Raspberry PI5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

I tried the byte2bot board. Couldn't get it to work. Requires alteration of the HAL file that i don't understand. I'm looking for a combination of board and setup that doesn't require any changes to the HAL file. Will a Mesa board do that? If so which one and which setup?

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