Work with probe

29 Nov 2018 00:53 #121570 by verser
Replied by verser on topic Work with probe

I noticed that with gmoccapy, when pressing a jog button and the screen change that it will jog until <esc> is pressed.

Connecting V2 version to gmoccapy has a nuance.
In the .ini file everything is as usual:
EMBED_TAB_NAME=Probe Screen 
EMBED_TAB_LOCATION = ntb_user_tabs
EMBED_TAB_COMMAND = gladevcp  -x {XID} -u python/ probe_icons/

And then I fixed so that it doesn’t wipe Probe Screen when switching MDI-MANUAL modes.
For this I comment out the line (requires root)
self.widgets.ntb_main.set_current_page (0)


and here

gmoccapy placed in /usr/bin
The following user(s) said Thank You: FernV

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29 Nov 2018 17:53 #121599 by newbynobi
Replied by newbynobi on topic Work with probe
Hallo verser,

your changes in gmoccapy could lead to a gui not beeing syncronised with LinuxCNC mode state!

Imho that is not a good idea. It would be better to check if probe screen is active and only in that case avoid a gui mode switch. That way is much more complicated, but secure.

I needed to do a similar check for the tool reloading on start up!

The following user(s) said Thank You: verser

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30 Nov 2018 01:03 #121616 by Roguish
Replied by Roguish on topic Work with probe
verser, fernV, and newbynobi,
do you all know what Cmorley is working on with QtVCP and QT5?
it might be good to work together....
at least check it out.
just a thought.
thanks for the work. B)

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16 Dec 2018 10:33 #122470 by Vitkus
Replied by Vitkus on topic Work with probe
I installed Probe Screen V2 and it seem all functions work fine, but when I try upload Gcode (from fusion 360) code not work. In preview screen it doesen't show tool pases, when I try hit cycle start machine go to Z0 and then nothing happens. I noticed G code without tool in descripcion work fine(example linux engrave program "Linux CNC" ). So I what to ask if anyone have similar problem and solve it, or I simply wrongly intalled program and asked stupid question? :dry:

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30 Dec 2018 15:01 #123150 by Karri
Replied by Karri on topic Work with probe
Damn, i should have look this thread 3 hours ago, fighting with the same problem x)

Should there come some sort tool replacing window where you could click "tool replaced"? atleast it doesn't come for me :(

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30 Dec 2018 15:27 #123155 by verser
Replied by verser on topic Work with probe
Tool replacing window can fall to a level below due to manipulations with the mouse on the Axis screen during the procedure. You can pull out it by folding Axis in the tray.

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30 Dec 2018 16:52 - 30 Dec 2018 17:01 #123163 by Karri
Replied by Karri on topic Work with probe
No i think its not there, in fact i think that i'm misunderstanding some of you instructions, because i don't have any connections in my hal signals regarding to tool.
*******************-miniPC:~/Työpöytä$ halcmd show
Loaded HAL Components:
ID      Type  Name                                            PID   State
    16  User  halcmd5816                                       5816 ready
    19  User  probe                                            5761 initializing
    18  User  gladevcp                                         5761 ready
    14  User  axisui                                           5751 ready
    12  User  inihal                                           5748 ready
    11  RT    stepgen                                               ready
    10  RT    hal_parport                                           ready
     9  RT    __servo-thread                                        ready
     8  RT    __base-thread                                         ready
     7  RT    motmod                                                ready
     6  RT    trivkins                                              ready
     5  User  iocontrol                                        5730 ready

