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02 Dec 2023 20:57 - 02 Dec 2023 20:58

locale error: unsurported local setting on Raspberry Pi 4

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Thank you for your help.
I brute forced it, by activating all locals. (After figuring out, that I have to use the "Spacebar" to activate the different settings xD)
It works, but I will try which one is the problem.
Next try I only activated only the de_ an en_ ones, which also worked
I´ll post the right one in this thread in the future.
02 Dec 2023 16:16

How to tell if i have a 7i96 or 7i96s

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Hi all I am upgrading my system from Raspberry Pi to PC and do not remember if I have a 7i96 or 7i96S is there a way to tell and what firmware is running? 
Also, should I upgrade the firmware if I have not touched it since it was built back in June of 2021.  I see the PnCConf Wizard now has firmware options to pick from.  
02 Dec 2023 16:16

How to tell if i have a 7i96 or 7i96s

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Hi all I am upgrading my system from Raspberry Pi to PC and do not remember if I have a 7i96 or 7i96S is there a way to tell and what firmware is running? 
Also, should I upgrade the firmware if I have not touched it since it was built back in June of 2021.  I see the PnCConf Wizard now has firmware options to pick from.  
01 Dec 2023 22:20
01 Dec 2023 08:23

locale error: unsurported local setting on Raspberry Pi 4

Category: PnCConf Wizard

I´m not sure, what to do.
I checked the locales and everything seems fine.
(don´t mind my tipo)
30 Nov 2023 20:59
30 Nov 2023 19:48

locale error: unsurported local setting on Raspberry Pi 4

Category: PnCConf Wizard

Hey everyone,
After using Intel Nucs for my Mill, I thought I try it on the small Raspberry Pi 4 for my Lathe.
But I encountered a Problems in the PnCConf Wizard.
Step bevor error:
Install the newest Linuxcnc Image for RP4 via Raspberry Pi Imager (No settings aplied)
Chance keyboard layout to german
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install network-manager*
Change the ethernet IP Adress to
Start PnCConf Wizard
Select 7i76s
Do the first couple of pages until the page for the X-Motor comes up. (nothing special there)
Input a Value into the stepper Scale
Test the Stepper= it works.
Then the following error occurs.
I can´t read anything into the error message

Since than i tried:
My 7i76e: Same error
A Intel Nuc from my Mill: No Error, works just fine
Reinstall Linuxcnc: No change
Chance Raspberry Pi: No change
Searched the forum: Didn´t find my specific problem

And now I hope, you can help me with my error

30 Nov 2023 18:16

Installing on Mint 20.3

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

Hi all, I am switching from my raspberry pi to a PC.  I had installed LinuxCNC on Debian 10 buster but could not get my Wifi adapter to work so I switched to Mint 20.3 and now I have my wifi working but I cannot install LinuxCNC.  i am following this forum artical LinuxCNC on Linux Mint 20 quick and nearly easy install  I get files not found error on the commands. are the links broken or is there a different proceedure to follow? 
29 Nov 2023 19:08

Strange issue with conditional code

Category: O Codes (subroutines) and NGCGUI

Using LinuxCNC 2.10 and a Raspberry Pi 4 with the AXIS GUI. I am trying to cut a number of slots in a stack of three parts, making several passes to complete the depth.
When I load the following code, AXIS displays a rotating circle that just hangs there - sometimes if I hit ESC, it clears and I can run the code.
The cutter goes to the initial depth, and makes the cut. On the second pass, the cutter depth increases, but the program just keeps on looping, like it never sees the conditional at o110.
Any ideas? I also would like to have a means of displaying the variables in a message as the program runs.
(Flatware support #1)
#<count> = 3 (Number of parts)
#<width> = 0.75 (Thickness of part)
#<length> = [[#<width> * #<count>] + 0.75] (Length of cut)
#<depth> = -0.05 (Depth of each pass)
s18000 m03 (Spindle 10,000 RPM, turn on clockwise)
g20 (inch mode)
g90 (absolute mode)
g54 (fixture zero)
(First six slots)
#1 = #<depth> (current cut depth)
#2 = 0.1 (end cut depth)
g0 z[#<depth>] (initial cut depth)
o100 while [#1 LE #2]
g0 x0.45 (Start of first cut)
g0 y[#<length>] (make a cut)
g0 y0 (return to start)
#1 = [#1 + #<depth>]
o110 if [#1 GT #2]
#1 = #2
o110 endif
g0 z[#2] (go deeper)
o100 endwhile
29 Nov 2023 15:08

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

First, what operating system are you using? and second, what platform do you use it on? (Raspberry, Desktop PC etc), in RaspOS dhcpcd.conf is in /etc/dhcpcd.conf, the nano editor if it does not find the file creates a new blank one, if you are using RPI and RaspOS, try:
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
In the video that I pointed out before Scott explains this, there are different tutorials on the internet on how to configure a static IP in RaspOS and other operating systems.
29 Nov 2023 13:54 - 29 Nov 2023 13:56

