How to connect Home switches for dual motor on 3 Axis machine [2.8 Pre Master]

26 Jan 2018 23:03 #105057 by denhen89

i had to make some corrections, so here is the final .ini and .hal file.

It might be that i will change something in future, but i think only the table travel, homing offset and maybe travel speed. For now i can say that 7,8m/min is the safe maximum, maybe i can achieve a bit more, but i think for with the 100kg heavy gantry and nema 23 (4Nm / i think it was 566oz?!) its totally fine.
I found out to have an problem while homing if the acceleration is above 900, so thats why it might be that i will do some changes in the .ini file.

PS (for someone who is also an beginner and reads this thread) : I setted up the machine as XYZ in the stepconf, and later added the 4 joint (motor) to the Y axis.

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28 Jan 2018 21:04 #105113 by denhen89
Hello Guys,
it seems that i have an big problem.

Everything was working fine, and today i wanted to set up the spindle control via PWM with vfd etc..
I had trouble to get it to work, i then made an upgrade, please dont ask my why... it seems it was an big mistake
So, there was an new Linuxcnc version (2.8 pre1 3575 - the newest one) and updated to it.
Unfortunately i didnt make an Safe upgrade to keep the old version so i dont know anymore which it was.

The problem is that my motors dont work anymore. I cant even jog in stepconf.
First the problem was a bit different. I started linuxcnc and wanted to home. On the linuxcnc screen the z axis moved, but the motor axis did nothing. I then started the spindle and then homing wanted to work, but it has sound completly different. So i clicked the estop.

I then tryed to jog the motors and it worked, but with lower speed and also it has sound differently then before.
Now not even jogging works.
Maybe its not even because of the new version, but if it would be possible to someone downgrade to the version i had before then i would like to give it an try.

Today i wanted to do the first milling work with the PWM control, because i had trouble to get it to work. I put already an end mill in and havent even thought that something could not work, because i made no changes to my config and did the SPindle speed control settings on an throw-away config.

Hope someone can help me out again..

Thanks in advance.

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28 Jan 2018 21:20 #105116 by rodw
I would just double check you are running the version you think you are running as sometimes Linuxcnc remembers the wrong config.

Also check your current config with the one uploaded on your last post here.

If that all checks out, Linuxcnc may have been broken so the devs will fix it pretty quickly....

In the meantime, now is a good time to learn how to compile master branch from source if you haven't already.

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28 Jan 2018 21:47 #105118 by denhen89
Thank you rod for your quick reply.

Very strange what is going on.

It works only if the spindle is on. Even if i take off the 2 wires from the relay it does not work.
Also, i can only home the machine if the spindle is on. Jogging is also only possible while spindle is on. Even if i put the spindle off after homing i cant jog.

I dont get it

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28 Jan 2018 21:55 #105121 by Mike_Eitel
Have a look to your cabling/power sourcing.
Are all wires connected to the bob.
Sounds like either missing ground or +5V.

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29 Jan 2018 13:45 - 29 Jan 2018 13:51 #105153 by denhen89
Thanks Mike for your post.

I found the problem.
"Amplifier Enable" was on the wrong pin and when i did the stopconf test to check if the motors work there, i did not set up amplifier enable. It has to be on Pin 17 and in my main .hal config it was on Pin 16.

Now i have an different problem. I cant get the coordinates setup in linux like i see the machine. What i mean is, the table should look on LinuxCNC same like i see it in real. My Homing switch Z axis is on Top of the axis so when Z axis is driving up there should be "-0.01" for example and when driving down it should go to +. e.g. Z axis max limit +200.00
Same on the X and Y axis. My limit switch on the X axis is on the Left side of the gantry, so when homing the X axis should be e.g. in -0.01 and when driving to the right side it should go in +. Same with the Y axis. Homing switches are on the back side of the Router not on front side, so when homing it should be in e.g. -0.01 and when driving to the front it should go to + not minus. The main problem here is that i cant set it up that the axis are also visualy on the right place in LinuxCNC table visualization (if i can say so).
Yesterday i tryied it to figure out at least for 2 hours and today i am again fighting with that. I have also inverted the signals and changes the min limit and max limits etc.
I feel a bit bad to ask for that because it should be pretty simple, at least i thought, but actually i cant get it to work.