Component Pins:
Owner   Type  Dir         Value  Name
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.amp-enable-out ==> xenable
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.0.amp-fault-in
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.backlash-corr
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.backlash-filt
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.backlash-vel
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.coarse-pos-cmd
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.error
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.f-error
     7  float OUT          0.25  axis.0.f-error-lim
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.f-errored
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.faulted
     7  float OUT             0
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE
     7  float OUT             0
     7  s32   OUT             0  axis.0.home-state
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.0.home-sw-in <== both-home-x
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.homed
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.homing
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE
     7  bit   I/O         FALSE  axis.0.index-enable
     7  s32   IN              0  axis.0.jog-counts
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.0.jog-enable
     7  float IN              0  axis.0.jog-scale
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.0.jog-vel-mode
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.joint-pos-cmd
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.joint-pos-fb
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.joint-vel-cmd
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.kb-jog-active
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.motor-offset
     7  float OUT             0  axis.0.motor-pos-cmd ==> xpos-cmd
     7  float IN              0  axis.0.motor-pos-fb <== xpos-fb
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.neg-hard-limit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.0.neg-lim-sw-in <== both-home-x
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.pos-hard-limit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.0.pos-lim-sw-in <== both-home-x
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.0.wheel-jog-active
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.amp-enable-out ==> yenable
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.1.amp-fault-in
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.backlash-corr
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.backlash-filt
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.backlash-vel
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.coarse-pos-cmd
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.error
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.f-error
     7  float OUT          0.25  axis.1.f-error-lim
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.f-errored
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.faulted
     7  float OUT             0
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE
     7  float OUT             0
     7  s32   OUT             0  axis.1.home-state
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.1.home-sw-in <== both-home-y
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.homed
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.homing
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE
     7  bit   I/O         FALSE  axis.1.index-enable
     7  s32   IN              0  axis.1.jog-counts
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.1.jog-enable
     7  float IN              0  axis.1.jog-scale
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.1.jog-vel-mode
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.joint-pos-cmd
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.joint-pos-fb
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.joint-vel-cmd
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.kb-jog-active
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.motor-offset
     7  float OUT             0  axis.1.motor-pos-cmd ==> ypos-cmd
     7  float IN              0  axis.1.motor-pos-fb <== ypos-fb
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.neg-hard-limit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.1.neg-lim-sw-in <== both-home-y
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.pos-hard-limit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.1.pos-lim-sw-in <== both-home-y
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.1.wheel-jog-active
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.amp-enable-out ==> zenable
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.2.amp-fault-in
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.backlash-corr
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.backlash-filt
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.backlash-vel
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.coarse-pos-cmd
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.error
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.f-error
     7  float OUT          0.25  axis.2.f-error-lim
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.f-errored
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.faulted
     7  float OUT             0
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE
     7  float OUT             0
     7  s32   OUT             0  axis.2.home-state
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.2.home-sw-in <== both-home-z
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.homed
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.homing
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE
     7  bit   I/O         FALSE  axis.2.index-enable
     7  s32   IN              0  axis.2.jog-counts
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.2.jog-enable
     7  float IN              0  axis.2.jog-scale
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.2.jog-vel-mode
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.joint-pos-cmd
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.joint-pos-fb
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.joint-vel-cmd
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.kb-jog-active
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.motor-offset
     7  float OUT             0  axis.2.motor-pos-cmd ==> zpos-cmd
     7  float IN              0  axis.2.motor-pos-fb <== zpos-fb
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.neg-hard-limit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.2.neg-lim-sw-in <== both-home-z
