GUI for PlasmaC - QtPlasmac

25 Jan 2021 13:10 #196525 by tommylight
Spray with vinegar, leave for a day or two then add a layer or two of clear coating ! :)
Yeah, and add a CyberPunk logo... The GUI colour is already there.
The following user(s) said Thank You: rodw

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25 Jan 2021 18:27 - 25 Jan 2021 18:40 #196545 by grijalvap
First of all thanks for the interest in the comment, understand no everybody like and is ok, in other hand I insist that the work phill has done is a great effort, and please don't take me wrong mi intention is that if something is helpful for me maybe it can be helpful for other people.
as you can see in the attached pictures, changing the lay out in QT is not rocket science (not like the great work Phill is doing), so I changed the layout a little bit to fit my ideas and see how it looks, the screen is working nice in the simulator

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Last edit: 25 Jan 2021 18:40 by grijalvap. Reason: Pictures
The following user(s) said Thank You: phillc54, tommylight, rodw

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25 Jan 2021 21:45 #196564 by tommylight
Nicely done!
We have one more GUI developer now! :)
Regarding the jog Z axis while working, maybe i was not clear about it, the only setting to change the cut height should be THC voltage, so the existing override is OK, but i would like to have it as ALL plasma cnc machines, THC voltage.
And Rod, you are lucky, AutoVolts leaves the torch very close to material on both of my machines, but i do use it to compare torch voltage and on the big machine with the 120A source it helped me cut about 40% faster the 3mm plates i cut mostly. I was way off with manual settings! :blush:

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25 Jan 2021 22:06 #196572 by phillc54
That looks good Pedro, nice layout.
The following user(s) said Thank You: rodw

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25 Jan 2021 22:17 #196576 by rodw
Replied by rodw on topic GUI for PlasmaC - QtPlasmac
Tommy, you caught me while I was swapping tabs to compare the photo of my layout with Pedro's. I do like his better grouping of controls. I'm not sure why Autovolts for you makes the torch lower, it does not have anything to do with torch height. All I can think of is you are not waiting for the pierce voltage to subside before enabling the THC. But that should see the torch lift...

So I have a question for you guys. Do you ever use the preview in other than Z axis (plan view)?

Surely the perspective view Pedro has used by way of a demo is never used when cutting on a 2D machine.

The reason why I ask is that if you both have full sized rectangular tables but Pedro's preview (and mine) results in a square preview.
It would be possible to add an extra zone between the gremlin preview and the rest of the controls without altering the preview scale on a rectangular table as its just removing unwanted white space.

Tommy, this could possibly be used to move forward the controls you want from the other tab.

I'm not sure how this helps me when I have a square table!
The following user(s) said Thank You: tommylight

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25 Jan 2021 22:22 #196578 by rodw
Replied by rodw on topic GUI for PlasmaC - QtPlasmac

That looks good Pedro, nice layout.

I think its good to see good constructive feedback and ideas from different people. I am a firm believer that you make better decisions (and designs) by involving others. But as always, you, the Boss has the final say!

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25 Jan 2021 22:43 #196580 by phillc54

That looks good Pedro, nice layout.

I think its good to see good constructive feedback and ideas from different people. I am a firm believer that you make better decisions (and designs) by involving others. But as always, you, the Boss has the final say!

And it is even better as a picture instead of words, I am much better at understanding pics :)

I'll have to see how this fits in with the standard 16x9 screen.

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25 Jan 2021 22:48 #196581 by rodw
Replied by rodw on topic GUI for PlasmaC - QtPlasmac

And it is even better as a picture instead of words, I am much better at understanding pics :)

It must be the latent designer in you (even if you say you are hopeless at it!)

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25 Jan 2021 23:47 #196584 by phillc54

And it is even better as a picture instead of words, I am much better at understanding pics :)

It must be the latent designer in you (even if you say you are hopeless at it!)

I don't think there is one of them in here :)
I don't have a creative bone in my body which is why I was reticent to begin a GUI attempt after the first bomb. When this layout came from Pinder I at least had something to work with.

It would be soooo much easier if there was only one GUI size...
The following user(s) said Thank You: tommylight, rodw

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26 Jan 2021 00:39 #196586 by tommylight
Oh to hell with it, i kept my mouth shut enough !
I want bigger LED's, much bigger,
I want bigger buttons,
I want buttons much more separated, just in case i get a touch screen,
I want the actual voltage much, much bigger so i can see it from across the shop
I want a 2 meter tall blonde,
I want popcorn ......
Oh wait i have popcorn, back in 4 minutes .. :)
ALL of the above is a joke, so cool down, well except popcorn ... and the blonde :)

So I have a question for you guys. Do you ever use the preview in other than Z axis (plan view)?

I do use it quite often,
Tommy, this could possibly be used to move forward the controls you want from the other tab.

I do not want more stuff there, just voltage instead of overrides, but i got used to overrides so i am good.
I'm not sure why Autovolts for you makes the torch lower, it does not have anything to do with torch height

It has everything to do with torch height, autovolts is based on the torch height (Phill, correct me if i am wrong here), it is sampled at whatever the cut height is set to and used as a reference, comes to think of it, i might have had it to low, wait i'll go facepalm myself and come back after the red has subsided from said face.....although i did try the THC delay from 0 to 1.5 sec and it was always to low at under half a mm above the plate.
With that said, Phill did a great job at figuring out the relations between voltage and height and arranged it absolutely perfect, hence i keep repeating i can live with overrides.
Popcorn .....
The following user(s) said Thank You: phillc54

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