Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

09 Mar 2014 22:11 - 09 Mar 2014 22:12 #44602 by newbynobi
Thanks for the compliment :woohoo:
Last edit: 09 Mar 2014 22:12 by newbynobi.

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11 Mar 2014 01:22 #44634 by newbynobi
gmoccapy now is

- when a external ESTOP was active and the tbtn_estop has been clicked
it changed its color, but should not do so, solved
- when external estop was active, it was possible to click the on button
and the GUI changed state making several widgets sensitive, that behavior
was wrong, solved that.
- If you feed override has been changed and the machine went into estop,
a estop reset also reseted feed override to 100 % , now it will remain with
the value it had before estop.
- If a user activate logging actions, the logging was lost after shutting
down the GUI, now the content of alarm_history will be written to a
file called gmoccapy.log in your config dir. The file will be overwritten
on each shutdown of gmoccapy with the new content.
- EXIT Button is now only sensitive, when machine is switched off, so it is
not longer possible to accidentally shut down the machine.
- pressing estop from MDI mode with spindle on, resulted in an error, solved.

And the changes of previous versions:
ver. 1.0.7
- Reworked the emergency button behavior as well as the
on/off button, as it was possible to set the GUI in an ESTOP_RESET
state, even if an external SWITCH was in ESTOP State. The important
bug has been found by Steffen, he also supplied the initial patch,
witch has been adapted to my coding style ;-)
- Next changed the error handling, separated the error reporting from
periodic to an own function, so we are able to launch also our own
errors over the same channel, and get error pin height and also
the sound will be played.
- Deleted some unneeded or dobble code.

- Bug turning on flood with M8 and logging actions on,
found by Stephen, solved that one

Please do not find more bugs ;) I would like to go on with luminos.


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11 Mar 2014 05:53 #44640 by jbunch
I did a git pull today.

I receive the error unable to find program gmoccapy on startup.

When I look in the linuxcnc-dev/share/gmoccapy structiure all I see is images.
no skins or tcl directory as the other interfaces have. What am I missing.


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11 Mar 2014 14:46 - 11 Mar 2014 14:51 #44654 by newbynobi
Did you do:

cd linuxcnc-dev
cd src
make clean
sudo make setuid


P.S. there should be a file gmoccapy in the bin dir and the glade file is in the share/gmoccapy folder, all other files are in the lib/python/gmoccapy folder
Last edit: 11 Mar 2014 14:51 by newbynobi.

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11 Mar 2014 20:09 - 11 Mar 2014 20:10 #44668 by mariusl
Hi Norbert
No bugs this time, just a question please. I am using the buttons on the left panel for my mill to send the spindle to a tool change position or a park position and also to probe the material offset. I attached the sub that I am calling from the button. My question is, will this sub work with the Auto-tool-probe of Gmoccapy? I usually run this before I run the gcode program.

EDIT: I use a touch-off plate of 1.6mm for this, not the switch

File Attachment:

File Name: probe_material.ngc
File Size:0 KB


Last edit: 11 Mar 2014 20:10 by mariusl.

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11 Mar 2014 22:38 #44675 by newbynobi
Halo Marius,

not out of the box.
Forget about the probeheight button and just edit the change.ngc according to your needs.

Find the file at:


you will have to copy the file to the place your subroutines path is.


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11 Mar 2014 23:06 #44677 by jbunch

Yes I did a clean build.

There is no gmoccapy file in :~/linuxcnc-dev/bin$

:~/linuxcnc-dev/bin$ ls
5axisgui hal_input io milltask shuttlexpress
axis hal_manualtoolchange iov2 ngcgui stepconf
axis-remote halmeter keystick pci_read teach-in
classicladder halrmt lintini pci_write test_rtapi_vsnprintf
comp halsampler linuxcnclcd pncconf tooledit
debuglevel halscope linuxcnc_module_helper profile_axis touchy
genserkins halshow linuxcncrsh puma560gui tracking-test
gladevcp halstreamer linuxcncsvr pumagui vfdb_vfd
gremlin halui linuxcnctop pyngcgui vfs11_vfd
gremlin_view hbmgui maho600gui pyvcp xlinuxcnc
gs2_vfd hexagui max5gui rs274 yapps
gscreen image-to-gcode mb2hal scaragui
halcmd inivar mdi schedrmt

there is no directory gmoccapy in :~/linuxcnc-dev/lib/python$

:~/linuxcnc-dev/lib/python$ ls gremlin.pyc popupkeyboard.pyc hershey.pyc touchy
bwidget.pyc gremlin_view.pyc propertywindow.pyc gscreen vcpparse.pyc
gladevcp pyngcgui.pyc hal_glib.pyc yapps nf.pyc pyvcp_widgets.pyc
glnav.pyc hal.pyc rs274 stepconf

:~/linuxcnc-dev/share/gmoccapy$ ls


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11 Mar 2014 23:24 - 11 Mar 2014 23:26 #44680 by newbynobi
Hallo Jim,

I do not know what happened.
We will try resetting your git copy to the actual master and try again, as you will loose all your changes, please make a backup.

Please save your configs in an other directory, if you made other changes save them too.

In the following check for ERRORS!!!
Then do in a fresh terminal:
cd linuxcnc-dev
git reset -- hard origin/master
cd src
make clean
sudo make setuid
cd ..
. ./scripts/rip-environment

And report the result.

Last edit: 11 Mar 2014 23:26 by newbynobi.

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12 Mar 2014 00:23 #44686 by mariusl
I would forget about the probe button but as I am using a 1,6mm thick touch off plate I have to be able to manipulate the result first in order to get the true block height. So I have to use a sub routine to do the touch-off on the block. After that, I dont have to use it again. I am asking how to get my result (that is not in #5063), into your routine. Alternatively, is what I am doing in the routine OK for gmoccapy as it is?
O<probe_material> sub

G38.2 Z-90 F100 (down to the touch plate) 
G0 Z1               ( back off from the touch plate)
G38.2 Z-10 F10      ( back down slowly to the plate)

#<_material_ref> = #5063 (result of the touch off)
#1000 = [#5063 - 1.6] (result less the plate size)
(#5422 = 0) 
(G10 L2 P0 Z0)

G92 Z1.8
G90		( absolute mode)
G0 Z30              ( return to safe level)
O<probe_material> endsub



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12 Mar 2014 03:06 #44696 by newbynobi
Sorry Marius,

I can't follow you.

Please take a look at configs/sim/gmoccapy/macros/change.ngc and see if you can add your file, or just subtract the 1.6 mm from the reslult in the mentioned file.

As your way is completely different from mine, you will have to figure it out. I can not give any recommendation. Gmoccapy will handle every remap function you declare.


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