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22 Jun 2024 01:05

Mesa 7i96 Ethernet Socket Problems - LC2.9.2 on Raspberry Pi 4B

Category: Driver Boards

My 3-axis mill operated for over a year with LC 2.8.4 on a RPi 4B 4GB.
Then I tried to get the WiFi working. failed the SD card, so started to install LC 2.9.2 with a new SD card.

Problems from the start resulted in me changing to a RPi 4B 8GB, propped up outside the cubicle.

Now, when pinging, I get serious packet loss.
All addresses etc correct as I have had Axis opening on occasion.
The original installed ethernet cable is 250 mm long, and I have a general-purpose spare 10 m long on a spool.

With either cable connected, either way around, finger stressing the connection at the 7i96 socket interrupts packets.
The same stressing at the RPi socket is reliable.
Sometimes, with a bit of stressing, the monitor LED on the 7i96 socket extinguishes.
Sometimes packets will start on the ping, but other times not, with a bit of stressing then starting the packets.

It would appear the Socket on the 7i96 is the problem.

Any suggestions ?

21 Jun 2024 15:19

Comparison between Raspian 12 Bookworm on Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

No, the images are different.
If you wait a couple of days I can create updated ones for both versions of Raspberry
21 Jun 2024 07:19

DM542 stepper motor driver power stage light on red

Category: CNC Machines

Hello everyone.

I'm currently building a CNC milling machine. The milling machine is controlled via a raspberry pi 3 b+ and a Smoothieboard v1.1 with DM 542 stepper motor drivers(  ) and 1.8° 2A motors.

X-axis 1.8° 3 A runs via a stepper motor driver as the smoothie board can only control 2A. I controlled the two Y-axes and the Z-axis three times 2A via the smoothie board.

Unfortunately that didn't work. I had to buy two new drivers and connect them separately to Y1 and Y2 - they run in parallel. It worked until I ran the CNC and it

went too far to the left for me. I had to press the killbatten. I unplugged the entire system and turned it back on. When the control had power again, the lights suddenly lit up

The red lights on the power amplifiers. It took a while for me to figure out why. As soon as I removed the Enable + (+5V) cables from the power amplifiers, the power amplifier lights turned green again and the machine is running. When I try to plug the cable back in, the lights turn red again and nothing works anymore. Can someone tell me why this can be like that?

And I have a 1.5 KW spindle with a Huanyang inverter controlled via the rs485 breakout board. The software is CNCjs. Now I have the problem that the spindle does not run with the M3 command or only sometimes and when it runs I cannot stop the spindle with the M5 command. Sometimes it works and then it doesn't work again. Can someone please help me with this? I'm happy about every suggestion and comment.
20 Jun 2024 23:21

Comparison between Raspian 12 Bookworm on Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

elovalvo, where can I find youre raspian12 bookworm image for the rpi4? is it the same as rpi5? I went searching through a bunch of threads but cannot find RPi4
20 Jun 2024 10:23

Installing Linuxcnc in resberrypi

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

are mentioning SPI won't work when boot image using sdcard. Actually i want know it is possible to install linuxcnc using terminal.i am using this Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm in my raspberry pi
20 Jun 2024 06:42

Installing Linuxcnc in resberrypi

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Hi guys ,
I am working on one cnc project that require linuxcnc , How can I install linuxcnc in resberry pi5. Below i given my system configration. i want install linuxcnc without using sdcard mode. is there any posssible way for this? 

System Information

Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"

Raspberry Pi reference 2024-03-15
Generated using pi-gen,, f19ee211ddafcae300827f953d143de92a5c6624, stage4

Linux raspberrypi 6.6.20+rpt-rpi-2712 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.20-1+rpt1 (2024-03-07) aarch64 GNU/Linux
Revision    : c04170
Serial        : a064e408d3a64e09
Model        : Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
Throttled flag  : throttled=0x50005
Camera          : vc_gencmd_read_response returned -1 error=1 error_msg="Command not registered"
17 Jun 2024 00:31
Replied by csutke on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Switching to X11 works MUCH better for Axis, but it still doesn't understand multitouch in the Axis preview.
Switching to X11 can be done by
  Advanced => X11
2. I had to install the gldriver from here to get X11 to show output:

This also seems to have fixed the issues with the on-screen keyboard (onboard).
At this point it is a fully functional system, with some minor annoyances with navigating the preview window. 
I will make a patch for Axis to try and address some of the touch bugs.
16 Jun 2024 16:12

Preparing native Raspberry Pi OS for LinuxCNC

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Hello, I get aurh error on last line of these cmds

cd ~
git clone --depth=1 --branch v2.9.2 ~/linuxcnc-dev
cd linuxcnc-dev
./debian/configure uspace
mv linuxcnc-build-deps_$(cat VERSION)_all.deb ../linuxcnc-build-deps_$(cat VERSION)_all.deb
su -c "apt install ../linuxcnc-build-deps_$(cat VERSION)_all.deb -y"

I checked my pwd, I can login ok

but still get auth err when last l line asks for pwd

i tried to circumvent using
sudo apt install ../linuxcnc-build-deps<tab for autocompletion>
but ended with broken packages

this fails as well, same way
su -c "ls"

tomp tjtr33
16 Jun 2024 15:48
Replied by csutke on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Also, for anyone wanting to use a touchscreen with Pi5, know that the on screen keyboards seem to be completely unusable at the moment.
16 Jun 2024 15:25
Replied by csutke on topic LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

LinuxCNC on Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

I have been using the latest image on a Raspberry Pi and it is working surprisingly well.  I paired it with a Mesa 7i96S ethernet card and the results are amazing. 
10 years ago I rebuilt my CNC with an Atom/PCIe setup, and I intend to upgrade again with the Pi.

