How to connect Home switches for dual motor on 3 Axis machine [2.8 Pre Master]

03 Feb 2018 11:21 #105357 by Mike_Eitel
I think you have a big ground/power mess!
Sit down and plan. Make a clear supply concept.

Rip of all power, unplug all your different psu's!
Where is your main earthing point. Connect solid all related boards/devices to that point.

Take the first psu, switch on, measure if you get the foreseen voltage, watch for unsuspected behavior. Then the next and so on.


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03 Feb 2018 14:56 - 03 Feb 2018 15:02 #105360 by denhen89
Thanks Mike, its seems that you was somehow right.

The problem is for so strange.
The spindle wire is connected to an 4pin microphone connector. From VFD the wire goes to the Connector and mounted to the control enclosure box. If found out that if the connector touches the box the x axis motor makes small steps from time to time as soon as i do the M3 S50 command to start the spindle. When the Connector does not touch the box enclosure, everything works when spindle is on.
So, i thought, to make it quickly i will not mount the connector in the box and keep it outside, but then i connected the second parallel port for the PWM control, and the X axis started again to move, no steps from time to time, but more unfluent movement in one direction. What the hell ?
I then kept the lpt cable connected on the lpot card, but took it of from the BOB. PROBLEM STILL THERE.
The LPT cable connector, just needs to touch the connector outside metal of the connector from the LPT card and the problem starts again.

I really dont know what to do. Some experienced electrician for sure could fix the problem, as long as the problem has nothing to do with the PCIe/PCI slots or my motherboard or the config itself. It just dont get it.

PS: I am not using an main earth point in the control box enclosure and the reason for that is that i dont know actually how to do it. I would wish to get it done correctly, but i think i would need an electrician for that.
So, the situatiuon now: I have no problem as long as the second parallel port cable is not connected on one side (the lpt card side)
Last edit: 03 Feb 2018 15:02 by denhen89.

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03 Feb 2018 15:52 #105361 by denhen89
Problem found.

The earth wire from power cable to VFD was not properly connected.

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03 Feb 2018 18:43 #105365 by denhen89
Wired again everything back together and problem is again back.
This cant be true.
How this can be. The problem was because of the Earth wire on the VFD. Its connected, but the problem is again back.

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03 Feb 2018 19:10 #105367 by Mike_Eitel
Difficult to see from fare away.
Do you have drawing. Can you send some photos how you did the cabling.
I aways have a bad feeling if the basic supply with ground and different power levels is not clear. When ground is not rock solid you have floating signals. I understood that a stepper is moving without sw driven signal. So you must have severe emf on an input = mostly bad ground. By the way that is dangerous for your health as your machine might move when your fingers are in! Clean up and fix your ground wiring!!!
Sorry no more time tonight, have to mount a bathroom door.

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03 Feb 2018 20:25 #105369 by rodw
It is best to use quality shielded cable to your steppers. the shield should be connected to earth at the control box end and left unconnected at the stepper end. I used 5 pin microphone connectors at the control box so the shield wire could come inside on one pin and be terminated right at the stepper motor controller. I crimped on a spade connector as close to the stepper controller as I could.

An RFI filter at the mains input might also help. You can buy IEC connector sockets with the filter built in and I added one of these.

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03 Feb 2018 20:53 #105370 by denhen89
Thanks Mike for your time and help.
Also thanks Rod again :)
Now i 100% found the problem and just thinking how to solve it.

When i got it to work last time, the VFD was not screwed to the control box. Actually, it was screwed to the box on today, but when i started to take off many cables to check what the problem is, i also took of the VFD, because i thought maybe its because the screws touches the control box and VFD and there might be the problem. When i took of the VFD the problem was still there, but that was because the EARTH wire from the power cable of the VFD was not connected correctly.
After i connected it everything worked perfectly (i then wrote the post that it works), but at this time the vfd was not screwed to the control box. So, i then started to wire everything back like it was before and also i did mount the VFD to the control box.
When everything was ready, i started the machine and the problem was again there, because the vfd was screwed to the Control Box.

For sure there is a walkaround for this, so i can screw the box back to the control box, but at least i now know what causes the problem.
In near future i would like to learn more about electricity :D
My steppers and are connected exactly like you described Rod.
But i think the problem is that i have no main earth point in the BOX, or i have one, but nothing is connected to it and the reason for that is, because i just dont know how to do it correctly.
Again, thank you very much.
I have enough for today. (yesterday 10h and today 10h searching for the problem).

Have an nice weekend!

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03 Feb 2018 21:33 #105371 by rodw
The obvious solution is not to mount the VFD in the control box.

If you have to fit it there, maybe try buying a cheap plastic kitchen cutting board, mount your VFD to it and then mount the cutting board to your control panel so it insulates the two.

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03 Feb 2018 21:41 #105372 by rodw
Just connect the earth to the metal enclosure somewhere. My enclosure had a few threaded copper mounting posts for this so the mains earth is connected to one, the stepper shield to another and the plasma shield to another.

If noise is still present try one of these where the power comes in

Or one of these (which is the same thing packaged differently)

The second style is probably better as you could mount it after the VFD gets its power so it only isolates the controller hardware.

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03 Feb 2018 22:14 - 03 Feb 2018 22:16 #105374 by denhen89
Its actually not IN the box, but mounted on outside to the box. But, yes it shouldnt make any big difference.

Thanks for it, i wanted to that exactly that way, maybe i will even mount it later a bit away from the control box.

EDIT: Havent refreshed the site, but now i saw the links. As long as i will not loose any steps, then i will just mount the VFD so that its isulated from the control box.
Thanks for the links and your time.
Have an good weekend!
Last edit: 03 Feb 2018 22:16 by denhen89.

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