Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

20 Aug 2016 13:56 #79127 by sxyuklad
Please excuse my ignorance, I am like only a week older to linuxcnc.

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20 Aug 2016 15:12 - 20 Aug 2016 15:13 #79142 by newbynobi
Only three changes needed ;-)

Iin the INI changed DISPLAY = axis to DISPLAY = gmoccapy
In the postgui hal file

the pyVCP connections to match the gmoccapy hal pins
from documentation :

5.9. Spindle Feedback Pins

There are two pins for spindle feedback



gmoccapy.spindle_feedback_bar will accept an float input to show the spindle speed.
gmoccapy.spindle_at_speed_led is an bit-pin to lit the GUI led if spindle is at speed.

But I deleted also unneeded files and some useless entries in your INI File.

Just copy the zip to your config folder (Not in your existing one !)
Uncompress it and start it, report if it works (it should )

Last edit: 20 Aug 2016 15:13 by newbynobi.

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20 Aug 2016 17:24 #79152 by sxyuklad
Thank you so much for your time and effort. Have you created all the links that I needed, like I have spindle PWM control, ATC etc. So all that should work now, you have created the spindle feedback links and all that too? And also my ATC comp will work and the links to gmoccapy have been created like tool number showing dro and stuff?

OK, so I should not copy these files to my existing turn profile folder? If yes, then how can I start this profile because the only way to start linuxcnc I know is from the desktop which was created through step config but obviously that is going to look for files in my existing folder. If I want to start this profile, what is the process? Run terminal? And what will be the command?

How about if I delete everything from my config/turn profile folder and copy these news files in there which you cleaned up, will that work?

And thank you so so much for cleaning up my files, obviously there would be too much junk as I am just a kid learning linuxcnc :)

Await your reply and sorry about bothering you too much, excuse my ignorance, but I really like Gmoccapy and I wanted to run it.

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20 Aug 2016 17:27 #79153 by sxyuklad
And there was another file emcochanger.comp which I installed earlier but I no longer load that file or use that comp because I created new comp Oracchanger.comp which I load in hal and run. Can I also delete the other file emcochanger as I do not load it with hal?

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20 Aug 2016 18:31 - 20 Aug 2016 18:32 #79158 by newbynobi
Make a new folder in ~/linuxcnc/configs (~ being your home folder)
place all ziped files in there.

Yes you can delete emcochanger.comp.

Now go to the start menu /applications / CNC / linuxcnc
A config picker will apear, select there the new config and start it.

All should work except the tool offsets will not be shown.
To add that feature, place the following lines at the end of your postgui.hal file
net tooloffset-x gmoccapy.tooloffset-x <= motion.tooloffset.x
net tooloffset-z gmoccapy.tooloffset-z <= motion.tooloffset.z

Last edit: 20 Aug 2016 18:32 by newbynobi.

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20 Aug 2016 20:10 #79166 by sxyuklad
Thank you so very much for all your help. I will try tonight and will let you know if there is any problem. Excited to see gmoccapy running for the first time, cant wait.

I do not have any offsets set anyway and I do not use them either but thank you so very much, in case I do need in the future, I will be able to add as per your advice.

Again, cannot thank you enough Norbert and thank you for giving lovely GUI. :)

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22 Aug 2016 17:15 #79267 by sxyuklad
Hello Norbert

I ran my gmoccapy profile which you provided the other day. It ran perfect without any error. Very nice GUI.

However I have a problem, spindle rpm are not stable and when I cut the threads today, the motion was very jerky as if the AXIS was responding to the ever changing speed of my spindle. Like it was stopping or slowing down and accelerating so threads were all over the place.

I check my INDEX and PHASE A signals with halscope and signals were very inconsistent, at lower rpm like 50 rpm, PHASE A is in good shape but above that either it misses the pulses or keep it ON for 5 or 6 pulses together. INDEX signal, there are some weird spikes.

I cut the threads and checked the signals previous week, it was very nice and clean and the threads were very smooth and proper.

Is there any settings I can play with in linuxcnc. I have 1 pulse per revolution for INDEX and 100 on PHASE A. Do you think this is because of noise on the lines? My encoder plate with 100 holes and one index notch is very precise made by a professional lathe company, EMCO. The sensors are in good shape and proper in line with the plate. I do not know where is this noise coming from when it was not there a week ago. Do you have any suggestions how can I clean the signals back to my parallel port. Is there any sort of debounce setting I can play with or even hardware, any suggestions to add any circuit to my line? Like resistor or capacitor to clean the line?

I have optical sensors on the encoders and the signals were very stable and clean before. Any suggestions please. Any hardware fix?

Thank you.

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22 Aug 2016 19:19 #79274 by newbynobi
Glad gmoccapy is running.

For the spindle stuff, please open a new thread, as this has nothing to do with gmoccapy.
I am not the hardware expert, and I did never use a encoder through the parport, sorry.


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14 Feb 2017 08:29 #87946 by Patrik T
Every startup I get the message "It is not possible to change to Auto Mode at the moment".
Is this normal?
I can't see that I have asked for auto.


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15 Feb 2017 17:33 - 15 Feb 2017 17:34 #88007 by newbynobi
Hallo Patrik,

thanks for using gmoccapy.
No, it is not normal to get the mentioned message. Last time I was informed about the same behavior, the user used a HB04 Pendant. The configuration used a button to toggle cooling and another one to toggle spindle on and off and that ones at connecting the pin in hal, causing the error. So I am pretty sure, you have also a connection in your hal causing that.

I used a easy fix to solve the message problem like this:
#        olli.hal file from Norbert                    #
#    pushing one momentary button allows switching     #
#                the coolant on and off                #

# first way to load realtime components with names
# the second line connects the component to a thread,
# other wise it will no be updated automatically

loadrt toggle names=cool,spindle
addf cool      servo-thread
addf spindle   servo-thread

# and here the solution loading them with the amount of numbers to load
loadrt not count=2
addf not.0   servo-thread
addf not.1   servo-thread

# we do need two and componends, to that ones we connect
# pin motion.motion-enabled , this pin is only hight,
# if the machine is switched on
loadrt and2 names=and_cool,and_spindle
addf and_cool        servo-thread
addf and_spindle     servo-thread

# connect the pin to IN0 of the and componends
net enabled     and_cool.in0  <=  motion.motion-enabled
net enabled     and_spindle.in0

# The net command
# net = the command to connect thinks together
# toggle_coolant = the signal name, just think it is a cable and the name is the color
# pendant.button = The hal pin name of the button to use
# =>  = the direction the signal should flow
# halui.flood.on = the pin you want to change
# you can connect several hal pin to one signal (see coolant-on)

# we need to make some changes to previous connections
net coolant_in     v_buttonlist.v_button_0     => 
net coolant-on     cool.out                    =>  halui.flood.on
net coolant-on
net coolant-in     not.0.out                   =>  and_cool.in1
net coolant-out    and_cool.out                =>

# same to toggle the spindle
net spindle_in     v_buttonlist.v_button_1     =>
net spindle-on     spindle.out                 =>  halui.spindle.start
net spindle-on
net spindle-off    not.1.out                   =>  and_spindle.in1
net spindle-out    and_spindle.out             =>  halui.spindle.stop

Is it clear? Otherwise post your config.

Last edit: 15 Feb 2017 17:34 by newbynobi.

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