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07 Apr 2024 23:20

Low Cost Raspberry Pi Contoller Board

Category: Driver Boards

I'm running a 7i96e Mesa card on my CNC router and am very happy with it.  But I'm thing it is over kill and lacks a channel.

For a hobby/educational project I need 5 stepper channels and a servo channel.  I was thinking of using a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5.

What would be the cheapest option for a LinucCNC compatible card driven off a Pi?  What are the options today?
05 Apr 2024 19:43
Replied by randale on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC


Got it.

05 Apr 2024 15:46
Replied by randale on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

After going through this thread, it seems that the current RPI5 image on the download page should be sufficient to get a usable RPI5 OS install.

I have been working to install the image on a new RPI5 with a Pimoroni NVME installed. I've tried installing on both the SSD and the SD Card. In both instances I end up with no network connection (neither Wi-Fi nor Ethernet) and no network configuration utility under settings.

What additional steps I need to take?


03 Apr 2024 10:41

Can the OPI5 be Configured to Run LCNC?

Category: Computers and Hardware

Is SPI working at proper speed on Orange Pi 5 for real time use? (Raspberry Pi 5 SPI currently has issues with slow speeds / access making it not suitable for real time functions I believe)
02 Apr 2024 17:05 - 02 Apr 2024 17:11

Ethercat installation from repositories - how to step by step

Category: EtherCAT

following the steps from the first post on Raspberry PI 400 and getting...

Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) 6.1.54-rt15 #1_RT Sat Oct 21 18:12:02 AEST 2023
Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.1

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p2 29G 4.5G 23G 17% /
/dev/mmcblk0p1 508M 55M 454M 11% /boot/broadcom

Hostname: raspberrypi
Wireless: wlan0 UP

Processor: Cortex-A72 @ 1800MHz 35.5°C
Online: 0-3
Governor: performance
Memory: 3.3G 264M
Entropy: 256
Uptime: 03:01:30 up 0 min, 1 user, load average: 3.41, 0.82, 0.27

Last login: Wed Apr 3 02:58:07 2024 from
root@raspberrypi:~# ethercat master
Failed to obtain number of masters: Failed to open master device /dev/EtherCAT0: No such file or directory
(reverse-i-search)`': ^C
root@raspberrypi:~# systemctl status ethercat
● ethercat.service - EtherCAT Master Kernel Modules
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ethercat.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Wed 2024-04-03 03:01:15 AEST; 1min 36s ago
Process: 447 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ethercatctl start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 447 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 130ms

Apr 03 03:01:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting ethercat.service - EtherCAT Master Kernel Modules...
Apr 03 03:01:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Finished ethercat.service - EtherCAT Master Kernel Modules.
root@raspberrypi:~# /usr/sbin/ethercatctl status
Checking for EtherCAT master 1.5.2
Master0 dead
root@raspberrypi:~# /usr/sbin/ethercatctl stop
rmmod: ERROR: Module ec_master is in use by: ec_genet
root@raspberrypi:~# rmmod ec_genet
root@raspberrypi:~# /usr/sbin/ethercatctl stop
root@raspberrypi:~# /usr/sbin/ethercatctl start
root@raspberrypi:~# ethercat master
Phase: Idle
Active: no
Slaves: 0
Ethernet devices:
Main: e4:5f:01:49:6a:7f (attached)
Link: DOWN
Tx frames: 0
Tx bytes: 0
Rx frames: 0
Rx bytes: 0
Tx errors: 0
Tx frame rate [1/s]: 0 0 0
Tx rate [KByte/s]: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rx frame rate [1/s]: 0 0 0
Rx rate [KByte/s]: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tx frames: 0
Tx bytes: 0
Rx frames: 0
Rx bytes: 0
Lost frames: 0
Tx frame rate [1/s]: 0 0 0
Tx rate [KByte/s]: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rx frame rate [1/s]: 0 0 0
Rx rate [KByte/s]: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Loss rate [1/s]: 0 0 0
Frame loss [%]: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Distributed clocks:
Reference clock: None
DC reference time: 0
Application time: 0
2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000000

root@raspberrypi:~# uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 6.1.54-rt15 #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Sat Oct 21 18:12:02 AEST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
root@raspberrypi:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release: 12
Codename: bookworm

now with an slave, it looks ok:

root@raspberrypi:~# ethercat slaves
0  0:0  INIT  E  SAME54 EtherCAT Slave
31 Mar 2024 21:06
Replied by Jaron on topic Remora for RP2040

Remora for RP2040

Category: Computers and Hardware

Good idea to wipe the whole chip, didnt know that was needed or possible for the RP2040.