Remora - ethernet NVEM / EC300 / EC500 cnc board

Category: Computers and Hardware

Hello 0jw, yes you need to configure the static IP address, I previously understood that you wanted to change it in the remora-eth component, I don't understand you much when you talk about Windows..., if you want to ping the card from Windows, configure your static IP in 10.10.10.X different from because this would be the EC500 board, from the videos that I pointed out to you before Scott shows how to do it on a Raspberry under RaspOS, linuxcnc has a learning curve so I recommend that you look at the documentation Also the remora documentation, Scott's videos are also very instructive, after all this start from the sample configuration files that are in the LinuxCNC folder in the Remora-RT1052-cpp repository, greetings
29 Nov 2023 02:22 - 29 Nov 2023 02:28

In using ECR60+NPN(GPIO), I encountered an issue.

Category: EtherCAT

I'll provide a detailed explanation of some of the things I'm currently working on and the issues I've encountered:

1、Python is not used for real-time processing tasks. Its role is solely to read and invoke relevant APIs from the LinuxCNC Python module, as I have rewritten the GUI using HTML.

2、I use the ECR60 to drive stepper motors, and I haven't connected the NPN limit switches to the ECR60's IO; instead, I've connected them to the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi.

3、To display the position information of each axis in the HTML GUI and the calculation formula for tool position simulation, here are the details:
actual_position[i] - g5x_offset[i] - tool_offset[i] - g92_offset[i]

Based on the above situation, the motor control and the triggering of the NPN limit switches are working perfectly fine. The axis position information obtained during normal machining processes is accurate. Now, the issues I am encountering are as follows:

1、After triggering the NPN limit switches, the motors rotate as expected, but there is no change in the data for actual_position. This results in a lack of synchronization in the axis position information and tool position simulation displayed in the HTML GUI.

I also tried some experiments based on your feedback:

1、I compiled a component named "armcnc_home" following the documentation ( and made relevant configurations in the INI and HAL files, but it seems like it didn't provide any effective assistance:

EMCMOT = motmod
BASE_PERIOD = 200000
SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000
HOMEMOD = armcnc_home

setp cia402.0.csp-mode 1
setp cia402.0.pos-scale 10000

net x-statusword      lcec.0.0.cia-statusword  => cia402.0.statusword
net x-opmode-display  lcec.0.0.opmode-display  => cia402.0.opmode-display
net x-drv-act-pos     lcec.0.0.actual-position => cia402.0.drv-actual-position
net x-drv-act-velo    lcec.0.0.actual-velocity => cia402.0.drv-actual-velocity

net x-enable     <= joint.0.amp-enable-out => cia402.0.enable
net x-amp-fault  => joint.0.amp-fault-in <= cia402.0.drv-fault
net x-pos-cmd    <= joint.0.motor-pos-cmd => cia402.0.pos-cmd
net x-pos-fb     => joint.0.motor-pos-fb <= cia402.0.pos-fb

net x-controlword         cia402.0.controlword         => lcec.0.0.cia-controlword
net x-modes-of-operation  cia402.0.opmode              => lcec.0.0.opmode
net x-drv-target-pos      cia402.0.drv-target-position =>
net x-drv-target-velo     cia402.0.drv-target-velocity =>

net debounce-home-x <= armcncio.gpio.x-home
net both-home-x debounce.1.0.out
net both-home-x => joint.0.home-sw-in
net both-home-x => joint.0.neg-lim-sw-in
net both-home-x => joint.0.pos-lim-sw-in

# Here are the two added configurations:
net x-request-custom-homing <= joint.0.request-custom-homing
net x-is-custom-homing =>

2、After triggering the NPN limit switches, during the homing process, I observed that the data from the "LinuxCNC Python module" API, including "joint," "joint_actual_position," and "joint_position," are continuously changing in real-time. I was considering using these values for synchronizing the axis position information and tool position simulation in the HTML GUI. However, I've noticed that after each LinuxCNC restart, the values of "joint.ferror_highmark," "joint_actual_position," and "joint_position" become extremely large. I believe that my idea of using these values for synchronization in the HTML GUI is not correct.

3、The values of "actual_position" only change after the homing process has been completed.

After these few days of tinkering, things seem to have become more complicated, and my goal is simply to ensure that the correct axis position information is displayed in the HTML GUI during the homing process. I appreciate the discussions and support you've provided regarding my issue, but I've only been working with LinuxCNC for three months, and my understanding of LinuxCNC is still at a shallow level. Therefore, I'm currently struggling to pinpoint where the problem might be occurring.

Thank you very much.

28 Nov 2023 11:19

Comparison between Raspian 12 Bookworm on Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5

Category: Installing LinuxCNC

I think many posts in this thread are completely unrelated to the topic I started it with.
My idea was to compare the performance of the Raspbian Bookworm (and not the Debian) on Pi4 and Pi5....

ITs difficult for users to compare the products until they have a robust installation method for the pi5. But it has been reported latency is much improved.
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