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.pos-hard-limit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  axis.2.pos-lim-sw-in <== both-home-z
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  axis.2.wheel-jog-active
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.a
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.b
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.c
    14  float OUT             0  axisui.jog.increment
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.u
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.v
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.w
    14  bit   OUT          TRUE  axisui.jog.x
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.y
    14  bit   OUT         FALSE  axisui.jog.z
    14  bit   IN          FALSE  axisui.notifications-clear
    14  bit   IN          FALSE  axisui.notifications-clear-error
    14  bit   IN          FALSE  axisui.notifications-clear-info
    14  bit   IN          FALSE  axisui.resume-inhibit
     8  s32   OUT         12480  base-thread.time
    18  bit   IN          FALSE  gladevcp.hal_led_auto_rott
    18  bit   IN           TRUE  gladevcp.hal_led_set_m6
    18  bit   IN          FALSE  gladevcp.hal_led_set_zero
    12  float IN              0  ini.0.backlash
    12  float IN              1  ini.0.ferror
    12  float IN             30  ini.0.max_acceleration
    12  float IN            430  ini.0.max_limit
    12  float IN       28.50046  ini.0.max_velocity
    12  float IN           0.25  ini.0.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.0.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.1.backlash
    12  float IN              1  ini.1.ferror
    12  float IN             30  ini.1.max_acceleration
    12  float IN            180  ini.1.max_limit
    12  float IN       28.50046  ini.1.max_velocity
    12  float IN           0.25  ini.1.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.1.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.2.backlash
    12  float IN              1  ini.2.ferror
    12  float IN             10  ini.2.max_acceleration
    12  float IN              0  ini.2.max_limit
    12  float IN             10  ini.2.max_velocity
    12  float IN           0.25  ini.2.min_ferror
    12  float IN           -450  ini.2.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.3.backlash
    12  float IN              0  ini.3.ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.3.max_acceleration
    12  float IN              0  ini.3.max_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.3.max_velocity
    12  float IN              0  ini.3.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.3.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.4.backlash
    12  float IN              0  ini.4.ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.4.max_acceleration
    12  float IN              0  ini.4.max_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.4.max_velocity
    12  float IN              0  ini.4.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.4.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.5.backlash
    12  float IN              0  ini.5.ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.5.max_acceleration
    12  float IN              0  ini.5.max_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.5.max_velocity
    12  float IN              0  ini.5.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.5.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.6.backlash
    12  float IN              0  ini.6.ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.6.max_acceleration
    12  float IN              0  ini.6.max_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.6.max_velocity
    12  float IN              0  ini.6.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.6.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.7.backlash
    12  float IN              0  ini.7.ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.7.max_acceleration
    12  float IN              0  ini.7.max_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.7.max_velocity
    12  float IN              0  ini.7.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.7.min_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.8.backlash
    12  float IN              0  ini.8.ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.8.max_acceleration
    12  float IN              0  ini.8.max_limit
    12  float IN              0  ini.8.max_velocity
    12  float IN              0  ini.8.min_ferror
    12  float IN              0  ini.8.min_limit
    12  bit   IN           TRUE  ini.traj_arc_blend_enable
    12  bit   IN          FALSE  ini.traj_arc_blend_fallback_enable
    12  float IN              4  ini.traj_arc_blend_gap_cycles
    12  s32   IN             50  ini.traj_arc_blend_optimization_depth
    12  float IN            100  ini.traj_arc_blend_ramp_freq
    12  float IN            0.1  ini.traj_arc_blend_tangent_kink_ratio
    12  float IN          1e+99  ini.traj_default_acceleration
    12  float IN              3  ini.traj_default_velocity
    12  float IN          1e+99  ini.traj_max_acceleration
    12  float IN             30  ini.traj_max_velocity
     5  bit   OUT         FALSE  iocontrol.0.coolant-flood
     5  bit   OUT         FALSE  iocontrol.0.coolant-mist
     5  bit   IN          FALSE  iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in <== estop-out
     5  bit   OUT         FALSE  iocontrol.0.lube
     5  bit   IN          FALSE  iocontrol.0.lube_level
     5  bit   OUT         FALSE  iocontrol.0.tool-change
     5  bit   IN          FALSE  iocontrol.0.tool-changed
     5  s32   OUT             0  iocontrol.0.tool-number
     5  s32   OUT             0  iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number ==> tool-prep-number
     5  s32   OUT             0  iocontrol.0.tool-prep-pocket
     5  bit   OUT         FALSE  iocontrol.0.tool-prepare ==> tool-prep-loop
     5  bit   IN          FALSE  iocontrol.0.tool-prepared <== tool-prep-loop
     5  bit   OUT         FALSE  iocontrol.0.user-enable-out ==> estop-out
     5  bit   OUT         FALSE  iocontrol.0.user-request-enable
     7  s32   OUT           120  motion-command-handler.time
     7  s32   OUT          4368  motion-controller.time
     7  float IN              1  motion.adaptive-feed
     7  float IN              0  motion.analog-in-00
     7  float IN              0  motion.analog-in-01
     7  float IN              0  motion.analog-in-02
     7  float IN              0  motion.analog-in-03
     7  float OUT             0  motion.analog-out-00
     7  float OUT             0  motion.analog-out-01