Oh my god, it actually worked!
I used the flash_nuke.uf2 file from At first I unplugged the pico after dropping the file on the pico directory and it makes the disconnecting sound from the computer, DON'T DO THIS. It seems like it takes quite a few seconds to wipe the whole memory of the pico and once it's done it returns to bootloader mode and shows up as a directory again.

After that I dropped the remora.uf2 on there and got a nice blinking LED and everything, error in linuxCNC is also gone, I'll check if everything else works aswell tomorrow. Really glad I got passed this though.

31 Mar 2024 12:30

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

Hi, thanks of the manual of Cold Turkey i was able to flash the board, but without success :-(
I erased the board with
(pyocd) cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/Remora-RT1052-cpp-main/Firmware$ pyocd erase --chip --target mimxrt1050_quadspi
0000867 I Erasing chip... [eraser]
0009003 I Chip erase complete [eraser]
0009007 E Error during board uninit: [session]
(pyocd) cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/Remora-RT1052-cpp-main/Firmware$

i got the same error as vpomerlo on page 166. I tried to ping the board -> no reaction, so somthing was done.
Next step was to flash the firmware with pyocd and a STLink V2 adapter. This worked well:
(pyocd) cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/Remora-RT1052-cpp-main/Firmware$ pyocd flash remora-rt1052-3.1.2.bin --target mimxrt1050_quadspi
0000812 I Loading /home/cnc/linuxcnc/Remora-RT1052-cpp-main/Firmware/remora-rt1052-3.1.2.bin [load_cmd]
[==================================================] 100%
0043091 I Erased 393216 bytes (6 sectors), programmed 358656 bytes (1401 pages), skipped 0 bytes (0 pages) at 8.29 kB/s [loader]
(pyocd) cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/Remora-RT1052-cpp-main/Firmware$

Result: one output pin was on
OK, now i was able to ping the board on
Next step loading a config on the board
(tftpy) cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/configs/remora-rt1052-basic$ python3 ec500-rt1052.txt
Valid JSON config file, uploading to board
Config file length (words) = 1716
Config file length (bytes) = 6862
Remainder = 2
Padding added =  [0, 0]
Config file length with padding (bytes) = 6864
CRC-32 = 0x580751a8
(tftpy) cnc@raspberrypi:~/linuxcnc/configs/remora-rt1052-basic$

as a result all outputs are off and the "CONN" LED is now on.
Next step: i connected the serial interface, because on my old NVEM i was able to see some reactions on RS232. I directly connected a RS232 to USB vonverter to the board and looked with cutecom on the interface (115200;8;n;1) but i see no response? Is this normal?
Next step: i opened LinuxCNC
LINUXCNC - 2.9.2
Machine configuration directory is '/home/cnc/linuxcnc/configs/remora-rt1052-basic'
Machine configuration file is 'remora-ec500.ini'
Starting LinuxCNC...
linuxcnc TPMOD=tpmod HOMEMOD=homemod EMCMOT=motmod
Note: Using POSIX realtime
Found file(REL): ./remora-ec500.hal
Found file(REL): ./remora-nv-mpg.hal
note: MAXV     max: 125.000 units/sec 7500.000 units/min
note: LJOG     max: 125.000 units/sec 7500.000 units/min
note: LJOG default: 50.000 units/sec 3000.000 units/min
note: jog_order='XYZ'
note: jog_invert=set()
task: main loop took 0.751144 seconds
Bad payload = 0
Unexpected realtime delay on task 0 with period 1000000
This Message will only display once per session.
Run the Latency Test and resolve before continuing.
Unexpected realtime delay on task 0 with period 1000000
This Message will only display once per session.
Run the Latency Test and resolve before continuing.

task: main loop took 0.271986 seconds
Bad payload = 0
task: main loop took 0.243142 seconds
Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
task: 5535 cycles, min=0.000009, max=0.751144, avg=0.010250, 3 latency excursions (> 10x expected cycle time of 0.010000s)
Note: Using POSIX realtime

I have a new board with a number "6" on a sticker on it. Its the new board layout with LEDs for input and output.
Any idea why it won't work?

30 Mar 2024 00:30

Run linuxcnc On RPi 4 through SSH

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

I did try :ssh -Y This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
after logging in, when starting linuxcnc basically saying
_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...

