Set up using AMC AB15A100 drives, brushed DC motor Prototrak Plus with Encoders

08 Aug 2022 14:34 #249343 by Todd Zuercher
Yes, I think you need to have a way to lock the motor shaft.

As to the dip switch settings when tuning the current loop, Yes SW1-1 should be off, SW1-2 should be off, SW1-3 should be on.

SW1-4, I am not quite sure about. It is used to change the function of the offset pot. I think you will still want it the default OFF postilion. The on position is used to create a signal for testing if you don't have an external means of creating the test pulse signal. Personally I think I'd just leave it set to OFF and use Linuxcnc to generate the test signal. If you choose to use the internal signal you will have to figure out how to monitor the test signal that the drive is creating internally with the o-scope. It might be as simple as connecting to the drive input signal pins the same way as if you were monitoring an externally generated signal, except there would be no external signal wires connected, just the scopes probe leads. In the demo tuning video they do not use SW1-4 (because they are using an external signal generator.)

Take your time, be patient. Oscilloscopes are complicated tools to learn how to use properly. (I am certainly no master) I've really only ever used one once to tune a drive (a very old Textronix analog scope) and that was a long time ago. I have not had the pleasure of using the new Rigol scope we have here at work. (It was bought after I tuned the servos I needed a scope for.) So I won't be much help telling you which buttons and knobs to pres to set it up for your use. Follow the instructions in the video for how to configure the o-scope. And try to look over the manual for the scope, it will be big and heavy reading. Follow the procedures for calibrating the probe leads, going through this step alone, will go a long way towards familiarizing yourself with how to use the scope.

In the video they have a handy little breakout board where they are connecting the scope and function generator leads to the analog input of the drive. You obviously don't have that, but you will connect the scope probe leads to the wires connected to the 7i77's analog signal to the drive.
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08 Aug 2022 14:54 - 08 Aug 2022 15:01 #249346 by Todd Zuercher

Todd, thanks. Attached is a pic of the .zip file extracted in the Linuxcnc configs dir. Does this appear correct, or what am I looking for, a screen like the one in the post at (page 13) #245270? Will there be an icon to pick from the desktop to start the signal? I have not seen an icon for this.

Many thanks!

Yep, just those 4 small files.

For the Linuxcnc config picker to see it, I think the "test" dir needs to be copied or extracted to the ~/linuxcnc/configs/ dir. (In your image it is still in the compressed zip folder.)

No there won't be an icon on the desktop. But you can easily create one. Once the Linuxcnc config picker can find it, you can select the check box on the bottom of the config picker screen to "create desktop short cut" and then one will be created when you try to open it with the picker.
Last edit: 08 Aug 2022 15:01 by Todd Zuercher.
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09 Aug 2022 14:04 #249394 by new2linux
Todd, Thanks! Is it acceptable to copy the 4 files (from a folder where they were extracted) to the "configs" directory? Or does it need to be extracted in a folder in the "configs" directory? I see when I "rt click" the bottom option "property" a way to apply emblems, I do not see config picker screen to "create desktop short cut".
I will be reading the o-scope manual, and see how to calibrate.
From Todd's earlier post, "You obviously don't have that, but you will connect the scope probe leads to the wires connected to the 7i77's analog signal to the drive."
The work around is temporary short sections of wire under the screws at the plugs on the 7i77 board.

To stop motor rotation, I used a section of wood (1.5 thick) with a hole sized to fit closely to the hub of the pulley (where the set screws are) that I sawed a split that will squeeze on the hub when tightened, with a second 1/4" hole with bolt that attaches the wood to front of motor.

Many thanks

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09 Aug 2022 14:54 #249401 by Todd Zuercher
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11 Aug 2022 15:30 - 12 Aug 2022 12:24 #249529 by new2linux
Todd, Many thanks for your help, I am very grateful!! The scope has been on the truck for 2nd day "out for deliver" if you believe the tracking. Good news is that as I read the on-line manual for the scope, it appears to be self-calibrating. Maybe today is the day, the delivery truck stops here. As I read the note 15 manual, when everything is connected and scope is set up proper, I will see traces on the scope that resemble or have characteristics similar to traces offered in the note 15 manual. Associated with these trace examples, in the note 15 manual, are explanations as to what area of the trace is in need of adjustment.

Many thanks!

The scope has arrived, no manual (I have D/L of manual) all looks good. I am not shore where to start. I plan to review the YouTube video for the o scope settings. Likewise, I understand pin 8 on the A-M-C drive is (current monitor), this takes the place of the current probe in YouTube video. What will be used for the "trigger" going to scope? I know the SW1- settings as per post: 05 Aug 2022 15:08 - 08 Aug 2022 12:39 #249121.

Many thanks!

This is a link to Rigol DS1054Z (the manual covers several models) scope:
Last edit: 12 Aug 2022 12:24 by new2linux. Reason: Scope arrived

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12 Aug 2022 13:05 #249587 by new2linux
Todd, Many thanks!
After reviewing the YouTube video (at the time marker 4:30/7:14), the scope setting are as follows:

1)Check trigger settings, reject hi-frequency noise, trigger on the rising edge

2)Adjust wave acquisition form to show average

3)When scaling, the "time for division" set to 2 milliseconds

4)Channel with "reference IN signal" scale to 500 millivolts vertically

5)Channel with current probe scale to 100 millivolts

The signal generator (starts at 5:28/7:14) is set to provide a 100 Hertz square wave at amplitude of 1.0 volt

I will be starting with the scope settings.

Many thanks!

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12 Aug 2022 13:24 #249588 by Todd Zuercher
Since you won't be using a current probe, some of the settings for that won't be the same as what you will need to be using (specifically the voltage scaling.) I'd start with the probe you are using on the current monitor terminals of the drive set to 10x and see what shows up on the screen and set the scale so the wave form is nicely readable. (it might be 100mv, 500mv, or 1v...)

Also since they are suggesting a 500mv scale for the reference channel on a 1v signal, that would also imply they have the probe for the input channel also set to 10x.
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12 Aug 2022 13:46 #249590 by Todd Zuercher
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12 Aug 2022 13:58 #249591 by new2linux
Todd, many thanks!! I see the probe requires calibration, only when I read the probe's "user guide" did I find this. The scope can generate a square wave at the "calibration signal output terminal", to check/adjust the "frequency compensation of the probe", connect probe and set probe attenuation to 10x, use the tool provided to make the screen appear like the samples provided in the manual. I am working this.

Using pin 8 on the drive "Current Monitor", I can temporarily use a short wire with the connector to fit the long plastic plug (on A-M-C drive) as input for current. What is the other required wire, the GND?? The "trigger" is what I am missing, I think.
Many thanks!

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12 Aug 2022 14:14 - 12 Aug 2022 14:19 #249592 by Todd Zuercher
The little wire with the alligator clip on the probe is the ground. Connect the probe to terminal #8 on the drive, and the ground clip to either terminal #2 or #11 (I think they are the same).

The probe for channel#1 on the scope would be connected to pins #4 and #5 (along with the analog output of the 7i77.)
Last edit: 12 Aug 2022 14:19 by Todd Zuercher.
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