Gmoccapy - A new screen for linuxcnc

02 Oct 2014 01:49 #51715 by DaBit

If the machine is out of emergency status and the machine is off, the chk_ignore_limits should be checkable. It will be unsensitive if machine is switched on! So check the box, before switching on the machine.

Stays grayed out with machine out of E-stop and not turned on, but on the limit switch. Restarting LinuxCNC does not help.

You will have to edit the combi_dro settings in the file to change the resolution of the DRO. You can do that with the glade editor. If you are on Ubuntu you may need to start glade from a terminal after doing rip-environment. (Ask if you need more info)

Had to install glade-gtk2 to do so (I'm on Ubuntu 12.04), but after that it was a piece of cake. Thanks!

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04 Oct 2014 01:32 #51765 by microsprintbuilder
I love this screen.
That being said I have some issues I'm needing to fix. The first is that the entire screen seems to have a grey haze. almost like a nats or fire fly's running around. If I run it in a demo mode there is no haze. I started with a working axis setup and switched to Gmoccapy using the instructions. I'm running Ubutnu 12.4 with the 2.6
The second thing is that I have a tool change sub that is called when you use M6. It is a remap. When I call the tool change the sub pops up in the g-code display window and the pot disappears but neither return after the tool change is done but the program continues with any problem. Lastly the current codes called don't seem to work.

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04 Oct 2014 01:38 #51766 by Andreas_S
Hello Norbert

I think it's not necessary to implement a test "ready for MDI or MANUAL Mode. The same tought I had in the beginning, therefore i implementet it like this:
# Added support for F3 (manual mode) and (mdi mode)
            if keyname == "F3" and signal:
                # only change to manual mode if not in auto mode 
		if self.stat.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO:
            	    return True
                return True

Then I tested it without the test for linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO. And then I also tested what happens if a ngc Programm is running. Details see screenshot.


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04 Oct 2014 04:04 #51771 by newbynobi
What is gray haze? I have never heared about that problem.
The remap problem is known, but i have not been able to solve it.
I will try to get time to work on it.


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04 Oct 2014 04:07 #51772 by newbynobi

I did know the error popup, IMHO that should not happen, thatis why i would test the mode.


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04 Oct 2014 08:47 #51776 by microsprintbuilder
Hi Norbert:
I"m looking at axis and touchy and the same thing happens so it's not a Gmoccapy issue. It looks like bad TV reception on a analog TV. I'm thinking something to do with graphics.

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05 Oct 2014 03:29 #51787 by newbynobi
May be your monitor cable is to near to the power supply?

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05 Oct 2014 04:04 #51788 by microsprintbuilder
I just had these two items pop up. I'm thinking the one is why my g-code box doesn't always show the current codes. The other I've had from the beginning and not sure what it's about.

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05 Oct 2014 06:04 #51791 by PCW
The smart serial error indicates a noise problem
Either cable from the 7I77 to 5I25 is routed next to noisy signals
(Power, motor leads, VFD signals etc) there is a ground loop somewhere,
or there are large noise sources around (contacts without arc suppression)

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08 Oct 2014 02:06 #51862 by papaours
First i would like to say THANK YOU for this beautiful screen.

Gmoccapy is now running on a commercial wood workshop to control a retrofit 5x8 router. ( rye mg2420 )
Mesa 5i20 7i33 7i37 pwm velocity mode bosch servodyn.

I have feew question

1: how can i get the option to show the Gcode information about estimating time, and max x y z moove.

2: could it be possible in the gcode editor to ad the option REPLACE wich is very helpfull when you need to change a Z value.

3: how can i inclued a YES-NO question in a macro, which is for me a question of security if one day i push to the wrong button...... I start the spoilboard surfacing subroutine

4: do you think a tool log counter ( life time ) could be set in the to the tool table.

Again, thank you very much.

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