I tried an older version:linuxcnc-2.8.2-buster.iso
and got that working, so something must have changed since that and the linuxcnc-2.9.1-bookworm-rpi4.img.xz (and later) versions

27 Mar 2024 13:36
Replied by LCR on topic Hardware Recommendation

Hardware Recommendation

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

My hope with a USB pendant was that I would avoid the 20+ hair like wires that come out of them. They are all I have used as they are compatible with anything. I do draw the line at the lack of an E-Stop button. I agree that having the pendant tied down is more reliable.

I was also hoping that new builds were moving to EtherCat, and that it was the recommended path. A little more costly maybe but working well without having to worry about which servo I picked. I would like to have feedback from the servos. I have purchased things in the past that were not compatible with Linux and have learned to watch out for compatibility. I have used the Servo To Go card the Motenc card the parallel port my own ISA cards Arduinos, blue and black pills for motion control. I have never used EtherCat, and would like to hear form someone that has. I would like to hear Yes, it is as great as it sounds, EtherCat is a standard, any EtherCat servo should be fine, it is working well, I would never go back, I would recommend it to my mother. OR something like I am a better person now, but it was painful.

My interest in the Raspberry PI is it's compactness. I do see that EtherCat is not working on the PI 5. I do see that the PI works with the Ethernet Mesa cards. I was wondering if there was a consensus that a proper PC is still the best option, or if the PI4 and now PI5 is evolved and supported enough that there is no reason to allocate the space in a cabinet to a PC. I have used PI2/3/4s, not the 5 yet. I would think the PI5 should be great.

I'm not trying to build anything fast, or that can hog material. My interest in the servos is just that they have become so cheap.

I have spent at least several hours reading the LinuxCNC site in the past couple of days. I have checked out LinuxCNC many times over the years, and I think I finally have a great opportunity to use it.
26 Mar 2024 22:52
Hardware Recommendation was created by LCR

Hardware Recommendation

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Hi Everyone,

I have looked for recommended hardware and have not found much. If I have missed a big section, please let me know

I need to build a 3 axis mill as some parts I want to build won't fit on what I have. I have a fair bit of experience with this sort of thing, just not LinuxCNC. I could go to a friend, but I would like this capability.
I would like to know what the recommended control hardware is for low risk/headaches. 
I would like to use EtherCat. I have never used EtherCat. Is this a bad idea? What should I watch out for in a Chinese EtherCat servo, any recommendations? I see the RaspberryPI 5 is not ready for EtherCat. Is the RaspberryPI4 OK? Should I just use a PC? What should I watch out for on an Intel PC motherboard?
If not EtherCat, what? I do not want to depend on the PC for the real-time pulse generation. I do want home switches, and a few relays.
The USB pendant I see the most documentation on is the WHB04B-6 CNC wireless handwheel. I want something USB, as I would like to avoid all the wiring from a traditional pendant. Is this pendant well supported? The most supported USB pendant? Is there a cabled version? 

Any recommendations appreciated.
25 Mar 2024 16:13 - 25 Mar 2024 21:39

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

Hi, i have a new EC500 board (see attached picture from chip) and trying to use it with linuxcnc and remora.

After some troubles to flash it with a converted ST-Link-V2, it seems to be that i successfully flashed it to remora with the raspberry pico under windows. See output below: (Under Linux (standard LinuxCNC build), I cannot establish a connection with the Pico CMSIS-DAP und linux.

