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07 May 2024 02:14

Raspberrypi 5 linuxcnc Image' screen resolution and color depth

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Hi,does anyone know how to change the official raspberrypi 5 linuxcnc image 's screen resolution and color depth ? it looks that the dispaly just not drive correctly after installing, I dont know how to solve it .
06 May 2024 12:27

Operaor Error With raspberrypi

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

I was wondering if I used a mini industrial PC, will I get higher speeds

Higher speeds for what?
Mini industrial PC's are very slow in every way, the cheap china ones are a bit better and faster, strangely.
In general, no you do not get higher speeds for anything with industrial PC.
Buy a normal PC, or a used Enterprise Edition Optiplex or HP 800 or Fujitsu.
06 May 2024 10:37

Operaor Error With raspberrypi

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

I was wondering if I used a mini industrial PC, will I get higher speeds
06 May 2024 08:58

Help,with the EtherCAT config

Category: EtherCAT

cnc@raspberrypi:~$ ethercat cstruct
/* Master 0, Slave 0, "L7EC-750"
* Vendor ID: 0x00004321
* Product code: 0x00000093
* Revision number: 0x00000001

ec_pdo_entry_info_t slave_0_pdo_entries[] = {
{0x6040, 0x00, 16},
{0x607a, 0x00, 32},
{0x60b8, 0x00, 16},
{0x603f, 0x00, 16},
{0x6041, 0x00, 16},
{0x6061, 0x00, 8},
{0x6064, 0x00, 32},
{0x60b9, 0x00, 16},
{0x60ba, 0x00, 32},
{0x60fd, 0x00, 32},

ec_pdo_info_t slave_0_pdos[] = {
{0x1600, 3, slave_0_pdo_entries + 0},
{0x1a00, 7, slave_0_pdo_entries + 3},

ec_sync_info_t slave_0_syncs[] = {
{2, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, 1, slave_0_pdos + 0, EC_WD_ENABLE},
{3, EC_DIR_INPUT, 1, slave_0_pdos + 1, EC_WD_DISABLE},

/* Master 0, Slave 1, "DM3E-556"
* Vendor ID: 0x00004321
* Product code: 0x00008100
* Revision number: 0x00000001

ec_pdo_entry_info_t slave_1_pdo_entries[] = {
{0x6040, 0x00, 16},
{0x607a, 0x00, 32},
{0x60b8, 0x00, 16},
{0x603f, 0x00, 16},
{0x6041, 0x00, 16},
{0x6061, 0x00, 8},
{0x6064, 0x00, 32},
{0x60b9, 0x00, 16},
{0x60ba, 0x00, 32},
{0x60fd, 0x00, 32},

ec_pdo_info_t slave_1_pdos[] = {
{0x1600, 3, slave_1_pdo_entries + 0},
{0x1a00, 7, slave_1_pdo_entries + 3},

ec_sync_info_t slave_1_syncs[] = {
{2, EC_DIR_OUTPUT, 1, slave_1_pdos + 0, EC_WD_ENABLE},
{3, EC_DIR_INPUT, 1, slave_1_pdos + 1, EC_WD_DISABLE},

06 May 2024 08:37

Help,with the EtherCAT config

Category: EtherCAT

I'm afraid not ,I didn't find remote assistance in linuxcnc Raspberry Pi 5 image.Does the error showing up indicate my connection of the hardware wrong ? I just use my Raspberry Pi 5 connect the leashine L7 servo and step moter 556 ,I didnt use Beckhoff Bus ,is this the possible reason ?
06 May 2024 08:10

Help,with the EtherCAT config

Category: EtherCAT

by the way ,when I run ethercat slaves ,it showes
cnc@raspberrypi:/$ ethercat slaves
0 0:0 PREOP + L7EC-750(COE)
1 0:1 PREOP + DM3E-556(COE)

I supposed the etherCAT has connected ,so I dont know how to do next because I met the error msgs above
06 May 2024 03:49

Any other driver board choice except mesa board?

Category: Driver Boards

Thanks a lot.I've just installed etherCAT in my raspberry pi 5 ,and I dont know what to do next .I 'm just new to EtherCAT .and I dont know how to control the machine through servo and looks there is no GUI wizard in linuxcnc. Can I run your xml and hal code in my raspberry pi 5? is it used for controlling and testing machine just like the linuxcnc wizard do ?
06 May 2024 03:45

Any other driver board choice except mesa board?

