Complete HOW-TO Linux Mint 18.1 32/64 RTAI or PREEMPT with RIP install or deb

18 Feb 2018 11:16 #106125 by shortcircuit48
Getting a bit confused here >Will read the "stolen" link and try again. Tried various
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~ $ cd /home/hamish/linuxcnc-dev/scripts/
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/scripts $ . scripts/rip-environment
bash: scripts/rip-environment: No such file or directory
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/scripts $ ./linuxcnc
bash: ./linuxcnc: No such file or directory
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/scripts $ cd /home/hamish/linuxcnc-dev/src
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/src $ ./linuxcncbash: ./linuxcnc: No such file or directory
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/src $

There appears to be different stages in the "stolem" that I was unaware of doing
$ cd src
$ ./
$ ./configure

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18 Feb 2018 11:42 #106127 by rodw
Its probably best to just follow one prophet. If you go back to the first couple of posts in this thread. that was covered and it looks like he runs that line from the scripts folder.

also don't forget the sudo make setuid after compiling. It tells you to do that on the screen at the end of compilation
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18 Feb 2018 11:47 #106128 by shortcircuit48
Going round in circles again

LinuxCNC - Enhanced Machine Controller #
# #
# LinuxCNC is a software system for computer control of machine #
# tools such as milling machines. LinuxCNC is released under the #
# GPL. Check out for more details. #
# #
# #
# It seems that ./configure completed successfully. #
# This means that RT is properly installed #
# If things don't work check config.log for errors & warnings #
# #
# Next compile by typing #
# make #
# sudo make setuid #
# (if realtime behavior and hardware access are required) #
# #
# Before running the software, set the environment: #
# . (top dir)/scripts/rip-environment #
# #
# To run the software type #
# linuxcnc #
# #

hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/src $ make
Reading 62/192 dependency files
Done reading dependencies
Reading 0/198 realtime dependency files
Done reading realtime dependencies
Compiling hal/user_comps/mb2hal/mb2hal.c
Compiling hal/user_comps/mb2hal/mb2hal_init.c
Compiling hal/user_comps/mb2hal/mb2hal_modbus.c
Compiling hal/user_comps/mb2hal/mb2hal_hal.c
Linking mb2hal
make: yapps: Command not found
hal/utils/Submakefile:101: recipe for target 'objects/hal/utils/' failed
make: *** [objects/hal/utils/] Error 127
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/src $ sudo make setuid
chown root ../bin/rtapi_app
chmod 4750 ../bin/rtapi_app
chown root ../bin/linuxcnc_module_helper
chown: cannot access '../bin/linuxcnc_module_helper': No such file or directory
Makefile:483: recipe for target 'setuid' failed
make: *** [setuid] Error 1
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/src $

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18 Feb 2018 12:03 #106129 by shortcircuit48
Thanks for that input. I am standing back for a bit just to unfrazel my brain. So near

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18 Feb 2018 12:07 #106130 by rodw
Always a good idea to walk away sometimes.

There is an error here
make: yapps: Command not found
hal/utils/Submakefile:101: recipe for target 'objects/hal/utils/' failed
make: *** [objects/hal/utils/] Error 127

This Yapps thing is a new dependency and I've just seen a couple of comments about it being a problem. Just click on the install button on this page and follow your nose
Then rerun make
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18 Feb 2018 17:52 #106141 by shortcircuit48
I may be doing this incorrectly

hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~ $ cd /home/hamish/linuxcnc-dev
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev $ cd debian hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/debian $ dpkg-checkbuilddeps
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/debian $ cd /home/hamish/linuxcnc-dev
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev $ dpkg-checkbuilddepsdpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev $

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18 Feb 2018 18:35 - 18 Feb 2018 18:37 #106144 by cncnoob1979
You first have to configure linuxcnc. Then you can run the check dependencies. Go back one step.

cd linuxcnc-dev
cd debian
./configure uspace
cd ..
Last edit: 18 Feb 2018 18:37 by cncnoob1979.
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18 Feb 2018 18:43 #106145 by shortcircuit48
Hello and thanks as suggested

hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~ $ cd /home/hamish/linuxcnc-devhamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev $ cd debian hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/debian $ ./configure uspace
Package libxenomai-dev exists, but information about its source package
is not available. This most likely means that you do not have the
right deb-src lines in /etc/apt, or that you need to "apt-get update".
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev/debian $ cd ..
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev $ dpkg-checkbuilddeps
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory
hamish@hamish-Presario-CQ57-Notebook-PC ~/linuxcnc-dev $

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18 Feb 2018 20:09 #106148 by cncnoob1979
You have to enable source code repositories as stated in the how to. Are you following any of the guides?

Excerpt from post 1&2

NOTE: You need to enable source repositories and apt-get update for the next steps using ./configure uspace. If you do not you will not be able to complete this step. Package Manager>Settings>Repositories> Check Mark - Enable Source Code Repositories.
The following user(s) said Thank You: shortcircuit48

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18 Feb 2018 20:44 #106151 by shortcircuit48
Sorry, I must have missed checking that box, where is it?
Do I run this again as when I do it indicates multiple occurrences
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb precise main universe'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgnomeprintui2.2-dev python-support tcl8.4-dev tk8.4-dev

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