Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

13 Dec 2013 04:12 #41565 by mariusl
OK I can see the button event. HeHe.


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13 Dec 2013 06:02 #41567 by newbynobi
Hallo Marius,

You want to increase a hal label?
That is not possible!
A hal label is an in pin, so it can only indicate a given hal pin value.

If I try to follow you, you want the buttons to change a hal value. It is easier to connect hal buttons to a hal component that increase a hal value and just display that value in the hal label.

Doing this in python is posible, but for a beginner not easy.

If you explain what functions the buttons should control, I will try to implement them.

Norbert, getting slowly crasy, because remap code for tool measurement seems to destroy my work.

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13 Dec 2013 13:56 #41572 by mariusl
Hi Norbert

I discovered in my sleep last night that I cannot change a hal label.

What I am trying to do is to replace the spin buttons as they do not work well on a touch screen. Some of these settings has to be changed quickly while the machine is running and the spin button is too small to get to by hand.

So I am trying to replace all the spin button settings to use a up/down button set to change the value. All the settings can be done this way except the "Switch Travel", that can go to the INI file as it is a static setting only used at the calibration of the machine. It can come off the screen.

I am busy with an example of what I think it should be like. I will send it when I am done. I do agree with doing all the calculations and settings in a component. That way it will be easier to manage the storage of the variables. Well at least for me as I know C++ better.


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13 Dec 2013 16:57 #41575 by newbynobi
Hallo Marius,

OK I do understand your point of view!
So please just make the layout, without any functins or code,
I will then fix all thinks together, including the save stuff.

Is it OK to have the increments in the INI file?
Push button + once will increase value by increment from INI file.


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13 Dec 2013 17:21 #41577 by mariusl
Hi Norbert
Yes the INI file is a good way to go for all the stuff.
I will send the glade file a bit later.


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13 Dec 2013 17:59 #41579 by mariusl
I dont know if I got all the button and label type correct, but here goes.

Tell me what more I can do please.

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:31 KB



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13 Dec 2013 20:50 #41582 by andypugh

What I am trying to do is to replace the spin buttons as they do not work well on a touch screen.

The "Touchy" LinuxCNC interface requires a jog-wheel, and to change any parameter you select the parameter on the touch screen, then operate the wheel to select the value.
Also, Touchy doesn't begin any motion until you press a physical "run" button.

I very much support both these design decisions.

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13 Dec 2013 21:38 #41584 by mariusl
I agree with you. My machines always has a run / pause / stop button on. A MPG for plasma is not really suitable as jogging to a rough position is mostly used.
Lot of people dont even fit homing switches to plasma machines. I personally dont build a machine without homing and limit switches.

The main reason for using the button approach on a plasma machine is because one is required to make adjustments while the machine is working. This means that you dont have the luxury of mistakes. The setting that is mostly used is the Set Voltage for the THC and the THC speed.
There are two approaches when it comes to THC. One is the Gcode contains the code to probe the material height and do corrections using G92 and the rest. The other is using a component to do the THC setup and corrections.
The pro and cons are:

Gcode option:
Pro: The config is very simple as all is done in gcode.
Cons: Due to the G92 and offsets used, one cannot recover or use "cut from here" when the arc fails.

Component option:
Pro: Very simple gcode with just M3 is used and the rest is done by component.
Con: Not so easy to setup from scratch. ( Until we have a new component to fix this)

I will support the external start button option if you wish to go that way.


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14 Dec 2013 00:34 #41588 by cncbasher

i'm looking at Plasma to at the moment so , this work interests me , i'm looking at monitoring the tip voltage , and using this to control the torch height
for autostart and in part to control the height , as well as flame out monitoring so the machine can stop is this the better option over all , as against using gcode .

or is their other items to think about , from within a component aspect ,


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14 Dec 2013 03:38 #41594 by mariusl
I use a number of components to control the plasma functions. It depends on how you measure the tip voltage. I found that using and old fashioned analog circuit with a window comparator to determine the torch height to be the best solution. I have a circuit that takes a pwm signal form linuxcnc and compares that to the tip voltage. A up or down signal is given to a port input and the component reacts to that. I used a arduino circuit before but found the USB connection to be unreliable so I steer clear from that for now.

The information provided by the plasma screen is more than what you need to control any plasma application.
How to handle flame out is a very debatable point. I stop the machine as flame out is normally due to consumable problems and you want the operator to pay attention to the problem.
If you want to wait a while I will make the component available once I have it tested properly.

I am also working on a 5 axis plasma for early in the new year.


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