Category: Driver Boards

Thanks, I've decided to use EtherCAT,though I'm a newbee to this .I've just installed the EtherCAT by following the instructions in the forum to my RaspBerry PI 5 and I dont know what to do next :( ,To me ,the wizard is just GUI interface and friendly to the newbee ,but our company's boss decide to use EtherCAT ,so I've to dive to it. I dont know how to control the machine after I installed the linuxcnc-ethernet .after all ,there is no wizard in linuxcnc supporting etherCAT :(
06 May 2024 02:44

Installing LinuxCNC on Parallels VM on Mac w/ M-series ARM Processors

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

The Raspberry Pi image is built from their kernel so its not a generic ARM64 image (I built it)

The ISO on the Downloads page includes everything you need to run linuxcnc. (I also built this image)

At one stage Linuxcnc was deployed via the Debian build system. That is no longer the case. The ARM64 image was built by Debian and there is no guarantee it will work. Its quite old predating the 2.9.1 release.

The AMD64 ISO image on the downloads page is a customised version of the Debian Live installer. It installs the PREEMPT_RT kernel  and XFCE desktop and the which is the best for Linuxcnc of the many available. We want users to succeed.

Please take our advice and if you don't know what we are talking about when it comes to Linux, Google will show you the way. We don't have time to provide Linux support.
06 May 2024 00:02

Installing LinuxCNC on Parallels VM on Mac w/ M-series ARM Processors

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Linuxcnc requires a real time kernel version of Linux called PREEMPT_RT
While you may be able to run linuxcnc on Parallels, you will not be able to run a real machine from it.
The ARM version of linuxcnc you are running is well over 12 months old so will be mising a lot of recent features and bug fixes.
Find  an Intel based PC and install the linux ISO we provide and life will be a lot easier.
I think people have been able to install Linuxcnc from the ISO on Mac AMD64 hardware but it wipes MacOS from the system.

Not that I don't believe you, but Raspberry Pi exists, so...
No offense, but your comment wasn't very helpful. Much like a lot of Linux documentation, you mention that something exists but don't explain it any further. I don't know what a kernel even is, much less why there are different ones. If I need PREEMPT_RT, then where do I find it? If my version of Linuxcnc is old, why didn't the most recent version install when I installed it? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
05 May 2024 06:37

Installing LinuxCNC on Parallels VM on Mac w/ M-series ARM Processors

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

I am considering using LinuxCNC, but I have never used Linux in my life - except when I program for and control a Hermle 5-axis cnc mill with a Heidenhain TNC640 control, which runs Linux under the hood.

I am at heart a Mac person, and I just installed a VM of Debian 12 Linux (image below from Parallels installation process) on my M2 Max Mac Studio. I am typing this from Firefox in Linux, which was already installed.


I have been trying to figure out how to install LinuxCNC, but I keep going in circles. I managed to find instructions here:, under 7.2, but then I got the following error in Terminal:

parallels@debian-gnu-linux-12:~$ sudo apt-get install linuxcnc
[sudo] password for parallels:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Package linuxcnc is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

E: Package 'linuxcnc' has no installation candidate

Not sure what else to do. Should I try to figure out how the Raspberry Pi installation works? It's also ARM, so I imagine it would probably work similarly.

Is there a Debian for ARM that already includes LinuxCNC that would work in a VM on a Mac, at least for simulation?
04 May 2024 10:33

CNC based on ASDA-A2-M controllers

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Do I need anything else hardware-wise? Just the Mesa card and PC?


Would a Raspberry Pi work in this setup?

Yes it would, but i would get a used PC instead, cheaper and less fuss.

To form a full closed loop, would you connect the linear encoder to the servo drive or Mesa card?

The drives you have will need the encoder wired to them to work in position mode, but most have also encoder outputs that can be used to close the loop in LinuxCNC.

