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18 Jan 2024 22:54

Hardware specification of mesa 7c81

Category: Driver Boards

I certainly can't. I got alotta help from the Machinekit group. That was years ago, and I have no idea what state it is in now, Machinekit is pretty much dead. Maybe you'll find some help in my old thread:

Gotta watch out as MK is a bit different than LinuxCNC. It's a fork of LinuxCNC but they split the "CNC" stack off into a separate application. So the DE10 was meant to run the Mesa side in FPGA fabric and the realtime Linux/HAL stuff was meant to run on the DE10's ARM cores. The rest of LinuxCNC was supposed to run on a non-realtime remote computer. You can actually run everything on the DE10, which is what I did. It's like running LinuxCNC on a Raspberry Pi 3 with a built in Mesa card.

I haven't touched it for years cuz MK is dead. Be nice if you could get the Mesa side working with LinuxCNC, I could knock the dust off these...


The DE10 Has a ton of IO
18 Jan 2024 22:40

Remora - Rpi Software Stepping Using External Microcontroller via SPI

Category: Computers and Hardware

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions ! I have been able to bring the Rpi3B back to life with the proper selection on the Raspberry OS software. They seem to have versions that go way back.

I guess the next step is to head over to the link you provided and start to dig to see if I can find any info / images there re: LinuxCNC installation.

As to the deletion of the outdated info on the Remora docs site, I think that perhaps a notice that the information is now out of date but the general steps remain the same (if they do remain the same). As a noob I did find these steps to be educational even if they did not get me the exact process to get Linuxcnc on the Pi3B.

Thanks again and I'll continue on with my searching and learning.
18 Jan 2024 19:38
Replied by tommylight on topic Raspberry pi 5

Raspberry pi 5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

HAL_PI_GPIO: can't open /dev/gpiomem:  2 - No such file or directory
If the error is 'permission denied' then try adding the user who runs
LinuxCNC to the gpio group: sudo gpasswd -a username gpio
HAL_PI_GPIO: can't open /dev/mem:  13 - Permission denied
hal_pi_gpio: rtapi_app_main: Operation not permitted (-1)
sudo gpasswd -a username gpio
where username should be PI or whatever user name you are using.
18 Jan 2024 14:44 - 18 Jan 2024 14:59
Replied by rohit269 on topic Raspberry pi 5

Raspberry pi 5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

 Thanks for reply sir i am attached error please see
18 Jan 2024 12:48
Replied by JT on topic Raspberry pi 5

Raspberry pi 5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Don't use screen shots taken at a bad angle impossible to read. Copy and paste the text only.

18 Jan 2024 11:19
Replied by rohit269 on topic Raspberry pi 5

Raspberry pi 5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

Thanks for reply sir please tell now what is solution of this problem
18 Jan 2024 10:08
Replied by cornholio on topic Raspberry pi 5

Raspberry pi 5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

As per:
7. Known Bugs

At the moment (2023-07-16) this driver only seems to work on Raspbian as the generic Debian image does not set up the correct interfaces in /dev/gpiomem and restricts access to the /sys/mem interface.
18 Jan 2024 09:23

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

have tried to install tftpy but not working...

cnc@raspberrypi:~$ pip install tftpy
bash: pip: command not found
cnc@raspberrypi:~$ sudo pip3 install tftpy
sudo: pip3: command not found

please help
18 Jan 2024 07:17 - 18 Jan 2024 07:24
Raspberry pi 5 was created by rohit269

Raspberry pi 5

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

  I am install linuxcnc 2.9.2 on raspberry pi5  and  I am  completing all  setting for Linux cnc lathe then I started linuxcnc and I found error and error picture I am also attached please see and guide me how to solve this problem 
18 Jan 2024 01:46

Remora - Rpi Software Stepping Using External Microcontroller via SPI

Category: Computers and Hardware

Linuxcnc on the RaspberryPi has since evolved, and there became less of a need for Scott/Remora to maintain a linuxcnc build for the RPI. While Im sure the steps are fundamentally the same, the section is out of date, and I am questioning if we should remove the section entirely.

My personal opinion, is to look for a premade image, or the steps for it. I think theres a configuration setting in the RPI imager software where you can select RPI3, but I do not recall. There were a few threads from earlier this year that you may be able to find more current steps/references.

