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Search Results (Searched for: 7i76e)

16 Mar 2024 16:44

Mesa 7i76E HY Spindle Coolant Best Practices

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

spumco could you share some code on this idea of using timedelay based on the spindle on?

I can't quite wrap my head on it all. I seem to be missing something.
15 Mar 2024 15:56
Replied by PCW on topic Spindle Drive 7i76e

Spindle Drive 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

How is the 7I76E wired to the VFD?
15 Mar 2024 14:52

Spindle Drive 7i76e

Category: Driver Boards

We're having issues with TB4 on the mesa 7i76e, there is no relation between the output state and the command from the CNC.
How can we check what the problem is or why it could be that nothing is happening and how can we manually check the state of the outputs.
We already put a 24v signal over the outputs and measured them and they didn't work.
Thanks in advance
14 Mar 2024 08:39
Replied by Nigel on topic Mesa Configuration Tool

Mesa Configuration Tool

Category: Configuration Tools

Great tool but I'm having a problem. I'm running Linuxcnc 2.9.2 on a RPi5 with MESA 7i76E and 7i85S boards. In the Setting/Jog Slider Settings the three Angular Velocity setting are greyed out so I can not enter values. The result of Build Config is a message in the Info tab :Settings Tab:Default Linear Jog Velocity must be greater than zeroMaximum Linear Jog Velocity must be greater than zero

Is there something I've missed in the settings somewhere?
Nigelp, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
13 Mar 2024 21:02
Replied by stz60 on topic Update auf 2.9.2

Update auf 2.9.2

Category: Deutsch

LinuxCNC 2.9.2 auf RPi4 (RPi 400) + MESA 7i76e

Inzwischen habe ich das Komando <menu-config> gefunden.
Dieses ist im <.img.xz> enthalten und ist vergleichbar mit <raspi-config>.
Somit kann der Abschnitt mit <raspi-config> entfallen.
<menu-config> zeigt nach Beenden einige nützliche Infos an.

cnc@raspberrypi:~$ menu-config
Generating locales (this might take a while)...
de_DE.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.

Current default time zone: 'Europe/Berlin'
Local time is now: Wed Mar 13 00:34:39 CET 2024.
Universal Time is now: Tue Mar 12 23:34:39 UTC 2024.

Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) 6.1.54-rt15 #1_RT Fri Nov 17 17:02:27 AEST 2023
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 28G 3.6G 23G 14% /
/dev/sda1 508M 89M 419M 18% /boot/broadcom

Hostname: raspberrypi
Wired: eth0 UP

Processor: Cortex-A72 @ 1800MHz 35.5°C
Online: 0-3
Governor: performance
Memory: 3.7G 482M
Entropy: 256
Uptime: 00:35:27 up 8 min, 1 user, load average: 1.01, 0.98, 0.62

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo reboot

Weitere System-Infos kann man mit diesen Komandos erhalten:

uname --help
uname -a

hostnamectl -h

df --help
df -h

lsusb -h

(Liste mit EEPROM-Info)

13 Mar 2024 03:27

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

Yeah it did believe it or not. 

I'd probably report that as a bug? 

Too weird... 
13 Mar 2024 02:30
Replied by PCW on topic 7i76e to Durapulse connection

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

Did that solve the out of range spindle speed error?
13 Mar 2024 02:06

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

Ok, all I did was add those params as described above and everything words as described. 
Here's what I did:

OUTPUT_MIN_LIMIT = 5000   <<-- I changed this from zero to 5000
 OUTPUT_MAX_LIMIT = 24000    <<-- no change to this line


I added the latter 3 lines in green.

Thanks to those who responded with feedback!
12 Mar 2024 20:16
Replied by PCW on topic 7i76e to Durapulse connection

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

No, those are hardware setup parameters and necessary.
12 Mar 2024 20:13

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

Ok, I just added the green FORWARD stuff to my config.. Should I remove the red print?

 P = 0.0
 I = 0.0
 D = 0.0
 FF0 = 1.0
 FF1 = 0.0
 FF2 = 0.0
 BIAS = 0.0
 MAX_OUTPUT = 24000


12 Mar 2024 19:28
Replied by PCW on topic 7i76e to Durapulse connection

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

Those are hardware settings, I would think pyvcp would use
the ini file spindle settings here:

3000 RPM is probably the default value if not specified. This does seem like
a pncconf bug to leave out the generic spindle ini settings
12 Mar 2024 19:27

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

Change it to 24000, save and test.
12 Mar 2024 19:19

7i76e to Durapulse connection

Category: Driver Boards

What I have yet to understand is that the pyvcp-panel.xml file uses a value of 3000. Why is that?

I would expect to see these INI values which I assume are RPM?

12 Mar 2024 15:11

Mesa 7i95t and 7i83 Analogue servo card

Category: Basic Configuration

Another stupid question from me. When you say:-
"Connect the 7I83 analog out hal pins to the PID outputs"
Is that a physical wire, or something to be written in the hal file?

In hal, make a new config for 7i76E with 7i77, that should get you all the pins for everything, then make a copy and edit the copy to match the Mesa naming and pins:
Stepgens change from 7i76E to 7i95
Encoders change from 7i77 to 7i95
analog out/pid change from 7i77 to 7i83
12 Mar 2024 08:46

mesa7i76e + 7i85s stepper motor + encoder feedback

Category: Driver Boards

Thanks PCW, it's very clear.
the goal is for the milling machine to stop if for some reason the z axis stalls.
otherwise, a rapid crossing with the z in the wrong position can cause a disaster
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