I'm from Poland :)

Djakuju bardzo!
I can read and understand a bit of Polish, but speaking tends to to towards Czech very fast.
04 May 2024 08:36
Amplifier fault was created by cncLab

Amplifier fault

Category: EtherCAT

Being inspired by Hakan video:
(Thank you Hakan)

I have installed Linuxcnc 2.9.2 on Raspi 5 using Raspberry Pi 5 OS based on Debian Bookworm, located here:
I have also installed successfully the CiA402 supporting sw as mentioned in the forum

My hardware is: Beckhoff EL1100, Beckhof 1809, Beckhof 2809, Two RTelligent drives ECT60
and two motors StepperOnline 17HS19-2004S1 (Nema 23 closed loop)

I try to execute the standard code that comes with Axis Lathe.
Unfortunatelly and although the whole system becomes Ready, immediately after program execution run
I get the error "joint 1: amplifier fault"
Can anybody indicate what is wrong with my system and maybe point to me any direction that can help to overcome this problem?
What "joint 1: amplifier error" even means?

command Ethercat master returns:
cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/configs/sim.axis$ ethercat master
  Phase: Operation
  Active: yes
  Slaves: 5
  Ethernet devices:
    Main: d8:3a:dd:c2:2c:4b (attached)
      Link: UP
      Tx frames:   7241313
      Tx bytes:    758342228
      Rx frames:   7241312
      Rx bytes:    758342128
      Tx errors:   0
      Tx frame rate [1/s]:   1000   1000   1000
      Tx rate [KByte/s]:    102.5  102.5  102.4
      Rx frame rate [1/s]:   1000   1000   1000
      Rx rate [KByte/s]:    102.5  102.5  102.4
      Tx frames:   7241313
      Tx bytes:    758342228
      Rx frames:   7241312
      Rx bytes:    758342128
      Lost frames: 0
      Tx frame rate [1/s]:   1000   1000   1000
      Tx rate [KByte/s]:    102.5  102.5  102.4
      Rx frame rate [1/s]:   1000   1000   1000
      Rx rate [KByte/s]:    102.5  102.5  102.4
      Loss rate [1/s]:          0     -0      0
      Frame loss [%]:         0.0   -0.0    0.0
  Distributed clocks:
    Reference clock:   Slave 0
    DC reference time: 768116871044400000
    Application time:  768124063237637764
                       2024-05-04 07:47:43.237637764

and the ethercat slaves returns:
cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/configs/sim.axis$ ethercat slaves
0  0:0  OP  +  EK1100 EtherCAT-Koppler (2A E-Bus)
1  0:1  OP  +  EL1809 16K. Dig. Eingang 24V, 3ms
2  0:2  OP  +  EL2809 16K. Dig. Ausgang 24V, 0.5A
3  0:3  OP  +  ECT60V202(COE)
4  0:4  OP  +  ECT60V202(COE)

I attach my lathe.ini, second.hal and second.xml files I currently use 

File Attachment:

File Name: dmesg.txt
File Size:46 KB


File Attachment:

File Name: lathe.ini
File Size:2 KB


File Attachment:

File Name: second.hal
File Size:3 KB


File Attachment:

File Name: second.xml
File Size:3 KB

03 May 2024 19:02 - 03 May 2024 19:05

CNC based on ASDA-A2-M controllers

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Ok cool. Do I need anything else hardware-wise? Just the Mesa card and PC? Would a Raspberry Pi work in this setup? To form a full closed loop, would you connect the linear encoder to the servo drive or Mesa card?

I'm from Poland :)
01 May 2024 21:10

Spindle with step/dir stops at 480rpm

Category: Basic Configuration

I am running a 600w servo with t3d servo driver, servo is rated at 3000rpm, jogging from the driver it did 3500 with ease. Running it from linuxcnc it stops at 480rpm.
I am using a raspberry pi 5 with a cheap chinese 5axis BOB, got my steppers and limitswitches working as they should, but setting up the servo has me stumped. Servo is set up in velocity mode in hal. For some reason stepgen is limited to 8000steps a second, the servo has 1000 steps pr rotation. Servo does the commanded speed perfect up to 480 but I cant get it to go faster and cant find where the limits on the stepgen is. I have tried to change steplen, stepspace, dirhold, dirsetup velocity and scale, scale affects the motor speed up to 480 but there it stops, I cant see any difference in the other settings.
If I enable maxvel in hal i get an error message saying stepgen is limited to 8000steps pr second. Is there any way I can change this?

File Attachment:

File Name: Murph.hal
File Size:6 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: Murph.ini
File Size:4 KB
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