Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

29 Mar 2015 20:27 #57280 by mr_deimos
I've been using gmoccapy for a while now, and it works great for me so far.
However i have a little feature request.
A few versions back feed override and max velocity sliders got linked. So when i change the feed override to 50%, max velocity also changes to half of its original value. Normally it's ok, especially for testing a new program since it also scales down rapid movements speed.
However sometimes i need to temporarily limit the max velocity (without editing the ini file): for example when my mill runs for a long time, one axis tends to get blocked at high speeds. I know that it means that i really need to fix the mill and i'm working on it, but in the meantime i'm simply using the max velocity slider to keep it from reaching too high speeds.
But as soon as i touch the feedrate knob or use the '100% feed' button, max velocity is also changed, usually to something much higher than i want it to be.
So my question is this, Norbert: could you add an option to unlink these sliders? I guess it could be useful in cases other than crappy threaded nuts and too weak motors, for example when using heavier than usual tool.

And one more question: I noticed that when using a jog wheel (so far only the emulated one, from example gmoccapy configs) the machine always travels at maximum velocity, ignoring both jog speed and max velocity sliders. Is this the intended behavior?


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30 Mar 2015 08:11 #57302 by ssalrin

Hi Norbert

I agree that we need some better touch off features. If you want to go that route with touch off then you might as well look at a lot more options like circle centres and many more.
IMHO we need a tab with touch off features and leave the run of the mill stuff as it is. Once you start down this road you will find that even the space at the bottom is not enough for what can be done.

The attached file shows what is a good set of touch off functions. That is why I think we need a tab for this.

You must also consider lathe users.

Would it be hard to dock this probe gui in gmoccapy?

Then all the "hard" probe stuff is done already.

Hello All,

Oh yes please, I vote for the probing!


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30 Mar 2015 08:37 #57303 by ssalrin

Would it be hard to dock this probe gui in gmoccapy?

I am wondering if it could be created as a standalone GladeVCP "tab" that could be embedded into any GUI.

I have been thinking of setting up something similar as a tab in my Touchy config.


You and I have had a similar discussion in Emc-users. This probing tab is exactly what I want, and more. If you could pull this off my work would be done! Except for the pesky 4th axis post processor thing.


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30 Mar 2015 17:48 #57309 by andypugh

This probing tab is exactly what I want, and more. If you could pull this off my work would be done!

I have done a bit of work on it. But I rather got distracted by fun ways to store multiple scalable button images in a single SVG file...

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30 Mar 2015 18:01 #57310 by Swapper
i found this wile googling arround, seems to have integrated the into gmoccapy
i dont speak russion but google translate and the pictures does show it quite promesing

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30 Mar 2015 18:03 #57311 by mariusl
Hi Andy
How far down the road are you with this. I am contemplating to start on this as well. It is much needed. I bought the software (Mach version) that you see in the pictures above some time ago when I still used Mach. I bought that package just for the probing but alas I no longer run my machines on Mach although I am still a distributor for them.

Maybe we can collaborate on this if you need to?


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30 Mar 2015 18:21 #57312 by andypugh

Hi Andy
How far down the road are you with this.

Not very far. I found myself indecisive about whether the best solution was a standalone monolithic tab or a set of GladeVCP widgets that could be added to existing tabs.

(Also, I couldn't decide between building the tab with PyGTK or whether to format it with a Glade XML file, which would require them to be widgets)

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30 Mar 2015 22:01 #57316 by ssalrin

Hi Andy
How far down the road are you with this.

Not very far. I found myself indecisive about whether the best solution was a standalone monolithic tab or a set of GladeVCP widgets that could be added to existing tabs.

(Also, I couldn't decide between building the tab with PyGTK or whether to format it with a Glade XML file, which would require them to be widgets)

Sounds like a probing tab that incorporates in to any of the interfaces would be the perfect platform to indulge your "scalable button" distraction :whistle: Mariusl said he'd help.

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30 Mar 2015 23:03 #57319 by newbynobi

However sometimes i need to temporarily limit the max velocity (without editing the ini file): for example when my mill runs for a long time, one axis tends to get blocked at high speeds. I know that it means that i really need to fix the mill and i'm working on it, but in the meantime i'm simply using the max velocity slider to keep it from reaching too high speeds.

It is possible to split again the max velocity and the feed, but I realy do not know if that makes sense? It would be possible to reduce the max vel to 1000 mm/min and have a feed of 1500 mm/min. So this is not logic in my opinion. Why not using the hal pin?

5.2. Velocities and overrides

All sliders from gmoccapy can be connected to hardware encoders or potmeters.

To connect hardware encoderas the following hal pins are exported:

gmoccapy.max-vel-counts (Maximal Velocity of the machine)
gmoccapy.jog-speed-counts (Jog velocity)
gmoccapy.spindle-override-counts (spindle override)
gmoccapy.feed-override-counts (feed override)
gmoccapy.reset-feed-override (reset the feed override to 100 %)
gmoccapy.reset-spindle-override (reset the spindle override to 100 %)

If you prefer potmeters to control the sliders you will need to connect to the following pin

gmoccapy.analog-enable HAL.BIT (must be True to activate the analog inputs)
gmoccapy.spindle-override-value HAL.FLOAT
gmoccapy.max-vel-value HAL.FLOAT
gmoccapy.jog-speed-value HAL.FLOAT
gmoccapy.feed-override-value HAL.FLOAT

all four taking a float input as percentage, meaning a value from 0.0 to 1.0, setting the corresponding sliders directly to the given value.

i.e. spindle override slider has min of 30 % and max 150 % and you set gmoccapy.spindle-override-value to 0.25 the slider will jump to 60 % , as the result of min + (max-min) * pin.value

if gmoccapy.analog.enable = True, the counts are handled as well, so please be careful if you connect to both pin types
It is strongly recommended not to mix both types for the same slider!

Would that be a solution for your personal problem?


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30 Mar 2015 23:10 - 30 Mar 2015 23:18 #57321 by newbynobi

I do have plans to include such a probing page, but because of leak of time I did not begin yet.
The image from Mach3 does IMHO contain to much information. I would prefer a page with the probing button on the left side and some input pages on the right, only showing the relevant information, may be even with a small image.

If you want to do the first steps, please make the corresponding button Icon and send them with a GPL license.
Make a first design of how it should look, a small basic documentation. And we do need the corresponding ngc-code.

I will check how difficult it would be to integrate linuxcnc-features in gmoccapy. I do thing linuxcnc-features should be a part of linuxcnc and should standard for 2.7 release.

I will ask Mick about his opinion.

Last edit: 30 Mar 2015 23:18 by newbynobi.

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