     7  float OUT             0  motion.analog-out-02
     7  float OUT             0  motion.analog-out-03
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.coord-error
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE  motion.coord-mode
     7  float OUT             0  motion.current-vel
     7  bit   IN          FALSE
     7  bit   IN          FALSE
     7  bit   IN          FALSE
     7  bit   IN          FALSE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE
     7  float OUT             0  motion.distance-to-go
     7  bit   IN           TRUE  motion.enable
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  motion.feed-hold
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  motion.feed-inhibit
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.motion-enabled
     7  s32   OUT             0  motion.motion-type
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.on-soft-limit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  motion.probe-input <== probe-in
     7  s32   OUT             0  motion.program-line
     7  float OUT             0  motion.requested-vel
     7  bit   IN           TRUE  motion.spindle-at-speed <== spindle-at-speed
     7  bit   OUT          TRUE  motion.spindle-brake
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.spindle-forward
     7  bit   I/O         FALSE  motion.spindle-index-enable
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  motion.spindle-inhibit
     7  bit   IN          FALSE  motion.spindle-is-oriented
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.spindle-locked
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.spindle-on
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.spindle-orient
     7  float OUT             0  motion.spindle-orient-angle
     7  s32   IN              0  motion.spindle-orient-fault
     7  s32   OUT             0  motion.spindle-orient-mode
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.spindle-reverse
     7  float IN              0  motion.spindle-revs
     7  float OUT             0  motion.spindle-speed-cmd-rps
     7  float IN              0  motion.spindle-speed-in
     7  float OUT             0  motion.spindle-speed-out ==> spindle-cmd-rpm
     7  float OUT             0  motion.spindle-speed-out-abs ==> spindle-cmd-rpm-abs
     7  float OUT             0  motion.spindle-speed-out-rps ==> spindle-cmd-rps
     7  float OUT             0  motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs ==> spindle-cmd-rps-abs
     7  bit   OUT         FALSE  motion.teleop-mode
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.a
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.b
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.c
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.u
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.v
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.w
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.x
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.y
     7  float OUT             0  motion.tooloffset.z
    10  bit   IN          FALSE <== estop-out
    10  bit   IN          FALSE <== xstep
    10  bit   IN          FALSE <== ydir
    10  bit   IN          FALSE
    10  bit   IN          FALSE
    10  bit   IN          FALSE
    10  bit   IN          FALSE <== zstep
    10  bit   IN          FALSE <== zdir
    10  bit   IN          FALSE
    10  bit   OUT         FALSE ==> both-home-x
    10  bit   OUT          TRUE
    10  bit   OUT         FALSE ==> both-home-y
    10  bit   OUT          TRUE
    10  bit   OUT         FALSE ==> both-home-z
    10  bit   OUT          TRUE
    10  bit   OUT         FALSE ==> probe-in
    10  bit   OUT          TRUE
    10  bit   IN          FALSE <== xdir
    10  bit   OUT         FALSE
    10  bit   OUT          TRUE
    10  bit   IN          FALSE <== ystep
    10  bit   IN          FALSE
    10  s32   OUT          3720
    10  s32   OUT           264  parport.0.reset.time
    10  s32   OUT          7968  parport.0.write.time
    10  s32   OUT             0
    10  s32   OUT             0  parport.write-all.time
    19  bit   OUT         FALSE  probe.auto_rott
    19  float OUT             0  probe.blockheight
    19  float OUT             0  probe.jog-increment
    19  float IN              0  probe.number
    19  float OUT     -233.1398  probe.probeheight
    19  float OUT             5  probe.ps_edge_lenght
    19  float OUT             0  probe.ps_error
    19  float OUT             0  probe.ps_offs_angle
    19  float OUT             0  probe.ps_offs_x
    19  float OUT             0  probe.ps_offs_y
    19  float OUT             0  probe.ps_offs_z
    19  float OUT             2  probe.ps_probe_diam
    19  float OUT           0.5  probe.ps_probe_latch
    19  float OUT            50  probe.ps_probe_max
    19  float OUT            10  probe.ps_probevel
    19  float OUT           300  probe.ps_searchvel
    19  float OUT             5  probe.ps_xy_clearance
    19  float OUT             3  probe.ps_z_clearance
    19  bit   OUT         FALSE  probe.set_zero
    19  bit   IN          FALSE  probe.toolchange-change <== tool-change
    19  bit   OUT         FALSE  probe.toolchange-changed ==> tool-changed
    19  s32   IN              0  probe.toolchange-number <== tool-prep-number
    19  bit   OUT          TRUE  probe.use_toolmeasurement
     9  s32   OUT          3168  servo-thread.time
    11  s32   OUT             0  stepgen.0.counts
    11  bit   OUT         FALSE  stepgen.0.dir ==> xdir
    11  bit   IN          FALSE  stepgen.0.enable <== xenable
    11  float IN              0  stepgen.0.position-cmd <== xpos-cmd
    11  float OUT             0  stepgen.0.position-fb ==> xpos-fb
    11  bit   OUT         FALSE  stepgen.0.step ==> xstep
    11  s32   OUT             0  stepgen.1.counts
    11  bit   OUT         FALSE  stepgen.1.dir ==> ydir
    11  bit   IN          FALSE  stepgen.1.enable <== yenable
    11  float IN              0  stepgen.1.position-cmd <== ypos-cmd
    11  float OUT             0  stepgen.1.position-fb ==> ypos-fb
    11  bit   OUT         FALSE  stepgen.1.step ==> ystep
    11  s32   OUT             0  stepgen.2.counts
    11  bit   OUT         FALSE  stepgen.2.dir ==> zdir
    11  bit   IN          FALSE  stepgen.2.enable <== zenable
    11  float IN              0  stepgen.2.position-cmd <== zpos-cmd
    11  float OUT             0  stepgen.2.position-fb ==> zpos-fb
    11  bit   OUT         FALSE  stepgen.2.step ==> zstep
    11  s32   OUT           192  stepgen.capture-position.time
    11  s32   OUT           456  stepgen.make-pulses.time
    11  s32   OUT           264  stepgen.update-freq.time