Maybe its an simple trick. If so, it would be great if you could tell me how to get it to work properly.
So i want:
(just as example, the limit values are not the right one i have to use due to the homing switches)
X axis: (should be on left side in Linuxcnc after homing)
Min Limit: -0.01
Max Limit: 1259.00

Y Axis: (should be on back side in Linuxcnc after homing)
Min Limit: -0.01
Max Limit: 2590.00

Z Axis: (should be on top in Linuxcnc after homing)
Min Limit: -0.01
Max Limit: 200.00

So, there where the homing switches are, there should be -0,01. That means, for homing the "HOME SEARCH VAL" should be always an - value, not + and all the axis should be in Linuxcnc like they are in real, or like i see them on the machine.

Hope that is easy to understand. Thanks in advance.
Last edit: 29 Jan 2018 13:51 by denhen89.

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29 Jan 2018 17:02 #105163 by Mike_Eitel
Honestly i die not understand.
But if your motor turns in the wrong Direktion swop the wires of ONE phase. So plus movement becomes negative.

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31 Jan 2018 23:37 #105255 by denhen89
Sorry for the late reply!

Its now like it should be, but i wanted it different, because i thought that all axis, when driving away from the home switches, should be in minus or in plus, but not that one goes to minus and 2 axis in plus. Actually it is now that way that the X-axis goes to plus when driving away from home switch, and Y & Z axis goes to minus. But an friend told me that is totally normal.

when using the keyboard to drive the axis, all axis are driving in the correct way, so everything works perfectly for now.

Now i have to learn a Classicladder, because i have an Noga Mini Cool (mist cooling) and want that one relay controls the pneumatic air valve relay which will open the air flow from the compressor for e.g. 0,5 seconds and then stops the air flow for e.g. 3 seconds. I hope its not difficult to do, but i read its possible (JohnT wrote somewhere that he has it done with Classicladder, but lets if i get it done:).

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01 Feb 2018 00:51 #105256 by rodw
Glad you are under way. You may be able to drive your mister in hal as there are some signal generators and delay components. Equal time on and off would be real easy with siggen. A 3.0 sec on delay on a 3.5 second square wave output might do the trick. I'd experiment with that in Halshow.

I have stayed away from Classic Ladder and have written a few custom components. If you understand C, thats the way I'd go if it does not work.

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01 Feb 2018 02:10 #105261 by denhen89
Thanks Rod for your reply.

That are some good news, or at least i hope i get it done easily in the .hal without learing classicladder, because since 2-3 days i trying to control the spindle speed via 0-10V analog output to VFD, and unfortunately the addon card (spindle control for the polish BOB) does not work, so today i added an second parallel port card and an chinese 5 axis bob which has te 0-10V output and i will use the card just for the spindle control, but somehow M3 command does work only to shut off the spindle. S commands like S1000 do also shut off the spindle, but controlling the speed does somehow work, depending on some PWM settings in the stepconf. So, what i just want to say is, that everything takes much longer than expected, but maybe thats because i am an totally newbie. when it comes to cnc control/electronics.

It nice to know that i get some help here. I hope i get it down without going the short way and just ask what i have to do and hope for help, so that i can learn it by my self, but sadly it takes a lot of time and always something is going not like i would wish :D. I will report and hopefully i can soon show you my machine :).

Just a quick question: I bought the Noga mini cool kit, which include (not sure if thats the correct name) an pneumatic air valve relay ( to shut-off the air flow. Now i am wondering (because you are wrote that it might be possible to that with signals) if its possible to use signal pins to control that relay (like the one which are used to control stepper drives) instead an programmable relay from the bob (like the one i use e.g. for the M3 command to start the spindle)
Tomorrow i will continue the fight with the spindle M3/M5 and S commands, after that i will take a look at Halshow and try to get it done.

Big thanks!

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