Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

02 Sep 2014 05:15 #50612 by sliptonic
I think I got it. The sim file worked fine so I started backtracking. I guess I was confused by this comment in the postgui file:

# the unlink pin commands are only used, because they are connected
# in core_sim.hal and we use this file to simulate
unlinkp iocontrol.0.tool-change
unlinkp iocontrol.0.tool-changed

I assumed that meant they shouldn't be unlinked in a non-simulation config.

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02 Sep 2014 05:18 - 02 Sep 2014 05:19 #50613 by DaBit
Just copy the four (!) lines in my post, and you should be fine. It is the 'iocontrol.0.tool-prepare => iocontrol.0.tool-prepared' you are missing.
Works for me at least.
Last edit: 02 Sep 2014 05:19 by DaBit.

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02 Sep 2014 05:33 #50614 by LAIR82

Let me see if i can implement that, as it isn't at the moment.
But only if you do the documentation on the WIKI:-)


Sounds Fair enough :)


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05 Sep 2014 01:03 #50781 by newbynobi
Hallo LAIR,

no it's your turn ;) B)

I just pushed gmoccapy 1.2.0 to 2.6 branch, will push to master in a few minutes.

There are now:

3 message types that support pango markup language
this is a part copy from the new config gmoccapy_messages.ini
# set up 3 user popup message dialogs
# the messages support pango markup language
# detailed information about the markup language can be found at 

# MESSAGE_TEXT = The text to be displayed, may be pango markup formated
# MESSAGE_TYPE = one of "status" , "okdialog" , "yesnodialog"
#       status : Will just display a message as popup window, using the messsaging system of gmoccapy
#       okdialog : Will hold focus on the message dialog and will activate a "-waiting" Hal_Pin OUT.
#                  Closing the message will reset the waiting pin
#       yesnodialog : Will hold focus on the message dialog and will activate a "-waiting" Hal_Pin bit OUT
#                     it will also give access to an "-responce" Hal_Pin Bit Out, this pin will hold 1 if the
#                     user klicks OK, and in all other states it will be 0
#                     Closing the message will reset the waiting pin
#                     The responce Hal Pin will remain 1 until the dialog is called again
# MESSAGE_PINNAME = is the name of the hal pin group to be created

MESSAGE_TEXT = This is a <span background="#ff0000" foreground="#ffffff">info message</span> test
MESSAGE_PINNAME = statustest

MESSAGE_TEXT = This is a yes no dialog test
MESSAGE_TYPE = yesnodialog
MESSAGE_PINNAME = yesnodialog

MESSAGE_TEXT = Text can be <small>small</small>, <big>big</big>, <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i> and even be <span color="red">colored</span>.
MESSAGE_TYPE = okdialog

So please get the branch gmoccapy 1.2.0

and inform, if it is what you expected?


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05 Sep 2014 01:20 #50784 by LAIR82
Thank You Norbert, :)

I will update the WIKI first thing tomorrow morning, and test at that point as well.


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08 Sep 2014 16:50 #50914 by probamo
Hi Norb,

finally I put 2.6.2. and gmoccapy to run my CNC. I use monitor with max resolution permitted 1024x768. Saying that, I put both panels in hidden mode (GNOME 2.x) in order to have full screen for gmoccapy only. Nevertheless, the icons at the far bottom are partially seen (not low side of the button is visible). Entering in Settings I found only you can enrage the screen in both direction but not to shrink it (indicators are already at permitted minimum). Could you be so kind and let me know, where I have to go and change minimum settings, hence I can shrink it more, or you can reset a bit vertical size of the screen (decrease minimum figure a bit)?

Kind regards,

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09 Sep 2014 03:25 - 09 Sep 2014 03:26 #50967 by newbynobi
Hallo probano,

Wiki says :The minimum screen resolution for gmoccapy, using it without side panels is 979 x 750 Pixel, so it should fit to every standard screen.

And that is fact! It will not fit on smaler screens. Have you tried to start as Window with minimum settings on the settings page?

I am pretty sure, that your monitor has hardware button to shrink the image. I supose the image is just bigger than the visible area.

Last edit: 09 Sep 2014 03:26 by newbynobi.

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09 Sep 2014 20:17 #50976 by akb1212

I have a small, and hopefully simple to implement feature request.

On this page BigJT present a small set of files that makes it possible to align the coordinate system with the work piece.

This is a feature I find most useful, and I expect others to think so as well. And since JT have been so kind as to make this available to us all I would hope he gives his blessing for it to be implemented in Gmoccapy. You have already implemented a good homing page. These features should fit right in there and make your already excellent GUI even better.

I did take a look through the wiki page about Gmoccapy to see if anything like this was already implemented. I also looked through all the pages I could find in the GUI. But I wasn't able to find anything like this. If it's already there can you point me to where it is?

I don't think of myself as the correct person to try to implement such a thing by myself (mostly because I lack the necessary programming skills). But I imagine you won’t have any problems with it Norbert.



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09 Sep 2014 21:20 #50979 by mariusl
Hi Anders
There is a number of custom buttons available on Gmoccapy that can be programmed to do what you want and it will not take a lot to do as John has done all the hard work already.
Have a look at the various sample configs under the sim directory to see what is available

I am planning on doing a complete probing page for Gmoccapy but at this stage I am still planning not doing. I might include what you are asking for the plasma screen as I think it is a good function to have for plasma cutters..


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10 Sep 2014 02:03 #50983 by probamo
Hi Norb,

when I shrink via button It shrinks everything, meaning bottom panel as well, and ration (meaning what was hidden in original settup) remains. The icons appeares still cut at the apps bottom. I belive it is for the thickness of the windows decoration top part (metacity), though I have standard one. Is it possible to have possibility to decrease the size in vertical, and leave recommended setup as you propose. By this flexibility, user can set the size of the window as he wants.

Thank you,

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