Pin Aliases:
 Alias                                            Original Name

Type          Value  Name     (linked to)
bit           FALSE  both-home-x
                         ==> axis.0.home-sw-in
                         ==> axis.0.neg-lim-sw-in
                         ==> axis.0.pos-lim-sw-in
bit           FALSE  both-home-y
                         ==> axis.1.home-sw-in
                         ==> axis.1.neg-lim-sw-in
                         ==> axis.1.pos-lim-sw-in
bit           FALSE  both-home-z
                         ==> axis.2.home-sw-in
                         ==> axis.2.neg-lim-sw-in
                         ==> axis.2.pos-lim-sw-in
bit           FALSE  estop-out
                         ==> iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in
                         <== iocontrol.0.user-enable-out
bit           FALSE  probe-in
                         ==> motion.probe-input
bit            TRUE  spindle-at-speed
                         ==> motion.spindle-at-speed
float             0  spindle-cmd-rpm
                         <== motion.spindle-speed-out
float             0  spindle-cmd-rpm-abs
                         <== motion.spindle-speed-out-abs
float             0  spindle-cmd-rps
                         <== motion.spindle-speed-out-rps
float             0  spindle-cmd-rps-abs
                         <== motion.spindle-speed-out-rps-abs
bit           FALSE  tool-change
                         ==> probe.toolchange-change
bit           FALSE  tool-changed
                         <== probe.toolchange-changed
bit           FALSE  tool-prep-loop
                         <== iocontrol.0.tool-prepare
                         ==> iocontrol.0.tool-prepared
s32               0  tool-prep-number
                         <== iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number
                         ==> probe.toolchange-number
bit           FALSE  xdir
                         <== stepgen.0.dir
bit           FALSE  xenable
                         <== axis.0.amp-enable-out
                         ==> stepgen.0.enable
float             0  xpos-cmd
                         <== axis.0.motor-pos-cmd
                         ==> stepgen.0.position-cmd
float             0  xpos-fb
                         ==> axis.0.motor-pos-fb
                         <== stepgen.0.position-fb
bit           FALSE  xstep
                         <== stepgen.0.step
bit           FALSE  ydir
                         <== stepgen.1.dir
bit           FALSE  yenable
                         <== axis.1.amp-enable-out
                         ==> stepgen.1.enable
float             0  ypos-cmd
                         <== axis.1.motor-pos-cmd
                         ==> stepgen.1.position-cmd
float             0  ypos-fb
                         ==> axis.1.motor-pos-fb
                         <== stepgen.1.position-fb
bit           FALSE  ystep
                         <== stepgen.1.step
bit           FALSE  zdir
                         <== stepgen.2.dir
bit           FALSE  zenable
                         <== axis.2.amp-enable-out
                         ==> stepgen.2.enable
float             0  zpos-cmd
                         <== axis.2.motor-pos-cmd
                         ==> stepgen.2.position-cmd
float             0  zpos-fb
                         ==> axis.2.motor-pos-fb
                         <== stepgen.2.position-fb
bit           FALSE  zstep
                         <== stepgen.2.step

