Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

26 Nov 2013 00:18 #41161 by newbynobi
Halo Dejan,

you are too fast!

Please wait for me to push there are the new po files. Il give advise, but unfortunately Chris an Michael are both on travel, so we will have to wait till they are back to push.


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27 Nov 2013 01:44 #41189 by probamo

This text are translatable and I will offer the translations for German ans Spanish, hoping to get the Serbian files translated. B)

Sorry :laugh:

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30 Nov 2013 00:43 #41224 by newbynobi

- solved a bug showing the gremlin DRO,
caused by a typo in a widget name
- some buttons and widgets did not have tooltip text,
added that ones
- corrected German translation
- corrected Spanish translation

@Dejan: Now you can add the missing part of the serbian translation ;-)


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01 Dec 2013 21:21 #41273 by newbynobi

this fixes a bug, trying to edit a file, I missed an "o".


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01 Dec 2013 22:03 - 01 Dec 2013 22:03 #41274 by newbynobi

- if the user tried to make a new file and there where no
RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE in the INI file, an exception has been thrown
fixed that bug
- if the user tried to make a new file, after he made already one,
an exception has been thrown, because the file was loaded already
fixed that bug

Last edit: 01 Dec 2013 22:03 by newbynobi. Reason: typos

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01 Dec 2013 23:52 #41276 by spangledboy
I just thought I'd put in a post here to let everyone know about some problems I just encountered since pulling version They may well have been partially caused by incorrect configuration that I carried out back in the beginning, but others may fall into the trap too, so maybe this will be helpful.

I've been testing gmoccapy both in SIM and on my actual machine for several months and it just keeps getting better. However, when I ran "git pull" for v0.9.9.0 I didn't get the new screen, although my simulator tests worked fine (in virtual machines). The update seemed to run fine and the version was displayed as v0.9.9.0, but no new DROs etc!

Yesterday I decided to delete the linuxcnc-dev folder and re-download and compile again. That ran fine, but when I dropped my machines config folder back in there and tried to run it, I got an error and it failed to run. Oh dear.....

Today I decided to dig in and find out what's going on. I looked at the error, which stated "'hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.enc0' does not exist".

Strange - that pin did exist - and it still does for my LinuxCNC 2.5.3 install and is used on the MPG which is working. Anyway, I commented out the relevant line in my hal file so I could try running gmoccapy.

So, when i next tried running gmoccapy it did start, but the screen was still the old version! Now I began to have suspicions that it was using the ICONS folder and other folders within my machines config folder rather than some other location. Looking at the SIM config for gmoccapy I could see that it didn't have these folders, so I removed them. OK great, on the next try I now have no icons! Just blank spots where they should be. lol.

So, for the next attempt I removed everything from the folder except my .ini & .hal file - that gave me errors relating to a missing tool table, shutdown.hal,custom.hal & gmoccapy_postgui.hal. So, once those were replaced - it worked again, with the new DRO etc! Hurrah!

Now that I was able to run gmoccapy I was able to use the Debug screen to run the following command:

halcmd show pin hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.enc

That did indeed show me that the requested pin no longer exists, but has been replaced with a load more pins - count, index-enable, position, rawcounts & reset. My guess is that the one I'm looking for is now called halcmd show pin hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.enc.count as that's the type of signal I was using for my MPG. I've updated my hal file accordingly.

I guess that the new pins have been recently introduced into the master version of LinuxCNC and they'll only affect people using a Mesa 5i25 with 7i77, but hopefully this information will help someone.

With regard to the config folder for gmoccapy, mine only has the following files in it, apart from the mail hal and ini files:


It also has an nc_files folder, containing some G code macros etc.

Is this correct, or should there be other subfolders and files for correct operation? I looked through the wiki and couldn't find that much to explain what should be present in the config folder. I realise that Norbert has been very busy developing this excellent interface, so the documentation isn't perfect and perhaps some detail has been missed in the wiki which we can relatively easily fix.


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02 Dec 2013 00:57 #41278 by spangledboy
I think I may have a feature request:

I just realised that I can't find out how to manually edit the tool table from within gmoccapy unless I have a physical keyboard attached. If I could bring up the on screen keyboard it would be useful when using a touch screen.


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02 Dec 2013 01:04 #41279 by newbynobi
Hallo Ben,

it is a petty, that you had so much trouble.

Related to the hm_... pins, that must be a change within the hotmost2 driver, and is not caused from gmoccapy.

It is very strange, that the update from 0.9.9 does not work like expected, because the file structure has been modified a long time ago.
There should be the following files in:

and the following folders:
icon (containing all icons)
locale (containing the translation files)
python (some additional python stuff for gmoccapy)

in you config folder you do have:

and may be a bak file

It might contain an macro folder containing your subroutines.

If a gmoccapy_handler file will be found in you config folder, that one will be taken instead of the gmoccapy_handler file.

If you make a git pull, you do not need to modify your config folder!

Do you have now


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02 Dec 2013 01:07 #41280 by newbynobi
Hallo Ben,

you can do that already.

Please enter the settings page and on the page appearance you will find keyboard section, where you can select when to see the keyboard or not.


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02 Dec 2013 02:01 #41283 by spangledboy
Hi Norbert

Ok, it sounds like I have the files I need now. I've been playing around with gmoccapy since it appeared on here, so my folder structure dates back to pretty much the beginning. It seems that if that structure is there then it prefers it to those in linuxcnc-dev/share/gscreen/skins/gmoccapy

Never mind anyway - it's all history now and my systems seems to be working fine and it was a learning opportunity for me. This configuration is much cleaner anyway - just the files that I need to tinker with are in the config directory.

I do have v0.9.9.3, as I got everything updated & working just before posting.

Thanks for the tip about the settings page - that works fine - I was surprised to find that I couldn't use the on screen keyboard there!


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