Not to try and pass the buck on this, but RPI builds/installs have fallen from the per view of the remora project, and now more of a linuxcnc standard thing. Have a look through this section of the forum, and you will probably get more help if you have questions regarding linuxcnc on the rpi3
17 Jan 2024 16:58

LitexCNC: firmware and driver for 5A-75B and 5A-75E

Category: Driver Boards

I must apologize.
I read the command: "litexcnc_eth" incorrectly from a forum.
The first command is correct:
"loadrt litexcnc" to append the "connections=eth:".
Then the output looks better.

cnc@raspberrypi:~$ halrun
halcmd: loadrt litexcnc connections="eth:"
Note: Using POSIX realtime
litexcnc: Loading Litex CNC driver version 1.1.0
litexcnc: Loading and registering default modules:
litexcnc: Registered module gpio
litexcnc: Registered module pwm
litexcnc: Registered module encoder
litexcnc: Registered module step
litexcnc: Setting up board drivers:
litexcnc: Registered driver eth
LitexCNC-eth: connected to board on ''
litexcnc: Setting up modules...
litexcnc: Reading 36 bytes
litexcnc: - Watchdog
litexcnc: - Wallclock
litexcnc: - gpio ... done!
litexcnc: - pwm ... done!
litexcnc: - encoder ... done!
litexcnc: - step ... done!
litexcnc: Creating read and write buffers...
litexcnc: Base addresses: init: 00000000, reset: 00000044, config: 00000048, write: 0000004C, read: 000000C8
litexcnc: - Write buffer: 124 bytes
litexcnc: - Read buffer: 96 bytes
litexcnc: Exporting functions...
17 Jan 2024 15:43

LitexCNC: firmware and driver for 5A-75B and 5A-75E

Category: Driver Boards

I have tried to connect to the board.
As you can see, I can successfully ping the board after flashing. So I think that the flashing was successful,

cnc@raspberrypi:~$ ping -c 5
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.257 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.149 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=0.164 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=128 time=0.175 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=128 time=0.162 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4080ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.149/0.181/0.257/0.038 ms

The Litexcnc driver can also be loaded in halrun.

cnc@raspberrypi:~$ halrun
halcmd: loadrt litexcnc
Note: Using POSIX realtime
litexcnc: Loading Litex CNC driver version 1.1.0
litexcnc: Loading and registering default modules:
litexcnc: Registered module gpio
litexcnc: Registered module pwm
litexcnc: Registered module encoder
litexcnc: Registered module step

But the connection to the board via eth does not work.

halcmd: loadrt litexcnc_eth connections="eth:"
Unknown parameter `connections=eth:'
<stdin>:4: waitpid failed /usr/bin/rtapi_app litexcnc_eth
<stdin>:4: /usr/bin/rtapi_app exited without becoming ready
<stdin>:4: insmod for litexcnc_eth failed, returned -1

Have I forgotten a step?
17 Jan 2024 12:23

Installing linuxcnc on Raspberry Pi with EtherCAT

Category: EtherCAT

Thank you for your valuable response. I watched your video, and it's truly informative and motivational in this field.
  1. Slave MCU should the EtherCAT Slave Library be attached to?
  2. No requried On the master side EtherCAT Slave Library, only follow the steps outlined in the video link for implementing EtherCAT on LinuxCNC with Raspberry Pi. 
  3. Where can I obtain the Beckhoff Slave Stack Code? Is it available for free?

    I am a beginner, so I would like to gather information before starting the development process.

    If I use the Beckhoff ready-made EtherCAT module(slave)  with  master(EtherCAT + LinuxCNC + Raspberry Pi), as demonstrated in the provided video, will it function? If not, how can I develop the master ( EtherCAT + LinuxCNC + Raspberry Pi) setup using the  slave (Beckhoff EtherCAT module)?"
17 Jan 2024 11:53 - 17 Jan 2024 11:55

Installing linuxcnc on Raspberry Pi with EtherCAT

Category: EtherCAT

Hi govind@89, that's my video right there.. Things have progressed since then and EtherCAT is now mainstream, at least almost, and rodw has written guides on how to install EtherCAT. Better to follow them.

As for your questions.
1. An ethercat module such as LAN9252 or AX58100 is not programmed with C/C++. They need a configuration, which is stored in an external eeprom. Once connected to a EtherCAT master, the eeprom can be programmed from for example TwinCAT. The esi file is needed for that.
The EtherCAT module communicate with an MCU, or FPGA in your case, typically using SPI, and for synchronization there are three lines/pins/signals that can be watched by the MCU.To manage the communication one would need a EtherCAT Slave Library on the MCU (or FPGA) and on top of that add some user code to do what it is supposed to do.

2. When you buy an EtherCAT slave unit like an EtherCAT stepper driver or EtherCAT servo driver, they are ready to use of course. But to make one from scratch - I am in the process of making my own EtherCAT device and have started a video series of that. It's not a tutorial, it is my struggles. There are many things to learn and many things to get together to make an EtherCAT slave.
Here is a link to that play list

3. I am not familiar with how FPGA works, but it must be some code to handle the EtherCAT peculiarities, state changes, sending receiving data, synchronization and all such things, SPI communication. The FPGA equivalent to an EtherCAT Slave library. Plus your own application code.
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