Owner   Type  Dir         Value  Name
     8  s32   RW          33528  base-thread.tmax
     5  s32   RO              0  iocontrol.0.tool-prep-index
     7  s32   RW          13344  motion-command-handler.tmax
     7  bit   RO          FALSE  motion-command-handler.tmax-increased
     7  s32   RW          28296  motion-controller.tmax
     7  bit   RO          FALSE  motion-controller.tmax-increased
     7  bit   RO          FALSE  motion.debug-bit-0
     7  bit   RO          FALSE  motion.debug-bit-1
     7  float RO              1  motion.debug-float-0
     7  float RO              0  motion.debug-float-1
     7  float RO              0  motion.debug-float-2
     7  float RO              1  motion.debug-float-3
     7  s32   RO              0  motion.debug-s32-0
     7  s32   RO              0  motion.debug-s32-1
     7  u32   RO     0x001E6588  motion.servo.last-period
     7  float RO       996027.5  motion.servo.last-period-ns
    10  u32   RW     0x00000000  parport.0.debug1
    10  u32   RW     0x00000000  parport.0.debug2
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW           TRUE
    10  bit   RW           TRUE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW           TRUE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW           TRUE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW           TRUE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  bit   RW          FALSE
    10  s32   RW          20376
    10  bit   RO          FALSE
    10  u32   RW     0x000003E8  parport.0.reset-time
    10  s32   RW          13152  parport.0.reset.tmax
    10  bit   RO          FALSE  parport.0.reset.tmax-increased
    10  s32   RW          27984  parport.0.write.tmax
    10  bit   RO          FALSE  parport.0.write.tmax-increased
    10  s32   RW              0
    10  bit   RO          FALSE
    10  s32   RW              0  parport.write-all.tmax
    10  bit   RO          FALSE  parport.write-all.tmax-increased
     9  s32   RW          32928  servo-thread.tmax
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.0.dirhold
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.0.dirsetup
    11  float RO              0  stepgen.0.frequency
    11  float RW           37.5  stepgen.0.maxaccel
    11  float RW              0  stepgen.0.maxvel
    11  float RW            800  stepgen.0.position-scale
    11  s32   RO              0  stepgen.0.rawcounts
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.0.steplen
    11  u32   RW     0x00000000  stepgen.0.stepspace
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.1.dirhold
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.1.dirsetup
    11  float RO              0  stepgen.1.frequency
    11  float RW           37.5  stepgen.1.maxaccel
    11  float RW              0  stepgen.1.maxvel
    11  float RW            800  stepgen.1.position-scale
    11  s32   RO              0  stepgen.1.rawcounts
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.1.steplen
    11  u32   RW     0x00000000  stepgen.1.stepspace
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.2.dirhold
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.2.dirsetup
    11  float RO              0  stepgen.2.frequency
    11  float RW           12.5  stepgen.2.maxaccel
    11  float RW              0  stepgen.2.maxvel
    11  float RW            800  stepgen.2.position-scale
    11  s32   RO              0  stepgen.2.rawcounts
    11  u32   RW     0x0000A202  stepgen.2.steplen
    11  u32   RW     0x00000000  stepgen.2.stepspace
    11  s32   RW          13320  stepgen.capture-position.tmax
    11  bit   RO          FALSE  stepgen.capture-position.tmax-increased
    11  s32   RW          13680  stepgen.make-pulses.tmax
    11  bit   RO          FALSE  stepgen.make-pulses.tmax-increased
    11  s32   RW          13920  stepgen.update-freq.tmax
    11  bit   RO          FALSE  stepgen.update-freq.tmax-increased
     7  float RO              0  tc.0.acc
     7  float RO              0  tc.0.pos
     7  float RO              0  tc.0.vel
     7  float RO              0  tc.1.acc
     7  float RO              0  tc.1.pos
     7  float RO              0  tc.1.vel
     7  float RO              0  tc.2.acc
     7  float RO              0  tc.2.pos
     7  float RO              0  tc.2.vel
     7  float RO              0  tc.3.acc
     7  float RO              0  tc.3.pos
     7  float RO              0  tc.3.vel
     7  u32   RO     0x00000000  traj.active_tc
     7  float RO              0  traj.pos_out
     7  float RO              0  traj.vel_out