The only hiccup left with the setup is the touch screen driver with Wayland. 
It works very well for single touches, and can clearly detect all 10 fingers when I run
libinput debug-gui
but Axis doesn't seem to understand anything but basic touches.
Chromium and other windows understand the scroll/zoom gestures correctly, so I believe it has to do with TK not being up to date with libinput.
I am currently exploring adding a python "shim" to Axis to allow it to use libinput directly.  I will post more soon.

5 Axis CNC, Pi5, Mesa 7i96S, 1920x1200@60 HDMI display, (bare panel with driver board), WHB04B-6 pendant, custom built servo drivers, WJ200 spindle VFD, mist/flood/probe/etc.
15 Jun 2024 03:25

EOI in getting SPI going on the RPi5

Category: Computers and Hardware

The spidev driver is not an option. The man page in the docs states that it is not suitable for real-time threads. Hence the reason you are having issues.

To put it clearly SPI, atm is not an option for the RPi5, no matter what the download page states. Mesa states that the RPi5 is unable to be used with the 7c80 & 7c81 on the respective product pages.
The Raspberry Foundation has only released limited information regarding the RP1 chip. So until this issue resolved we are stuck.
Whether a driver will be developed I can not say.
Long story short there is no help currently available.
To use the RPi5 with Linuxcnc the Ethernet port with a Mesa card would be the easiest route. The gpios may be an option but I haven’t tried it. I’m unsure if on of the Mesa PCIe cards would work, it would be an expensive experiment. A PCIe Parallel Port adapter is not an option, Jeff Gerling has tested many PCIe cards with the RPi and the arm architecture doesn’t support BAR has needed by Parallel Port cards.
It’s not just Linuxcnc that the RPi5 has been a bit of a letdown, many other people have found that many of the old libraries that use the various peripherals on the gpios don’t work until the libs have been re written and the apps & code that use them.
We just have to wait for the Code Gods to arrive.
15 Jun 2024 02:59
Replied by Aaroncnc on topic Renora - SPI

Renora - SPI

Category: General LinuxCNC Questions

If you look at the picture with the raspberry pi and the main board you'll actually notice that he doesn't even have that wire installed
11 Jun 2024 12:56

Mesa programming and relationship with HAL

Category: HAL

I'd add that for any kind of modern / beefy computer, a few HAL entries for AND gates will make no noticeable difference in performance.  That is because the CPU is much faster than the servo thread interval, so there is plenty of free-time "left over" each cycle to calculate things like AND gates.

Where this starts to become a problem is on older, slower, smaller computers, such as a "spare" 20-year-old computer or a tiny single-board-computer like the Raspberry Pi 4.  These will have little time "left over" between servo thread intervals, so adding AND gates can start to cut into the servo thread timing and lead to issues.  (The RPi5 is considerably faster, however will not work with some cards currently.)

If unsure, make a copy of your config folder, comment-out the logic functions in one of them, then load each config into LinuxCNC and start the chips.ngc toolpath (or whatever gcode you have to torture-test your machine.)  Crank the speeds & feeds - if the AND-gates-config causes a fail, it's too much.  Could also open the latency tester during each run and see numerically how the timing jitter is affected.
10 Jun 2024 12:26
Replied by Hossein74Majidi on topic Orange Pi + SPI

Orange Pi + SPI

Category: HAL

thanks, I've read that already. I just wanna know if it can be used for orange pi too?
cause for raspberry there is another one named hm2_rpspi
08 Jun 2024 01:07 - 08 Jun 2024 01:25

2.9.2 LinuxCNC Dell XPS 15 loading ramdisk - out of memory

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Understood, appreciate the response. I did see that laptops can have some issues with latency with LinuxCNC due to power interrupts. This laptop in particular has been sitting on my shelf for a while and owes me nothing which is why I figured its worth a shot to install and run a latency test on it. Worst case I'll give up and buy a salvage desktop or Raspberry. Off the live USB without adjusting any settings I get latency of ~250k-300k peak which sounds like its not ideal but passable when hardware stepping. I intend to use a mesa 6i25+7i78 board.

I removed the quiet option when I was trying to debug on my own, hoping it might give more insight as to the cause of the issue. I didn't include the grub error message since I figured it wasn't really of any value, attached a screenshot of the error pre-kernel on this reply

I have searched for issues memory issues relating specifically to the XPS but haven't found anything relevant to my issue. Given that its not an issue with normal debian 12 and is isolated to specifically the installed LinuxCNC ISO, I figured this was a good place to start. If this isn't the right place to ask then I appreciate the feedback and will do more searching on my own
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