PS C:\Users\...\Desktop> pyocd flash ./remora-rt1052-3.1.2.bin --target mimxrt1050_quadspi -v
0000693 I Target type is mimxrt1050_quadspi [board]
0000726 I DP IDR = 0x0bd11477 (v1 MINDP rev0) [dap]
0000749 I AHB-AP#0 IDR = 0x04770041 (AHB-AP var4 rev0) [discovery]
0000760 I AHB-AP#0 Class 0x1 ROM table #0 @ 0xe00fd000 (designer=00e:NXP part=88c) [rom_table]
0000766 I [0]<e00fe000:ROM class=1 designer=43b:Arm part=4c8> [rom_table]
0000766 I   AHB-AP#0 Class 0x1 ROM table #1 @ 0xe00fe000 (designer=43b:Arm part=4c8) [rom_table]
0000771 I   [0]<e00ff000:ROM class=1 designer=43b:Arm part=4c7> [rom_table]
0000772 I     AHB-AP#0 Class 0x1 ROM table #2 @ 0xe00ff000 (designer=43b:Arm part=4c7) [rom_table]
0000780 I     [0]<e000e000:SCS v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=00c> [rom_table]
0000784 I     [1]<e0001000:DWT v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=002> [rom_table]
0000787 I     [2]<e0002000:FPB v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=00e> [rom_table]
0000790 I     [3]<e0000000:ITM v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=001> [rom_table]
0000794 I   [1]<e0041000:ETM M7 class=9 designer=43b:Arm part=975 devtype=13 archid=4a13 devid=0:0:0> [rom_table]
0000801 I   [2]<e0042000:CTI CS-400 class=9 designer=43b:Arm part=906 devtype=14 archid=0000 devid=40800:0:0> [rom_table]
0000805 I [1]<e0040000:TPIU M7 class=9 designer=43b:Arm part=9a9 devtype=11 archid=0000 devid=ca1:0:0> [rom_table]
0000807 I [2]<e0043000:TSGEN class=15 designer=43b:Arm part=101> [rom_table]
0000811 I IMXRT Boot Mode: Internal Boot [target_imxrt]
0000818 I CPU core #0: Cortex-M7 r1p1, v7.0-M architecture [cortex_m]
0000819 I   Extensions: [DSP, FPU, FPU_DP, FPU_V5, MPU] [cortex_m]
0000819 I   FPU present: FPv5-D16-M [cortex_m]
0000827 I 4 hardware watchpoints [dwt]
0000831 I 8 hardware breakpoints, 1 literal comparators [fpb]
0000846 I Loading C:\Users\...\Desktop\remora-rt1052-3.1.2.bin [load_cmd]
0000982 I IMXRT Boot Mode: Internal Boot [target_imxrt]
0001028 I IMXRT Boot Device: 0 [target_imxrt]
0031426 I IMXRT Boot Mode: Internal Boot [target_imxrt]
0031428 I IMXRT Boot Device: 0 [target_imxrt]
0031545 I Erased 196608 bytes (3 sectors), programmed 147968 bytes (578 pages), skipped 0 bytes (0 pages) at 4.72 kB/s [loader]
PS C:\Users\...\Desktop>

My problem is that although it looks like the flashing worked, I can't establish a connection over the network. Ping, no response. I have already tried different ways to configure the manual IP on the linuxCNC pc.Can you please help me? What else can I do? Thank you in advance.    
24 Mar 2024 21:53

[solved] Need help with RV901T as MESA 7i90: SPI isn't working

Category: Driver Boards


I prepared the bitstream under Xilinx ISE 14.7 according to the changes described in Here are the changes compared to basic hostmot2 for 7i90 from MESA site:
I could flash the RV901 directly via JTAG from ISE iMPACT with the generic 72 GPIO bitstream.

But I could not connect to the device from Raspberry using SPI0:

Raspberry PI with Debian 12 from linuxcnc:
Linux pi-cnc 6.1.77-rt24-v8-ago #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Sat Mar 16 18:05:52 MSK 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux

In boot/broadcom/config.txt I enabled SPI0 with custom CE/CS pin:

When running the command
ago@pi-cnc:~$ sudo mesaflash --device 7i90 --spi --addr /dev/spidev0.0 --readhmid

Is see:
unable to set bpw32, fallback to bpw8
Unexpected cookie at 0100..0110:
00000000 00000000 00000000

On the logic analyzer I see the following error:
The initial (idle) state of the CLK line does not match the settings (see attachments)

I used the short enough SPI cable (~50-70mm)

Could you please advise?
21 Mar 2024 14:11

EtherCAT on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: EtherCAT

Perhaps ask on the rpi forum?
18 Mar 2024 15:20

Communication solution on my own CNC Machine

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Nah the Raspberry Pi can be used, quite successfully. Pretty sure that Ol Gene has been using a RPi3 successfully for years on his lathe, think he uses a 7i90 via SPI.
The 5 is a little rocket, shame it’s lacking an SPI driver.
As for the OP proposal, I’m skeptical. I also think he’s a little naive on what’s involved in “rolling you own” motion controller from scratch.

Did I get it right he’s also going to build his own servo motors as well ? That sounds like a serious engineering challenge, if he gets that done I’ll give him a right decent tip of my hat.
18 Mar 2024 00:44

userid / password for live

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

The live session just boots straight to the desktop, no login is required.
If you went through the installation process you created the user, you chose the username and you chose the password.
It’s only the raspberry pi images that require a password and user name.

With the iso you followed the instructions from the documentation for 2.9.2 ?
If not I suggest reading the docs.
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