Parameter Aliases:
 Alias                                            Original Name

Exported Functions:
Owner   CodeAddr  Arg       FP   Users  Name
 00007  f8499990  00000000  YES      1   motion-command-handler
 00007  f849c450  00000000  YES      1   motion-controller
 00010  f84a9000  f871dc38  NO       1
 00010  f84a92a0  f871dc38  NO       1   parport.0.reset
 00010  f84a93a0  f871dc38  NO       1   parport.0.write
 00010  f84a90f0  f871dc38  NO       0
 00010  f84a9570  f871dc38  NO       0   parport.write-all
 00011  f83e2350  f871dd50  YES      1   stepgen.capture-position
 00011  f83e2000  f871dd50  NO       1   stepgen.make-pulses
 00011  f83e2430  f871dd50  YES      1   stepgen.update-freq

Realtime Threads:
     Period  FP     Name               (     Time, Max-Time )
     995376  YES          servo-thread (    12912,    32928 )
                  1 stepgen.capture-position
                  2 motion-command-handler
                  3 motion-controller
                  4 stepgen.update-freq
      41474  NO            base-thread (    11856,    33528 )
                  2 stepgen.make-pulses
                  3 parport.0.write
                  4 parport.0.reset


link to my configs
Last edit: 30 Dec 2018 17:01 by Karri. Reason: added link to my configs

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09 Feb 2019 01:07 - 09 Feb 2019 01:09 #126027 by Roguish
Replied by Roguish on topic Work with probe
Not sure what happened, but now I get an error on startup of Linuxcnc. I have traced it to the remap:
REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 prolog=change_prolog ngc=manual_change epilog=change_epilog
If I comment out the remap no error.
this is ProbeScreen v2.

so, What's up?

Last edit: 09 Feb 2019 01:09 by Roguish.

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13 Feb 2019 22:18 #126402 by andypugh
Replied by andypugh on topic Work with probe
"Failed to find sub" can be caused by loading a G-code file that is %-delimited and calling a G-cide subroutine that is also %-delimited (though this bug only exists in recent versions of 2.8)

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24 Feb 2019 10:46 #127043 by franstrein
Replied by franstrein on topic Work with probe

As I mentioned in another thread, I added NativeCam and the Probe v2 functions to my gmoccapy 1.5.4 and Linux 2.7.14 setup.
Most things work very good.

The only issue is that when I try to execute a gcode file generated by my HSM Express CAM functions, I get an error:

In line 0 of the gcode file the pycall(remap.change_prolog) call fails

I expect this to be caused by the line

REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 prolog=change_prolog ngc=manual_change epilog=change_epilog

in my INI file. I needed to add that for the probe screens to work, according to the instructions at

Is there a conflict with a similar mapping ??
Any suggestions?


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